Showing posts with label waist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waist. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Ok, these first pics are from October, I was about 200lbs (6'1"). This was after about 5 months of cutting. I have been bulking hardcore since then and am now at 230 lbs. I'm taking next week off for Spring Break then dieting all spring and summer. Here are pics taken today. So there they are. Being thsi fat gives me plenty of motivation to cut. I can't wait to get back to eating healthy, mixing in more physical activity, and overall just feeling better.

live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Excellent Work Werdna. Excellent gains. I admire people like you who can bulk and cut with hard work.

How long have you been training?

shit, ur still thin even in the bulking pictures, i need to post some of my fat ass whenb i weighed 265...

you should stay fat for awhile before cutting

I would have been happy with the body you had in the first picture, damn.

get fatter

wow, quite a difference, how have your numbers changed?

holy shit. good bulk

you got you some love handles like me

Welsh0913 live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Ceaze you should stay fat for awhile before cutting why?

Your teeth are very very white

Werdna why? More fat = more gains

Welsh0913 Your teeth are very very white Poor photoshopping. I do it all the time!

nice progress broly

amazing, are body types are so much alike. I look like your current pics right now as well. You don't look like you have a lot of fat around your waist, but its there isn't it? Thats how I am. Looks like your neck/chin area got a little fat on it, thats the only thing pissing me off about bulking.

SickLife holy shit. good bulk .

What are you gonna cut back down to?

i have those same board shorts good job bulking

any gains on your lifts?

Woah.. nice work, fatmo.

Good Job on gaining but like you said you don't look 230

have your gains gone up respectively? if not, hang out at fattyville for a while

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

gravity boots...

gravity boots...

the type you hook on a chin bar... how much do they go for? And are they worth it or not?

i was also curious about those things

I was recommended to get an inversion table for the lower back but I figure the g-boots would also allow me to do some exercises.

I would be afraid of the boots coming unhooked and falling, I've seen someone using them before though, look like they'd be a good exercise

i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me.

what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground.

joy division what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground. WHAT THE GAY?

Undefined i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me. Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space.

timberwolf Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space. yea man, i couldn't afford it either but i am willing to put myself in debt when it comes to my health. i charged my visa and its been worth it. as for the space, the model i got folds up to where its only a few inches wide and a few feet high.

joy division Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...

Fishbait that was exactly my feeling also.

Ha Ha. This thread is hilarious. On a serious note, I used gravity boots for a long period of time and they were absolutely amazing. You can work so much more and through a far greater field of motion. I wish I owned some.

gravity boots...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I can't gain weight

I can't gain weight

I'm 5'10 130ish but i've lost 20 pounds since the summer. I can't put on weight. My waist is size 28 and my figure is enviable by some females. I've tried supplements and they have worked but i'm now somewhat intolerant to milk, so that rules out my old stash. Is it something to do with my weird metabolism? I'm 23, Asian, everyone in my family is not overweight. My diet has a decent amount of carbs as we rotate western/eastern style meals on a daily basis. I can binge eat like a mad man and gain next to nothing. See nutrition specialist?

meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006.

if you want it bad enough, you'll eat enough to meet your goals

You'd be surprised what you can put in a blender, but whatever you do, don't try to put a Powerbar in there. I swear to god the blender was about to explode.

I'm 5'8 and i started at 130...(Last fall) I started working out maybe 2 months ago. And if anything (im 145 now.) The best way to gain weight is to eat a LOT. Eat eat eat. And Lift. LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS. Try to limit cardio as much as possible.

how in the shitfuck did you lose 20 lbs from 150 at 5'10?

If *I* can gain weight, anyone can. 6'2 135 - 6'2 170 in 5 months. Granted I lost it all when I got mono, that's still a lot of weight. If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim before I manned up and started eating (in addition to the lifting that wasnt doing me any good until i hit a caloric surplus)

you can gain weight /thread and possibly yourself

sr20wop you can gain wight /thread and possibly yourself

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. It'll take a while to get to this, but eat slightly more every day and you'll work your way up to being able to eat that much.

you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position.

SpicyMcVoodoo you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position. i'd fucking kill to not be in my position

eat a 5 pound plate you'll gain 5 pounds

I've eaten 4 pounds of food in one sitting before... weight did not change in the morning

i know how he's feeling. but still gotta eat. eat lots, lift big, get big.

When I was in HS (all 4 years) I weighed a steady 110 pounds. I HATED it, I was painfully skinny and it actually would get me into trouble (they thought I had an eating disorder ) I tried everything, even that weight gainer powder drink and drinking ensure Unfortunately I never managed to gain any weight by these methods. I eventually gained weight when I was married and got knocked up My metabolism just finally slowed down. (funny thing is, that's how I knew i was preg- I gained 10 pounds in the first month and it tipped me off that something was going on) I honestly worried that I had a mild thyroid disorder and my doctor had even suggested it at one time. I certainly hope this isn't the case but you may want to have it looked into. Good luck and don't get knocked up!

Phlab If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim that sums up what I looked like at 110 pounds and 5'8". I don't look healthy under 125.

oh, and you sound just like my little brother. he looks like noXens before pic If you figure out how to do it, let me know so I can pass the info along

yogfx seems to be the only person to have said it... Eat more, and then eat more after that, do this consistently and you will gain weight.

I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein.

ChosenGSR I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein. Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph....

y0gfx Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph.... I completely agree with you, however certain schedules do not give you the ability to eat 24/7 as required when bulking I spend 8-9 hours at work and about 2-3 hours on the road each day, so having a shake with me helped me big time to pack on some weight. Again, I am not pushing the idea of weight gainers. Just give him some food for thought. I know I wouldn't of been able to do without, not with my schedule

superbri007 anyone advocating the use of N02 can suck my wang

I've also had a very tough time gaining weight. fOr while I thought if I just took steroids I could gain. But really it just takes willpower to be dedicated. I eat till I am completely full. wait an hour or something then lift heavy. WAit a day or again. In the meantime I take Enlarge2 shakes in between meals, meal replacement shakes as snacks, and I eat huge portions. when you get that totally stuffed feeling your metabolism actually slows down a bit. Mine is always through the roof. Try to eat a few big meals instead of many small meals. many small meals keeps your metabo up. And do less reps, more weight for muscle gain. Im fairly new to lifting but IVe found that this method really helps me to gain weight. My jeans are almost too tight to wear now, which is crazy, a few months ago they would fall off me.

