Showing posts with label boring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boring. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Just want to see what everyone likes to eat while they are cutting/dieting. I want to know what's good and what's bad. I usually eat Chicken Breast and Tuna. What about Potatos? Are most fruits healthy?

Blue Bell Sugar free popsicles hehe

Just wanted to see what everyone else ate while cutting/dieting. On Sugar Hill Refer to sticky

Eggs, tuna, chicken, turkey, ground turkey, ground beef, steak, beef jerky, vegetables, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, shredded wheat, whole wheat bread, skim milk, etc...

depends on how hard I'm dieting

shastaisforwinners depends on how hard I'm dieting if i'm serious, tuna it is. if i'm not, spicy tuna rolls here i come

im technically cutting right now and im going to go eat some chicken quesadillas.

turkey sandwiches, chicken breast and rice, cereal

Egg Whites All Bran Apples Bananas Almonds (Blanched) Wasa Bread Crackers Flax Bread Chicken Breasts Carrots+Celerey Mushrooms Fat Free Yogurt Ultra Lean Chicken Breast+Turkey Breast (Deli Sandwhich Meat) Lean Steak Brown Rice Unsweetened Apple Sauce

cereal, beer


CLA as a sup.

anything, just less of it

Low fat cottage cheese, chicken, tuna, lean beef, skim milk, olive oil, egg whites, asparagus, green beans, spanish, protein powder.

i dont know but im hungry as hell right now..and i still have the taste of whey in my mouth.

egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence.

eggs whole wheat bread tuna chicken turkey corn green beans peas apples bananas oats celery carrots mrp's whey protein peanuts

D-GUy egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence. mm hot sauce. the only thing as far as "dressing" goes in my fridge that's 0,0,0,0,0 everything

I use the asian hot chilli oil which is like 5 calories for every tablespoon of the stuff. Though when I was dieting down I was using alot of oatmeal, still do though now though, guess it's force of habit.

chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want.

pop tarts

i had chick fil a on friday

nic379 chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want. Sperm?

Foods that I like, lower portions and healthier versions (lite/sugarfree/etc...) i don't push myself too hard to eat superclean or only certain things. I already eat pretty clean as it is, minus a cheat meal here or there...

egg whites like a mug. you can get low fat/carb protein powder, any lean chicken and beef, Non Fat Carb Countdown Milk (0g fat, 3g carbs, and like 14g protein per cup)

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

Dairy calcium is good. Good protein. Carbs aren't bad either. Wish someone told me sooner.

The cottage cheese and the yogurt sounds good, btu Splenda gives me cramps and diarrhea.

I like how cottage cheese tastes . And yogurt is good too.

I've been eating that since x-mas, minus the splenda. I find the yogurt is sweet enough

turkey sandwhiches

Dragon I've been eating that since x-mas, minus the splenda. I find the yogurt is sweet enough the nonfat plain yogurt isn't sweet though. At least not the kind I get.

splenda is bad for you

tize cottage cheese isnt worth it

tize ??? What's not worth it about cottage cheese?

tize price, taste, spoilage Boooourns.

tize price, taste, spoilage $/g of protein, I find it pretty good, taste, its not great but it can be avoided (in eggs, with yogurt & splenda), spoilage, never had a problem and I buy 1-1.5kg at a time

today, i made this sandwich which consisted of multigrain bread, cottage cheese, tuna, mustard, mayo, garlic powder, cheyenne pepper and some regular black pepper. i thought it was gonna taste funny but it was surprisingly good.

The 'Light & Fit' ones from Dannon are excellent. I wouldn't eat yogurt for the protein, but rather for a good-tasting, nutritional snack or side meal. Plus the acidolphus culture has innumerable health benefits.

jeckWiLdeR today, i made this sandwich which consisted of multigrain bread, cottage cheese, tuna, mustard, mayo, garlic powder, cheyenne pepper and some regular black pepper. i thought it was gonna taste funny but it was surprisingly good. That is fucking disgusting.

thats why u ea a carton of the cottage cheese at a time so it doesnt spoil.. good stuff pepper and a little salt and game on

quickone splenda is bad for you There is definitely a lot of negative information coming out about Splenda right now, so I'm trying to avoid it. The rest of the meal sounds good though.

