Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.


Shaolin_sword36 pg1 that shits real ghey Are those finger holes in the side grouch? also, did it just bust all of a sudden, or tear?

what if you cut your hand on it?

vettedude that shits real ghey Are those finger holes in the side grouch? also, did it just bust all of a sudden, or tear? it just burst all of a sudden, this one went really fast too, like 10-15 seconds. Might have been because i did it bare handed, I ended up getting lkike 5 little slices on my fingers

the new gripper

Take a picture of your hand and post

is that bloodon the counter after you sliced your hand open?

make a video of it =)

Filmboy44 is that bloodon the counter after you sliced your hand open? no thats just dirt. the cuts wern't to bad. kinda like when you slice yourself on a shaving razor

tize those jesus strong men POWERTEAM > you I know.

did you shake it first?

tryfuhl did you shake it first? That one fell out of my 12 pack so i didn't have to. But normally yes. It's much more of a stupid party trick than a feat of strengh. I think most people with a strong overall upper body could do it without much trouble.

Grouch That one fell out of my 12 pack so i didn't have to. But normally yes. It's much more of a stupid party trick than a feat of strengh. I think most people with a strong overall upper body could do it without much trouble. this fat football player friend of mine was doing it at a cottage party last summer with like 8 beer cans in a row....I didn't give 2 shits because I didn't drink/buy the beer...but you can imagine he was the party favorite for wasting beer

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Is all natural a thing of the past?

It seems like so many people are using stuff now days. I never took anything, not even creatine. I dunno, I guess Id rather get there without using anything ya know? Im sure there are a ton of people out there who DONT use anything, it just seems like most are, ya know?

a lot of people are all natural, a lot of people juice.... either way their results are more directly correlated with their motivation and knowledge so i dont see what the big deal is

im guessing youve never used protein either and you weigh 140

Actually im 6', 220. all natural.

i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural?

Widowmaker Actually im 6', 220. all natural. % body fat?

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? you also eat food with creatine in it

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? well your body produces creatine, and testosterone, just not in the same levels as you get from supplements.

protein is something you need to build muscle, regardless if it is "natural' in your any pics?

Honestly never check it. I can post my pic if youd like. My maxes are... Bench:260 ( i suck at bench) Squat: 450 Dead: 505

out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there.

infinite loop out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there. Then you still are natural

Best pic I got...

Video of 500 deadlift?

And please dont think Im knocking people who do use them or anything cuz im not.

I don't consider creatine/protein as "not natural". roids i would consider cheating.

Hip Hippo Video of 500 deadlift? This is just like racing huh, no timeslip, no care. Sorry no vids, I THINK i have one of 405 somewhere lol. But that's a far cry. I dont expect yall to believe me.

If it doesn't change hormonal levels to unhuman levels then it is natural to me and on that note, I am all natural.

Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements.

guestDJ Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements. he probably eats more than you

jonno he probably eats more than you not really. I was illustrating how some people may need more intake depending on their metabolism mainly. I need to eat 3 bigmacs while my bro needs only one type of deal.

to each their own speaking of car racing is nos cheating? what about slicks? or what about stripping the car, or what about... you get the point to each their own, I take protein now, might take creatine in a couple of month

Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass.

personally, its natural if I can get it in my diet, , ie protein, creatine, etc. I'm pretty sure I can't get steriods or prohormones from my diet

Mass Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass. exactly

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

50 cents was working out at my gym...

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Had these two bodygaurds lingering around at all times. He looks in pretty good shape though he had this large shirt on. Works harder than Wahlberg did that's for sure. Goes by 70 cents here in Canada.

Pfft.. 50 Cents... more like a wooden nickel...

dude is one big guy..

J-Unit dude is one big guy.. I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so...

Did you ask him if hes done with those 50's?

timberwolf I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so... how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits

Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese?

isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

gsteclipse97 how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits Possibly 6 feet tall. I never stood close to him. No idea how his legs look but I would think 190-200 at most. Of course Wahlberg said he weighed 190 at 5'7" and 50 cents does look bigger.

Socrates Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese? Just hanging around. These 2 bald white guys.

nic379 isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

how was his form? i always wonder if celebrities really know what they're doing

what was his routine like? was he westsiding, or should I say, east coasting it?

Didn't pay attention too much. Just saw him doing inclines... on the smith machine!

How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey.