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. Very, very true. If you're lifting to gain muscle, your diet should contain: 59% Carbs, 28% fats, and 13% proteins. KetchupKing is pretty much correct. Also, try drinking half a gallon of whole milk per day. (I have heard GREAT things from this.)

I can't gain weight

Monday, January 6, 2014

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Week 11, how time has flown for me! Jan 17: ....................April 6 Height: 5'8"..................5'8" Weight: 180................ 161 Bust: 36 ......................34 Waist: 38.5...................31 Hips: 42.5.....................37 Thighs: 25R 24L .....19.25R 19L Biceps: 14R 14L .........10.25R 10.25L Comparison Pics:Start Vs Today: Week 1 Vs Today:

before anyone mentions it: yes, I'm aware that my new suits bottoms are a wee bit too small, I am looking forward to shrinking into them as the next month or two progresses.

absolutely great job

YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips?

Lookin' good! Keep it up!

nic379 YEAH!!!! GO POGO!! that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. How many pants sizes have you gone down losing 7.5 inches off of the waist and 5.5 off of the hips? I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy.

~*Pogovina*~ I was wearing a size 16 and they were TIGHT... I've shrunken down to a 10/12 that is comfy. that's awesome!!!!!!!!

those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent)

Dragon absolutely great job thanks

Socrates Lookin' good! Keep it up! thanks

wow great progress

nic379 that's awesome!!!!!!!! cheaper too!

liptonme those arms are only going to get bigger... sven and i are gonna pump them up (german accent) bahahahah!! I'm gonna get man arms if I keep this genetic freak shit up

nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work.

momoarrowz wow great progress thanks! it has completely sucked sometimes but is sooo worth it when I get to compare pics and numbers

holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too.

D-GUy nice progress, very noticable difference. Keep up the good work. I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat.

Nice progress.

Atenza6i holy crap. the 2nd comparison is phenomenal. i know you're a lady and all, but thats still inspiring for me. awesome job. the amazing part is, you've been working out and gaining muscle too. btw, i like your new hair better too. it's kinda fun proving to the beefcakes here that people are capable of cutting and gaining muscle mass at the same time and uhh... thanks. I'm letting the front grow out, I just have it in a ponytail today :lazy:

cASe SenSiTive Nice progress. thanks

~*Pogovina*~ I've been slowing down as I go but am toning up noticably under the ever-thinning layer of fat. as long you keep seeing progress

Great Job Pogo. Keep it up. Progress will slow down but as long as you keep at it things will come.

Great job!

damn, girl! I can't believe you were a 38 great progress!!

Wow, your waistline has visibly decreased. You can tell just by looking. And your tummy as basically all gone. Looking good girl.

Progress thread V hadtobuyanewbikinicausetheotherwastoobig

Thursday, January 2, 2014

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

did a lecture today on PLing for my class, and had me and my co-facilitators max out in class. make sure you have a divx codec to play these clips. 405 squat by my friend Jason. sure it's not textbook perfect, but still a strong guy nonetheless: 315 bench by me. got stapled by 335 it's pathetic that i'm repping 285 but can't max 335 bench. 205 x 6 seated military press:ibcrosseyed: and lastly...NWS pic of me in briefs

leave your damn head on the bench preemo

jesus you're ripped

christophers jason needs to: 1) have one of you watch him from the side, and call depth when he hits it. he didn't hit depth, atleast from that angle 2) place the bar lower, if hes squatting with that stance the bar should be placed lower. all around he looks loose, too, you can tell his shoulder blades arent retracted and he chest isn't up lol same exact words of advice i would give to him after watching the clip

You're a strong dude..

BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me

PreemO BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me Slow cheat negatives with 335?

look at what my spotter does at 5 secs when i'm doing my set

PreemO BTW, i need some advice on my freakin lockout. during my attempt today, my elbows started shaking, thats a first for me. and also lockout has been my sticking point lately. i've tried 3 & 4 board presses, DE with 60% band tension, and tricep lockouts, and 335 is still eluding me leave your head down, and learn to drive with your feet more, some arch is needed when going full bore. Drive through the weight

PurEvl leave your head down, and learn to drive with your feet more, some arch is needed when going full bore. Drive through the weight Check out this artice, Preemo:

yeah i used to have a better arch but my lower back is still an issue

the asian chick is yawning as you bench

Also, maybe you should widen your grip a bit..

AngryGuy the asian chick is yawning as you bench she looks like shes got something wrong with her ear or something. speaking of which, the class is like 75% wimmen. and quite a good amount of hotties too

PreemO she looks like shes got something wrong with her ear or something. speaking of which, the class is like 75% wimmen. and quite a good amount of hotties too It'd be funny if she told you to move over and proceeded to rep 400. what class is it?

although impressive, i think the prob is more at the beginning of the bench.. you didnt have a clean start, so that may have caused the arm wobble. like pur said, drive through it. start controlled then blast, not the other way also should your arms be that angled? id think a bit more in line with shoulders, but im not sure about that.. :/

AngryGuy It'd be funny if she told you to move over and proceeded to rep 400. what class is it? heh funny you ask. at Cal we have a program called Decal, which stands for democratic education at Cal, and basically undergraduates can teach interest-specific classes to other undergrads for a non-letter grades. In the squat vid clip, the other two guys you see including myself are facilitators of the course. i'm the head facilitator (instructor). i also named the course after this forum: Fitness & Nutrition. I figure if i have an opportunity pass on the knowledge of what I've acquired throught my experience, this forum, my classes, and help them out, i should make the most of it. everytime i hit the gym i see guys who looked like me when i first started lifting, and it's rewarding for me to duplicate my results in another individual. i taught this class last semester which was really fun. but this semester, for one reason or another, there's such a disparity in male:female enrollment its krazy.

