Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

when I first started lifting (a few years ago) I remember doing sets of bench with 50lbs (total). now I'm sure a lot of that was form, stabalizers, etc, but even so I doubt it would've been that much higher. Basically my point is that I have very little natural strength. I was always one of the weaker kids in highschool gym class, and I know my dad isnt very strong. Doing squats I could never lift significant amounts of weight (dont do them now because of unrelated knee/back injury). Deadlifts were better, but every once in a while I would hurt my lower back and have to take a break for a few weeks. And now just recently I hit a 5 rep max on bench, and the next day/that night my elbow starts hurting like a bitch. So my point is, I never really had much strength, and when I lift heavy I end up hurting myself. Let me assure you that I dont have horrible form or whatever. So should I even bother going heavy, or just try to be happy with going lighter?

I also have pretty small wrists/bone structure

I was one of the weakest/slowest/smallest kids in high school too. I started benching with 30lb db's. I'm still not nearly as strong as I would like to be, but I'm 50lbs heavier and lifting weight I never thought I would be able to even three years ago... moral of the story -- eat, lift, GFH so your elbow hurts, big fucking deal. You completely glossed over the fact that you hit a 5rm PR. Go easy for a couple weaks, rehab it if needed. If it happens again, figure out what is causing it. Maybe your form is good but you just moved something slightly wrong that time. If you get hurt lifting heavy, figure out when it happens. Don't go to failure EVER if that is when you get hurt. See what I'm saying? Lift heavy enough so you know you REALLY know you are giving it your all... try HST or some other progressive load routine. Maybe that will prevent injury. Bottom line - is it worse to have your elbow hurt for a week or two, or feel weak/small/unconfident/etc for your entire life?

yeah, you make some good points, and that is pobably the road im taking. however, you also brought up another good point. I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around.

What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away.

velamint I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around. Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are naturally very lean and do not carry much lbm. The best idea is to figure out what your maintenance calories are, then add about 500 per day to that. Get some calipers and learn how to measure your bodyfat. It doesn't matter if it's 100% right, just that you do it the same each time you check it. Lift fairly heavy and track your progress for a few weeks. If you are getting significantly fatter, lower cals a bit and do the same thing. The important thing is keep track for a while so you know what your body needs in order to grow without excessive fat gain. *note - this is for gaining muscle, not losing fat. To lose fat, read the fat loss sticky. Do the same tracking, but lower calories until you see results. Choose what is more important to you, because you aren't going to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible.

gstrdr1 What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away. eh, I'm pretty much your average college kid, I dont think that kind of thing would be causing too much of a problem, although I think I definetely need to up stretching and things like that...I'm actually going into physical therapy soon for back problems too

shastaisforwinners Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are e time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible. I know, I know...this is just another thing that complicates this all for me but yeah, I am modifying my diet now and trying to figure out how many calories I need to be taking in, etc

I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. edit: Put it in perspective though... you're in college. How much more shit do you do on a daily basis that you don't want to? You do it to get ahead. Working out is the same thing.... well, you do it to get head. Either way, you benefit.

shastaisforwinners I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. yeah, at least theres fitday..I'm pretty much eating the same stuff every day, so it makes it easier

see my edit for motivation

I'd work on lower weights at this time to get your body parts stronger.

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Has anyone seen this DVD? From the little snippet I have seen it looks pretty good. He seems like a funny guy. Is it worth the $35 or so its gonna cost for the dvd?

is that the one he where he smokes pot oh and its probably not worth $35

he smokes a cigarette on there. I got it and I found it pretty entertaining. Not quite ronnie coleman entertaining, but it's fun. Too bad I don't speak german, cause a bunch of the things are in german and it doesn't have subtitles for that part. He goes over it again in english but I feel I'm missing something. Problem is he uses alot of machines now(injuries), so I guess I was a little disapointed. His dvd before made in germany had him doing more crazy weight/traditional exercises.

Does it have any actual contest footage? How is the pacing? Is it paced like Ronnie's films or like Cutler's films? I like the whole pro bb lifestyle side of things that Ronnie tries to show while still being a badass and lifting 11ty billion pounds.

there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally

ooSpankyoo there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally Wait thats a woman?

cavefish Wait thats a woman? Bullshit.

LOL.. It is a woman, but in the very first scene i just thought it was some guy with the gayest shirt i have ever seen... but nope it was a woman.. Aye Caramba

who has this dvd? rip it, i'll host it!!!

I'm down for that! I think D-guy has it.

