Showing posts with label supplement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplement. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

anyone ever give it a try? I got some sample packs today, having my first one right now after going to the gym, and going to bed in an hour... it tastes quite good with water, mixes without clumps, does have a slight aftertaste but not too bad its got quite a bit of shit in it though, was pretty surprised. 340 calories (160 from fat) 18g Fat (8g Sat Fat) 10mg Cholesterol 12g carb 2g fiber 4g sugars 32g protein (somebody help me out here, what the fuck does IU stand for when talking about vitamins) Vitamin A, C and E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vtiamin B6 and B12 Folate Biotin Pantothentic Acid Calcium (160mg) Iron (7mg) Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium (160mg) Zinc (5mg) Selenium Copper Manganese (1mg) Chromium (58mcg) Potassium (410mg) i skipped a few, those weren't important... now the rest, the more important things Multi-State Protein Blend - 32g Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Calcium and Sodium Caseinates Micellar Casein Colostrum Glutamine Peptides Taurine then:Lipid Blend ~ 18g Dairy Lipids Sunflower Oil MCT's Coconut Oil L-Carnitine Mono & Diglycerides and finally: Creatine Potentiator Blend ~ 3g Creatine Monohydrate Betaine Arginine Methionine and last, 1mg of boron. right now I've been using the Natures Best Isopure protein and creatine... this seems to mix better, and though I've not tried the chocolate isopure, the max milk doesn't taste bad at all... considering picking more of this up later... just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. pros, cons, whatever. heres hoping its not a bad thing to have before bed... normally i'm happy with my isopure, a glass of water and a little creatine after a workout... but doesn't have any casein in it... meh. i'm ranting.

tize fake ass muscle milk while i am aware of that... i prefer eas products

tize im drinking eas choco whey right now cuz they sell it at walmart any idea what the IU stands for? the EAS RTD's I usually drink are the 17oz Mocha Latte in the AM, Cookies and Cream before lunch, and French Vanilla before Dinner (or I'll make a water/isopure/sugar free raspberry drink instead), then dinner is two chicken breasts and some brocolli, and before bed, its usually another isopure mix with some liquid vitamins (tastes like shit though, but atleast its vanilla isopure, not chocolate ) considering doing the lower carb EAS RTD's but not sure, since i'm running around on my feet all day i think that'd be bad

oh yeah, I got my case of Mocha Latte today for $25 because I ordered 3 more cases of the things for next week, so they said they'd give me a discount... wasn't that nice? (new apartment is right behind the supplement store i go to )

i know it had to do with vitamins ass I figured it was something unit... odd way to measure that... the fuck is an international unit?

tize where do you see IU in the first place i always see it on my vitamins thats all i ever see it on is vitamins... nothing else never realized it till earlier today when i was looking at things. thats why i asked int he oringal post wtf it was

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flax or Fish Oil

Flax or Fish Oil

what up.... Ok I've been reading a lot about both fish and flaxseed... their benefits and what not. It goes back and forth saying flax is better...and fish is better... In your experience's what do you like better fish or flax... both health and cutting results.

take both

fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9

SteveO fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9 taking both at same time or alternate it....

Like christophers said if you HAVE to pick one make it Fish Oil, if not take both.

what about them fish burpss

QuePuto what about them fish burpss take em before bed

QuePuto what about them fish burpss or freeze them

QuePuto what about them fish burpss The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules.

Draco The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules. I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too.

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. the enteric coating smells kinda like marshmallows but i buy the omega complex from Sam's club: Borage, Flax, Fish, and Safflower Oils all in one capsule I take two in the morning and two before bed, i usually get one or two fish burps about 30 minutes after taking em

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. Sam's club eh... damn pay for another membership....hmmm

christophers if you pick one, then fish oil

Been on Fish oil for almost a month now and have yet to get these "fish burps"

Im new to this fish/flax is this for the good balance of intake... take 6 fish gelcaps and 6 flax caps daily... too little too much.