MCB: molecular and cellular biology

Bio major, eh? Me too.. not pre-med though..

yup hopefully early next year

holy. fucking. shit. are you natural?

transistor holy. fucking. shit. are you natural? yes. and to those who believe otherwise, if i was on gear, i'd be MUCH bigger. i'm pretty lucky to have a small waist and joints, allowing for greater taper for all my muscle groups. its all an illusion. proof? current stats: 5'6.5" ( ), 152lbs

Damn, PreemO. What did you start out at? How long did it take you to progress to where you are today?

started at 110lbs, 3.5 years experience now. this should provide some inspiration to all the lightweights who label themselves as "hardgainers": you can never eat enough. and never use your "fast metabolism" as an excuse for not being able to gain weight.

PreemO started at 110lbs, 3.5 years experience now. this should provide some inspiration to all the lightweights who label themselves as "hardgainers":[img][img] you can never eat enough. and never use your "fast metabolism" as an excuse for not being able to gain weight. Very awesome.

some max attemtp vid clips and pics *NWS*

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My 1-ad experiment....

My 1-ad experiment....

When I did 1-ad before I took a dosage of 300mg in the first week and finished off at 500mg in the last week or two...going through 2 bottles. Went from 167-180 first time... and from 173-178lbs second time. First time, was terribly lethargic and libido went south by second week. Second time I took 4-ad along with it so really experienced no sides. This time I tried taking only 200mg throughout and experienced no sides. Despite eating relatively clean 4-5 days per week, my weight went up to 181lbs this morning. I was 178lbs before I started but weight did keep fluctuating to as low as 173lbs.

god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing.

i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough.

trancezj god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing. And I only went through 1 bottle to boot. On other boards, most said 200mg is too low for most and would likely only cause shutdown w/o any of the benefits. Again, it was only 3 lbs but I didn't even want to gain but was trying to see if I could maintain and lean up above 175lbs.

This was last june at 170lbs. I actually prefer how I look here. Oh well... I'll be back there soon enough.

what do your arms measure?

gsteclipse97 what do your arms measure? I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does.

ryazbeck i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough. So you used it for 4 weeks straight? At what dosage? I have some potential blood problems that's congenital so methyls aren't an option. 4-ad is still my favourite in terms of how I felt on it overall though maintaining a low dose of 1-ad makes me feel pretty good as well moodwise etc.

god i need bigger arms

ACURA TL-S I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does. This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning.

Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you!

timberwolf This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning. i wish i had your problem

Socrates Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you! oh god

jonno oh god seconded with an additional forehead slap followed by a heavy sigh

no, he thinks ur a fucking tool bag

My 1-ad experiment....

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

I dunno. Got fitted by some stupid whore for my tux. 48 fits arms / shoulders and chest, but I could put like 3 basket balls under there. Filmy said to get a 44 and just relax because I'll only be wearing it for a short time. I think I could rip the 44 if I coughed really hard but it will look better. STupid cunt that fit me for it was like "golly the problem is that you're so big up here and not down here" Me = "I think your parents are related"

so you're not big "down there", eh?

GilgaMesH so you're not big "down there", eh? you know what I mean

fat man in a little cooooooaaat

SoKo fat guy in a little cooooooaaat Fixed.


44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back

I would get the bigger one. I got a 46 because it didn't look stupid (whole basketball thing you are talking about) and everytime I put it on I feel like I am going to rip the arms to shreds. The pants fit like a charm though since the suit came with 43 inch pants and they had to be fitted or else I would look like a real tard. I would just live with having the chest look stupid. It takes me a good minute to put my coat on without ripping it.

PurEvl 44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back It isnt the back that causes the problems, it is the lack of beer belly.

PurEvl 44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back Grow a back? back ain't the problem. I'll have to grow pregnant to fit in it.

trancezj Grow a back? back ain't the problem. I'll have to grow pregnant to fit in it. beer my brother beer

PurEvl beer my brother beer I think we all know I have no problem with that.

PurEvl beer my brother beer mmmmm beer

Oh that happened to me at my buddies wedding last fall. The rental place got me into a 50 Regular. When I put it on, totally fit in the shoulders and arms....not at all in the waist....asked them what they can do and they said 'nothing'..... With that said (if you can't find an 'athletic cut coat'), just make sure it will look good in pictures and then take the darn thing off ASAP.... Oh, and if they are having vests under, MAKE SURE that's the right size, cuz that's what you will be wearing all night

same problem with my brothers wedding as I told you already. I went in and took 3 coats...50, 48 and 46...the 46 comes short as shit even the long...the 48 looks too tight and the lapels actually flare out. The 50 fits fine in the chest and arms but the waist is like Trance said....4-5 basektballs

but Trance, get the 44 for picturs only and scrape it when you sit down...really you'll thank me later in the pics pics can't tell if you're uncomfortable

Filmboy44 but Trance, get the 44 for picturs only and scrape it when you sit down...really you'll thank me later in the pics pics can't tell if you're uncomfortable I'm afraid if I cough it'll explode. Maybe I'll go for the 46 and be kinda comfy and kinda stooopid looking.

trancezj I'm afraid if I cough it'll explode. Maybe I'll go for the 46 and be kinda comfy and kinda stooopid looking. its obviously your choice, but get the 44 long, which will hae a tad more room...the 46 will look like a big bag, the 48 is stupid the coat I"m wearing right now for a suit is a 48 but its tailored to fit inside which is great...but before it was tailored it looked rediculous...

