Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplements. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Initially when starting back at the gym (after a month or 2), I would feel that really nice muscle pain. However after a week or 2 it would go away and never come back again as long as I routinely went to the gym...does this mean I am not working out hard enough? I want to feel that damn pain.

kingrukus does this mean I am not working out hard enough? No.

ok thanks

What Ceaze said :P Soreness after workouts isn't an adequate indicator that you had a good workout. As long as you're progressing- more weight, more reps, etc- you're doing fine.

if i dont workout hard enough i dont get sore, only goes for my chest, lats, quads and butt. i randomly get sore in my arms and shoulders

Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years.

no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

Mike4831 Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years. No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday).

ryazbeck no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

kingrukus No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday). Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. my kidneys *ACK* FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lylemcd I would strongly argue that DOMS is a pretty worthless indicator of muscle damage. Just too much variance there and any researcher who used something so subjective would be doing a pretty bad job of it. Resercher: So, are you sore today? Subject: Yup, my hips feel like I'm a hooker who serviced the fleet last weekend. Researcher (makes mark on clipboard): Yup, he's got that thar muscle damage. Sorry, that's crap. Lyle .

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. Are you serious

Whey protein is dangerous unless taken in VERY small doses.

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

starting weight training...

starting weight training...

hey guys, i'm 22, 5'7" and at 140lbs, i've never really done any weight training but i would really like to start...i'm kinda in shape at the moment, i like to run a lot, i do anywhere from 10-15 miles a week...i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... also, what kind of supplements are good for someone starting out? i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) thanks guys!

TruBloodTransAm i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... then don't run so much

TruBloodTransAm i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) That won't cut it, and it's also not true. A good tupperware set is your best friend. I'm a full-time college student and it can work.

well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out?

Ceaze then don't run so much Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back.

speed exercises?

TruBloodTransAm well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out? I'd recommend hills or incline treadmill training for the speed, and wind sprints for endurance. If you have access to resistance bands and someone to help you, you can do that as well. That's for the running part, I'll let someone more knowledgable on the weights advise you there.

Davo Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back. He might've meant don't do as much cardio

starting weight training...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Is all natural a thing of the past?

It seems like so many people are using stuff now days. I never took anything, not even creatine. I dunno, I guess Id rather get there without using anything ya know? Im sure there are a ton of people out there who DONT use anything, it just seems like most are, ya know?

a lot of people are all natural, a lot of people juice.... either way their results are more directly correlated with their motivation and knowledge so i dont see what the big deal is

im guessing youve never used protein either and you weigh 140

Actually im 6', 220. all natural.

i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural?

Widowmaker Actually im 6', 220. all natural. % body fat?

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? you also eat food with creatine in it

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? well your body produces creatine, and testosterone, just not in the same levels as you get from supplements.

protein is something you need to build muscle, regardless if it is "natural' in your any pics?

Honestly never check it. I can post my pic if youd like. My maxes are... Bench:260 ( i suck at bench) Squat: 450 Dead: 505

out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there.

infinite loop out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there. Then you still are natural

Best pic I got...

Video of 500 deadlift?

And please dont think Im knocking people who do use them or anything cuz im not.

I don't consider creatine/protein as "not natural". roids i would consider cheating.

Hip Hippo Video of 500 deadlift? This is just like racing huh, no timeslip, no care. Sorry no vids, I THINK i have one of 405 somewhere lol. But that's a far cry. I dont expect yall to believe me.

If it doesn't change hormonal levels to unhuman levels then it is natural to me and on that note, I am all natural.

Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements.

guestDJ Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements. he probably eats more than you

jonno he probably eats more than you not really. I was illustrating how some people may need more intake depending on their metabolism mainly. I need to eat 3 bigmacs while my bro needs only one type of deal.

to each their own speaking of car racing is nos cheating? what about slicks? or what about stripping the car, or what about... you get the point to each their own, I take protein now, might take creatine in a couple of month

Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass.

personally, its natural if I can get it in my diet, , ie protein, creatine, etc. I'm pretty sure I can't get steriods or prohormones from my diet

Mass Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass. exactly

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

so it's coming back? SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. .