PatrickSparks There is definitely a lot of negative information coming out about Splenda right now, so I'm trying to avoid it. The rest of the meal sounds good though. the only thing negative is their "truth in advertising". saying it's made from real sugar when it's not.

tize price, taste, spoilage It's like under 2 dollars, tastes amazing, and takes like forever to spoil.

christophers OK LIKE WHAT? I hear it gives people who eat skittles serious aneurysms.

diabetics love skittles

christophers OK LIKE WHAT? I was just talking about the lawsuits with regards to their marketing. Plus, there's been some information about phosgene and chlorine being used to make it.

PatrickSparks I was just talking about the lawsuits with regards to their marketing. Plus, there's been some information about phosgene and chlorine being used to make it. who cares about the problems with the marketing, it's not hurting the product any. The chlorine is so minimal that is has no effect on your body. There is nothing wrong with splenda.

I love cottage cheese. Am I the only one who eats it plain?

xpinchx I love cottage cheese. Am I the only one who eats it plain? Its gets boring after a while though. I sometimes throw some museli or low fat granola on it. Its not bad.

isn't splenda like a synthetic butter?

A great meal is cottage cheese + nonfat plain yogurt + splenda

Monday, January 6, 2014

is boxing good cardio?

is boxing good cardio?

is just hitting a heavy bag around a pretty good workout? i want to do some running but its so boring haha.....hitting a heavy bag around in my garage with some loud music would be more enjoyable to me...but will it do anything? if so....... wheres a good place to get a heavy bag for a good price.....or maybe a slaman thing..or something that doesnt hang from the ceiling

Yeah boxing is awesome. You would obviously have to make it intense for cardiovascular benefit but it would do the job.

tommyortom is just hitting a heavy bag around a pretty good workout? i want to do some running but its so boring haha.....hitting a heavy bag around in my garage with some loud music would be more enjoyable to me...but will it do anything? if so....... wheres a good place to get a heavy bag for a good price.....or maybe a slaman thing..or something that doesnt hang from the ceiling Don't get one of the slam man things...(the one where its the upper torso of a person) They're fucking shitty. I had one and everytime I hit it hard I'd have to re-adjust it. Not stable at all. I'd get a heavy bag...

or you could always shadow box... that works pretty damn well i've heard

Boxing is awesome cardio, if you get a sparring partner it's also a lot of fun. If you aren't a serious boxer you don't have to beat the hell out of each other, and you can still get a good cardio workout.

i love jump roping. seems like it works well

Boxing is easily the best cardio in the world and I've done it all. I hope to start boxing in a month or 2 after I'm done recovering from shoulder surgery. Boxing > all.

Incog91 Boxing > all. this is true, boxing is the greatest sport ever. and yes, hitting a heavy bag or speed bag is a good cardio workout.

How long is a piece of string?

Nick Boxing is awesome cardio, if you get a sparring partner it's also a lot of fun. If you aren't a serious boxer you don't have to beat the hell out of each other, and you can still get a good cardio workout. Give me and my 2 sets of boxing gloves and it will be anything but "not serious"

Yeah, I enjoy it, i just did it for 10 minutes or so, It worked me pretty well. I am going to start boxing and jump roping for cardio every other day and running the other days that I do cardio.

It's definitely good... it'll be better if you learn good form. If you get your footwork down and keep your hands up and stay moving while you do drills or just throw some good punches you'll be aching in less than 10 minutes. Just don't do a shoulder workout the day before going at it.

is boxing good cardio?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

The UFC's first "reality" TV series starts tonight on Spike TV at 11pm. If you are at all interested in martial arts it'll probably be worth a watch. 11pm EST, as in... 20 minutes from now.

flippin over right after family guy

I'm going to be missing it because of gymtime. I guess I'll check back here for a review.

Got the DVR set!

12 more minutes

haarago Got the DVR set! Upload to internet?

few more min to go

no cable

MikeTheVike1 no cable

watching it now

It's on now

at that drunk tard pissing over the guy's bed and pillow

a bit boring to watch but damn id love the experience... anyone wanna train???