When I went suit shopping I had the same experience, I went with the 44 instead of the 46 and just got the 44 tailored on the sides so it would give a tapered look

38 jacket, 28 pants. thank got for suit seperates.

SickLife 38 jacket, 28 pants. thank got for suit seperates. try 50/R with 32/34 waist

I went back this morning.. 44 is a no go. It looks like a spandex type coat standing still. 46 will have to work. It's still gunna be big, but I can't do the 44 at all.

get a different cut then. Go with the double flap back and the long, it will fit fine

wear sweatpants

Trance, I wore a 48 for my wedding in February. I looked like I was wearing a freakin robe. It was huge around my waist, but still a little snug around my shoulders and back. The girl at the shop told me I needed to quit working out. I told her to quit talking (then I told her I was kidding, so she wouldn't fuck up my tux on purpose). I chose a Ralph Lauren tux, and they didn't come in an Athletic cut. Get the 48 and don't worry too much. You won't have the jacket on all night and when you do, everybody is going to have their arms around you taking pictures. You won't notice. My suits have to be tailored and they look good when they are done properly. They are athletic cut, but still too damn big around the belly area. They make your shape stand out better when they are tailored and make your back look huge.

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

as soon as i find mine ill post it

Hell of a deadlift Mike, but how is your poker game?

Mike McDermott I am having a really stupid day. It took me at least 45 seconds to realize that was a picture of Matt Damon poorly editted on.

here you go, I made you a collage

Since I just uploaded one, Ill post. And I'll preface by saying, yes I know I am small, yes I know I am weak, yes I know I have a long way to go. I started working out in January maybe ill upload a before pic sometime 6'3" 210 34 inch waist

Try smiling, nathan..

Ilyusha Try smiling, nathan.. never!

still bulking.. i've gotten alot bigger IMO. this was just taken a few days ago

my shitty 1 year of progress

jonno = teh new hotness

Ilyusha jonno = teh new hotness i'm seriously pretty happy with the progress

look good eye.. you got any normal poses?

nice man hey mike.. you said you were going to post some pics awhile ago. come on

Mike McDermott soon yeah.. i've heard that one before

my old collage

Damn Steve-o, you're a tank. Nice! How long have you been working out?

jonno yeah.. i've heard that one before wheres yer updated pics jonno

not a tank, most of the pics are a little stretched to work in there 2 1/2 years though, maybe 1 1/2 with knowledge

^^ thanks.. i'm getting fat but it's all good

Mike McDermott I'm not a bodybuilder, so people might make fun of me. shut it cupcake

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

Friday, December 20, 2013

When did you start buying new clothes?

When did you start buying new clothes?

My current clothes still somewhat fit, but some(my pants and some jeans) I have to keep pulling up every once in a while. So I'm like a full or 1/2 size less than what I usually wear. I'm going to measure this weekend. So for people who've lost weight when did you start buying new stuff? Like 2 to 3 sizes difference or when you just couldn't keep your pants up on their own and they started looking extremely bad even with a belt?

how long have you been dieting?

My bulking has made pretty much all of my pants un-wearable. It's pretty annoying. Wish I weren't so poor.

When i was around 180ish i was in the middle of Medium and Large. So i bought a lot of large clothes when i exploded to 210. Now I'm back to 190 and all the L clothes i bought i put away in a box. I'm currently losing fat right now as well so my jeans are getting a little big i hate buying new clothes!

nic379 how long have you been dieting? I don't really call it dieting. I've changed my way of eating (or diet) for the better and have been exercising more seriously since Feb.

AmCo When i was around 180ish i was in the middle of Medium and Large. So i bought a lot of large clothes when i exploded to 210. Now I'm back to 190 and all the L clothes i bought i put away in a box. I'm currently losing fat right now as well so my jeans are getting a little big i hate buying new clothes! why the "explosion"? Was it gradual or all of a sudden?

as soon as you can see my nipples through my shirt

Girl_Next_Door I don't really call it dieting. I've changed my way of eating (or diet) for the better and have been exercising more seriously since Feb. I'm glad you've changed your diet and are being health concious! i have PLENTY of clothes to wear once i start losing weight. I use to be a skinny skinny girl, i still have all the clothes.

I went from a size 40 waist down to a 36, and from XL to XXL in shirts I've held off on buying shirts b/c I don't mind them tight. But the pants, I feel like I am swimmng in them. So I think I need to do some shopping this weekend

Went from a 40-42 to a 36 (would wear 34s but can't find pants that will fit my big legs comfortably). Just bought new clothes when I hit like 215 (from 255). I am at 197 now and want to get down to 180 if not lower so i anticipate buying new clothes come mid summer if not earlier as my 36's are getting a bit loose already. Ugh! I hate buying clothes cause I am short and that means I have to get all of my damn pants hemmed. On another note my shoe size went from a 13-11.5 (fat feet = buy larger shoes).

My waste hasn't changed that much, I used to wear a 38 and now usually wear a 36 (I like alot of room in the waste). I can still wear the same shirts, they are just aloooooottt tighter.

Paintballny Went from a 40-42 to a 36 (would wear 34s but can't find pants that will fit my big legs comfortably). Just bought new clothes when I hit like 215 (from 255). I am at 197 now and want to get down to 180 if not lower so i anticipate buying new clothes come mid summer if not earlier as my 36's are getting a bit loose already. Ugh! I hate buying clothes cause I am short and that means I have to get all of my damn pants hemmed. On another note my shoe size went from a 13-11.5 (fat feet = buy larger shoes). wow!!! Well, my shoe size will not change. I don't have fat feet they're actually pretty narrow/slim

Yeah i used to buy larger shoes cause my feet were fat/wide but now a days I fit into 11.5's fine. Its weird when EVERYTHING is a different size now. Great for keeping motivated though.

about 3 months after i changed my diet and started working out. went from a size 46 in pants to 38/40, and from xxl to xl in shirts. kinda sucks when you have to keep buying new clothes but i dont mind it if they are smaller, and not have to shop at the big and tall store.

i buy new clothes all the time

Ceaze i buy new clothes all the time do you fluctuate in weight/inches a lot?