Now to see if this will be marketed well, challenges before chances of manufacturing, etc...


whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform.

i read in one of the articles that the ball is in the FDA's court now or something along those lines giivng me the impression that although that judge ruled in favor of the utah company, the fda can still ban it.

meh who gives a shit really....

Dragon whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform. Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

Sgt. Ownage meh who gives a shit really.... no ph no care?

tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

gsteclipse97 tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription... can you not read?

tryfuhl no ph no care? nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness

mike so it's coming back? it was never really gone

Sgt. Ownage nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness Yeah, but if this pans out, we'll be able to get it straight.. and in mixes as a dietary supplement... I don't think that some people are getting that ephedrine can't be in dietary supplements, or sold straight (easily), either

superbri007 1fast400 sells it by itself, last time i checked....but it was out of stock. now, ephedrine with Guaifenesin is another story Yeah, it's been out of stock for years though

spoofy it was never really gone you on the other hand, have been i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf?

tryfuhl I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf? yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me

gsteclipse97 yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it...

again that is

tryfuhl Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it... true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode

tryfuhl you on the other hand, have been miss me?

gsteclipse97 true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode we could get good home-mixes from 1fast or something tho, if they choose to do one...

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing.

I don't buy any supplements....

Yeah we all know that it's impossible to make gains without supplements

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... retard! :sarcasm:

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me?

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? Or someone responding to someone who takes what other people do w/ their lives a little too seriously...

what the hell is a no product

NO-Xplode, not "no supplements"

well thread starter is a douche either way

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? man what the fuck is wrong with you?


Ilyusha NO-Xplode, not "no supplements" exactly

NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills.


brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Yes, arginine and citrulline are the base of every energy supplement, and there is no caffeine in no-xplode, yep... okay

im confused

caffeine reverses the effest of NO products...and brolli, dont hate just cuz NO products havnt worked for you...

brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Not really. They both increase blood flow, but via two totally different mechanisms. NO supps dilate blood vesseles (lowers blood pressure) and decrease their resistance which increases blood flow , while products liek caffeine and ephedrine increase blood flow by jacking up heart reate and constricting blood vessles (raises blood pressure)

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... i dont buy any supplements at all either.

you are all things non-broly ban!

brolli they do nothing. Confirmation: You're a certified idiot.

NoXeN you are all things non-broly ban! in!

pt Confirmation: You're a certified idiot. hi pot, its the kettle, your black j/k

wtf is going on in here

The first posts disturbes me.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

any trustworthy sites ?

Peal any site that sells a whole variety of stuff ?


iherb. i got my order the next day

1fast400 is pretty good too

1fast/bulk almost always unless I'm direct ordering from Avant or something like that. is pretty good too.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source Mike is a class act. I would still buy from there even if it's a dollar or two more. order before 3pm and spend over $40, and they over night it to you FREE! (other than ordering on weekends... orders placed on weekends will go out on Monday, thus... arriving on Tuesday), but I don't know if it applies to Hawaii and Alaska. ...and if you don't see something on their site... call the "888" number.

I ran out of whey today and didn't want to wait a couple days, so I just went to a Vitaminne Shop by my house. Bought a 5lb ON Whey for 30 bucks, and they had a shit load of stuff there. I'ld highly recommend purchasing form there if you need your supplements right away, the prices are decent, plus you get 5% back at the end of they year on your purchases.