I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip, overall it's an ok dvd. As for the chick, that is ruhl's wife, I'd like to have arms like hers almost over markus's honestly . She's one of the reasons ruhl isn't competing this year. Marriage and getting a new house built, so he's focusing on his life right now instead of BBing. Oh well, can't wait to see him next year.

i downloaded this movie and its insane. that girl he works out with is huge and soooo strong. i think he says its his girlfriend.

nice bump. D-GUy I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip dooo eeeettt not me though since i live in Germany...somebody else. i'll host.

I still want this....

you can get it from bittorrent really easy, i got the whole thing in like 3 hours.

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Enova(DAG) oil?

Enova(DAG) oil?

anyone have any opinions on it? i picked some up today to try and i cant distinguish it from other oils taste wise... 1. DAG's suppressing effect on body fat accumulation through long-term consumption in daily diet Kao, in conjunction with the Japanese Red Cross Society Kumamoto Healthcare Center, conducted a clinical trial in which 312 Japanese male and female volunteers consumed either DAG-rich oil or TAG-rich oil by replacing their cooking oil with the test oil at their homes for 1 year under double blind conditions. As a result, the DAG intake group showed significant decreases in body weight, BMI***, and subcutaneous fat thickness as compared with the TAG intake group, thus demonstrating DAG's effect in suppressing body fat accumulation. Percentage of participants who decreased or maintained their body weight after one yeariacylglycerol (DAG) intake group, 56%; Triacylglycerol (TAG) intake group, 42%; p<0.05 Percentage of participants whose BMI decreased by 1 unit or moreiacylglycerol (DAG) intake group, 21%; Triacylglycerol (TAG) intake group, 9.8%; p<0.05 Furthermore, analysis of a questionnaire on lifestyle habits, including dietary habits, showed that DAG was more effective in groups with sound dietary habits, i.e., dine out less, have less irregular meals and less instances of missed meals. This indicates the importance of keeping sound dietary habits in daily life. 2. DAG suppresses postprandial increase of serum TAG levels through daily meals The postprandial increase of serum TAG levels is regarded as a risk factor for arteriosclerosis. The trial was performed on 43 adult Japanese men and women using a double-blind cross over design. After ingesting one average Japanese breakfast meal (sandwiches, salad or consommé soup: 500 kcal) made with DAG-rich oil or TAG-rich cooking oil, blood samples were collected periodically for up to 6 hours and changes in serum TAG levels were examined. Among those with fasting serum TAG levels at or greater than 100mg/dL, 76% of subjects consuming DAG oil showed a lower postprandial increase of serum TAG levels compared with those who ingested the TAG-rich oil. In regard to remnant-like particle cholesterol (RLP-C)**** which relates to the acceleration of arteriosclerosis, 72% of subjects consuming DAG oil showed a lower postprandial RLP-C value compared with those who ingested the TAG-rich oil. Note:?In each trial, a composition of fatty acids in the TAG-rich oil, was adjusted to reflect that of DAG-rich oil, and participants were not informed which oil they had taken. Primary care by improving habits of eating and exercise plays an important role in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Kao expects that DAG can play a part in it. Terminologies *Diacylglycerol (DAG): General edible oil contains 1-10% DAG in addition to the main ingredient triacylglycerol (TAG). TAG has a chemical structure in which three fatty acids are ester-bonded to a glycerin structure, while DAG has a chemical structure of two fatty acids ester-bonded to a glycerin structure.

no but its said to be significantly more healthy for you?

Enova(DAG) oil?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

those same people that are trying to get in shape are usually the people cramming their face with fries. Now the people that do have dedication and the will to lose it

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . I really wouldn't mind helping them out (I don't know much, but enough to get them started) except for now they'll try to eat healthy at lunch, then go home and smoke weed and eat fast food all day long, then tell me how much buffer they have gotten in the past week.

I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds.

Socrates I get pissed off at my friends at school who would joke at me eating salads or bringing in protein shakes for lunch, but after I started getting a lot of noticable gains, they would ask me to take them to the gym with me and shit. I'm like . That's like people at work, who find it unimaginable that I don't drink sugar beverages. They also wonder why I'm not fat. Uhhhh.....