I always enjoy watching people train in anything. Makes me wanna go work out the next day fired up and ready to go.

man to bad i quit martial arts in 1st grade could ahve been like these guys lol

For being ufc guys/coaches, I'm surprised at how nice and supportive they are in the training. Granted it's the first day, but I for some reason would've thought these guys to be a little more tough on these guys. Also, cauliflower ear sucks...

superbri007 that red headed fuck is a tool, i hope he's the first to go He finished the sick treadmill routine they had set up. 5mph@5mins 6mph@6mins 7mph@7mins 8mph@8mins 9mph@9mins 10mph@10mins it was something like that?

superbri007 yeah, and no one else did, so props to him for that. Maybe he's not all talk. it was 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each btw ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes.

superbri007 its easier to run 3.5 just strait-up instead of that pyramid conditioning shit they had them doing but, that was the point, to see who could do it, and who could not. are you sure it was the 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each? think about it man, i know i can do that and im hardley in ultimate fighter shape, it had to be what the first guy posted with the time intervals increasing along with the pace if it was actually hard enough where only one guy finished it.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. ................. those motherfuckers were sprinting near the end, and it was nonstop

it 5 for 5 minutes 6 for 6 minutes 7 for 7 minutes and so on not 5 minutes for each

btw the ear is cauliflower ear...comes from grappling.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. While curcuit training boxing, grappling, and muay thai... it is nothing to sneeze at.

superbri007 they had 2 treadmills goin for 16 guys. for 30 mins each, which is a total of 4 hours...that gym session was only like 3 hours +/- They also had a buncha guys quit. Only one went for 30 minutes.

That drunk asshole is probably gonna win the whole thing (middleweight), but his best compitition is the yoga guy. They are both accomplished MMA fighters. Their Muay Thai coach is a BADASS coach from the Fairtex gym. Their grappling coach is also a stud. REPLAYS are on Friday, 12:00 AM, Saturday, 7:00 PM, and Sunday, 5:00 PM.

The Ultimate Fighter

Saturday, December 28, 2013

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

might be a repost

WTF.. lol

that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Grouch that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Watch the goddamn video you meatheaded shit sack.

tize cliffs? Dumbass in banana suit lights himself on fire with rubbing alcohol, and gets burned.


seen it before but it's still funny each time

no worky

I told him it was a stupid idea...

yup, it's a repost, but still pretty funny the world would be so boring without retarded fucks like them

christophers is that really letifo Now you know why he hasn't been around.

Natezilla Now you know why he hasn't been around.

lighting yourself on fire...BRILLIANT

letifo really bulked up then

That totally made my fucking day! EDIT: is that even him, doesn't look like it to me


nah just looks like him lol

that doesnt look much like him at all

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

lesser of two evils for cutting? v.beerorjackandcoke

lesser of two evils for cutting? v.beerorjackandcoke

a light beer or a jack and coke? what i really should be drinking is jack and diet coke, but i can't bring myself to order it at a bar. i used to drink that and i got constant shit from people including the bartender. im tracking my calories on and 5 jack and cokes really throws my day off drinking is a real weakness for me

why would you drink liquor with soda? i mean if you're going to be pussy enough to have to mix your liquor, then atleast mix it with diet. but stop being a bitch and drink your shit straight and thats your best bet right there.

who gives a fuck what some loser bartender thinks rum and diet > *mixedDrink

ive never had a bartender give me shit or even look at me weird for ordering a vodka/diet coke...

yeah, i'm trying to remember what i did with my balls. i know they're in here somewhere

well, I have some HCG, that might help

If the bartender give you shit throw it back in his fucking face, and then rock his world with a front double bicep pose.

sprite If the bartender give you shit throw it back in his fucking face, and then rock his world with a front double bicep pose. he would probably laugh at me and have me removed.

just work extra hard! i love to go out and have fun and drink a few rounds with my buddies. I just work extra hard the next day.

two heineken is alright if i reeeeally get bored. getting shitfaced is boring now, and i tend to slow the eating considerably.

try Crown and 7 or Gin and Tonic. If you want to try something straight, get a Makers Mark on the rocks with a splash of water. If you want to get really fucked up with the least amount of caloric intake I woule recommend Bookers on the rocks. No bartender will be laughing at you for ordering that. By the way, I bartend and I wouldnt give you shit for ordering a diet. Now if you ordered a Sex on the Beach that would be a different story...

I order Midori Sours for my girl all the time, and every bartender gives me the look...

doesnt matter youll get an extra 16 calories or something with a beer over liquor but its the amount of alcohol in the drink that contains the calories. Thats why a shot has about the same calories as a light beer +/- a couple grams of carbs

how about Bacardi and Diet coke? I'm cutting now and that's all I pretty much drink, it's a bitch drink but it'll get you drunk if you drink enough. Cheap too.

I just shoot tequila

Just drink your Jack straight. No need to slam shots...just enjoy the drink. If I were to drink Jack Daniels straight I think I'd have to go for Gentleman's Jack.

there are much better whiskeys then jack daniels... first of all, bourbon (jim beam, makers mark, etc.) go much better with coke than whiskey does... second, if you do in fact want whiskey, decide which kind of whiskey you want (irish, scotch, american, canadian, b/c they all taste different). if you want to drink straight, canadian is the best, but of course american is cheaper...

