Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

So sometimes youre bench pressing, some curls or some ab work or something of the like and you're near failure but not finished with your set. What's on your mind? What do you guys think of to keep you motivated and pushing yourself to squeeze out those last few reps?

i think, you're not gonna be sore tomorrow if you dont push out atleast 2 more reps YOU FUCKING PUSSY

and then i think about slashing, stabbing, beating and choking my ex and i push out 3 more reps

that if u dont squeeze em out ur fucked like that one video that was posted on here lol but mainly because i dont want to be a pussy and know i am capable of more

"do you ever want to be big?"

i think of myself and where i want to be. i only lift for myself, my only motivation is myself


i think all of those ppl that quitted and how fat i will be if i dont finish!

quitted. what does that mean?

AmCo i think all of those ppl that quitted and how fat i will be if i dont finish! less lifting, more mastering basic english

I think of all the people whove pissed me off in life, its so much anymore, anytime I want to be pissed off and have stupid energy I can go into this mindset of wanting to kill someone, and can throw down another 3 or 4 reps

I usually say "I'm building a Body-for-Life". No but seriously, the threat of thinking I'm a pussy usually helps me get the last few reps up, and helps get through the last few minutes of cardio if I need extra help.

unrealistic goal for self : purevl

i think of lou ferrigno doing presses shouting 'ahnold, ahnold, ahnold,' then i power through my final 2 reps thinking of ed corney doing finishing up his squats.

i think, im gonna pound the crap out of my girl tonite, and im gonna make her proud.


big hockey hits ive done/seen

I really don't think of anything, I'll just push my body till it can physically not go anymore.

Mike McDermott I think about everyone who has ever doubted me. I think of all of the people who called me too fat, too slow, too short, too white, or just plain not good enough. And I think about how they were WRONG. aww

Mike McDermott I get emo when I think about my fat days. im emo all the time

~stangzorized~ I really don't think of anything, I'll just push my body till it can physically not go anymore. .

Mike McDermott That's because you are fat all the time. i hate you dude.

im not gonna lie, im usually thinkin of a hot chick, teh ladeez are my motivation

Sometimes I just look at my sessie body in the mirror because I do most of my lfits facing a mirror (mirrors all around our football weight room)

yeah its weird but... i picture the black dude from the american ninja movies standing next to me and shouting, "push that weight bitch" don't know why.

Motivation? Whats on your mind?

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