D-GUy I give props to them initially, if I see them still doing it a month from now, more power to them. If I see them doing it still and they look about the same, then they're no better than the idiot cramming their face at mcdonalds. haha..theres this lady in my sub whos around 50 who isnt obese or anything..but could lose a good 30-40 joke....shes been doing a LIGHT walk around the neighborhood for the past 2-3 years....and i see no physical change in here at all!!!!!! maybe shes just doing it for cardio or to just get outside and look at the nature.....but she hasnt made any progress what so ever ahha

ya I have a lady running in my neighborhood I see every tuesday when I come home from the gym. She is in pretty decent shape and she stays that way. I wonder if others think in this way(noticing others changes and such). I know a bunch of people at the Y I go to probably notice.

I hate walking and running cause I know the shit people say about me when they drive by, but fuck em I figure it will all be worth it in the end.

i'm built and muscular, but i'm definitely chunky. and its not a good chunky like chunky beef stew. i'm a nice guy, and i'm friends with good people, who are usually really cool and what not. however, sometimes they'll throw fat jokes, and i'll laugh it off. but seriously, i dont like hearing them. for example, they'll see me eating a salad during school lunch. (i'm in highschool) "dude, why are you eating a salad...?!" "oh, i'm on a diet. i'm tryin to lose some weight." "HAHAAHA. YOU?! lose weight?! sorry man, but thats just too funny" "heh, yeah." or i'd be at a family gathering with all my relatives...and we'd be getting cake slices from our aunt. she'll give each person a slice of cake, but for me she'll cut it smaller and take off the frosting and say "you don't need that anyway" yeah i'm being a pansy and complaining, but it sure as heck doesn't make my day hearing/watching that crap.

btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift.

Atenza6i btw, i've lost 8 pounds since mid feb, while seeings gains on my bench/squat/deadlift. Keep it up

tommyortom seriously.....props to out of shape people who are outside running, biking, jogging, etc. i fucking hate when im with someone who crakcs a joke at them for being big or something.....i only do that kind of shit at mcdonalds when i see fat fucks hovering fries into their mouth....but not when i see people out trying hard to get into shape

As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO!

Paintballny As a fattie I've been there done that. I really think 90% of fat people who want to lose weight don't go through with it because they don't know what to expect. People think, "oh man I'll lose 50lbs in like 2-3 months no problem!" Then after week 3 when the initial loss of water weight and truth of the matter hits them they decide that they'll do it later or its "too hard". The thing most fat people forget to realize is that you did not gain those extra 20,30,150lbs over night! It happened over a long time as you gradually became heavier and most likely lazier. I failed at turning my life around atleast 20 times. This time though I changed my mindset. I decided that I wasn't going to pollute and mistreat my body. I quit smoking, got myself a good diet (no starvation for me), figured out a good lifting schedule, started going for walks and 7 almost 8 months later I am 58lbs lighter(255-198) and feeling better than ever. I go home and people stop in their tracks when they see me. Its a great feeling and I wish more people knew what it was like. I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. I had to go about reading about nutrtition and I had to make a lifestyle change to get where I am. I can wait till I can start bulking and if someone had told me that in the future I would want to put on weight I would laugh at them. So umm yeah thats enough ranting for me. Go fatties GO! thats the way it has always been for me. i lost 30 pounds my senior year, i definately needed to lose more but it felt great, then i went to college and i fucked everything up. when i was away at college the rest of my family all started doing weight watchers together and my sister and dad both lost a lot of weight, my sister lost like ~60 pounds, yet i still sat around and kept telling her atleast i can eat whatever i want. i regret my previous choices with my weight so much and i really do think that this is the time i change, i can only hope to have the same success you had.

[QUOTE=Paintballny] I also hate the way people, parents and family especially, try and "help" their fat children or relatives. Oh stop eating that.. don't enjoy life... go outside.. do this.. do that.. NOBODY has ever given me decent advice. Everyone just spouted off the myth of the week. Don't eat carbs.. don't eat fats.. don't eat. IQUOTE] So true. i just get angry when people try to tell me how to lose weight. they don't realize that i've been losing weight on my own, with my own will power. when people tell you that you should lose weight or point out whehter you should eat that or not, it doesn't help AT ALL. if anything, it helps me with my lifts b/c i just direct that frustration onto the barbell.

mask of obsidian I can only hope to have the same success you had. In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted.

Paintballny In the end its all about how badly you want change. And for me its something I have wanted all my life. I've lived a very privaleged life. I've always gotten the material goods I wanted and I've around the world and back. The one thing money could never buy me though was discipline and self respect. Those are two things I desire and by doing this I am not only creating them but I am also creating the body I've always wanted. thats excellent motivation right there.