Flax Seed Benefits vs. Fish Oil Benefits Flax seed oil benefits are numerous, and as such flax seed has been recommended in recent years as an essential part of a healthy diet. However, new evidence has emerged that although flaxseed is important, fish oil might be an even better source of Omega-3 fatty acids. What are flax seed oil benefits and how can it help you? Flax seed, also known as linseed, is an ancient crop that has been harvested all over the world. Its therapeutic properties have long been touted, as ancient peoples used it to soothe abdominal pains and aid digestion. Flax seed oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have incredible immunity boosting qualities, meaning they can help your body fight off illness and disease. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties which may help manage depression, cancer and even slow the aging process. Most people are Omega-3 deficient, which is why it is so important to supplement your diet with them. The main flax seed oil benefits lie in its ALA fatty acid content. However, in order to be optimally effective ALA must be converted to long-chain Omega-3 fats in the body, and many people, especially the elderly, do not have efficient internal mechanisms to achieve this. What is a better source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Recent studies have shown that fish oil may be a better source for the Omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs. Fish oil, harvested from cold water fish, contains the fatty acids DHA and EPA. Research points to the fact that DHA and EPA have more therapeutic value than ALA found in flax seed oil. Also, DHA and EPA do not have to be converted, as they are already long-chain Omega-3 fats and are easily absorbed in the body. So the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are better for your health than those found in flax seed oil, because they are more easily utilized by your body and are more powerful and therapeutic. You can increase flax seed oil benefits by substituting or adding fish oil to your diet. How Can You Find A High Quality Fish Oil Product? Only fish oils contain the special benefits of DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids. So it's important that you find a high quality fish oil product so you can get the maximum health benefits. Some things to keep in mind: 1) Natural fish oils are oftentimes contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury. 2) Most fish oil in capsule form does not come from the country where it is harvested, meaning there are often additives to make sure it stays fresh through all the extra handling and processing. 3) Many fish oils contain low levels of DHA, which is the most important component. Therefore, you need to find a pure fish oil product that does not have any of the drawbacks mentioned above.

Flax or Fish Oil

Friday, January 24, 2014

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

haven't been doing much research lately. But I'd like to find some kind of replacement sometime soon. I seem to be stuck at around 190.


Grouch steroids I'm going to mexico in 2 weeks too...I'm tempted, I just hate needles and dbol alone doesn't seem to be worth it.

Intellex I'm going to mexico in 2 weeks too...I'm tempted, I just hate needles and dbol alone doesn't seem to be worth it. i want to go to mexico.

Grouch i want to go to mexico. We're renting a house in Rosarito for a couple days. One of the guys I'm going with is picking up a cycle. I did a cycle back when, but I progress enough on my own usually. I actually gained nearly as much on 1AD as I did on my cycle, kept more of it too.

i have 2 bottles of s1+ sitting here

mike i have 2 bottles of s1+ sitting here Wanna part with one of em?

Intellex Wanna part with one of em? One won't do much

I hear Superdrol makes good gains.

I still have a bottle of M1T...

Alt+F4 I still have a bottle of M1T... .


Mike, ill take those two bottles if you wanna part with them

i still got a bottle of m1t too..i bet ill end up throwing the shit away.dont even know why i bought it.

Intellex did you notice any side effects from the 1-AD?

Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant!

Incog91 Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant! it's probably easier to get juice now rather than something like 1AD or M1T


Incog91 Let me gets this right. The stuff you used to take became illegal, so instead you will just take a different illegal substance. Brilliant! I think you need a collective slap in the face from all the brolies in there for being a god damned moron.

I believe I said in the last PH thread that there will be no public discussion of buying or selling around here. Keep it to PM's please.

I have a bottle of t4.

I know a guy who has a whole case of 1ad. Prob like 30 bottles of it. Im picking some off of him. I am in need of 4ad however.

There's a guy I know who owns a supplement shop here and he used to push most of the PHs in town. I bought my 1-AD 4-AD stack from him before the ban was in effect. I ran into him last week and he said that some new PHs are coming out that use completely different ingredients to get through the ban. Supposedly,if I remember what he told me right, they were thinking about revising the bill but that if they didn't the new stuff would be coming out sometime this summer. Fuck me, if only I could remember what it was called.

Anything come even close to 1AD now that it's pulled?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

so it's coming back? SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. .

Now to see if this will be marketed well, challenges before chances of manufacturing, etc...


whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform.

i read in one of the articles that the ball is in the FDA's court now or something along those lines giivng me the impression that although that judge ruled in favor of the utah company, the fda can still ban it.

meh who gives a shit really....

Dragon whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform. Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

Sgt. Ownage meh who gives a shit really.... no ph no care?

tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

gsteclipse97 tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription... can you not read?

tryfuhl no ph no care? nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness

mike so it's coming back? it was never really gone

Sgt. Ownage nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness Yeah, but if this pans out, we'll be able to get it straight.. and in mixes as a dietary supplement... I don't think that some people are getting that ephedrine can't be in dietary supplements, or sold straight (easily), either

superbri007 1fast400 sells it by itself, last time i checked....but it was out of stock. now, ephedrine with Guaifenesin is another story Yeah, it's been out of stock for years though

spoofy it was never really gone you on the other hand, have been i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf?

tryfuhl I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf? yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me

gsteclipse97 yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it...

again that is

tryfuhl Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it... true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode

tryfuhl you on the other hand, have been miss me?

gsteclipse97 true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode we could get good home-mixes from 1fast or something tho, if they choose to do one...

