Friday, December 27, 2013

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

I probably could find this in another thread but I felt like making one. The protien shakes I have been using are Soy protien. I've heard vague "bad stuff" about whey but never any substantiation or even specific bad things. What are the different benefits of different kinds of protien shakes? I see everyone on here is nuts about whey. How come? Get through the jokes in the beginning...and there are some good links to research on the types of Protein and how your body uses (or doesn't) them.

here we go again

sorry, I know, I'm a dumb broly noob.

soy protein is fine, but at least to me whey seems a lot more available and studies, most of which have been disproven, showed it could raise estrogen levels.

Maestro Nobones I probably could find this in another thread but I felt like making one. The protien shakes I have been using are Soy protien. I've heard vague "bad stuff" about whey but never any substantiation or even specific bad things. What are the different benefits of different kinds of protien shakes? I see everyone on here is nuts about whey. How come? soy protein isnt so much bad as it isnt as good as whey, whey is an animal protein. plant proteins are incomplete and dont give you all the essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth. one shouldnt live off plant protein alone, that is why we are omnivores. it will help suplement but definitely dont just eat beans or soy protein shakes if you want to make real gains. thats why vegetarians are such vagina McGinasteins

ok I read that other thread. so how about this, what's a good whey shake that doesn't have a bunch of other crazy additives/suppliments in it? I can't take stuff like stimulants, and I'm trying to stay away from too many synthesized chemicals in my suppliments (part of my MS diet). I like the soy shakes that I do because they are soy and spirulina, just protien and nutrition.

just drink the whey shake, maybe add some natty stuff, fruits, pb, milk

no, I eat a complete diet. I just like to add a scoop of protien to my smoothies. I'm also not building for true broly status, just strength and performance (for martial arts).

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

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