GNC with a 20% discount and


I buy all at Green and Barrets (a shop here in UK) I have my standard list I've been using for awhile: Vitamin-B Complex Multivitamin and mineral Vitamin C Vitamin E Glutamine Co Enzyme Q 10 Calcium I may start on the creatine, soon but the fact I'd need to drink hell of amounts of water is really the only thing stopping me they give you a lot for your money.

pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source pokesteve bulknutrition is the best online source .

from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya

jonno from this guy larry.. he sells me WHEY every sunday morning in the dark corners of boston. tell him jonno sent ya Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

BuckNut GNC with a 20% discount that will be soon for me to seeing as im about to get employed there.

cavefish Yeah you told me that he gives you free protein shakes, all you have to do is close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.

where do you brolys purchase supplements etc

Monday, January 20, 2014

jeeebus... ~70 dollars on supps today... booooooo

jeeebus... ~70 dollars on supps today... booooooo

i hate how stuff costs money 4 bottles of vasopro - 35 shipped 1 bottle of lipo-6 - 27 bucks time to start slimmin down I guess, heh

I've stopped buying a lot of stuff because of that; the 2-3% they help is meh compared to me actually getting my damn diet on track.

CEE is all I need.. $11.75/2 months > *

the only supplements I use are barbells and food.

Peal the only supplements I use are barbells and food.

superbri007 where do you get it cheap?

orange juice is cheaper

you take lipo 6 too? i was such a dumbass and went to buy it from GNC and they charge 50 bucks a bottle here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had a coupon and still ended up spending 35 freaking bucks.

i just made a purchase today

jeeebus... ~70 dollars on supps today... booooooo

Saturday, January 18, 2014

When to take Supplements

When to take Supplements

Ok just started working out and trying to do things right. Got a PT for right now. Have creatine and protein coming, starting with the basics. What is the best schedule for taking pre/post workout, morning, night? Trying to do things right first.

This is what have been doing for about 1.5 years, works good for me Pre-Workout: Shake, 1 cup oats Post-Workout: Shake with 25g Dextrose, 25g Malto, 5g creatine Eat a big PWO meal 20-30min after your PWO shake

Thanks. I was told muscle milk is a good before bed or preworkout shake, truth?

i have a muscle milk shake every night with 2% milk before bed. I would eat cottage cheese if i could, but its disgusting. Muscle Milk shake is the next best thing

Sweet, right now I'm doing cottage cheese. Thanks.

When to take Supplements

Thursday, January 16, 2014

n00b needs advice on supplements

n00b needs advice on supplements

Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff?

wow, thats an awesome amount of fish oil.

chocolate syrup

blueapple Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff? I'm more of a simple person when it comes to cutting. In my opinion if I were trying to lose weight I would go for the following: EC = for me it was twice a day, but I guess others could do it 3x Fish oil X 9 Calcium = 2000 mg Multi Other things that some people like:Sesathin Lean Extreme If you know what the fuck you are doing:Clen DNP Bromo I don't know, I think its mostly diet. But I don't know much.

blueapple i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. btw go cubs

n00b needs advice on supplements

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to increase stamina?

How to increase stamina?

I've recently cut-down massively on my smoking....still, i notice that i'm BURNT after doing only 20 mins. of workout. What can i do to keep up my endurance/stamina?

do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely

shastaisforwinners do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely i'm really working on cutting the smoking out...those white stick of love tempt me so much.

i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr

quit smoking completely for at least two weeks and you'll notice a significant improvement. lifting weights is what finally got me to quit for good.

ryazbeck i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr fucking moron n00bs should be restricted to the main forum...

ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?`

just gradually up the cardio every week or two

spark plugs. ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?` dude, do you want to increase stamina or not? all you can really do naturally without supplements or steroids is gradually work out more and if you want to actually reach your goal, cut out smoking. i smoke a fair amount (weed, cigs, cigars)and i can easily do an hour or more of straight lifting or cardio. maybe yer just pushing yerself too hard

How to increase stamina?

Friday, January 10, 2014



Whats OT's opinion on this? annnddd Whats the cheapest place to buy?

and you can search f&n

superbri007 1fast400 has somethign better then that, im looking for it. I read an article that N02 is bad for your DNA, its damaging Whoa... Damage your DNA? That's crazy. Is it just after long term use? So is that Noxidant better than No2 without the DNA damageing affects?

rebel Whats OT's opinion on this? My friend has been taking it for 3 months now. I haven't seen a difference in him. Don't buy it, is my opinon.

Newsflash, N02 does not damage your DNA strands. And NoOxidant is not an N02 alternative, its not even the same type of product, your supposed to take it WITH N02 to get better results. N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead.