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing.

I don't buy any supplements....

Yeah we all know that it's impossible to make gains without supplements

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... retard! :sarcasm:

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me?

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? Or someone responding to someone who takes what other people do w/ their lives a little too seriously...

what the hell is a no product

NO-Xplode, not "no supplements"

well thread starter is a douche either way

brolli typical response from teh alpha male wannabe. wanna come eat red eat w/ me? man what the fuck is wrong with you?


Ilyusha NO-Xplode, not "no supplements" exactly

NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills.


brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Yes, arginine and citrulline are the base of every energy supplement, and there is no caffeine in no-xplode, yep... okay

im confused

caffeine reverses the effest of NO products...and brolli, dont hate just cuz NO products havnt worked for you...

brolli NO-Xplode is an expensive product that gives people "energy", can be done with caffeine pills. Not really. They both increase blood flow, but via two totally different mechanisms. NO supps dilate blood vesseles (lowers blood pressure) and decrease their resistance which increases blood flow , while products liek caffeine and ephedrine increase blood flow by jacking up heart reate and constricting blood vessles (raises blood pressure)

Peal I don't buy any supplements.... i dont buy any supplements at all either.

you are all things non-broly ban!

brolli they do nothing. Confirmation: You're a certified idiot.

NoXeN you are all things non-broly ban! in!

pt Confirmation: You're a certified idiot. hi pot, its the kettle, your black j/k

wtf is going on in here

The first posts disturbes me.

Retards who buy NO supplements.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Looking to introduce Y into the ECY stack...

Looking to introduce Y into the ECY stack...

My friend sgt. ownage hooked it up with the E and C. Im nearly out of E and am thinking of adding Y. Im curious as to what ratios people use for this stack, and where i can obtain more E, and Y.

There is a thread in the archives. .2 mg for every kg you weigh, or about .1mg per pound. Don't exceed 20mg a day. I'm at 15mg and I don't have any delicious effects like random erections. I wonder if it doesn't work for me

AznRyda There is a thread in the archives. .2 mg for every kg you weigh, or about .1mg per pound. Don't exceed 20mg a day. I'm at 15mg and I don't have any delicious effects like random erections. I wonder if it doesn't work for me im using VASOPRO right now and its cut with something else, the pill's total size is 25mg. any ideas on what the total ephedrine in it is?

BlinginAssRims im using VASOPRO right now and its cut with something else, the pill's total size is 25mg. any ideas on what the total ephedrine in it is? There is 25 mg of ephedrine in each tablet. Read it again.

edmang There is 25 mg of ephedrine in each tablet. Read it again. Yeah it's 25mg of ephedrine per pill and 200mg of guaifenesin

GilgaMesH Yeah it's 25mg of ephedrine per pill and 200mg of guaifenesin uh holy shit. ive been taking two in the morning...

BlinginAssRims uh holy shit. ive been taking two in the morning...

Mistich yeah no kidding, guess ill be bumping back down to one... whoa...fuck. any idea on good supplement supply stores on teh web?

BlinginAssRims yeah no kidding, guess ill be bumping back down to one... whoa...fuck. any idea on good supplement supply stores on teh web? bring it down to 1.5, your already fucked yourself up

BlinginAssRims uh holy shit. ive been taking two in the morning... how did you not see that...i told you like 50 times man

you don't take Ephedrine and Yohimbine together

Ceaze you don't take Ephedrine and Yohimbine together not at the same time anyway

I had a question about Y though. I am too lazy to look up the terms exactly, but it blocks alpa receptors (I think) and increases blood flow so that more fatty acids can be mobilized and burned off. But say that once it does it, how long does it take before those fats get reabsorbed by the body again? Essentially, whats the time period that you are allowed to burn off that excess fat? Is it the same period as the yohimbine is in the system? The half life isn't very long.

Looking to introduce Y into the ECY stack...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Supplement for joint health

Supplement for joint health

Mine pop a lot. I remember reading somewhere there's a good supplement for that...milk thistle?

superbri007 milk thistle, I had to laugh at that. Milk thistle is good for protecting the liver. what your thinking of is the nutraceutical "Glucosamine" Thanks.