He has been shot numerous times, I wonder if he keeps his shirt on so nobody will see his bullet scars? (Assuming they edit them out on professional pictures)

Ggggg - Unitttttttttt

trancezj How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey. I used to think about that actually. I mean knocking out a celebrity. Since I like living I'll pass on 50 cent and wait for the next one. Might land me a roll like the guy who punched out Van Damme or better yet, a reality show. Of course being on OT this much doesn't make for exciting reality tv.

<--- man boobies?soliddd

i need a necklace like that

yeah he's a gansta all right

ChosenGSR i need a necklace like that Wouldn't need to do shrugs then.

J-Unit dude is one big guy..

neegros with tats is like camo... they look more camofauge(sp?) then they do from the factory.

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Another deadlift with questionable form

Another deadlift with questionable form 475

what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup

Ilyusha what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition.

His spine is hating him right now and will in the future. Talk about shit form, dude in the end even cheered him on?

Neo22 You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition. link?

with that lift at his weight, he wont have to worry about competitions

christophers well thats true Ya, I didn't see any type of hitch so it would be legal in comp, just probably not the best for your back.

i heard the lightweight in the background looks like a stiff-legged deadlift?

christophers steve goggins is arguably the best squatter in the world and he good mornings his squats basically first guy to hit a 1k squat Like I said, legal. But still probably not great for your spine.

looks like a white version of my lift

That is damn awful. It also makes me want to videotape my form to make sure it's ok. It feels ok, and I don't feel like I'm rounding out my back or anything. But I dunno.

his arms look like they were about to dislocate

umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form?

so we are talking about how is back is so horribly rounded correct its ok to use the back if it is straight with the chest out, thats a sldl correct

Shamrock umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form? no, its called Sumo. hands outside legs is called Traditional.

looks alright to me. not perfect but passable.

Grouch looks alright to me. not perfect but passable. i dunno man, his back is really curved

sans_pants i dunno man, his back is really curved backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him.

He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad.

Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

yeah my upper back had a tendency to round a bit with maximal loads, the weight just pulls my arms forward and my traps/rhommies are strong enuf to counter the load.

looks like my dl

Grouch Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

cavefish He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad. he used straps. very anti-impressive. backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him. gouch speaks the truth and tells no lies. if you are going to criticize someone post a video of you doing the same ratio weight lift.

Another deadlift with questionable form

Friday, January 10, 2014

Can someone post the pic of Jay's fridge from his movie?

Can someone post the pic of Jay's fridge from his movie?

The pic showing the vials in the place were most of us keep our butter.

i looked and looked and never once saw him in the fridge

SpeedyGST i looked and looked and never once saw him in the fridge I swear it was cutler but it might not have been.

maybe the ronnie video? im not sure

i remember that, it was definitely cutler


looks like my fridge right about now..matter of fact..its GH mixing time

hah! thats awesome!

Can someone post the pic of Jay's fridge from his movie?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Attn F&N

Attn F&N

Hey guys, Down to the last 6 days before my show. If Im not answering aims or pm's please dont think im ignoring you or anything. Im just really out of it on 40 carbs until thursday and also real busy trying to get it all dialed in. So please bear with me and I will be back to normal soon enough. Thanks

Hey, I wanted to let you know that I won't be attending. I wasn't aware that it was on Mothers Day I was planning on driving up this saturday with a friend, he called to tell me it was Mothers Day...can't believe I forgot However, I will be there with you in spirit...good luck I know you'll do well

I will be on stage again may 22nd at the east coast npc, (99% sure)

Best of luck to you

PurEvl I will be on stage again may 22nd at the east coast npc, (99% sure) where is that being held? can you link me to some info

Filmboy44 where is that being held? can you link me to some info Venue:Paladium Theatre Main St Worcester, MA 01606 Promoter: Tom Vigliatura 98 West Boylston St Worcester, MA 01606 508.595.9300

PurEvl Venue:Paladium Theatre Main St Worcester, MA 01606 Promoter: Tom Vigliatura 98 West Boylston St Worcester, MA 01606 508.595.9300 thank you...and damn you for competing in wooster...couldn't find anything further west g'luck

