Saturday, December 21, 2013

I think my extensor digitorum is fucked.

I think my extensor digitorum is fucked.

My fingers on my right hand are pretty stiff for no reasons whatsoever. I noticed this after I was done with a bio exam earlier this morning. I looked it up and found some info that leads me to believe that I either have osteo-arthritis or heart disease (apparently stiffness of the fingers is a precursor to both of those diseases). Upper body day today will be interesting...

it's the protein powder

superbri007 man up with your bad communist self coudl it just be that you wrote a lot? Didn't write that much..

My fingers are stiff as well, I don't think it's a heart condition.

too much munchkin punching

It's probably just from lifting, seriously. I get stiff fingers after heavy deadlift days.

I haven't lifted since Monday.

In all seriousness, how old are you? If it's worrying you that much, go get a checkup but osteo-arthrtis and heart disease both sound a little hypochondriac. Sometimes google is a bad thing that way.

Elfling In all seriousness, how old are you? If it's worrying you that much, go get a checkup but osteo-arthrtis and heart disease both sound a little hypochondriac. Sometimes google is a bad thing that way. I was ing for a reason.. I don't really believe that I have either disease. I'm 22.

I think my extensor digitorum is fucked.

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