Supplement for joint health

Monday, January 13, 2014

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

Anyone use these? Product Description -41 grams of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) and L-Glutamine -Only 6 grams of carbs -Only 180 calories Instructions Drink 30 minutes after workout or drink as a nutritional supplement. Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 bottle (20oz) Servings Per Container: 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 180 Total Fat <0.5g 0% Cholesterol 4mg 1% Chromium 20mcg 17% Sodium 320mg 13% Potassium 120mg 3% Total Carbohydrates 6g 2% Protein 38g 76% Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Extreme Pure Protein Complex 41g * Whey Protein Isolate L-Glutamine Are they any good? Would any of you recommend these? Thanks in advance

Found it here

I guess no one has tried this? Seems to be pretty good besides price

Extreme Pure Protein Drink?

Monday, January 6, 2014

What to take after creatine?

What to take after creatine?

I am curious about what supplement I should take after my 3 months of creatine. Should I just continue taking it or should I take something else?


blue-streak m1t Isn't that a steriod?


tize every 6 weeks take a 2 week break Alright. And when I start again I should go through the reloading period.

test injections

Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat?

Gutrat Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat? I have read a couple different things. But I was wondering if anyone can recommend something that works better.

HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done

SpeedyGST HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done I think I will pass.

clomid to get rid of the bitch tits

Soularis clomid to get rid of the bitch tits




A shit

CEE maybe?

cavefish CEE maybe? I have been looking into this. Should I take it right after finishing Creatine Monohydrate?

What to take after creatine?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

heard a lot about it... any one that takes it in here that can explain to me what exactly it does... and if its actually worth buying? and how much does it cost?


see the thing is i have a friend that body builds and he takes it... says it just basically helps something with protein synthesis... or something like that cant exactly remember...

A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month"

Up All Night A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month" eh he takes creatine and glutamine... so the two together... wheres christophers when i need him lol

waste of $$$

jonno waste of $$$ can you back it up? i mean like explain to me why...

There was a (recent?) study that basicly said it was worthless. Ill try to find the link but Im sure one of the experts will link it first.

whatever shows me proof of it

In conclusion, few studies have demonstrated any sort of conclusive benefit from L-glutamine supplementation in athletes, although the existing evidence does support a small benefit. The most promising effect is a reduced incidence of infection after exhausting exercise, and in this case 5-10 g preworkout and/or postworkout may be effective. It may be especially useful during times of overtraining or high stress, such as on a diet, but this is only in theory. There is little evidence for a direct anabolic or performance enhancing effect of glutamine. References at the bottom. They sell the stuff and dont endorse its effectiveness... that might say something.

guess oyu got me on that one then... wasnt gonna buy it just wondering what it does...

if you drink protein shakes you dont need that shit

well i do... guess that means i dont need it...

it was only proven to help recovery and such when used intraveinously, so unless you plan on hooking up an iv after a workout skip it.

i take creatine and now i am kinda scared.... hows creatine "something unresearched and unknown "

not helping dude

christophers sigh.. creatine is the most researched sports supplement in the entire world. once again, pt's showing why the reputation of them is nothing short of fucking awful. thank u very much

go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate

Ceaze go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate agreed...only supplement I havent tried worth trying...

The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... I like it because it makes my protein shakes really thick .

Socrates The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... except, it doesn't

Ceaze except, it doesn't Heh, I didn't take their word for it too much.

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Whatup guys been lifting for like a year and a half now, currently taking protein and creatine. Time to order up some new stuff cause I ran all out and was looking for some input from you guys what you think works well. I don't know much about Gluatamine, which i hear is good, and NO2, which i hear works well also. Has anyone tried either of these and did these help??

N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE

malto and flax seed oil if you already dont have it.

fish oil

ryazbeck N02 = piece of shit supplement. get CEE What the hell is CEE

creatine ethyl ester

ryazbeck creatine ethyl ester What's the difference between that and mono. I've only tried mono and that's all i've ever heard of. Thanks for the suggestions

why dont you read up on it?

ryazbeck why dont you read up on it? do you not know?

nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it.

ryazbeck nope, not a creatine fan, but a few people around here seem to like it. Alright cool thanks anyways, you said something about fish oil though, can you recommend a brand/brands you've tried.

never had it either, just taken flax seed, but you can get cheap vitamins at

Just get the fish oil at Costco.

At bulknutrtion forums they say CEE is not effective either. Just stick to what your taking right now, nothign replaces hard work in the gym. And also nothing replaces HGH and anabolics.