Jeff Coleman N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead. GOOD call on that.

Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine?

rebel Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine? like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless.

ryazbeck like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless. no one said creatine is worthless it works for some and not for others but yes, you can start with food

well i duno, creatine is kinda expensive, i mean if it works for you and you can afford then more power to ya.

you can get monohydrate pretty cheap but i personally dont use it

buy a huge tub of l-aakg and call it a day


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

post some progress pics

post some progress pics

i need some motivation....

a little over a 1 year ago, about 1 year into training... I couldn't even imagine looking like that again - 175 in pictures, 155 starting lifting about 3-4 months ago 223 lbs

i'm just going to post links because i feel like i'm getting to the point where i'm posting too many pictures this was just before i started lifting start (10 months ago) these are from yesterday apri16_1 apri16_2 apri16_3 apri16_4

Chris3G i'm just going to post links because i feel like i'm getting to the point where i'm posting too many pictures this was just before i started lifting start (10 months ago) these are from yesterday apri16_1 apri16_2 apri16_3 apri16_4 That is awesome broly. How much of that 10 months was used to bulk?

ChutUps That is awesome broly. How much of that 10 months was used to bulk? middle of september through the end of january. For the first few months i didnt really bulk but i had some good noob gains. this picture was taken at the end of bulking I'm really looking forward to bulking again, i think i've learned a lot since then and i'm going to do much better next time around

Very nice progress SteveO.

that's some good shit, I'm gonna show these to my brother who's currently bulking too motivate him more.

im sure youve seen it..

October 04 (about a month after starting to work out): Today: The difference is much more vivid in shirtless pics, but those aren't gonna be posted until I lose some weight.

Ilyusha October 04 (about a month after starting to work out): Today: The difference is much more vivid in shirtless pics, but those aren't gonna be posted until I lose some weight. why are your armpits yellow? do your armpits smell so horrid they turn your pits yellow?

dmaestro why are your armpits yellow? do your armpits smell so horrid they turn your pits yellow? I'm allergic to my deoderant, but I still use it, in hopes that my body will adapt.

DCCapen adapt? I dont think it works that way, thats like saying you adapt to poison Ivy dude..

I'll post my 2 week progress on Wednesday.

pokesteve stevo... 50 pounds of muscle in 8 months? no offense but may i ask what supplements you were using? Started: 155 lbs, 2 years ago Ended: 223 lbs, recent That's 60 lbs in two years.

pokesteve he said 175 to 223 in 8-9 months in his thread... thats 48 pounds! 6 pounds of muscles added every month! wtf It can be done.

pokesteve impressive nonetheless im betting prohormone , stevo care to share your typical bulking diet? im around your starting weight of 175 and never can seem to bulk right, always too much or too little.... As far as I know, Steve eats like 7k calories/day when he bulks.

pokesteve holy shit that must be so expensive At least half is liquid form, so it's not that expensive.


y0gfx Liquid? Protein shakes with other ingredients in them.

there you go, 8200 btw and no, it's really not expensive. I don't eat most of the foods you guys eat, for carbs it's only oats and wheat bread. Shakes are dirt cheap, usually a weeks worth runs me half tub of whey, some powdered milk, 2 jars of natty PB, and a cannister of oatmeal, and 2 bundles of bananas. Protein sources are cheap too, mainly bulk cottage cheee and bulk turkey meatballs would be my main sources

jonno - amazing! dont recall seeing your before pics ever

SteveO there you go, 8200 btw and no, it's really not expensive. I don't eat most of the foods you guys eat, for carbs it's only oats and wheat bread. Shakes are dirt cheap, usually a weeks worth runs me half tub of whey, some powdered milk, 2 jars of natty PB, and a cannister of oatmeal, and 2 bundles of bananas. Protein sources are cheap too, mainly bulk cottage cheee and bulk turkey meatballs would be my main sources

he's posted it a couple times before

pokesteve i want to go on the 8 month steveO plan...... can you tell me exactly what you did and ate so i can emulate your every move please I don't have a plan, I workout what I feel like working out and I stick to a high calorie diet. It's no science.

