Friday, December 27, 2013

Help with my routine

Help with my routine

This is what I do now. What can I add I have been doing this workout since November. Thanks. I don't know what other information you need. I am 5'6 -5'7 122 -125LBS Also I do cardio occaisionally because I am not trying to lose weight. Chest & Tri's Flat bench benchpress 3 x 10 Incline Benchpress 3 x 10 Decline Benchpress 3 x 10 Flys 3 x 10 Pulldowns two different kinds 3 x 10 Kickbacks 3 sets as many as I can do Back and Biceps Seated rows 3 x 10 Preacher Curls 3 x 10 or crazy 8's lat Pulldowns 3 x 10 Dumbells 3 x 10 reverse flys 3 x 10 Legs and Shoulders Squats 3 x 10 Leg Press 3 x 10 Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do 2 others I am blanking on their names Shoulder raises 3 x 10 Shoulder Press 3 x 10 Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do Thanks

Joe Canada Chest and Tri Flat bench benchpress Incline Benchpress or Decline Benchpress Flys French Press Back and Biceps (might as well add abs) Deadlift BB rows lat Pulldowns Preacher Curls or Hammercurls crunches leg raises Legs and Shoulders Squats Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do Leg Curls Leg Extensions DB shoulder presses Upright Rows Side Raises Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do fixed in general imho 10-8-8-6 > 3 x 10

FredBull fixed in general imho 10-8-8-6 > 3 x 10 Thanks, I will switch to the 10-8-8-6

When I said I do cardio occaisionally it is very seldom.

Joe Canada When I said I do cardio occaisionally it is very seldom. Drop it all together. For a long, long time.

tize team no-cardio! Sadly, I do cardio now..

any help from the daytimers?

Joe Canada This is what I do now. What can I add I have been doing this workout since November. Thanks. I don't know what other information you need. I am 5'6 -5'7 122 -125LBS Also I do cardio occaisionally because I am not trying to lose weight. Chest & Tri's Flat bench benchpress 3 x 10 Incline Benchpress 3 x 10 Decline Benchpress 3 x 10 Flys 3 x 10 Pulldowns two different kinds 3 x 10 Kickbacks 3 sets as many as I can do Back and Biceps Seated rows 3 x 10 Preacher Curls 3 x 10 or crazy 8's lat Pulldowns 3 x 10 Dumbells 3 x 10 reverse flys 3 x 10 Legs and Shoulders Squats 3 x 10 Leg Press 3 x 10 Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do 2 others I am blanking on their names Shoulder raises 3 x 10 Shoulder Press 3 x 10 Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do Thanks I notice a general trend. You need to tailor fit the rep scheme to the exercise and fit it with the rep schemes of other exercises that work the same group. For example if one week I do 8,6,4,4,2 on flat bb bench then I will usually do something like 3x6-8 on db incline bench and 3x8-10 for flies. EDIT: Oh and if you are 122, you DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, ever need to do cardio. In fact anytime the thought pops into your mind go to your kitchen, get a plate, pile as much food as humanly possible on that plate, and sit there until you eat it all.

Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help.

Joe Canada Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help. A little off topic, where in Canada do you live?

Montreal, but I have been in Sacramento California since 01 going to school.

eating chicken breasts should be your new cardio

Joe Canada Montreal, but I have been in Sacramento California since 01 going to school. Cool, where in Montreal? South Shore or directly in Montreal?

what are your goals, build mass, or keep toned?

also, how old are you?

My parents live off the Island of Montreal in Pincourt. When I last lived there we lived in the Hudson area. I am 22 and I want mass and strength.

Joe Canada Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help. Compound movements (ie. bench, squat, DL, rows) are usually done in the lower rep range although it is important to vary the reps to get a wide variety and increase strength and hypertrophy. Accessory movements (ie. flies, curls) are usually done in a slightly higher rep range.

Do this routine and eat a lot. Then eat some more. I'm 5'7" and started at 125. Now up to 145

Help with my routine

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