Russian red actijube training packs. Good shit

Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin

deznutz Who is saying no2 works well....? For get.... ON 100% Whey Protein CEE Multi-Vitamin thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather

ChosenGSR thats alot of cash for a multi-vitamin, I just got some centrum performance 75 tablets for 7.somethingrather 15 bucks for a multi-vitamin? Thats not to bad at all.

Recommend Some New Supplements or List Yours!

Monday, December 23, 2013

A little offtopic but what happened with Lyle and Avant Labs?

A little offtopic but what happened with Lyle and Avant Labs?

At the end of UD2 Lyle mentioned that his friends at Avant Labs was creating a product called Leptigen and hopefully it would work as it claimed. He seemed rather positive torwards them. However, if you read his posts on the message board, he's really negative about Avant Labs saying all they do is put a ton of garbage in one bottle and hope it works. Then says how they base all their research on rat studies and they don't take in account for human physiology and what not. Lyle called Par a supplement conman like the rest. What happened?

A little offtopic but what happened with Lyle and Avant Labs?

A little offtopic but what happened with Lyle and Avant Labs?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Green Food Supplements

Green Food Supplements

Im thinking about buying a green food supplement, event though i try to eat a lot of veggies, i find that im only getting around 3 servings a day. I was checking out bulk nutrition and they have this ...what do you guys think? It seems fairly cheap and looks like it has a lot of good phytochemicals in it, does anyone know about these? thanks

I have some, it's pretty good if you're no up for eating veges for whatever reason. Also gives a pretty decent energy boost. Be warned it does taste like grass pretty much...

I mainly take it in the morning on days where I'm either running late or just don't feel like preparing food. Mix it in with a shake and choke it down and run out the door.

I talked to a few people and they said that the green food powder HAS to be 100% organic or else you are wasting your money, anyone know if this is true? The brand in question does not say its organic.

Green Food Supplements

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Which is more valuable to new muscle growth for non-religious weight lifters who exercise regularly and lift twice a week Max? Is there another supplement (other than Multi-V) that is more vital ???

If your diet is protein deficient, then the whey protein would be more beneficial. If you are already getting adequate protein through whole foods, then creatine would be more beneficial. It goes without saying that you should be using a good MV, and supplementing EFA's.

sprite If your diet is protein deficient, then the whey protein would be more beneficial. If you are already getting adequate protein through whole foods, then creatine would be more beneficial. It goes without saying that you should be using a good MV, and supplementing EFA's. good info! I did say in my first post anything else other than "Multi-V", meaning i already use a good one but would want to look into something to help in gaining muscle growth. What is "EFA"? And why does that guy want to kill me, all i do i eat googles for breakfast nothing more nothing less

id go as far to say if you arent real involved stay away from creatine

Opi id go as far to say if you arent real involved stay away from creatine Hmm i was an athlete but was never really informed on body enhancers so i never took them. What is bad about Creatine other than the occassional cramp through dehydration?

ok Is An essential Fatty Acid , the same thing as Omega 3 and 6 i have been reading or hearing about so much lately? If so, i always read about it as a mental or Neuro affects rather than physical supplement? What is it good for?

CoronaBottle ok Is An essential Fatty Acid , the same thing as Omega 3 and 6 i have been reading or hearing about so much lately? If so, i always read about it as a mental or Neuro affects rather than physical supplement? What is it good for? Do some research dude, these are basic questions. Fish Oil: Flaxseed Oil:

tize waste of money, time if you arent active dot

sprite Do some research dude, these are basic questions. Fish Oil: Flaxseed Oil: Well, not really. Some o fthe info you provided me really don't even answer my question. "Flaxseed oil can help preven breast cancer", how will this help me gain muscle?

It won't help you "gain muscle", it will, however, help with body composition. There are two paragraphs on this in the Fish Oil article. Different products as a means to the same end.

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Source of Iron?

Source of Iron?

Hey, My gf's iron is low and she doesn't want to take iron pills b/c they make her all constipated. She can't stand the smell of liver when it's cooking and won't eat it, so I was just wondering if there was anything else out there that had a higher source of iron for her? The Dr said that she'd have to take 150mg iron pills.

Supplement pills would be the best way to make sure you are getting an adequate supply.

superbri007 brown rice, meat, raisins not bleeding from the vagina stick with meats.....the body can only absorb 10% or less of the iron from raisins or rice

Ceaze stick with meats.....the body can only absorb 10% or less of the iron from raisins or rice The only meat that I knew of that had a lot of iron in it was liver. Other then that, she mostly eats chicken, but I don't know how much iron is in chicken, beef or pork.

