Showing posts with label iPOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPOD. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

whats a good mp3 player for training

whats a good mp3 player for training

ive been looking around a good mp3 player for running and lifting so whats a good one that is reliable hows the phillips nike one also about how many songs could i fit onto a 256mb one and or a 128 mb one

I like the RCA ones myself. Best overall size / cost / durability. around $20 add a 128mb card for a total of 160mb and you are set around $30 TOTAL PRICE around $50

I got the RCA RD1071A from the mart of walls and I couldn't be happier. I think it holds like 128mb? It was only 80 bucks.

i have an ipod and i love it for weight can get an armband and everything...the ipod mini is even better but i wanted more songs

i use an iRiver flash mp3 player that has 256mb and holds roughly 50+ songs. it uses 1 AA battery that lasts around 20 hours and comes with an armband. the player is very light and weighs less than the battery itself. it costed me a $150 about a month ago. for weight training and running, you want to get a flash mp3 player. flash players are more expensive and holds less songs but they have no moving parts. if you were to use an ipod or any hard drive based mp3 player, you can easily damage your investment as there are many moving parts and mechanisms that get jostled around during cardio and weight training.

i have the nike great for me

anything small with a clip or holder works fine just run the cord under your shirt and strap it to your pants/shorts

sexual tennis i use an iRiver flash mp3 player that has 256mb and holds roughly 50+ songs. it uses 1 AA battery that lasts around 20 hours and comes with an armband. the player is very light and weighs less than the battery itself. it costed me a $150 about a month ago. for weight training and running, you want to get a flash mp3 player. flash players are more expensive and holds less songs but they have no moving parts. if you were to use an ipod or any hard drive based mp3 player, you can easily damage your investment as there are many moving parts and mechanisms that get jostled around during cardio and weight training. i just picked up an iriver flash player after my samsung yep broke it's been great so far. and yeah i second the not getting a hard drive based player if you are going to do a lot of running or something where it will get pounded. but if you are going to stick with an eliptical, stairclimber or bicycle, it should be fine.

got the RCA RD1080. works great for me

PANASONIC SV-SD80 is what I use.. best mp3 player EVER!! THE new version is SV-SD85 I think. SUPER tiny.. nice nice tiny case that I just clip onto my shorts. good sound Edit: The rechargble battery lasts like 18 hours or so. If you use rechargable plus AA battery it will last ~50 hours I think It's about 1.2" x 1.2" x .5" . They are very compact, and mine has been durable....

samsung yepp yp-30sh

I have the rio cali 128. Also has a fm tuner in it. At the place where I lift all the TVs are hooked up on fm reception so I if I am on a Sunday I can listen to the Nascar race or listen to football games in the fall time without having to run and check all the time. The only problem I have is the earplugs are horrible. I had another nice pair that I have been using.

I have the Nike Phillips 128mb one, got it two years ago for christmas. Once you ditch the gay armband and replace the headphones, it's great. The unit itself is awesome, small and very durable. Battery life is great. FWIW, I *LOVE* these headphones: They're less than $10, and they're the only thing that I've used that'll stay in no matter what I'm doing.

I have the new rca mp4.. 20gb.. i love it.. holds videos photos.. music and programs... Would recomend... but the price outragous... 400$

i use the nike one, its a black circle and comes with a arm band that barely fits my arm anymore

i got a mpio when my nike kept dying, i'm happy with the sound..& it's real tiny.

IPod shuffle

willg133 i have an ipod and i love it for weight can get an armband and everything...the ipod mini is even better but i wanted more songs where did you get your armband?

knucks where did you get your armband? I picked mine up at best buy, when I bought my mini its nice, it doesnt move much when you are running as it is locked in place pretty well.

Creative Muvo N200 1gb or Sandisk 1gb

I use a phillips one that I picked up at Wal-Mart for $80. Reads mem cards and uses AAA batteries. Perfect for the gym.

Sandisk = win.

id probably go ipod shuffle now if i had to get a new one. Regular Ipod's are ok if you are just doing strickly weights you can just put a playlist on it but its not good for running or anything. It will eventually fuck up the disk and after the 25 minute buffer it starts skipping and bad

kinda strange question, but are any mp3 players water proof, or is there a way to put them in a water proof container? i want one to go work out and go sailing also

whats a good mp3 player for training

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.

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