You know some people just can't help being fat. Some just have a naturally slow... HOLY SHIT IS THAT A ROOSTER BOOSTER?!!!

Atenza6i thats excellent motivation right there. yeah definately

props to fat people who are outside running/biking/etc to get into shape

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday is telling me that yesterday I burned 3297 calories broken down as follows: Basal: 1769 Lifestyle: 1086 Activities: 442 I have "seated work, some movement" as my 9-5 job routine. Does 3297 burned sound a bit excessive? Considering I worked out for an hour and walked 20 mins to and from work, and that only burned 442??

that does sound a bit excessive

lifestyle sounds really high, odd.

ryazbeck lifestyle sounds really high, odd. yeah...not sure what's gone wrong. I sit at a desk all day and look at computer screens.

fitday is all messed up. It says that you burn 0 calories no matter how long you sleep, when in fact it's something like 50 calories an hour... their food calories are pretty accurate though

I don't understand how the fatties lose weight with fitday. It has always seemed to me that they waaaay overestimate your basal and lifestyle calories.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Zero carbs?

Zero carbs?

I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.?

Wouldn't that like kill your energy? I get tons of energy from my morning protein shake, but I figured carbs would load you up on energy.

ryazbeck I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.? I use it all the time when competeing, what do you look like? How much muscle you got, zero carbs isnt for normal everyday gym people. You will piss through muscle like water, unless your really fat

0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet?

jonno 0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet? Does 0 carbs make you lose a lot of energy?

6'1.5" about and 214lb. i'd say about 12-14%BF. i've dieted before, 800 - 1200 cals a day like 10 - 15g of carbs and about 5 - 10g of fat. with one cheat day a week for like 5 weeks before and went from 18% to 12% bf. i know what its like to have no energy and have to struggle through the day because of a hardcore diet. damn i thought the good thing about zero carb was that you wouldnt lose lots of fat.


look up my diet, I posted i a few days ago, get an idea from that

thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb?

ryazbeck thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb? 60 carbs 5 days a week? umm ok good luck

You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb?

Davo You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb? not really eat boiled chicken with brocolli all day, zero carbs, broc is fiberous doesnt effect you the way rice would

search for ketosis or keto diet

I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle.

so you actually do lose a fair amount of muscle on 0 carb? I bulk really easy. and i've done 2 low cals diets, 800 - 1200 cals one was 5 - 15g carbs a day and i barely lose any muscle. i suppose i could just try it and after 1 week and 2 weeks see how much muscle i've lost. i think i may workout not so hard when im on this diet as well. and there are plenty of 0 carb foods, nothing wrong with eating lots of chicken breast and clean steak, egg whites, and muenster cheese.

KingGargantuan search for ketosis or keto diet this is what made me decide to do 0 carb diet.

timberwolf I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle. wow. i could never go on near 0 carbs for months.

i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds.

ryazbeck i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds. he probably also weighed 300+

I don't see the point of zero carbs, especially if you live a fairly active lifestyle. Just eat fewer calories and you'll lose weight.

i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE Same way here bro. I think 1200 cal is way to low for someone your size though. But commend the attempt in the spirit of experimentation.

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE If you are experimenting, then why do you need information? At the end of the experiment, you should see the results and be able to deduce whether or not it was a good idea in the first place.

hell yeah 1200 is way too fucking low for me, but i wanted to see how hardcore i could do it. i always try to find the fastest ways to lose fat but i do it kinda sloppy sometimes, like i did that and then just quit the diet cold and went back up to like 3k and barely gained any fat, its weird, my body is weird. i lost hardly ANY muscle at all on my 1200 cal diet either.

Zero carbs?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

This really blows. I was out playing football at a field behind the dorms on campus this past friday, and while I was out I hurt my knee all kinds of bad. I was running full speed and it buckled inside... Now I'm on crutches and can't workout indefinately, with only 3 weeks of classes left. I don't know how long I will be out, but last time this happened the doc said if it happened again I would likely need reconstructive surgury. I was making such good progress too... now I can't even make my way around the kitchen to eat well, so its only fatty takeout food for a while Sorry for the sad post... ibflamesforwhateverfuckingreason

i would cry and kill myself i think. i feel really sorry for you right now.

dude you can still eat well. i was on crutches for 6 weeks last august and still managed to hop around the kitchen on one foot so i wouldn't have to settle for bullshit food. dont use that as your excuse. and u can still go to the gym and do some upperbody stuff. it's not that bad