PurEvl Venue:Paladium Theatre Main St Worcester, MA 01606 Promoter: Tom Vigliatura 98 West Boylston St Worcester, MA 01606 508.595.9300 5: Turn LEFT onto NY-198 E/SCAJAQUADA EXPY. 0.5 miles Map 6: Merge onto NY-33 E/KENSINGTON EXPY. 4.4 miles Map 7: Merge onto I-90 E/NEW YORK STATE TRWY E toward I-290/ALBANY (Portions toll). 272.7 miles Map 8: Take NEW YORK STATE TRWY S/I-87 S toward NEW YORK (Portions toll). 14.5 miles Map 9: Take EXIT 21A toward I-90 E/MASS TPKE/BOSTON. 0.9 miles Map 10: Merge onto NEW YORK STATE TRWY E (Portions toll). 24.1 miles Map 11: NEW YORK STATE TRWY E becomes I-90 E/MASS PIKE/MASSACHUSETTS TURNPIKE (Portions toll). 89.7 miles Map 12: Take EXIT 10 toward I-290/WORCESTER/I-395/OXFORD/WEBSTER. 0.5 miles Map 13: Merge onto I-290 E via the exit on the LEFT toward WORCESTER. 6.6 miles Map 14: Take the CENTRAL ST exit- EXIT 16- toward DOWNTOWN WORCESTER. 0.1 miles Map 15: Turn LEFT onto E CENTRAL ST. 0.4 miles Map 16: Turn LEFT onto MAIN ST. <0.1 miles Map 17: End at 261 Main St Worcester, MA 01608-1201, US Map Total Est. Time: 6 hours, 16 minutes Total Est. Distance: 416.54 miles I will be there

GL guy. For some reason I imagined you would have had your show while I was banned, but I guess not!

fusion210 GL guy. For some reason I imagined you would have had your show while I was banned, but I guess not! I'm sure we can arrange somethign

Good Luck Pur

Filmboy44 I'm sure we can arrange somethign and My ban was a self request.

Jeg1983 Best of luck to you .

PurEvl I will be on stage again may 22nd at the east coast npc, (99% sure) where's that one located?

Damn, if these shows were a month later I might try to fly or drive up there. Good luck.

KingGargantuan where's that one located? PurEvl Venue:Paladium Theatre Main St Worcester, MA 01606 Promoter: Tom Vigliatura 98 West Boylston St Worcester, MA 01606 508.595.9300 .

Jeg1983 Best of luck to you dot

GL Pur, you will do well

if i had my bike still i would've ridden up have fun, good luck

good luck pur, in for pics/video.

Good luck man, I figured thats why you didn't respond to my pm filmy did but not you just wanted to see whats up and if you got it but you'll check it later I guess. Make sure you get pics man

is this for bodybuilding?

take pictures!

brolli is this for bodybuilding? gay sex show actually

gluck and post some pics after

Attn F&N

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Has anyone seen this DVD? From the little snippet I have seen it looks pretty good. He seems like a funny guy. Is it worth the $35 or so its gonna cost for the dvd?

is that the one he where he smokes pot oh and its probably not worth $35

he smokes a cigarette on there. I got it and I found it pretty entertaining. Not quite ronnie coleman entertaining, but it's fun. Too bad I don't speak german, cause a bunch of the things are in german and it doesn't have subtitles for that part. He goes over it again in english but I feel I'm missing something. Problem is he uses alot of machines now(injuries), so I guess I was a little disapointed. His dvd before made in germany had him doing more crazy weight/traditional exercises.

Does it have any actual contest footage? How is the pacing? Is it paced like Ronnie's films or like Cutler's films? I like the whole pro bb lifestyle side of things that Ronnie tries to show while still being a badass and lifting 11ty billion pounds.

there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally

ooSpankyoo there is no way in hell his g/f n the video has only been training for 2 years naturally Wait thats a woman?

cavefish Wait thats a woman? Bullshit.

LOL.. It is a woman, but in the very first scene i just thought it was some guy with the gayest shirt i have ever seen... but nope it was a woman.. Aye Caramba

who has this dvd? rip it, i'll host it!!!

I'm down for that! I think D-guy has it.

I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip, overall it's an ok dvd. As for the chick, that is ruhl's wife, I'd like to have arms like hers almost over markus's honestly . She's one of the reasons ruhl isn't competing this year. Marriage and getting a new house built, so he's focusing on his life right now instead of BBing. Oh well, can't wait to see him next year.

i downloaded this movie and its insane. that girl he works out with is huge and soooo strong. i think he says its his girlfriend.

nice bump. D-GUy I have the dvd, but I can't rip it, if someone wants to I can get my friend to make a copy at his video shop and I can send it to someone to rip dooo eeeettt not me though since i live in Germany...somebody else. i'll host.