post some progress pics

I can't gain weight

I can't gain weight

I'm 5'10 130ish but i've lost 20 pounds since the summer. I can't put on weight. My waist is size 28 and my figure is enviable by some females. I've tried supplements and they have worked but i'm now somewhat intolerant to milk, so that rules out my old stash. Is it something to do with my weird metabolism? I'm 23, Asian, everyone in my family is not overweight. My diet has a decent amount of carbs as we rotate western/eastern style meals on a daily basis. I can binge eat like a mad man and gain next to nothing. See nutrition specialist?

meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006.

if you want it bad enough, you'll eat enough to meet your goals

You'd be surprised what you can put in a blender, but whatever you do, don't try to put a Powerbar in there. I swear to god the blender was about to explode.

I'm 5'8 and i started at 130...(Last fall) I started working out maybe 2 months ago. And if anything (im 145 now.) The best way to gain weight is to eat a LOT. Eat eat eat. And Lift. LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS. Try to limit cardio as much as possible.

how in the shitfuck did you lose 20 lbs from 150 at 5'10?

If *I* can gain weight, anyone can. 6'2 135 - 6'2 170 in 5 months. Granted I lost it all when I got mono, that's still a lot of weight. If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim before I manned up and started eating (in addition to the lifting that wasnt doing me any good until i hit a caloric surplus)

you can gain weight /thread and possibly yourself

sr20wop you can gain wight /thread and possibly yourself

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. It'll take a while to get to this, but eat slightly more every day and you'll work your way up to being able to eat that much.

you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position.

SpicyMcVoodoo you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position. i'd fucking kill to not be in my position

eat a 5 pound plate you'll gain 5 pounds

I've eaten 4 pounds of food in one sitting before... weight did not change in the morning

i know how he's feeling. but still gotta eat. eat lots, lift big, get big.

When I was in HS (all 4 years) I weighed a steady 110 pounds. I HATED it, I was painfully skinny and it actually would get me into trouble (they thought I had an eating disorder ) I tried everything, even that weight gainer powder drink and drinking ensure Unfortunately I never managed to gain any weight by these methods. I eventually gained weight when I was married and got knocked up My metabolism just finally slowed down. (funny thing is, that's how I knew i was preg- I gained 10 pounds in the first month and it tipped me off that something was going on) I honestly worried that I had a mild thyroid disorder and my doctor had even suggested it at one time. I certainly hope this isn't the case but you may want to have it looked into. Good luck and don't get knocked up!

Phlab If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim that sums up what I looked like at 110 pounds and 5'8". I don't look healthy under 125.

oh, and you sound just like my little brother. he looks like noXens before pic If you figure out how to do it, let me know so I can pass the info along

yogfx seems to be the only person to have said it... Eat more, and then eat more after that, do this consistently and you will gain weight.

I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein.

ChosenGSR I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein. Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph....

y0gfx Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph.... I completely agree with you, however certain schedules do not give you the ability to eat 24/7 as required when bulking I spend 8-9 hours at work and about 2-3 hours on the road each day, so having a shake with me helped me big time to pack on some weight. Again, I am not pushing the idea of weight gainers. Just give him some food for thought. I know I wouldn't of been able to do without, not with my schedule

superbri007 anyone advocating the use of N02 can suck my wang

I've also had a very tough time gaining weight. fOr while I thought if I just took steroids I could gain. But really it just takes willpower to be dedicated. I eat till I am completely full. wait an hour or something then lift heavy. WAit a day or again. In the meantime I take Enlarge2 shakes in between meals, meal replacement shakes as snacks, and I eat huge portions. when you get that totally stuffed feeling your metabolism actually slows down a bit. Mine is always through the roof. Try to eat a few big meals instead of many small meals. many small meals keeps your metabo up. And do less reps, more weight for muscle gain. Im fairly new to lifting but IVe found that this method really helps me to gain weight. My jeans are almost too tight to wear now, which is crazy, a few months ago they would fall off me.