I'm injuried from football as well. But i hurt my finger. I have around 5 weeks left before i should be better.

that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts

PHOBOPHILEE that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts are you kidding me? squats and deadlifts > *

I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

lol so true! buti feel bad when i cant workout hotdamn! I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

Don't let an injury let your whole lifestyle go to shit. I did once, and that 30 pounds came pretty quickly. Just keep eating well, I'm sure you'll figure something out that you can do while your knee is taken care of.

i was in a similar boat..i had surgery on my knee 3.5weeks ago and it's still healing. it's still swollen and hurts..i sorta tripped down the stairs and my foot got stuck and stretched more than needed. it hurts like a motherfucker.

When i fucked up my knee i still went to the gym and did upper body stuff. I would for sure try to figure out how you can go still so you dont get out of shape.

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

well i've made some changes in my life 2 weeks ago and this time i am on a hellbent mission to improve my life mentally, physically, socially, and financially/academically. ive only been watching what i eat for under 2 weeks. i've cut out juices and sodas completely and most fatty fatty foods but i've been undereating i feel because i've been feeling way too weak at work daily now. i have to start a plan but i dont even understand the terms you guys use like bulking and cutting, let alone forming a dietary and exercise plan. anyways here are my starting pics of what will be the last time i ever want to see myself like this. im 6'1" and 245 lbs. so far i've been doing roughly 40 situps and 40 pushups a day and 30-45 minutes of run/walk. and some clothed

this sticky should be revived from the archives good luck.

evi1eddie this sticky should be revived from the archives good luck. .

also is useful

Bulking is eating a large amount of calories to make you gain weight and allowing your muscles to grow. Cutting is generally done after bulking, and is putting your body in a mild calorie defecit but working out just as hard to retain the muscles you have. You are cutting away the bodyfat you have. You really need to study the stickies and ask any questions you have. 30-45 minutes a day is a lot of cardio. You would be equally successful if you walked fast paced or slow jogged for 12-15 minutes when you wake up in the morning, assuming you have the correct diet. This would be best for fat burning and you would save the muscle. Your abs are muscles just like any other body part, and should only be worked out once or twice a week. Try doing 4 sets of 50 situps on Monday and Thursday. That is at least a start. You will not see your abs until you lose a lot of bodyfat. Study the stickies! (Unless you plan on lifting weights at least 2-3 times a week, you really won't be too happy with yourself and you will not see results nearly as fast. Read the "Want to lose weight? L I F T W E I G H T S" sticky.) It's a lifestyle, not a hobby. All or nothing.

Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio.

ACURA TL-S Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio. truth get a gym membership. if you want to change your lifestyle, think ahead. its gonna be a long way.

read the stick - lose weight lift weights that should be the staple of your program good luck!

one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right

size18boarder /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right i do, i do, and i do. these are suggestions for someone starting out, alot of people startoff with these crazy workout schemes and only end up burning up within a few weeks. its hard to go from doing a few pushups everyday to throwing down a mad workout cycle.

good luck man

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. don't listen to this


yzf crew holla I sold her on sunday

jonno don't listen to this . For christopher's sake... it doesn't matter when you eat, so long as within any given 24hour period (usually measured til bed) your caloric intake is less than your caloric expenditure.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout Who are you and why are you giving bad advice? The reason that not eating after 7 works is because that stops you from having midnight snacks which may potentially be harmful, but if you have some willpower and eat a little less during the day so that you can have some before bed it is much better for you. Having no macronutrients for that long is not a good thing, protein before bed = teh win.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...she had no idea what she was talking about and neither do you.

Socrates That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...

Good luck.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout so you are going to starve yourself for 12 hours until you wake up? That isnt good for you or your metabolism.

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

I need it to prove something to my teacher.

You could have just googled it. edit: bad link.

AznRyda You could have just googled it. interesting, but annoying that bitch takes the film out of context. there was also that guy in supersize me that eats ridiculous amounts of bigmacs and never gains a pound.

the more i think about it the more that article pisses me off. she says supersize me was one sided and fraudulent because he gorged? he was eating what the normal person going to mcdonald's would eat, the entire point of the movie. not to mention the fact that she lost 18 pounds obviously means she was eating less than her normal caloric intake therefore nullifying her whole fucking argument. /rant

It was also mentioned that in Supersize Me he was doing a lot of traveling and such putting an added stress on the body which on it's own could cause the weight gain, and health problems he was experiencing. I can't wait until this guy's 15min of fame is over. I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of breakthrough, let me get this straight, I eat big macs and quarter pounders for every meal and maintain my low activity level you're saying I'll get fat... wow, I never thought of that. I had a supersized Double Qarter Pounder meal in his honor after watching that piece of crap.