Louis M there are much better whiskeys then jack daniels... first of all, bourbon (jim beam, makers mark, etc.) go much better with coke than whiskey does... second, if you do in fact want whiskey, decide which kind of whiskey you want (irish, scotch, american, canadian, b/c they all taste different). if you want to drink straight, canadian is the best, but of course american is cheaper... jack & coke >>>>>>>> beam & coke and for some reason i hate whiskey straight up if i do shots its usually tequila, but its no fun to down shots if you dont have something to sip on in the meantime.

just get the diet is your problem...embarassed that the bartender might make fun of you?

lesser of two evils for cutting? v.beerorjackandcoke

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Martial Arts help

Martial Arts help

Ok, I'm looking to do some discipline of martial arts but I don't know which one to do. I want something that isn't too hard, so I'm looking at Aikido, but I also want something that attacks (from what people have told me all Aikido is, is defensive moves). I've been told to do jujitsu and I'm looking into that but are there any other "effective" martial arts that aren't hard to learn?

Muay Thai is very simple to learn, and very effective. If by simple you mean easy to learn, and not easy to go to class without working hard. It is one of the quicker styles to be effective in. You won't have to go to a years worth of classes before learning everything you need to be productive.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai

Section 8 Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai could also substitute Jeet Kune Do in there (encompasses both to at least some degree), but for the most part a combination of those two will make you a monster

what are your goals? to be a tough ass or develop mentally spiritually as well?

From an offensive point of view, I've found the combo of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to be the most effective. If you can find a Vale Tudo gym near you, you're set (it's a Brazilian hybrid of both styles). This is my personal favorite. If you want something more defensive, aikido or Krav Maga are good choices. Aikido relies more on bodily harmony, while Krav Maga is quick, brutal and effective. If you're a sadist and want to get your ass kicked, try Tae Kwon Do or Shotokan Karate.

What about some good ole boxing?

Just do mix martial arts. Find a instructor who can teach you the basics of a few different ones. My instructor teaches arnese ( filipino knife/stick fighting ) JKD, Samba ( grappling ) and basic 1 on 1 stand up fighting techniques. Maritals Arts is great for cardio workout. Running and biking gets boring real fast but martial arts is fun and interesting.

thawk408 What about some good ole boxing? That's fine. Try kickboxing too.

How do you think boxing would do in a street fight scene?

depends, alot of BJJ schools flaunt the police report saying that 95% of all street fights go to the, i havent seen this report and often wonder about its validity, two, ground fighting is ONLY good in a one on one fight with no weapons.....whereas boxing keeps you on your feet and gives the ability to stay aware of those around you (if your clear enough mentally while fighting) and allows you to run when needed.....but limiting youself to just boxing makes you vulnerable in other boxer has ever faired well in an NHB match (no holds barred)....simply cuz in a one on one fight it does go to the ground nearly every time.....muay thai fighters do well because of the clinch as well as cross training in jits.... in other words, focusing on only boxing, will hurt you when you get tackled by a wrestler.....and tackling someone to wrestle them will only work until their buddy punts you in the face

get in over a 100 fights bouncing, you get good at lots of styles

What is the martial art that bruce lee made up?

Aikido is defiently worthwhile, it teaches you the importance over balance and accuracy over power, it also teaches you very quickly how to break fall as from your first lesson you will be flat on your ass. I do a style called tomiki aikido which is sport aikido, I'm not sure how well it would all apply in the real world but a lot of people who do aikido take other arts such as Judo or Ju-jitsu as Aikido is a development of these arts. Personally you may find Kempo Ju-jitsu enjoyable, or if you are interested in aikido then the Tomiki style is certainly one to pursue as it is very effective. MY instructor is a 5th dan however who has been doing it for over 30 years and trains local law enforcement arrest techniques, it defiently helps to have an experienced trainer. The philospophy of aikido is to show an attacker the error of his ways by disarming but not injuring permently. Of course due to the nature of its locks and grips it is extremely easy to break peoples arms, wrists, strike blows to the head and other nerve points of the body. Personally I love aikido, but would like to investigate Kempo Ju-jitsu at a later date. Also aikdio is not easy to learn, your movements and grips and locks have to be very accurate in order to be effective, you have to have good coordination of hand and feet and be prepared to get hurt. If you are looking for the best defensive art in the world then take up Track Sprinting if you are looking for the best Offensive art in the world go buy a sniper rifle . I hope that helps someway

thawk408 What is the martial art that bruce lee made up? Jeet kune do. It's not a martial art, it "became" one after he died and people tried to cash in on his legacy. JKD is really just an ideal or outlook on martial arts. The first "mixed martial arts" approach.