I still want this....

you can get it from bittorrent really easy, i got the whole thing in like 3 hours.

Markus Ruhl Made In Germany

Saturday, December 28, 2013

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

might be a repost

WTF.. lol

that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Grouch that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Watch the goddamn video you meatheaded shit sack.

tize cliffs? Dumbass in banana suit lights himself on fire with rubbing alcohol, and gets burned.


seen it before but it's still funny each time

no worky

I told him it was a stupid idea...

yup, it's a repost, but still pretty funny the world would be so boring without retarded fucks like them

christophers is that really letifo Now you know why he hasn't been around.

Natezilla Now you know why he hasn't been around.

lighting yourself on fire...BRILLIANT

letifo really bulked up then

That totally made my fucking day! EDIT: is that even him, doesn't look like it to me


nah just looks like him lol

that doesnt look much like him at all

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

Friday, December 20, 2013

it seems my deadlift form is off, please help

it seems my deadlift form is off, please help

I dl'ed today and I'm feeling it only on my right side. My right trap and lower back are worn out but my left side feels fine. What should I look out for next time I deadlift?

bigbadben What should I look out for next time I deadlift? this thread: >>click<<

Don't keep lifting with bad form, it will be harder to correct

if you video tape you form, it will help find the flaws in it

it seems my deadlift form is off, please help

Monday, December 16, 2013

Post cardio meals and Proper Squat form

Post cardio meals and Proper Squat form

Been wondering about post cardio day oatmeal ok? I was told to eat good carbs at least 20-30g. On days i weight train i know high protein is good like designer whey....should i stick to whey protein on cardio days? Also can someone give me a link that displays proper squat form. A video would help too, I love squats but always end up with a pain in one of my legs. thanks for any help!

Post cardio meals and Proper Squat form

Post cardio meals and Proper Squat form

Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

So sometimes youre bench pressing, some curls or some ab work or something of the like and you're near failure but not finished with your set. What's on your mind? What do you guys think of to keep you motivated and pushing yourself to squeeze out those last few reps?

i think, you're not gonna be sore tomorrow if you dont push out atleast 2 more reps YOU FUCKING PUSSY

and then i think about slashing, stabbing, beating and choking my ex and i push out 3 more reps

that if u dont squeeze em out ur fucked like that one video that was posted on here lol but mainly because i dont want to be a pussy and know i am capable of more

"do you ever want to be big?"

i think of myself and where i want to be. i only lift for myself, my only motivation is myself


i think all of those ppl that quitted and how fat i will be if i dont finish!

quitted. what does that mean?

AmCo i think all of those ppl that quitted and how fat i will be if i dont finish! less lifting, more mastering basic english

I think of all the people whove pissed me off in life, its so much anymore, anytime I want to be pissed off and have stupid energy I can go into this mindset of wanting to kill someone, and can throw down another 3 or 4 reps

I usually say "I'm building a Body-for-Life". No but seriously, the threat of thinking I'm a pussy usually helps me get the last few reps up, and helps get through the last few minutes of cardio if I need extra help.

unrealistic goal for self : purevl

i think of lou ferrigno doing presses shouting 'ahnold, ahnold, ahnold,' then i power through my final 2 reps thinking of ed corney doing finishing up his squats.

i think, im gonna pound the crap out of my girl tonite, and im gonna make her proud.


big hockey hits ive done/seen

I really don't think of anything, I'll just push my body till it can physically not go anymore.

Mike McDermott I think about everyone who has ever doubted me. I think of all of the people who called me too fat, too slow, too short, too white, or just plain not good enough. And I think about how they were WRONG. aww

Mike McDermott I get emo when I think about my fat days. im emo all the time

~stangzorized~ I really don't think of anything, I'll just push my body till it can physically not go anymore. .

Mike McDermott That's because you are fat all the time. i hate you dude.

im not gonna lie, im usually thinkin of a hot chick, teh ladeez are my motivation

Sometimes I just look at my sessie body in the mirror because I do most of my lfits facing a mirror (mirrors all around our football weight room)

yeah its weird but... i picture the black dude from the american ninja movies standing next to me and shouting, "push that weight bitch" don't know why.

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack.

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack. Download the vid, it doesn't even look like he is stressing at all.

woo thank god it is only miller highlife

damn, that definetly needed a video with background music

Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market?

