Showing posts with label skinny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skinny. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

damn blenders own

damn blenders own

so I drink my shakes usually by mixing them with a spoon, I've thrown up while drinking shakes but I sitll do it to tuff it out, they taste like shit, clunky, etc well today I tried a blender...holy shit, went down smooth and it was good

My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on.

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I have a rival

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. do they use it on their teeth or their pussy?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. Thats the one I have and I love it. Especially the grinding attachment, works great on oats

i plan to pick up a blender today

Get 1 of those Magic bullets from Tv. I been using it for like 9 monthes. The other day it broke and they sent a new one in le a week. They have a lifetime warrenty.

I got one of them...slightly different great

sounds like too much cleanup on all of those... i usually pound my shakes in about 2 min, quick rinse out my shaker and go.

deznutz did it have the word pocket in it?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit? my g/f bought her sister a dolphin for x-mas

Looks like a corndog stick to me!

AznRyda Looks like a corndog stick to me! yea, wtf?

WTF is that?

yeah i don't understand why everyone doesn't use a blender. i got one for $20, one the best purchases i've made. It takes seconds to clean too if you have one of those hand-spray things in your sink.

meh. i have a nalgene bottle. get water from the refrigerator dispenser, measure to 12oz on the side markings, 2 scoops on whey, close, shake, chug, rinse, done. easy enough for me.

J Shmoke WTF is that? .

i have a cuisinart

Ceaze i have a cuisinart my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake?

sounds like the picture used to be that of a vibrator... and then got edited to a picture of a corndog stick =) i just use this cheapo shaker cup that i got from bulk nutrition.

ACURA TL-S I have a rival that skinny stick is your rival? owned

Atenza6i my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake? I used to bust out the blender each time i wanted a shake, now i just grab the shaker, pour in water, powder, maybe a strawberry or two and shake the hell out of it

i have never used a blender for a shake. i do use a coffee grinder for my oats though

damn blenders own

Friday, January 24, 2014

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Is all natural a thing of the past?

It seems like so many people are using stuff now days. I never took anything, not even creatine. I dunno, I guess Id rather get there without using anything ya know? Im sure there are a ton of people out there who DONT use anything, it just seems like most are, ya know?

a lot of people are all natural, a lot of people juice.... either way their results are more directly correlated with their motivation and knowledge so i dont see what the big deal is

im guessing youve never used protein either and you weigh 140

Actually im 6', 220. all natural.

i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural?

Widowmaker Actually im 6', 220. all natural. % body fat?

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? you also eat food with creatine in it

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? well your body produces creatine, and testosterone, just not in the same levels as you get from supplements.

protein is something you need to build muscle, regardless if it is "natural' in your any pics?

Honestly never check it. I can post my pic if youd like. My maxes are... Bench:260 ( i suck at bench) Squat: 450 Dead: 505

out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there.

infinite loop out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there. Then you still are natural

Best pic I got...

Video of 500 deadlift?

And please dont think Im knocking people who do use them or anything cuz im not.

I don't consider creatine/protein as "not natural". roids i would consider cheating.

Hip Hippo Video of 500 deadlift? This is just like racing huh, no timeslip, no care. Sorry no vids, I THINK i have one of 405 somewhere lol. But that's a far cry. I dont expect yall to believe me.

If it doesn't change hormonal levels to unhuman levels then it is natural to me and on that note, I am all natural.

Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements.

guestDJ Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements. he probably eats more than you

jonno he probably eats more than you not really. I was illustrating how some people may need more intake depending on their metabolism mainly. I need to eat 3 bigmacs while my bro needs only one type of deal.

to each their own speaking of car racing is nos cheating? what about slicks? or what about stripping the car, or what about... you get the point to each their own, I take protein now, might take creatine in a couple of month

Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass.

personally, its natural if I can get it in my diet, , ie protein, creatine, etc. I'm pretty sure I can't get steriods or prohormones from my diet

Mass Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass. exactly

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

8 months lifting progress

8 months lifting progress

this is me after 8 months of lifting.. wondering which areas u guys think i should be concentrating on now? i know my chest definetely needs work, been slack in that area bcos of many wrist/elbow injuries that affected my pressing movements im 5'7" and around 143lb (up maybe 11lb from when i started lifting).. i dun have any starting pics of myself, but i guess i can say a few years back i had the typical skinny asian body.. still skinny now but wit a lil bit of muscle :]

eat more

Looks like you need to beating a lot more. Your chest looks like your biggeset weakness, along with your arms. Your abs could use some more work. Your back and shoulders look amazing for yoru weight.

