Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ways to lower your iron?

Ways to lower your iron?

My Dr. told me to keep an eye on my diet and eat alot better, He said my Iron was up around 197. What are some ways to get this back down? Should I stay away from red meats for awhile? We didn't really talk about it much and he wanted to send me to a dietitian, but I wont be going until next week. I was just concerened about what I may be facing when I do go. Thanks

its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

dank its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

dank its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

i'd stay away from red meats and take iron-free vitamins for a while iron is good for men if it's less than 150mg/day, any more than that can cause problems since we don't flush it out every month

Louisianian Get iron free multivitamins. Also, giving blood helps. Seriously. My mother has super high iron for some unknown reasons. She doesn't take any. The doc told her to give blood once a month, and sure enough it has dropped. donate blood

dont cook on a rusted iron pan? don't suck on rusted nails? seriously... i know lots of people who do that as a source of iron

tom@jt donate blood beat me to it. Donate blood 2 or 3 times a year and you'll be golden.

Ways to lower your iron?

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