Monday, January 13, 2014

How to increase stamina?

How to increase stamina?

I've recently cut-down massively on my smoking....still, i notice that i'm BURNT after doing only 20 mins. of workout. What can i do to keep up my endurance/stamina?

do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely

shastaisforwinners do cardio a few times a week, moderate pace, work your way up to 30-40 minutes... that should help with endurance/stamina and time and stop smoking completely i'm really working on cutting the smoking out...those white stick of love tempt me so much.

i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr

quit smoking completely for at least two weeks and you'll notice a significant improvement. lifting weights is what finally got me to quit for good.

ryazbeck i smoke cigs through my pee hole. best buzz evAr fucking moron n00bs should be restricted to the main forum...

ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?`

just gradually up the cardio every week or two

spark plugs. ok, aside from me quitting smoking...what else can i do?` dude, do you want to increase stamina or not? all you can really do naturally without supplements or steroids is gradually work out more and if you want to actually reach your goal, cut out smoking. i smoke a fair amount (weed, cigs, cigars)and i can easily do an hour or more of straight lifting or cardio. maybe yer just pushing yerself too hard

How to increase stamina?

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