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. Very, very true. If you're lifting to gain muscle, your diet should contain: 59% Carbs, 28% fats, and 13% proteins. KetchupKing is pretty much correct. Also, try drinking half a gallon of whole milk per day. (I have heard GREAT things from this.)

I can't gain weight

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

need to buy more protein... where should i buy it and what type should i buy?

Vitamin world brand is cheap and tastes good. 17g/scoop i do two scoops.

I use ISOXP Chocolate formula, 45g protein/50g scoop, tastes great, average price for protein in my city.

look into optimum nutrition its pretty much the preferred brand on here because it is cheap and has a fair amount of protein per serving 23g if I'm not mistaken. I have the 10lb bag right now

ON 10lb bag>* It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips

ON 100% whey is pretty decent, can't beat the price really has it for the cheapest I've seen, though I prefer to order with

can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores?

XsLiCk can you get ON stuff at local nutrition stores? Yes but it is a rip off there. I saw the 5lb ON 100% at GNC for $49 You can get a 10lb for cheaper @ 1fast400

I buy my ON 100% at 1fast400 its like $25 or something

5lb ON @ Vitamin Shoppe right now for $30

5lb ON is like $30 at vitamin shoppe. It's good as far as price and protein content but it tastes terrible compared to the Designer that i used to use.

I wish people would listen to me about ABB Pure Pro, it's fucking great, no clumps in a shaker and mixes great with water. 2 scoops = teh win

ON is the best ive ever had

ON is pretty good compared to the rest, price wise and taste wise. I normally buy 2 tubs of protein, one tub is usually Muscle Milk for home. The other tub I keep at work, and I usually try something different.

before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh

I like "justwhey" but it really isn't cheap comparatively, I'm getting my shipment of ON today so I'll let you know if it sucks

I bought a 5lb tube of EAS Myopro Strawberry for $21 off 2 weeks ago - 22g/scoop

I just switched to Chicago Nutritions protein and really like it and was taking Beverly before that. I buy everything local just because the guy is a really good guy. I pay about 30 bucks for 2.5lbs on average. I know that is really more than I could get online but well I like to support the locals.

Mass before black star labs turned all nazi, they were the best deal and had the best whey *sigh you can just order from with the BSL flavoring

10lb bag ON protein from

For any of you british guys head over too They sell flavourless (no additives, just 100% whey) whey at 70%, 80% or just isolate. You can choose to add additives but I choose not too cos it's healthier (ibGayHomo) plus it really does'nt taste bad at all, like a fairly barky and rough vanilla flavour. They also sell tons of other supplements and if you buy in bulk (over £50) and it's a bulk discount item then you get 10% off. I get all my whey from there (I get 80% cos I'm a cheap bastard) God I sound like a sales clerk

cbrpimp i paid 24.00 for a 5lb at vitamin shoppe as part of their monthly special I saw it on monday at that price. GNC pisses me off. has the best tasting protein shakes EVER. You don't even know. They are thick and omg goodness. Unfortunately my gym stopped saling them, so until my debit card comes, I am using Muscle Milk. I can order things online with a debit card, right?

Ceaze you can just order from with the BSL flavoring hollaaaaaaaa i dont use any other protein

Best brand of protein to buy for the money... and where?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

I'm in a 3 year contrack with bally's total fitness and I tried Golds gym resently. Golds is much better. They have more equipment more room and better supplyments. In Bally's your always have to wait for somebody to get done with a bench or anything else. Gold's has so much shit that everyone could be doing something and not waiting. I'm going to cancle Bally's. Golds for me.


the fuck you say?

Sigh... have fun paying Bally's cancellation fee which I am sure is very high.

I tried out a Bally's one time, everything was divided in different rooms. Didn't like it at all.

better supplyments?

no gym for home?

Yea screw buying the supplements from the gym, just get em from somewhere online like 1fast400.

So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts?