When i lost my 100 lbs, i contantly bought new clothes, and gave me other ones to charity

I just bought two new pair of jeans, new undershirts, new boxers, and new gym shorts. I outgrew my old clothes. All I buy now shirt-wise is's so nice to have clothes that fit again.

Girl_Next_Door do you fluctuate in weight/inches a lot? no i just like new clothes

Ceaze no i just like new clothes I always pictured as you walking around everywhere topless. Class, gym, restaurants, family gatherings, etc.

Werdna I always pictured as you walking around everywhere topless. Class, gym, restaurants, family gatherings, etc.

Werdna I always pictured as you walking around everywhere topless. Class, gym, restaurants, family gatherings, etc. only at the pool brotha...i don't even wear tank tops anymore

I buy a couple shirts every once in a while. My pants are horrible though. They are soooo fucking huge on me, but I still wear them. I'd get new ones in Japan, but they have retarded sizes. 28-33 or 30-34. Shit like that. Skinny fuck Japanese guys. :-x

im filling my clothes a lot better now, but i still need some more clothes.

I just gave away 2/3 of my clothing to charity, and some sold on ebay. I was gonna buy more clothes, but I'm gonna wait until I finish cutting. It feels good to give them away because they don't fit anymore.

When did you start buying new clothes?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day?

AznRyda I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day? drink alot of liquids, should help to keep you feeling full, i know the feeling i could eat a large pizza and 12 wings and not think about it.

christophers thick waist = big squat he wasn't referring to waist size, if you read his post

christophers ah shit

hot dog eating contest!

I eat truck loads of food like its nothing! I think all this drinking of water made my stomach huge. I drink a liter in a couple minutes. ;o

AznRyda I wish it were a little smaller. Not the actual outward appearance, but the capacity for food. I like to eat until its painful, that limit is way too high for me. I can hold an ass load of food. it was smaller when dieting, but its huge now. :-x Anyway to make it smaller aside from eating smaller meals throughout the day? I feel the same way. I sometimes wish I didnt have to eat so damn much to get full. Not only am I always the last one eating but it gets expensive too. And its also sucks when you are on a diet, but good when you bulk.

Anyone have a problem with their stomach being too big?

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

I have started squatting heavier recently as my herniated disc is no longer causing much pain. Yesterday however, I felt for the first time a burning sensation above my groin when I was at the bottom of my squat. I had a belt on at one point, and took it off at another, both caused the sensation. A buddy mention herniation in the front, is this possible, and why the burning?

2000GT I have started squatting heavier recently as my herniated disc is no longer causing much pain. Yesterday however, I felt for the first time a burning sensation above my groin when I was at the bottom of my squat. I had a belt on at one point, and took it off at another, both caused the sensation. A buddy mention herniation in the front, is this possible, and why the burning? PENIS LESION?!?!

Dude I've gotten the same sensation while deadlifting or squatting heavy Its like the between my groin and my thigh I still don't know what causes it, but whenever it happens I take some load off or just stop. Hasn't happened in a while though

I just got that yesterday for the first time, I can still feel it. Really weird. I had pain in my lower abdominals doing squats a few days before that, friend said it could be a hernia, I stopped.

My groin burns when I squat real wide

hummm... the pain is above my groin, feels deep in my lower abdomen almost.

i doubt it is a hernia, but go get checked out by a doctor just in case.

SpeedyGST i doubt it is a hernia, but go get checked out by a doctor just in case. quoted to troof... doubtful that its a hernia, but thats the region and continuing to lift with a hernia is bad news

Jeg1983 My groin burns when I squat real wide do you wear briefs?

I pulled my groin (area between thigh and pelvis) squatting heavy. I keep agitating it, so I have to take a break off.

Had the exact same thing. Ends up it was epiditymitis.

Welsh0913 Its like the between my groin and my thigh I used to get pain in that area as well when I first started squatting. I've worked on my form though and it has gone away.

i get this sometimes, im not sure if its the cause of it, but usually ill pull my pants/shorts down below my waist and my underwear a little above. This way the band of the pants or underwear doesnt get in the way of where the body bends which i think could be the cause of the burning.

I got it too.... It might sound odd... But it might be your skin pinching, or getting pinched by boxers or shorts... Its like a really hot pain... few inches long for me usually...

Ceaze do you wear briefs? now I do

princess0fdiabl0 i get this sometimes, im not sure if its the cause of it, but usually ill pull my pants/shorts down below my waist and my underwear a little above. This way the band of the pants or underwear doesnt get in the way of where the body bends which i think could be the cause of the burning. Interesting, I thought it could be this.. When I have the belt on it seems to be hightened pain too. I will play with this idea.

Burning sensation just above groin when squatting

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is filmy. i'm posting this from jail or something. look for my new thread "made peace in my gym part 11tybillion", which hopefully nobody really reads anyways

hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165

hi my name is a shitload of people and we're all MIA

Hi my name is tize and I don't know how a hi my name thread works

hi my name is chizzle. i cant bench press.

tize i just thought it was quite redundant being as last thread starter was who this thread starter hi my name is's and that other one had same hi my names is's as this one is gonna have if i dont break the cycle of gaydom hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language

nukegoat hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language beat me to it..

hi, my name is nukegoat and i enjoy a good ot bandwagon.

Hi my name is nukegoat and I want to suck off Alan Greenspan.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 dood who are you to talk you are like 130 if that, and if you ever want proof of my weight i welcome anyone to train with me, i dont bullshit like 97% of this board about lifts, weights or anything else for that matter.

im in jersey, if anyone from this fuckin board ever wants to train with me and weigh up, ill be more than happy to i could use a spotter some days.

hi my name is cavefish and i've had the same av/usertext for eleventy billion years

Hi my name is Patrick Bateman and I take Hi, my name is threads WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. And I'm too cheap to buy a new avatar. I'm not paying money for that shit.