AznRyda Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market? beer is more carbonated...shake the cans for a good 20 seconds and start squeezing...they arent that hard to bust IMO.

i bought some grippers today (seem pretty basic) and it is too i maybe doing something wrong?

Z PYRATE beer is more carbonated...shake the cans for a good 20 seconds and start squeezing...they arent that hard to bust IMO. have you done it?

SpeedyGST i bought some grippers today (seem pretty basic) and it is too i maybe doing something wrong? which grippers?

AznRyda Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy generic soda at the super market? men dont drink generic soda.

look like this...called TKO extreme? they seem awfully easy but for like 8$ i wasnt expecting much.

SpeedyGST look like this...called TKO extreme? they seem awfully easy but for like 8$ i wasnt expecting much. A) those are weak B) you paid to much Check on the links in the grip thread in the archives for some real grippers.

i bet peal could crush that easy after all the work he's done on his hands for satifying his fellow powerlifters penis.

Mu5c1e_Boi i bet peal could crush that easy after all the work he's done on his hands for satifying his fellow powerlifters penis. God you are a fucking fag.

Grouch men dont drink generic soda. from what I can tell, you guys aren't drinking shit.

N-Word-Jim from what I can tell, you guys aren't drinking shit.

Now this is some strong hands. Blowing up a 12 pack.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Link to vid of proper Good Morning form?

Link to vid of proper Good Morning form?

Does anyone have that video link? Where the powerlifter bends his knees as he bends forward?

lemme upload a vid

Awesome! Thnx



my hamstrings are sore from good mornings, normal?

Link to vid of proper Good Morning form?

Friday, November 29, 2013

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

I used to lift a few years ago, before I was a passenger in a serious car accident. Now, half my spine is fused together with titantium. My lower lumbar L4 and L5 shattered, and are now fused with the two above it and two below. I broke one of the rods a year later while I was shoveling snow, and had to get it replaced. It's pretty sturdy now with more metal fusing it together, but I don't know if I should start lifting again, at all. Anyone have experience with something like this, or know someone who has?

id ask a doctors advice personally when it comes to something this, more specifically they doctor who worked on you as he should know the condition your in best

Domo-Kun I used to lift a few years ago, before I was a passenger in a serious car accident. Now, half my spine is fused together with titantium. My lower lumbar L4 and L5 shattered, and are now fused with the two above it and two below. I broke one of the rods a year later while I was shoveling snow, and had to get it replaced. It's pretty sturdy now with more metal fusing it together, but I don't know if I should start lifting again, at all. Anyone have experience with something like this, or know someone who has? I'd definately talk to the doctor, don't let our advice ruin your life

Think about it. Do you think my Surgeon is going to risk a lawsuit by telling me that it's okay to lift? Hence why I'm asking about people with experience with this. Not just your guess as to what is probably safe or unsafe.

So what would you rather have, your doctor telling you not to lift because it's not safe, or us telling you it's safe to lift and fucking yourself up?

Davo So what would you rather have, your doctor telling you not to lift because it's not safe, or us telling you it's safe to lift and fucking yourself up? Are you thinking about what I said? Do you have experience with or know anyone with experience with a spinal fusion? If not, then no, I don't want you telling me it's safe.

Domo-Kun Think about it. Do you think my Surgeon is going to risk a lawsuit by telling me that it's okay to lift? Hence why I'm asking about people with experience with this. Not just your guess as to what is probably safe or unsafe. well I wouldn't see the problem with some lifts, as long as there isn't a large load of weight on your lower back. So avoid DL's, GM's, Squats, or anything else that might press a load on there.

count me out, i know no one with this surgery.

Domo-Kun Are you thinking about what I said? Do you have experience with or know anyone with experience with a spinal fusion? If not, then no, I don't want you telling me it's safe. yea but i think the point is no information on the internet forums can be taken as 100% true or false, its all about listening to good information and deciphering whats usuable information and whats junk as for all u know we are all 60yr old bustin our chops and killin time on the forums. Its one thing to become more knowledgeable about a certain topic but when personal status of ones well-being is at risk id turn towards a professional. often people with similiar symptoms could have completely different injuries and bodies could react differently and etc. I think as far as anyone knows u could lift lightly...or not lift at all..and i think that is the only an answer a doctor could give you, specially as this is not as common as spraining somthing or pulling a muscle so many people aren't well informed in this subject matter

So you're like a superhuman?