Fabian So at Ballys, is 20 pound for the weight like 30 pounds if a guy lifts? never gets old hahah

Ballly's total fitness sucks compared to Gold's

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



Can i take nitro tech and Thermo gain all in the same day or will that be 2 much? i have one glass of nitro teck in the morning then one after i work out and then iam just going to to take 1 thermo gain befor i work out? just wondering thx.

take those suppliments and throw them out the window and never buy celltech again.

Take one English lesson and call me in the morning.

pokesteve he already threw his money out the window, might as well keep the supplements... Could just do it out of spite btw never make your subject a question mark again.

You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, sleep

Jeff Coleman You should follow the lee priest diet posted in the magazines meal, nitro tech, gram of test, nitro tech, meal, nitro tech, 3000iu of gh, meal, nitro tech, nitro tech, 3000iu il5, sleep fixed

Peal fixed

lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways

bml lol well thx but i got them for free... so i was just wondering about... and i forgot this a a english class. iam shure pretty much everyone understood me, but thx n ways hardly

Peal fixed huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said

be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers

Jeff Coleman huh? i thought Lee Priest was natural? Thats what the artical said ronnie is too, drugs are unsafe

Ceaze be careful with 2 many supplements u can mess up ur livers


F&N for women in a nutshell

F&N for women in a nutshell

when i was reading pretty muched sumed up what i've learned on this forum so far.

good read

mtnbike4522 good read are you female?

No. But its nice to be informed when females come asking about fitness tips

u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice

KetchupKing u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont

Heh Nic's post reminded me of a joke. An 80 year old woman after loseing her husband decides to end her own life. After much thought she decided shooting herself in the heart would be the most clean and least painful. The woman got her husbands gun and ready to do the deed realizes she needs to know the exact location of her heart so as not to inflict more pain then necissary. The woman places a call to her doctor and asks him where her heart would be located. He asks why she needs to know and she tells him its for her nephews science project. The doctor tells her it is pretty close to 1 inch below your left nipple. The woman thanks the doctor and hangs up the phone. The doctor sees the old woman in the hospital the next day and inquires as to why she was there. The little old lady in a rather bitter mood states to the doctor " I shot myself in the knee. "

good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick

nic379 i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old.

timberwolf Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old. and this, boys and girls is why Pogo will be pale until the day she dies... that and I couldn't tan if my life depended on it

You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip.

timberwolf You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip. I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge

~*Pogovina*~ good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them

~*Pogovina*~ I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan

nic379 i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them

nic379 i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan German-Irish here

~*Pogovina*~ i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them i'm taking lipo 6

nic379 i'm taking lipo 6 i know i'm just stubborn about them, I don't like to take suppliments to help me do what I can do on my own. Hell, I didn't even like getting pain meds while in labor

that's crazy. I must say that I'm a product of the generation that thinks everything should be easy and there should be a magic pill that will make me lose weight and gain muscle. I realized a year ago that this wasn't ever going to I finally joined a gym a couple months ago. Started really going a week ago. I use to work out all the time in HS because I was a I know I can look good. I've just let myself go this last couple of years

christophers this is a pretty good article and its true. more owmen would get more out of reading the some stickies here and some other bb/performance forums than you will reading the vast majority of "female" forums i agree 100%. I'm just being pissy because some things will NEVER apply to me

F&N for women in a nutshell

Monday, December 30, 2013

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

after I take all my shit CEE Whey Shake Fish Oil Multivitamin and something to eat is there something im doing wrong maybe I should eat more when I take them all

are carbs in there with "something to eat"?

let me see how much there is for todays meal

100grams today

FrozynFyre 100grams today yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

SteveO yeah. eat. I just had a 130g with lunch alone.

breakfast and lunch I'm at 185 gms carbs and 159gm protein so far today

superbri007 when I eat food, i get sleepy, if thats what you mean. Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though

lots of food in your stomach means that your body needs to digest it. so your body sends blood towards your stomach to start digestion, and the more food the more blood needed so less blood in other parts of your body means fatigue, woowee

FrozynFyre Im talking about getting super sleepy after eating and taking supplements I feel good today though I got a really good ngiths sleep last night though Maybe you just answered your own question.