Veal liver 1 oz 4 mg -5 mg Beef 3 oz 4 mg -5 mg Lamb 4 oz 4 mg -5 mg Ham 2 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg Chicken 3 oz -4 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg Bologna 3 oz -4 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg

Ceaze Veal liver 1 oz 4 mg -5 mg Beef 3 oz 4 mg -5 mg Lamb 4 oz 4 mg -5 mg Ham 2 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg Chicken 3 oz -4 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg Bologna 3 oz -4 oz 1.5 mg -2 mg Thanks!

Foods Ranked as quality sources of: iron ...The following chart shows the foods which are either excellent, very good or good sources of this nutrient. Next to each food name you will find the following information: the serving size of the food; the number of calories in one serving; DV% (percent daily value) of the nutrient contained in one serving (similar to other information presented in the website, this DV is calculated for 25-50 year old healthy woman); the nutrient density rating; and the food's World's Healthiest Foods Rating. Underneath the chart is a table that summarizes how the ratings were devised. Read detailed information on our Nutrient Rating System. ... "

I take multivitamins with irno in it

Source of Iron?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think?

there's a ton of literature on the positive effects and general safety of creatine

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? Apparently you haven't read any studies.

ACURA TL-S Apparently you haven't read any studies. Hence the question.

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You mean, you never bothered to educate yourself before forming your opinion... wtg

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You didn't look very hard.

yes, yes i do.

christophers i dont understand the question. what "supplements"? aas? Stuff like 'natural growth hormone,' shit that you see at GNC. I mean, I would think that if the supplement in question actually worked it would be advertised as having clinically tested etc.

Creatine and protein is it. The suppliment industry is not regulated by the FDA, who knows what you are getting, they can say whatever they want in advertising and claims. Most studies done were performed by the company selling the product so draw your own conclusions.

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! Oh ya, I wasnt reffering to ephedrine or creatine or even whey or fish oils. I watched TUF the other night and there wa this hilarious ad with chuck lidell promoting some 'xyience' supplements, and I checked some of it out and they have like 'fat burning mix' but its ephedrine free.

DCCapen This thread is like someone going into a political debate and asking the people there to tell them about politics before he has anything of his own to say I would actually compare it more to reading a newspaper about politics before jumping to conclusions. A guy like christophers could tell me more in a couple minutes than I could possibly learn over hours and hours of research. I'm sorry, but your analogy is terrible.

pass the test please

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! read this, then read it again, then write it down, then read it tomorrow

christophers most otc supps have minimal at best effects, just get some tests if you want a real effect Where do I sign up for studies like this?

assuming the black spots are motor neurons, look at how much more robust they are in B than A; also the fiber's area has increased considerably. gonna be a lot more power generated after the test en..

what are the side effects of test?

christophers what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway)

Ceaze well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway) AV

iCe AV

GTPBR what are the side effects of test? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! Get the fuck out and never ever come back. In fact forget that you have ever been on F&N, reformate you computer and go back to using AOL.

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

I'm just curious if any products on the market have matched what Ephedra did. I highly doubt it, but what's the best thing out there now the Ephedra has been banned

looks like you might not have to settle for a subsititute as a result of this case:

tofu that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it?

same stuff for both

the active ingredient in ephedra = ephedrine all the good stuff, none of the bullshit

Hark that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it? you're joking right?

shastaisforwinners you're joking right? no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago?

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? read your own thread you nitwit.

dank read your own thread you nitwit.

Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra

Hark ephedrine hcl = best ephedra substitute on the market do an archive search for stacking/dosing guidelines

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? Im pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and are asking about ephedra/ephedrine because you treat it like a magic pill and have a complete lack of willpower.

Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra.

It probably had pseudoephedrine. Different stuff. Incidently ephedra is unbanned now I think I saw.

