Saturday, December 21, 2013

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

This really blows. I was out playing football at a field behind the dorms on campus this past friday, and while I was out I hurt my knee all kinds of bad. I was running full speed and it buckled inside... Now I'm on crutches and can't workout indefinately, with only 3 weeks of classes left. I don't know how long I will be out, but last time this happened the doc said if it happened again I would likely need reconstructive surgury. I was making such good progress too... now I can't even make my way around the kitchen to eat well, so its only fatty takeout food for a while Sorry for the sad post... ibflamesforwhateverfuckingreason

i would cry and kill myself i think. i feel really sorry for you right now.

dude you can still eat well. i was on crutches for 6 weeks last august and still managed to hop around the kitchen on one foot so i wouldn't have to settle for bullshit food. dont use that as your excuse. and u can still go to the gym and do some upperbody stuff. it's not that bad

I'm injuried from football as well. But i hurt my finger. I have around 5 weeks left before i should be better.

that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts

PHOBOPHILEE that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts are you kidding me? squats and deadlifts > *

I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

lol so true! buti feel bad when i cant workout hotdamn! I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

Don't let an injury let your whole lifestyle go to shit. I did once, and that 30 pounds came pretty quickly. Just keep eating well, I'm sure you'll figure something out that you can do while your knee is taken care of.

i was in a similar boat..i had surgery on my knee 3.5weeks ago and it's still healing. it's still swollen and hurts..i sorta tripped down the stairs and my foot got stuck and stretched more than needed. it hurts like a motherfucker.

When i fucked up my knee i still went to the gym and did upper body stuff. I would for sure try to figure out how you can go still so you dont get out of shape.

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

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