ACURA TL-S Maybe you just answered your own question.

I get drousy (sp) maybe its drowsy

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Whatup guys been lifting for like a year and a half now, currently taking protein and creatine. Time to order up some new stuff cause I ran all out and was looking for some input from you guys what you think works well. I don't know much about Gluatamine, which i hear is good, and NO2, which i hear works well also. Has anyone tried either of these and did these help??

N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE

malto and flax seed oil if you already dont have it.

fish oil

ryazbeck N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE What the hell is CEE

creatine ethyl ester

ryazbeck creatine ethyl ester What's the difference between that and mono. I've only tried mono and that's all i've ever heard of. Thanks for the suggestions

why dont you read up on it?

ryazbeck why dont you read up on it? do you not know?

nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it.

ryazbeck nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it. Alright cool thanks anyways, you said something about fish oil though, can you recommend a brand/brands you've tried.

never had it either, just taken flax seed, but you can get cheap vitamins at

Just get the fish oil at Costco.

At bulknutrtion forums they say CEE is not effective either. Just stick to what your taking right now, nothign replaces hard work in the gym. And also nothing replaces HGH and anabolics.

Russian red actijube training packs. Good shit

Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin

deznutz Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather

ChosenGSR thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather 15 bucks for a multi-vitamin? Thats not to bad at all.

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

Eating Plan: 7am: Breakfast 2 Cups of Oj 2 Scops of NLarge2 2 Pork Roll and Cheese on english muffin 40 g's protein 10am:10 oz Apple Cranberry Juice 1 Extra Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 12:30pm: Lunch Time 2 Chicken Break Sndwich 1 Glass of milk Probably some other filler foods 30 g's protein 4:00pm 10 oz Apple Cranberrry juice 1 Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 5:45-6:00pm 2 Scoops Nlarge2 25 g's protein 8:00 Dinner whatever mom makes for dinner. Usually 25 g's protein at least 10:30 2 scoops Nlarge2 shake 25 g's protein Workout: Christophers Base routine Supplements: Nlarge2 Multivitamin Superdrol half bottle 4ad trans Stats:6'1 185lbs goals:205 lbs Whats everyones opinion????? Also, fix anything i fucked up.....

how many calories is all that?

Dragon how many calories is all that? No clue i know its about 180 g's protein tho......

protein is good, but if you need to make sure your getting a lot of calories too. you should be aiming for at least 3500cal, and that 180g of protein is only 720 calories.

how many calories do you think i have so far????? What can i do to increase my caloric intake?

being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT?

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? for now, yes.

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? Correct. let me know if you need a link..

Chris3G being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT? Most likely be taking 6oxo..... from what i have heard about the taste of nolva, i dont think i should take that. it will probably mess up my eating habbits. I have a weak stomach.

superbri007 link not that i want to do it, but i just want to learn about it. Oh, just go to There are 198279127 threads per day about it. Everyone raves about it over there

3 pound water an fat

20 pounds in a month? ha, you'll look like a fatty besides, you wont gain shit on the little girl diet.

oh btw do you have any illegal anabolic steroids that you can sell to me illegally?

only illegal ones.

PurEvl 3 pound water an fat From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering.

GilgaMesH From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering. i was referring to the shit diet

PurEvl i was referring to the shit diet Ah, well then....yeah you're probably right then

that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me.

If you want to get BIG you need at least 7k calories.

You aren't going to put 20 pounds in a month with that diet

if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

ryazbeck if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

dirtysouthboy that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me. you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different

How about some suggestions rather than critism Ill definatly up the food intake... Maybe mor e Nlarge scoops per drink

PurEvl you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different haha, dirtysouthboy, mike, doesnt do cutting diets, all he does it cut his diet down under 3000 calories and he'll lose like 5 pounds a week, no joke, i see him everyday and i see it. he went from like 16%BF to like 11% in 2 weeks just by cutting down to like 2200 cals from 6000. he was like fuck this shit, and just started bulking again.

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

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