Hi my name is mEds and people think Im crazy because I excercise everyday and lift 4-5 times a week. Yet i still have these skin flaps (around waist) from being a fat fuck so I don't take my shirt off in public.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 Hi my name is jonno and I like subway but I do not use "teh coupons."

Hi my name is zeromagnus and I think I just caused a trainwreck.

Hi my name is b-stevens and I live in a suburb of Chicago where they card people who are over 75+ years of age.

Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Hi my name is HP_84 and you guys are all weak and have horrible form if you cant standing shoulder press your body weight.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Patrick Bateman Hi I'm a metrosexual douche bag.

Mike McDermott lol

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat. You win the thread.

hi my name is immortal and... what? you don't remember me? seriously i used to lift weights. oh well, ima get high

Hi, my name is

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

about to start cutting, need some advice

about to start cutting, need some advice

first a brief background:in the past year i went from about 154lbs to 182lbs, and i am 6'1. I want to start cutting now because I am noticing a slight build up of fat, no exact idea on bf now but i was 8% at 154lbs and i am guessing i am around 11-12% now. just for a reference my waist went from 30in to 32.5in. i am currently taking cee, i want to know if i should keep taking that along with the other supplements i am on in the same amounts if i am cutting? for supplements: right now i take cee everyday and 3 servings of ON Whey on workout days, and only 2 servings of ON Whey on off days (which comes out to about 40% of my protein from supplements). I plan on keeping the same diet with low fat meats etc., but just cutting back on the high carbs, such as pastas. my goal for cutting is about 8-10lbs and I plan on biking 3x a week for cardio. does it matter if i do cardio on the days i hit the gym? i normally lift weights 4x a week, so i was thinking of doing cardio the other days. i basically want to see my abs again, so i am going to cut for a month or so and seeing the progress i make. i know i am being picky by cutting after so little gains but i have never done it before, so i want to get an idea of how hard it actually is. any more advice would be helpful.

I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks

vettedude I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer

SteveO do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer hmm, maybe start cutting when i reach 195lbs? i was 140lbs 4 years ago, but i just started seriously lifting in 2003 so i thought it may be time for a cut.. i am going to get my bf measured in the next week just to make me more confident on what i want to do.

12% is still really lean mate, its what a lot of us actually cut down too. I'd atleast bulk to 220lb

thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+.

maniak thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+. go to 220 dude, you will not regret it.

Make it up to 215 or so and then cut

about to start cutting, need some advice

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

how to become a pt?

how to become a pt?

Ive thought of becoming a personal trainer next year or the year after so I could get a nice summer job or something. What exactly does it take to become a personal trainer?

lack of ambition


i have also been wondering something similar, im thinking about studying kinesiology as either my minor or as a double major, what kind of promising good jobs are there for someone interested in this feild? i really dont know alot about that, any help?

steel cut oats

knowing how to recommend circuit training and doing every exercise with a swiss ball

simply post on OT with uneducated stupid comments, then you'll be like pt

dmaestro steel cut oats you fucking asshole you beat me to it

Mike McDermott DAMMIT, you beat me haha w3rd

sans_pants Ive thought of becoming a personal trainer next year or the year after so I could get a nice summer job or something. What exactly does it take to become a personal trainer? just annoy me and eat your oats

All the male pt's are some of the most out of shape people I've seen at my gym. 40" waists, flab, double chins - it always makes me wonder who is willing to pay $67/hour to get training from these people. They may "know" how to train, but if they are too lazy to have a decent body themselves, they are worthless to me.

7th Ninjai All the male pt's are some of the most out of shape people I've seen at my gym. 40" waists, flab, double chins - it always makes me wonder who is willing to pay $67/hour to get training from these people. They may "know" how to train, but if they are too lazy to have a decent body themselves, they are worthless to me. Im a PT, i dont have a 40" waist, or a double chin, infact im sure im bigger than you, whos worthless now

Jeff Coleman Im a PT, i dont have a 40" waist, or a double chin, infact im sure im bigger than you, whos worthless now you suck at reading comprehension

i didnt get one serious answer

just get some worthless cert, really thats all most pt's have anyway. Oh and good people/salesman skills.

I love reading that story

best story ever.

good stuff...

christophers what story is the one when timmy comes to the compound?

shastaisforwinners you suck at reading comprehension

Jeg1983 what story is the one when timmy comes to the compound?

good read, although most PT's wouldn't do it

While our verbal efforts of "Stay tight" were obviously unsuccessful, Jim found a much brasher but effective way for Timmy to stay tight throughout the lift. As Timmy gripped the bar awaiting his hand-off, Jim took the two board and smashed it across Timmy's chest. So much so that Timmy's hands left the bar, curled up and began hugging his sternum. Timmy began wheezing and it was obvious that he didn't want us to know that he had gotten the wind knocked out of him. After about 30 seconds, he was about to take the weight off the bar when Jim told him to stop. Jim lifted the board and made the motion as if to hit him again and Timmy froze and began wincing. Jim stopped short and said; "See how tight you are now? Feel how tense your muscles are now that you are expecting to get hit? That's how every set and every rep has to be. You came here to learn how to bench press and if you can't handle the methods then don't expect results." Timmy finally got it, and did not have a problem the rest of the workout. This is how everyone should learn how to stay tight under the bench.

seems needlessly cruel

how to become a pt?