synephrine Utah Judge Strikes Down Ephedra Ban Fri Apr 15, 8:44 PM ET Health - AP By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge has struck down the FDA ban on supplements containing ephedra, a weight-loss aid linked to dozens of deaths, but it's too early to tell whether the product will be back in stores anytime soon. The judge Thursday ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's year-old ban. Nutraceutical claimed that ephedra has been safely consumed for hundreds of years. Research shows that the amphetamine-like herb can speed heart rate and constrict blood vessels even in seemingly healthy people, but it is particularly risky for those with heart disease or high blood pressure or who engage in strenuous exercise. Among the deaths linked to the substance was that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler, who collapsed and died during spring training two years ago. The judge's decision was seen by some anti-ephedra advocates as falling short of an outright reversal of the ban, though a Nutraceutical lawyer declared flatly, "the ban is gone." The company said it is too soon to say whether it will put the product back on shelves. Industry groups said supplements that included ephedra were once used by 12 million people. Judge Tena Campbell's order prevents the FDA from stopping Nutraceutical from selling its product and sent the case back to the FDA for a determination of what are safe and dangerous levels of ephedrine. The FDA was evaluating the ruling, but Health and Human Services spokesman William Pierce said the agency "made the right decision from the standpoint of science and our statutory authority. This is exactly when the dietary supplement law should apply." Health officials and Justice Department lawyers are looking at the ruling to determine the next step, Pierce said. Campbell agreed with Nutraceutical that ephedra was wrongly being regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food. She said a 1994 federal dietary supplement law places more restrictive rules on the FDA in determining whether to ban foods as opposed to drugs. The judge said the law requires the FDA to prove that a dietary supplement is harmful, rather than having the manufacturer prove it is safe, as is required with drugs. "The (FDA's) statement that a safe level cannot be determined is simply not sufficient to meet the government's burden," Campbell wrote. Nutraceutical President Bruce Hough said the lawsuit had little to do with ephedra and more to do with forcing the FDA to follow the rules Congress set down for it. "This is a great affirmation for the system, that the court goes back and says, 'This is Congress' intent,' and follow it," he said. Ephedra opponents said the language in the order applies only to a very specific, lower-dosage segment of the market. The ruling's final page prohibits the FDA from enforcing the ban on Nutraceutical's supplements containing 10 milligrams or less of ephedra. Ten milligrams per day was the dosage of Nutraceutical's products. "No one - not the FDA, the supplement industry, nor the public - has been satisfied by how ephedra has been regulated," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (news, bio, voting record), R-Utah, who helped write the 1994 law that also deregulated the supplement industry. "Millions of people have used the product with satisfaction, but there is no doubt the product has had some serious problems," he said. Illinois Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, a frequent ephedra critic who worked for the ban, said the ruling underlined the need for "a mandatory and uniform system of reporting adverse health events that result from use of certain dietary supplements."

vXSevenXv Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra. Ephedrine HCL and ephedra are not the same thing.

GilgaMesH Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra .

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Friday, December 6, 2013

I need to gain weight

I need to gain weight

hey everyone. I currently play High school baseball and Im a catcher. The only problem is that I am too small. I am 5 feet 9 inches and I weigh 147 pounds. I am a junior by the way(11th grade). I am not worried about my height. What I am worried about is my weight. I have been working out forabout a year now and I have gained a little bit of muscle but not much. I have taken NO2 pills. I have taken Protein. I have taken muscle milk, and none of them seem to work for me. I have really started taking it serious now for about a week. I workout with my friend who really knows what he is doing, an he told me to get some weight gainer and NO explode, so i did. I really want to get up to at least 170 pounds by the end of the summer. I really need some help, so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P.


Read stickies


how much should I eat a day and wat?

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? Ok seriously now......

maybe you should just eat more...

eat until you cant anymore then eat a lil bit more

i know this kid personally and i want someone to give him advice besides me him hearing that he needs to eat all the time from me so then he realizes that it is true.....ive tried and i think he needs to hear it from someone else like you alll who know what you are doing

Peety7 so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P. lots of steriods

animal pak vitamins.

eat everything in sight. eat until you can't eat anymore. then pause for awhile.. and eat again. it's not like you have this special condition that doesnt allow you to gain weight. if you eat enough you will put on the lbs.

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien

twofourtysx 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien Thaat lol

Start with a minimum of 18 calories per pound of bodyweight. Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The rest doesn't mean jack shit. If you're still not gaining weight, jack the calories. Take a multi-vitamin. Supplement with whey as needed to hit your protein goals, but at a caloric excess like that you shouldn't have any trouble gettin all your protein from whole foods. Fuck the NO products and spend that money on food. Supplement essential fatty acids, fish oil and or flax oil.


thanks guys

i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem...

see food diet.

seriously, eat like crazy. even if you're not hungry. say you go into your kitchen and look in your pantry. you see a new loaf of bread? get 4 slices, not 2, and get tons of peanut butter and jelly and make a quad-decker. something to wash it down. you see some milk. nope not good enough. get 3 scoops of whey and mix it in and use tha to wash it down. feels gross? go look for some spam. get 2 cans, open em up. be careful not to cut yourself. slice the spam in pieces, fry them on a skillet , go back to that loaf of bread. get a few more slices and make yourself some spam and mustard sandwiches. dessert? look in your freezer. 12 pack of haagan daz ice cream bars from costco? eat 6 of em. then eat the other 6. get the picture? good, now eat 8 eggs scrambled with olive oil.