superbri007 Wushu Kung Fu, i'll be taking that in the next month or so looks really challenging! bad example but i think thats the art they modelled after in the movie kill bill.

superbri007 Aikido sucks cock, don't take it. Take TKD /Kung-fu/ Kickboxing over aikido not true, aikido is very difficult, just not as much 'anger' as other arts, for lack of a better term. makes a great supplementary art..

learn everything there is that u can! mwahahahah...nice suggestion there on the BJJ and muay thai as an awesome practical starting point

Martial Arts help

Friday, December 6, 2013

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

I'm going grocery shopping at Costco sometime tomorrow. I'm also going to get some supplements to get me started. Here's what I have so far: Cottage Cheese Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast Fish Fillets(what kind is good/cheap?) Natural Peanutbutter Yogurts (what brand is good?) Propel Fitness Water Eggs Tuna Whole grain bread (this is good, right?) Lettuce Tomatoes Assorted fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe Assorted veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, stir fry mix) Rice Sliced turkey (from the deli, not lunch meat) Swiss cheese For supplements all I can think of is Fish Oil and Whey Protein. What else will I be needing? Feel free to mention any foods I shouldn't get that are on my list, and what foods I should get that aren't on there. For protein shakes I'm just thinking skim milk/whey/peanut butter/banana. I already have oatmeal for breakfast. My main plan for getting into shape is weight lifting (so lots of protein is good) and light-medium intensity cardio every day (jogging with the dog, recreational sports, bike riding, etc.) I'm not getting nearly enough protein for the amount of calories I'm eating on my diet, so I need cleaner foods with more protein. Again, any input is very welcome. I need all the help I can get. Thanks.

cbrpimp Your plan is good. Good choice of foods. Might want to add some lean steak to the diet, its up to you. I do it because eating chicken and fish as the main meal every night gets boring. I have a large collection of spices to mix things up a little . I think the Costco-proportioned bags of chicken breast/fish should last me long enough until I'm sick of it, at which point I'll get some beef to mix things up. I also have some frozen hamburger patties I can grill up if I need some spontaneous variety.

tize I got a lot of canned fruit bananas and applesauce. Lean ground beef, tuna+spaghettyos, sheeeeeeet good sheeeeeet Do the spaghettioes mask some of the tuna taste? I actually hate the way most fish taste, especially tuna. I plan to grill fish fillets with chicken seasoning and dipping them in BBQ sauce. I just don't like fish

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bulking Diet

Bulking Diet

I'm doing christophers building a base routine and I need to figure out a diet to follow while doing it. I'm 6' 2", 175 lbs. I don't know enough about nutrition to figure out what I should be eating to get the right amounts of protein, carbs, and fat. I figured out that I'm supposed to be taking in about 4300 calories/day to gain what I want to. I'm trying to figure out some boring 6 meal/day regimen that I can just follow daily to get what I need. Can anyone help me with this, or suggest their diet? EDIT: I also work out in the evenings usually. would I want to take in a bunch of carbs before I do that?

I guess I just need to start eating... A LOT

box of Kraft mac and cheese...over 1000cals

So, eat 1.5g/lb protein per day (shake before and shake after the workout should help that), carbs before the workout, and keep the fats down.

SLO2 So, eat 1.5g/lb protein per day (shake before and shake after the workout should help that), carbs before the workout, and keep the fats down. no, u need EFA's and such, dont really pay too muych attrenbtion to the fats, just eat lots, dont get fucking anal about it either. Tize's diet dont look bad, i wouyld not eat the tunna withh spaghettios cause it sounds fucking gross. i would eat more food than that, add some pop tarts, cookies, and some steaks

Ive been doing 3k-4k Calories a week for 2 weeks now, and havent gained a pound. Time to ramp it up

Bulking Diet

Monday, November 11, 2013

Is there a special name for...

Is there a special name for...

Farts that smell especially bad when you eat too much protien?

protein farts /thread

but that's so boring, theres got to be a better or funnier name for em

TheRemains but that's so boring, theres got to be a better or funnier name for em hmmm the wafting whey wackys?





Is there a special name for...

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