I would say no since it is your lumbar discs, they are under a lot of pressure, plus if you damage the nerves exposed between those discs you'd kinda miss their associated functions

igotyofire yea but i think the point is no information on the internet forums can be taken as 100% true or false, its all about listening to good information and deciphering whats usuable information and whats junk as for all u know we are all 60yr old bustin our chops and killin time on the forums. Its one thing to become more knowledgeable about a certain topic but when personal status of ones well-being is at risk id turn towards a professional. often people with similiar symptoms could have completely different injuries and bodies could react differently and etc. I think as far as anyone knows u could lift lightly...or not lift at all..and i think that is the only an answer a doctor could give you, specially as this is not as common as spraining somthing or pulling a muscle so many people aren't well informed in this subject matter Well I wouldn't rely on a "professional's" advice. Especially when that professional told me that I can do anything that I was able to do prior to the surgury, providing it doesn't cause me a great deal of pain. I was shoveling snow, and snap, one broke. Now, I know what you're saying.. If shoveling broke a titanium rod, then weight lifting is definately a no no. But, after talking to many different professionals about in incident, I believe it to have been a defective implant. In addition to this, the new 'cage' of titanium has a new design with more pieces, making it much more sturdy.

seeking information on something like this from otfn is beyond fucking retarded. It's rare condition that I doubt anyone will have any experience with. If your surgeon or specialist sucks, find a new one. If you trust us more than your doctor there is a serious problem.

Peal seeking information on something like this from otfn is beyond fucking retarded. It's rare condition that I doubt anyone will have any experience with. If your surgeon or specialist sucks, find a new one. If you trust us more than your doctor there is a serious problem. Where did I say I trust OT more than my surgeon? I said I wouldn't rely on my Surgeon's advice, because he was wrong the first time, and it put me in the hospital for a week to undergo another MAJOR surgery. I'm asking for people who might have experience with a spinal fusion. I didn't say that any information I gather from OT is going to make or break my decision to do any type of lifting. Don't ASSume. It's retarded to ask if someone on the forum knows anyone with a similar situation?

Domo-Kun It's retarded to ask if someone on the forum knows anyone with a similar situation? Nothing wrong with you asking that. Everyone just has to argue with you because they have nothing better to do. I asked a simple question earlier and instead of getting an answer to my question, a couple people just criticized it or got way off topic. Because they just want to argue or whatever the fuck their childish motives are.

ryazbeck Nothing wrong with you asking that. Everyone just has to argue with you because they have nothing better to do. I asked a simple question earlier and instead of getting an answer to my question, a couple people just criticized it or got way off topic. Because they just want to argue or whatever the fuck their childish motives are. Welcome to OT

yeah, you'll be fine. i wouldnt start out deadlifting more than 5 or 600lbs to start out though, take it easy for a few weeks. the titanium should actually make your back stronger right?

dank yeah, you'll be fine. i wouldnt start out deadlifting more than 5 or 600lbs to start out though, take it easy for a few weeks. the titanium should actually make your back stronger right? Not sure whether I should take that question as sarcasm or not. But, yes, it does make my spine stronger aside from the capabilities of my own muscles on them. If I get into another car accident, my spine is better off with the instruments than without. I should cite that as coming from the orthopedic/neurosurgeon, because they aren't my own words.

chadhova My dad just had this surgery on his C1 and C2. He was seriously fucked up for like 3 months after surgery. It's been 6 months now and he has just begun swinging golf clubs, much less lifting heavy. As you probably know, C1 and C2 is much more serious than yours but i'd still be very wary. One of these?

go to the Q&A at and address your question to Thomas

Ilyusha One of these? not exactly lower lumbar, but E for effort. More like these...

Ceaze go to the Q&A at and address your question to Thomas Thank you. Will do that right now.

Domo-Kun not exactly lower lumbar, but E for effort. More like these... Look who I was quoting.. E for effort for you on reading comprehension.

Ilyusha Look who I was quoting.. E for effort for you on reading comprehension. and yes, definately not that serious..

here's thomas' reply to you: My advice is to go slow. I would start with sled work. There is a great video here by Joe Kenn. you can do many lower body exercises with the sled and can of course add resistance in a less weight bearing manner. I would also try bodyweight squats off the box with perfect form. If you can do them, you can gradually add weight. Do this as a light test. Make the sled your primary weapon at this time.

