Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Would OT F&N be interested in starting our own Gripper certification?

Would OT F&N be interested in starting our own Gripper certification?

a la, Gripboard or Grippermania? Were we get a few grippers made of diferent strenghts and mail them to each other in some ordered fashion. Keep the gripper for a week mail it to the next person or to the home location (me ) if there is no one in waiting. Closers get fancy paper certificate and those who close the 2 hardest grippers get a free t-shirt with a logo and OT grip slogan. There would need to be a significant amount of interest though to help pay for the grippers.

hmmm...let me test my crunker first and if all goes well I'll paticipate

i'd be in if i had paypal

jonno i'd be in if i had paypal I take money order too.... I dont know the over all cost, this idea hit me while in the middle of a logic quiz today at school. But I was thinking Robert Baraban grippers found here http://www.handgripper.net/neu/www/index.php, just the basic aluminum ones but with a costom logo its an extra 30$ each. So it would be ~50 per gripper + shipping. Part of the production cost will be in the "cert" fee something like 5$-10$ per person which would cover the actual grippers, paper certificates and tshirts for the 210 and 240 closers. I was thinking of using the 160, 180, 210, 240 lbs grippers so you would have to be able to close a COC1 to really give the 160 a chance. But I wouldn't make any sort of qualifying just to try it. If this took off and in the future a 260 have to be made we could do that.

Sounds like a good idea, but you are going to have to pool a lot of money to get it started. There will probably be a huge demand for the easier grippers because a lot of people here have never touched a gripper before. So you'd have to probably stock up on the easier ones. And it'll screw up the whole line of things if some faggot never returns a gripper.

dmaestro Sounds like a good idea, but you are going to have to pool a lot of money to get it started. There will probably be a huge demand for the easier grippers because a lot of people here have never touched a gripper before. So you'd have to probably stock up on the easier ones. And it'll screw up the whole line of things if some faggot never returns a gripper. Well i would be willing to eat a little money at frist to get the whole thing started. those who wished to donate early would get their cert fee wavied. But the idea is that only one of each strenght gripper exists so that we are all comparing our strenght on the same one. As for some offical rules I like the grippermania ones. The gripper MUST be mailed Priority Mail with a delivery conformation number and insured for $100.00. You must also PM the tracking number to the person who you mailed it to and myself. If the grippers are lost and we cannot track them or get reimbursed because you did not follow these rules you will be held accountable for buying a replacement gripper. To receive the gripper you pay a cert fee of $10.00. This covers priority mail, tracking of delivery, and insurance of $100.00. <XXXXXpaypal addressXXX> Please note in the comments that it is Gripper fee. You will then be responsible for shipping the gripper back as it was shipped to you. Please note*** do not require signature for delivery just a tracking number When you pay the cert fee that covers the shipping to you and a certificate that I am working on having made. You are responsible however for shipping it back to me or the next person at your expense following the shipping rules.

superbri007 what a pain IDB fucking naysayer

you do realize that there are lot of canadian members, and shipping from canada to the US or the other way around is going to cost as much as a gripper right? We'd need at least one set for canada too.

im confused but im in

Sounds like fun, once I graduate from school in June and get a decent job making some decent money.

a friend of mine has the 240 and closes it 6 times...but he has huge ass hands...so I'm not sure if I'll be able to close that crunker...I'll certainly give her a shot tho...shit I tried the 360 and it didn't budge

even if i was interested, customs would kill the idea for anybody in Canuckia

woah, this sounds like a pretty good idea. what weights are the grippers going to be

brolli what weights are the grippers going to be Grouch But I was thinking Robert Baraban grippers found here http://www.handgripper.net/neu/www/index.php, just the basic aluminum ones but with a costom logo its an extra 30$ each. So it would be ~50 per gripper + shipping. Part of the production cost will be in the "cert" fee something like 5$-10$ per person which would cover the actual grippers, paper certificates and tshirts for the 210 and 240 closers. I was thinking of using the 160, 180, 210, 240 lbs grippers so you would have to be able to close a COC1 to really give the 160 a chance. But I wouldn't make any sort of qualifying just to try it. If this took off and in the future a 260 have to be made we could do that dot

KetchupKing you do realize that there are lot of canadian members, and shipping from canada to the US or the other way around is going to cost as much as a gripper right? We'd need at least one set for canada too. They will just have to pay more for shipping.

Grouch They will just have to pay more for shipping. its not that much more...its like 25-50 cents more I ship to Canada all the time

I guess that's a negative ghostrider.

Would OT F&N be interested in starting our own Gripper certification?

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