No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it.

ignorance is bliss....*sarcasm* sounds like a Big Mac counter-attack to me.

Isn't there a film being done that's the opposite of super size me?

ACURA TL-S No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it. i know which one you are talking about but i cant remember th elink. i will try to find it

going from a relatively vegan-like diet(assuming he eats what his gf the chef eats) to eating nothing but mcdonalds, I think anyone in that situation with get his ass kicked. Though who can't finish a double quarter pounder w/cheese meal. Weak... is the one you want

it was called the McLes diet. he was a teacher proving to his students that eating Mcdonalds, coupled with keeping an active lifestyle, won't turn you into a fatty.

christophers well dur dur, despite what many people here think the laws of thermodynamics are not altered by eating "Bad" food such as mcdonalds. Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary".

how do your ead the rest of the article?

Lurker111 Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary". mf'n this is what pissees me off the most.

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Thursday, December 5, 2013

20% of calories from fat?

20% of calories from fat?

Let me get this right: No matter what, whether bulking, cutting or just trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you should get 20% of your calories from fat and the fats you do get, you should try to make monounsaturated? Thanks.

yup, 20-25% cal from fat, mainly mono and poly (omega 3-6-9) unsat

I seriously feel bad for you dude. You are worse than any woman I have ever met. You seem to be SO anal about your diet, when all you need to do is freaking eat because you are a stick and do way to much exercising. You might want to check into if you have OCD or something

^huh whatdidImiss?

Elektra ^huh whatdidImiss? search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some

nic379 I seriously feel bad for you dude. You are worse than any woman I have ever met. You seem to be SO anal about your diet, when all you need to do is freaking eat because you are a stick and do way to much exercising. You might want to check into if you have OCD or something

nic379 search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some um, everyone can search in F&N...I thought.

nic379 search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some i'm speechless.

Gutrat um, everyone can search in F&N...I thought. well excuse me for being helpfull

20% of calories from fat?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is this bogus???

Is this bogus???

Total: 2747 Basal: 1665 61% Lifestyle: 1082 39% Activities: 0 0% its from says i've already burnt 2747 cals today?? I don't think thats very accurate at all. I usually only eat around 2K-2,500 cals a i should always be in a defecit and skinny...but i'm not. I don't get it.

christophers??? anoyone???

christophers paying attention to what calculators tell you you are expending per day is pretty stupid, they will never be accurate Calculators can be a good start point, but are never the end all be all. The only way to determine what you burn in a day is to actually monitor your intake and your weight loss/gain.

christophers paying attention to what calculators tell you you are expending per day is pretty stupid, they will never be accurate so how can i calcualte how many calories i'm expending every day so that i can keep track of wether or not i'm in a deficit?

ACURA TL-S Calculators can be a good start point, but are never the end all be all. The only way to determine what you burn in a day is to actually monitor your intake and your weight loss/gain. ah, i see. welli guess i'll stick with my planed cals for a week and go from there.

christophers you eat the same amount of calories for a week or two and if theres no weight loss you are not in a deficit, thus you lower it. ok thanks for answering my stupid noob question

Is this bogus???

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Some background info: I am about 5'4 and weight 200 lbs, which I know I'm a tub of lard. But, I'm trying my best to find a good diet and my friend told me this one was not healthy. But I kinda feel like I lost a little weight because my pants seem a bit looser and keep kinda falling off and I've never had that problem before. I haven't even been keeping track of my weight really because I know it fluctuates alot. ANYWAY I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? I feel that when I just run 5 minutes it doesn't do crap for me and I really do push my limit here. It's not like if I break a sweat I just hop off and thats all, I really do push on until my heart feels like its about to explode and my legs get all wobbly and I can barely breathe. But I feel like 5 minutes just isn't enough to do anything. Is this normal?

That diet seems shitty. I think you'll stall + plateau soon, then you will want to give up dieting and go back to your original weight. There is no point to that diet aside from trying to limit calorie intake through no carbs, then trying to maintain diet adherance through a free cheat meal a day.... Its because of your weight and because of your diet. Go at a slower pace and work your way up. Probably because you are/were more inactive, you don't know how to pace yourself.

after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time.