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

Monday, November 25, 2013


Yourself!Fitness Fitness video game . I'm sure it's great to get a slacker video game player motivated, but still. Here's my favorite screenshot: 9 lbs in 11 days. I'm sure that's really healthy .



ab excercises...

ab excercises...

what are some ab excercises besides inclined sit ups ive been doing? trying to get my six pack going..

the cable kneeling crunch is makin mine explode

im looking for some abs excerise as well. Probably just three-six different types to work the different three ab area.

aenz the cable kneeling crunch is makin mine explode I do those with the entire stack, leg lifts in the chairs with a 22.5 and 25lb db between my feet, and incline crunches with 25,35, and 45lb plates.

haha old video

Go buy this months muscle and fitness Ab special, it has very detailed ab excercies; worth it.

reverse crunches, crunches (do them right), supermans (not ab, but core work), russian twists, scissor kicks (vert., horiz., crossing), side bends. Then lots of things with medicine balls, some require a partner though...and then lots with the cable system at the gym.

FredBull does that work

superbri007 only if you wear blue spandex shorts while doing it

ab excercises...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least.

ACURA TL-S I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least. description, pictures, what the hell is this?

D. Ahrens Press Chuck Ahrens is relatively unknown to most modern trainees, but in his time he was considered to have the strongest shoulders and arms in the world. He was so wide he looked unreal! In his prime, Ahrens could do reps with 200 pound dumbbells in the shoulder press (some people even claim to have seen him press a 300 pound dumbbell with one arm), perform 28 reps with 405 in the bench press, and perform a slow and controlled concentration curl with a 115 pound barbell. One of his shoulder exercises was very peculiar: he'd do overhead dumbbell presses, but instead of pressing them straight up he'd press them up and away laterally (basically doing a "V" with both arms). He had no choice but to press in this matter because he used special loadable dumbbells that were very long; pressing them straight up was thus impossible without the bells hitting each other. What this exercise does is place the shoulders, especially the medial portion of the deltoid, under greater tension as the movement gets completed.

looks interesting. might have to try those tomorrow in place fo the regular db shoudler press

i might try these!

those #s are bs

115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl

Werdna 115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl One armed concentration curls?

cavefish One armed concentration curls? why is he curling a barbell with one arm then?

Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell.

I've done them quite a bit before i cut down on how much overhead pressing I do. I liked them a lot.

cavefish Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell. I agree. Those numbers are believable.

ouch. cant be good for rotators does it hurt?

Sounds like some Irish drink to me

I don't know if I can believe what he benched, but I will have to try these.

200lb db shoulder presses? 300 lbs? bs ronnie just got some 200lb dbs and im not sure if he can do them yet on flat bench

Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old.

But on the other hand Noxen, you may be onto something. Here's an interesting little read on the guy:

cavefish Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old. in the cost of redemption he does 160lb db overhead presses..

I was referring to flat bench.

i believe the number and the hype.

cavefish I was referring to flat bench. i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though..

NoXeN i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though.. that was 250's. He does the 200's for 12 in some video, they zoom the camera right up to the "200" on the side of the dumbell before they show him doing them.

ahh my mistake

It looks dangerous for shoulders.

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

There is a torrent out there for Jay's new documentary. Download will finished in 6 hrs. "Jay's "right before contest preparation"; Filmed February - March 2004 right before his third consecutive win of Arnold Classic 2004. (Contest scene is not included.) Whole body routine with extreme condition. 210 minutes in total length." Sounds interesting.

hmm i was hoping for the vid

and the link to the torrent is???

dmaestro and the link to the torrent is??? .

PNHWrestler hmm i was hoping for the vid

i will host

why wont you post it PM?

ttiwwop OT hub name

POST THE TORRENT lc Im willing to host to for all the Broly's :noitsnot:

KetchupKing:noitsnot: .

Link posted

i searched for ripped, shreds, and cutler

I would rather have Dexter's pre-contest prep, I'm sure it was more intense.

Works for me but i have bitlord

tize Cool, is it better than ronnies shit? It's precontest training, so not as hardcore as ronnie's offseason/preshow training. Still jay looks damn good, a little too much posing for my tastes(can only take so many of the same exact poses). Was entertaining still more seeing what jay had to say about certain subjects and how he lives.

in for nontorrent download

you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid


cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid Ill upload to my webspace when the download finishes.

niXon Ill upload to my webspace when the download finishes. what kind of file will it be? aka...i don't know anything about torrents

cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid

cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid that's why i have 7 hard drives connected to my computer

Man, I wish someone would host the actually video. Anyways, tell me how it is!

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

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