Monday, December 30, 2013

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Whatup guys been lifting for like a year and a half now, currently taking protein and creatine. Time to order up some new stuff cause I ran all out and was looking for some input from you guys what you think works well. I don't know much about Gluatamine, which i hear is good, and NO2, which i hear works well also. Has anyone tried either of these and did these help??

N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE

malto and flax seed oil if you already dont have it.

fish oil

ryazbeck N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE What the hell is CEE

creatine ethyl ester

ryazbeck creatine ethyl ester What's the difference between that and mono. I've only tried mono and that's all i've ever heard of. Thanks for the suggestions

why dont you read up on it?

ryazbeck why dont you read up on it? do you not know?

nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it.

ryazbeck nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it. Alright cool thanks anyways, you said something about fish oil though, can you recommend a brand/brands you've tried.

never had it either, just taken flax seed, but you can get cheap vitamins at

Just get the fish oil at Costco.

At bulknutrtion forums they say CEE is not effective either. Just stick to what your taking right now, nothign replaces hard work in the gym. And also nothing replaces HGH and anabolics.

Russian red actijube training packs. Good shit

Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin

deznutz Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather

ChosenGSR thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather 15 bucks for a multi-vitamin? Thats not to bad at all.

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

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