AznRyda after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time. lol yeah I know the feeling, I'm looking into other diets right now. I just feel kind of discouraged and guilty when I can only do like 5 minutes on the treadmill and I'm like what the hell this isn't going to do anything for me. Then with the diet, I've actually been ok with it... I've like "cheated" once, and that was when I was really hungry and out for the whole day. I just wish I didn't get hungry all the freakin time

superbri007 Those low carb diets will be good short term, for fast results, but over the long run your going to want something more practical. Most likely this carb addicts diet you describe will plateau soon and will not become effective. The key to fat loss is actually eating, eating at regular intervals to keep blood sugar nice and steady instead of off the charts or way up or down Christophers sticky on fatloss other important links from Ilyusha you may wanna try some light cardio for 30-40 mins on an eliptical on like, level 1-5. Or a walking pace on an incline treadmill Thank you very much, I'll try these and hopefully stick to em I'm afraid I get tempted easily because well, my parents buy the food in my house so I generally have little say in what we eat, and they get junk food. But I'll have to make do until I get my own apartment

but the diet itself is cheating incorporated into it. I was fat for a long time and I tried a lot of different things so I know. You just have to man up and eat a normalish diet like the one outlined in the stickys. You will grow to like the taste of healthy foods after awhile. If you need more motivation, then doing something like a PSMF could kick start your drive, but its hard. A regular diet is pretty easy to adhere too, especially at your weight. If you don't succeed on it, then you just don't want to lose weight enough (cheating and not worrying about porportions or making excuses or whatever).

Oh, and another thing. I am pretty healthy and inshape now, but I still hate running. So its not something you have to do. I'd rather do intense incline walking and elliptical or stairs any day. Running sucks balls.

I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes.

xpinchx If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. Yea, the intensity is way too high, lower it a little, and ease into it, dont just start running in the beginning, because you'll soon realize you cant keep it up

xpinchx I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. ah well the thing is... I heard that you have to keep your heart rate really high and stuff to get any benefit out of it. And when I'm just walking, I don't feel as if it's doing anything much. Is it though?

Doing a south beach/adkins/fad low carb high protein diet is FINE to get you kick started and to boost your motivation. You WILL lose some weight within the first few weeks of doing this tied in with lifting and exercise. HOWEVER, your progress will slow to a crawl and this is where you have 2 options: 1. get discouraged, give up and blow right back up to your original weight, if not bigger -OR- 2. eat clean and healthy on a good schedule, continue to exercise and lift, and continue to lose weight at a reasonable pace. If you're going to low-carb, do it right. Your progess *won't* slow with proper refeeds, etc. Look at Lyle's stuff on the Ketogenic Diet which is >atkins.

hi chief I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. Have you ever been on a "diet" before? The Atkins diet wants your body to go into a state of Ketosis. Low carb diets can cause your body to go into this dangerous metabolic state. During ketosis, the body forms substances called ketones, which can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath. Ketosis is prevented by eating at least 100 grams of carbohydrate per day. Fat makes you fat...I'd be more worried about that right now. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? Is this normal? To burn fat there are two states...aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic basically means "living in oxygen". You are using your lungs to supply the oxygen your body needs to burn fuel(fat is the first to go because your body requires less "fuel" to burn it. In order to achieve this you must be "in oxygen" for twenty minutes or more for any real benefit. Anaerobic basically means "without oxygen". You are requiring your lean muscle mass to engage in a highly intense short term activity such as sprinting or weighlifting. Your body gasps for air and you will feel a fatiguing sensation as you reach this state. This is caused because the oxygen supply in your body has been used up. Having said that, Both are necessary if you wish to see any healthy results. The second you are out of breath on that treadmill, you are no longer in an aerobic state...SLOW DOWN. you have to build a fitness level...Like lifting weights, you aren't going to start with the 200lb. set right? You have to build up to it...

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

yet another cottage cheese question...

yet another cottage cheese question...

Ok, I've done the searches and you guys say when to eat it and what to eat it with, but I didn't really hear anything about how much to eat. I'm about 5'9" 160lbs. I don't care if I lose weight or not (if anything I'd like to gain 5-10 pounds), I'm just using it for the protein value, because I know now that I'm not taking whey anymore, I could use it. Anyway, I'm eating about a-cup-and-a-half of fat-free cottage cheese mixed with half a cup of fat-free strawberry yogurt before I sleep. Does that sound right to you guys?