You need to eat like mad. Supplements wouldn't hurt either.

lots of olive oil, fry everything in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, bread, seriously, its good. but remember, dont get the olive oil too hot otherwise it turns to trans fat. just make sure the OO isnt smoking, so like just above medium heat is good. get Extra Virgin Olive Oil, its the best for you

Cobra Commander i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem... wats that suppossed to mean. What im saying is that I finally realized that I need to not only work out, but eat right in order to gain weight

I need to gain weight

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

I'm currently in a brazilian jiu jitsu class, and we meet Tues-Thurs-Sun and go for 2-3 hours (stop and go learning on Tue/Thurs, and all out free grappling on Sunday). I'm trying to lose weight and gain/keep muscle, so will everything I have listed be good for that? I'm 6'2" and fluctuate around 253-255 lbs. I've been eating better and after this spring semester lets out i'll be lifting and riding a bike around the neighborhood. CLA 180 Softgels/800 mg $16.99 Yohimbe 1111 50 Capsules/1.111 grams $11.00 Muscle Milk 2.48 lb Chocolate $23.99 Vitamin C w/ Rose Hips 250 Tablets/1000 mg $8.00

get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111

Ceaze get SesaThin instead of CLA get Yohimbine HCl instead of Yohimbe 1111 Thanks for the reply. Anything else I should add to this? Currently i'm just taking a multivitamin and fish oil I bought locally. I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl?

dingo I read that Yohimbe 1111 cannot be used by females, same case with the Yohimbine HCl? that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil

Ceaze that's not true at all. other things you could take are: ephedrine hcl + caffeine lean xtreme by designer supplements fish oil Ahh... hrm, according to this review, it states on the label not to be used by females, but, that's also going by somone who could have potentially read it wrong? None the less thanks again. I'll be placing an order this weekend

I went through 2 bottles of sesathin, and I wasn't sure how good the results were. My sex drive was down too.

Why does it matter if you women can't take it anyways (they can). Are you a 6'2 230+ girl? I wouldn't take yohimbine until later to try to get of stubborn fat anyways. Proper dosing is harder, and you won't feel the effects as much as an EC stack. I heard great things about Lean Xtreme. It all boils down to your diet though, basically.

superbri007 Go with some ON 100% Whey Actually on my list of things to buy, I did change to that, simply because it's 155 servings. I *can* use the whey as a meal supplement right? Is this a bad diet: 7am: Whey drink 9am: Apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 11am: lunch time (I try to eat clean here, doesn't always work), can I substitute this for a whey drink as well? 3pm: Another apple, orange, or banana (only 1) 5-6pm: Dinner typically consisiting of baked pork chops, baked chicken, brown rice, diet drinks, anything along these lines 10pm (or right before bed): Whey drink

a slower digesting protein blend would be better

I wouldn't go with muscle milk. it's like 350 cals

It may not be good for females (ie. people who can get pregnant while taking it), but that doesn't mean they can't take it.

About to place an order to 1Fast400 and have some questions

Anyone tried NO2?

Anyone tried NO2?

anyone here tried NO2 yet? i just finished my first bottle of nitrixx by bsn , did see results in my vascularity. NO2 is sposed to do the same, wanted to know , for those taking NO2, hows it workin for you guys?

i heard it just allows more blood flow to your muscles causing you to only look bigger... i mean im not on it and it helps with more reps? so essentially just seems like a more expensive version of creatine...

save your money, dont buy it.

N02 is pretty much the best supplement ever made.

my workout buddy was on it for a while, it didnt seem to do anything

its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids. We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

joy division We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

... Don't buy that shit. It doesn't do anything. NOTHING replaces hard work in the gym.

It does very little, money would be much better spent on creatine.

That shit is fucking stupid. You could spend the money on food and get way better gains.

first post is about no2....

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing. did you miss that post?

from A colorless, poisonous gas, NO, produced as an intermediate during the manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia or atmospheric nitrogen and as a product of cellular metabolism. In the body, nitric oxide is involved in oxygen transport to the tissues, the transmission of nerve impulses, and other physiological activities. that is what nitric oxide is. that is what scuba divers get when they are underwater for too long. and if you want expanded veins as well go head and try it!

Anyone tried NO2?

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