Weekend after starting a physically demanding job

Weekend after starting a physically demanding job

I started a job on Tuesday that is both technical in some respects, but physical in others. I'm part of a project to stage 3,000 PCs for deployment, and I spend my days surrounded by HP boxes and lifting PCs from one area to the next. This is my first physically demanding job, and today (Saturday) I had trouble bringing up a small load of laundry from the basement. At work, when I lift PCs off the floor, I lift with my legs, but taking a PC off the workbench to put back into the box, I have to lift from the waist. Should my nutrition requirements be changing? (keep in mind, I have no fridge at work) Any suggestions to keep from blowing my lower back out?


omgz i only clicked on your post cuz i thought it was THE timberwolf... now that click is gone forevar

superbri007 your weak attitude reminds me of michael jackson's frail body man up wigger

get enough sleep.

superbri007 you could wear a belt for support, you often see workers at home depots wearing them all day, its a great idea, makes you stand upstraight and takes pressure off your abs and back muscles A belt would be good except for the fact that I have to wedge myself into some pretty tight spaces in order for me to get all the cables set up right

Damnit. Change your name.

Weekend after starting a physically demanding job

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing my form is screwed up on one of these excersies. This has never happened before. Also note that I just added the pullups this week I've never done them before (cant see how this could be it though). ---- Back, Biceps Heavy Weights 3 second negative on work sets 2 warmup sets 5 min warmup (running) Assisted Pull-Ups, wide grip - 4 sets of 6 Bent Over Rows, Barbell - 2 WU sets 8x30, 5 sets 8x65 6x80 4x90 2x100 12x30(burnout set) Bicep Curls, DBs standing - 2 WU sets 8x10, 4 sets of 8x15 8x15 8x15 4x20 +3 Supersets of EZ-bar curls 8x35 8x35 8x35 Crunches - 4x15xbw ---- One thing is the weight for my bent over rows needs to come down big time next week.. at 90lbs my form is terrible I can't bring it all the way up.. (you bring it up to your waist not your chest, right?) Thanks

The exrx guy's form isn't great on a lot of his gif demonstrations. Your chest probably hurts because of pullups.

Ilyusha Your chest probably hurts because of pullups. OK the more I think about it this is probably it.. this is the first time this has happened and its the first time I've done pullups. Thanks

one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week.

sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day?

NormanNormal one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week. my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick

sr20wop sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day? nope thats definitely not it

sr20wop my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick ok cool.. thanks

Lets see have never had a specific muscle group hurt from a specific set of exercises. You add in another exercise, and another muscle group hurts...odds are this exercise is the culprit :duh: Just messing around, it was probably the pullups broly. Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger

Z PYRATE Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger But don't think that just because they aren't sore that you can go ahead and keep working them and overtraining them...

if your abs don't hurt, you're not doing enough

my abs always hurt after a big ab session

weighted decline crunches = sore abs

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Friday, November 29, 2013

Bondage Pull-ups

Bondage Pull-ups


I'd hit it.

That's prolly her brother in the background too... ready to kick your ass...

very hot.


got some BIG OL TITTIES!

nice waist and tittays, but blasphemous use of bands


tryfuhl I'd hit it. dot

oh holy good lord i would hit it many times

she will be my new cardio machine


holy smokes she's hot every girl should strive to look like her.

daaaaaaaaaaaamn bitch!!! i'd rape her.

vettedude IBitschris'ssister lol I thought the same thing.

aenz she will be my new cardio machine .

Damn, you guys must really love fake titties.

Ilyusha Damn, you guys must really love fake titties. yep

chin-ups are wimpy. she should be doing pullups - especially if she's using a band

vettedude IBitschris'ssister naw, this one is hotter, probably a 1st or 2nd cousin

I would drink her bathwater.


5.10-Crux chin-ups are wimpy. she should be doing pullups - especially if she's using a band I thought chin-ups were a wide, overgrip and pull-ups were a close, undergrip...

Mugwump I thought chin-ups were a wide, overgrip and pull-ups were a close, undergrip... yeah those are pullups


Bondage Pull-ups

Sunday, November 24, 2013

ECY and sleep patterns

ECY and sleep patterns

After doing a lot of research, I began taking ECY yesterday and I've had trouble falling asleep. How long does it typically take before the sleep patterns return to normal?

What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two.

edmang What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two. YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts.

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. thats why yc at 8-9 am ec 11-12 pm ec 1-2 pm ec 3-4 pm

tize 12-14 days Wow, much longer than I thought. I'm worried about crashing in the middle of the day from fatigue (though I haven't felt any yet).

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. Lyle McDonald In general, you should make sure your last dose of ephedrine comes no later than about 6 hours before your normal sleeping time (i.e. no later than 4pm if you normally go to sleep at 10pm); the stimulant effects keep many people up. So you might take a dose at 8am upon awakening, at 12 pm, and again at 4pm (assuming a 10pm sleep time). Just spread the three doses throughout the day, assuming you can tolerate all three. Note again that the stimulant effects tend to decrease with regular use (so do the appetite blunting effects, unfortunately) but the calorie burning effects continue unabated with at least one study suggesting that they increase with regular use. My last dose is usually at 4 pm.

Thanks guys, I'll try spacing the doses closer together (and all before 4 PM) and see how it works for me.

The only thing that makes my sleeping patterns fucked up is because I have to wake up so early to take yohimbine. Since its stacked with caffeine I can't fall back asleep. Since I can't eat anything I am hungry as shit. Hope its worth it!

Could it possibly have to do with the 25mg of E 4 hours before bed? I would take your first dose 45 minutes before lunch and your second dose 45 minutes before dinner. Although I still don't condone ECY due to its effect on the body and willpower.


AznRyda willpower? It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill.

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. the appetite suppressant effect keeps that from entering my mind

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. I've actually been eating less than I should since starting the stack.

I don't notice appetite suppressent effects, but I do eat a little cleaner because I want to make use of the benefits of the yohimbine. A lot of stuff on avant's board is against taking oral yohimbine, so I want to maximize effect and not need to take it for so long.

Lyle doesn't seem to be too enthralled with it either. But I have so many bottles, so I might as well use it. Damn stubburn fat.

I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is.

Jago I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is. ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro.

Atenza6i ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro. Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months.

I still love my baton..

Jago Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months. yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit.

Ilyusha I still love my baton.. Atenza6i yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit. Update, took 3 dosages today and no pain. Must have been anxiety last night.