That's about 50 grams of protein but I can't tell you any more than that

2 cups post workout 1 cup before bed well, thats what I do

If you hope to gain 10lbs, but don't care if you lose weight, you don't need to be worrying about the protein value in cottage cheese. Figure out your goals!

KDubb 2 cups post workout 1 cup before bed well, thats what I do Thanks. This sounds pretty reasonable. I gotta start splitting up my meals too. I've been eating 2 large meals per day when I could easily split that into 4 smaller ones without much trouble.

Socrates If you hope to gain 10lbs, but don't care if you lose weight, you don't need to be worrying about the protein value in cottage cheese. Figure out your goals! my goal is to put on a few pounds of muscle without gaining any fat. I've decided to restructure my workout now that my lifestyle's going to be changing. At the same time I want to target certain areas and add more emphasis to my legs (which is where I'd like to gain the weight if possible), by sacrificing some of my upper body lifts. I figure as long as my workout's going to be changing, I should do some tweaking to my diet too while I'm at it. I know for a fact that I'm probably not getting enough protein now that I'm not supplementing anymore. Right now is mostly experimentation to figure out what works best. I've had good results with Myoplex but got off about 6 months ago. I'm going to start again soon, but like I said, I'm experimenting.

cedric my goal is to put on a few pounds of muscle without gaining any fat. buy some protien and lift, thats all you really need to do

Before bed is best; cottage cheese contains casein protein, which digests very slowly and will prevent your body from going catabolic during the night. But I would take some whey after working out; post workout you want fast-digesting protein that will be quickly absorbed. Of course, cottage cheese after workout or any other time is great; just saying you'll probably want to add in some whey too.

KDubb 2 cups post workout 1 cup before bed well, thats what I do Doing that after working out is NOT smart. YOU want whey after a workout. NOT casein.

Neo22 Doing that after working out is NOT smart. YOU want whey after a workout. NOT casein. i do both

KDubb buy some protien and lift, thats all you really need to do that's what I've been doing for the past 8 years, but I figured I'd try the cottage cheese just because you guys seem to swear by it. Up until college I was really only lifting for strength. Now I'm mostly doing it to maintain muscle. I've seen too many of my friends go down hill because of college and I'm not about to let that happen to me. Like I said, the myoplex was the best protein I've tried out, and I'm going to get back on it ASAP. (btw, do you guys know anywhere I can get it cheaper than Thanks for the advice.

cedric my goal is to put on a few pounds of muscle without gaining any fat. I've decided to restructure my workout now that my lifestyle's going to be changing. At the same time I want to target certain areas and add more emphasis to my legs (which is where I'd like to gain the weight if possible), by sacrificing some of my upper body lifts. I figure as long as my workout's going to be changing, I should do some tweaking to my diet too while I'm at it. I know for a fact that I'm probably not getting enough protein now that I'm not supplementing anymore. Right now is mostly experimentation to figure out what works best. I've had good results with Myoplex but got off about 6 months ago. I'm going to start again soon, but like I said, I'm experimenting. That will take a really long time. Can someone say how long it takes to usually gain like 10 lbs of LBM? I can't remember.

Socrates That will take a really long time. Can someone say how long it takes to usually gain like 10 lbs of LBM? I can't remember. I'm not in any kind of rush. It's a longterm goal. I've been 160 for the past 6 years and I figure 165-170 is a good maintainable weight for me to be at.

kidbv2 Before bed is best; cottage cheese contains casein protein, which digests very slowly and will prevent your body from going catabolic during the night. But I would take some whey after working out; post workout you want fast-digesting protein that will be quickly absorbed. Of course, cottage cheese after workout or any other time is great; just saying you'll probably want to add in some whey too. werd

Socrates That will take a really long time. Can someone say how long it takes to usually gain like 10 lbs of LBM? I can't remember. too long without assistance.

yet another cottage cheese question...

Friday, November 15, 2013

fitday question

fitday question

UNDER THE ACTIVITIES SECTION where do they get the total calories used info from? There is a section where you can put in stupid things like brushing teeth...putting on make up, etc. All I am doing is putting in my weight lifting and cycling. Calories Burned Today source cals % total Total:3234 Basal:1665 51%Lifestyle:1015 31% Activities:555 17% that's what i have so far. 3234 cals burned! that's alot. basal as 1665...I burn 1665 calories in my sleep?

No you body performs a whole lot of mechanical processes to keep you alive. This takes energy, a lot of energy in fact. I wouldnt bother inputing the piddly crap. Stick to workouts and basal.

fitday question

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