Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Enova(DAG) oil?

Enova(DAG) oil?

anyone have any opinions on it? i picked some up today to try and i cant distinguish it from other oils taste wise... 1. DAG's suppressing effect on body fat accumulation through long-term consumption in daily diet Kao, in conjunction with the Japanese Red Cross Society Kumamoto Healthcare Center, conducted a clinical trial in which 312 Japanese male and female volunteers consumed either DAG-rich oil or TAG-rich oil by replacing their cooking oil with the test oil at their homes for 1 year under double blind conditions. As a result, the DAG intake group showed significant decreases in body weight, BMI***, and subcutaneous fat thickness as compared with the TAG intake group, thus demonstrating DAG's effect in suppressing body fat accumulation. Percentage of participants who decreased or maintained their body weight after one yeariacylglycerol (DAG) intake group, 56%; Triacylglycerol (TAG) intake group, 42%; p<0.05 Percentage of participants whose BMI decreased by 1 unit or moreiacylglycerol (DAG) intake group, 21%; Triacylglycerol (TAG) intake group, 9.8%; p<0.05 Furthermore, analysis of a questionnaire on lifestyle habits, including dietary habits, showed that DAG was more effective in groups with sound dietary habits, i.e., dine out less, have less irregular meals and less instances of missed meals. This indicates the importance of keeping sound dietary habits in daily life. 2. DAG suppresses postprandial increase of serum TAG levels through daily meals The postprandial increase of serum TAG levels is regarded as a risk factor for arteriosclerosis. The trial was performed on 43 adult Japanese men and women using a double-blind cross over design. After ingesting one average Japanese breakfast meal (sandwiches, salad or consommé soup: 500 kcal) made with DAG-rich oil or TAG-rich cooking oil, blood samples were collected periodically for up to 6 hours and changes in serum TAG levels were examined. Among those with fasting serum TAG levels at or greater than 100mg/dL, 76% of subjects consuming DAG oil showed a lower postprandial increase of serum TAG levels compared with those who ingested the TAG-rich oil. In regard to remnant-like particle cholesterol (RLP-C)**** which relates to the acceleration of arteriosclerosis, 72% of subjects consuming DAG oil showed a lower postprandial RLP-C value compared with those who ingested the TAG-rich oil. Note:?In each trial, a composition of fatty acids in the TAG-rich oil, was adjusted to reflect that of DAG-rich oil, and participants were not informed which oil they had taken. Primary care by improving habits of eating and exercise plays an important role in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Kao expects that DAG can play a part in it. Terminologies *Diacylglycerol (DAG): General edible oil contains 1-10% DAG in addition to the main ingredient triacylglycerol (TAG). TAG has a chemical structure in which three fatty acids are ester-bonded to a glycerin structure, while DAG has a chemical structure of two fatty acids ester-bonded to a glycerin structure.

no but its said to be significantly more healthy for you?

Enova(DAG) oil?

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