Saturday, December 21, 2013

Green Food Supplements

Green Food Supplements

Im thinking about buying a green food supplement, event though i try to eat a lot of veggies, i find that im only getting around 3 servings a day. I was checking out bulk nutrition and they have this ...what do you guys think? It seems fairly cheap and looks like it has a lot of good phytochemicals in it, does anyone know about these? thanks

I have some, it's pretty good if you're no up for eating veges for whatever reason. Also gives a pretty decent energy boost. Be warned it does taste like grass pretty much...

I mainly take it in the morning on days where I'm either running late or just don't feel like preparing food. Mix it in with a shake and choke it down and run out the door.

I talked to a few people and they said that the green food powder HAS to be 100% organic or else you are wasting your money, anyone know if this is true? The brand in question does not say its organic.

Green Food Supplements

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