ECY and sleep patterns

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

...discuss. I'm more curious how everyone feels about it for us tall lanky lifters. And please, if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can't back up what you say with more than just meathead evidence, then don't post.

i've always heard dont let the knees go more than about 1" beyond your toes. it works for me

Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though.

christophers, can I please get a link to that article? This post is an attempt to get an annoying "phys-ed major" (no I'm not joking, he went to college to be a gym teacher) that I went to high school with off my back. He just started going to my gym, and feels the need to critique my every move. I want to arrive on leg day this Thursday with some paperwork in case he intends to critique my squat, even though he admitted to me this morning while leg pressing that he hasn't worked legs in over a year.

great great writeup. after yrs of squatting bb style, ive decided to try pl style, ala legs out. wow. i have to give credit to pls. they are more flexible than you would assume. there is no way my hips thought they were meant to move that way! lol form, and proper lower back and hip development are important though, hence the reason for the suppl excercises like pull throughs or ghrs to help aid in this motion.

D-GUy Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though. Ah, nevermind. I did go there and ran a search, but it's broken and I didn't even check the new articles. Thanks!

Good work Christophers -- very informative.


i'm gay :kieke:

they go slightly beyond if your squatting properly, theres no real way otherwise. But too far is bad but you will know it if you do anyway. Try and squat where you feel the most comfortable, width, stance, etc. I tend to squat narrow and lean back and sit with weight more. Arch my back alittle, place the bar low on my traps, and on the way up i tend to thurst my hips forward to get the squeeze. I have tried all sorts of stances and this is what i like the best. Plus it caused the most growth for me. Also powerlifting style tends to widen the waist more and fatten the ass as well. This isnt a study though, just what i have learned for myself over the years

I think as you train the hammies you will be less like B when trying to keep your knees back. I know when I first started squating I would have to focus on not falling backwards when keeping my knees back, but now it is second nature. Although like everyone else said, I still move them a little in front of the toes.

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

pic request: that skinny runner!!

pic request: that skinny runner!!

help? tryin to convince my friend to stop running so much.. thx!

His goals may not be your goals Running alone doesn't make you skinny; marathon running with no weight training is different from a few days of running for cardio.

I used to be a Cross Country runner but I did some weight training along with it so I didn't look like a total twig. As for the pic I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Go to the Christian Bale thread for a pic of a skinny guy.

its meant as a joke. hes in his 40s, is getting back into shape. wants to run 6 min miles and bench twice his weight. thx for the acceptance of this parody.

call me mick I used to be a Cross Country runner but I did some weight training along with it so I didn't look like a total twig. As for the pic I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Go to the Christian Bale thread for a pic of a skinny guy. why would you have any "fucking idea" what im talking about. the thread is older than youve been on here. thanks for the useful input! im sure someone has it.. it was of that aussie runner i think?

Too bad I don't have my yearbook here.... I used to be twig runner in highschool

KetchupKing Too bad I don't have my yearbook here.... I used to be twig runner in highschool lol... dont get me wrong.. im all for anything you can succeed in.. but this guy was just nasty skinny

Leo95SE lol... dont get me wrong.. im all for anything you can succeed in.. but this guy was just nasty skinny I was 120 @ 6 feet... does that count?

KetchupKing I was 120 @ 6 feet... does that count? ok, that may work.. lol he actually went from a 37" waist to a 31" waist in 4-5 months. really fast weight loss, thats why i like to make fun of him.. but we also keep each other going.. kinda fun

Leo95SE ok, that may work.. lol he actually went from a 37" waist to a 31" waist in 4-5 months. really fast weight loss, thats why i like to make fun of him.. but we also keep each other going.. kinda fun If he keeps running he'll get ever lower. I ended my senior year with a 26" waist... 24" if i sucked it in. Never found a pair of pants that fit

Leo95SE why would you have any "fucking idea" what im talking about. the thread is older than youve been on here. thanks for the useful input! im sure someone has it.. it was of that aussie runner i think? The thread is older than I've been *posting* here, not been on offtopic. I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but thanks for the sarcastic reply.

call me mick The thread is older than I've been *posting* here, not been on offtopic. I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but thanks for the sarcastic reply. my reply was in the same tone as yours... if you didnt know, why did you post? and why did it have to be "no fucking idea"? its been posted a few times. hopefully someone can provide it..

Leo95SE my reply was in the same tone as yours... if you didnt know, why did you post? and why did it have to be "no fucking idea"? its been posted a few times. hopefully someone can provide it.. I was just tired and still am because I was up all night studying. Don't get all hostile over someone using the word "fucking". I would like to see the picture as well.

hahahahahahhaa!!! thats it... thanks a ton chris

christophers Odd, he doesn't look sinewy at all, just really fat skinny.

christophers jesus, i hope his leg didn't break after he took that step

christophers what the hell is sinewy? sin·ew·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sny-) adj. Consisting of or resembling sinews. Having many sinews; stringy and tough: a sinewy cut of beef. Lean and muscular. See Synonyms at muscular. Strong and vigorous: sinewy pro

christophers what the hell is sinewy?

christophers That looks almost normal to me . I used to be a distance guy, but now that I'm done running collegiately I'm getting into lifting, slowly. I had my body fat taken my sophomore year in a Bod Pod and it was < 2%. Anorexia/Belemia is rampant among distance runners.

that guy looks sickly.

BeerSteak That looks almost normal to me . I used to be a distance guy, but now that I'm done running collegiately I'm getting into lifting, slowly. I had my body fat taken my sophomore year in a Bod Pod and it was < 2%. Anorexia/Belemia is rampant among distance runners. less than 2% eh? have trouble walking/living?

disblohs less than 2% eh? have trouble walking/living? I did get sick a lot. I was also taking adderall at the time, which most of you probably know is an appetite depressant, so that didn't help. I'm not nearly as skinny as that guy in the picture, I have a pretty good natural build.

pic request: that skinny runner!!

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