xpinchx Looks like you need to beating a lot more. Your chest looks like your biggeset weakness, along with your arms. Your abs could use some more work. Your back and shoulders look amazing for yoru weight. But yeah, I would agree with everybody else too, you need to increase your food intake. What does your routine look like though?

you need before pics to judge 'progress' and keep eating.

eat eat eat eat

Bulking time.

chest - cable flies if you can't press

my routine is always changing to accomodate for injuries i get from breaking : i was doin westside before but the ME benching was probly too heavy on my elbow and wrists... so now i switched to more of a MAX-OT style workout i guess my back and shoulders are more developed bcos i do planches, but yeh all my other parts are pretty dismal but im definetely gonna take f&n's advice n start bulking now!

impressive lats for your size.

Good job on the lats.

8 months lifting progress

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

found an old pic of me

found an old pic of me

warning its kinda gross First pic you'll notice my gyno..second pic you'll notice the bad acne..its from the nolva and acne is a side ( i had it previously but this increased it a lot ) but my nips do look a lot better.. First pic I had been working out 3 months Second was today (im workin on a tan )

nice man. you actually look like a human being.

looks better, heaps better

so u did gyno surgery?

nope been taking nolva..seems to be working slowly

id also like to add the britney poster was a gift

NoXeN nope been taking nolva..seems to be working slowly isnt there also a another brand thats new but seems to work

nice work!! yoos a tall bastad aintcha!

How tall are you again Noxen?

blue-streak isnt there also a another brand thats new but seems to work im not sure the dr. prescribed this stuff to me, he called it tamoxifen..but i guess thats another name for nolva -i'm 6'2

what the hell is nolva?

an anti e, used in treatment of breast cancer

Why Are You Taking That?

was that really gyno? doesn't look like it to me. nice delts

good shoulder improvement

arms looking way better

Peal an anti e, used in treatment of breast cancer AKA Tamoxifen in the US.

you still look fairly lean... i'm sure you can bulk up a lot more if you eat more?

tize progress not need to start eating kid quiet fatty if youre not an ectomorph you have NO IDEA how hard it is to gain..anyways the nolva has helped my gyno..and it is a form of gyno..theres a type with "tissue" underneath the nipple(puffy nipples, what i had) and type with fat (man boobs) been working out 2 years this june..i took this past summer off basically..with how i eat im happy with my progress, i realize my diet is shit those posters were both gifts

nice are you talkin about tize....I see big progress

nice shoulders/arms, lil more build on the chest. you look like you have a decently low body fat, do you just not tighten your stomach for the pics? would imagine you'd see more definition than that. nice progress.

dude i took 3 months off and i eat like shit if you dont "see" a difference then youre just being a dick

tize i was an ecto until i started getting high and eating the whole menu at mcdonalds. i weighed 130 when i was 17. at your height that isnt that skinny sorry

kronik85 nice shoulders/arms, lil more build on the chest. you look like you have a decently low body fat, do you just not tighten your stomach for the pics? would imagine you'd see more definition than that. nice progress. i was..i just have a layer of fat hiding em i still dont have enough mass to make me want to cut though

I actually have to agree with Tize on that one, it just isn't exactly 2 years of progress. Even taking off 3 months, it just doesn't look right. Not trying to put you down, but just want to help you and maybe try to -up your calories -intensity -new split etc, find what works best for you

found an old pic of me

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

People are so fucking dumb. I hear this shit at least twice a day.

It is a great way to lose weight :P

sire It is a great way to lose weight :P hell no

tize why do you hear that? are you super skinny or something/ Super skinny and eat like a horse. bulking>*

my mommy says that to me

everyone on the internet says it to me

I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day.

sr20wop my mommy says that to me mine used to. thank god that doesnt happen anymore. now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

~*Pogovina*~ now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

sr20wop .

sr20wop it's funny cause it's true

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden?

quickone ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden? No, not at all. Let's just say I found it... in the toilet. I don't really feel like reliving that moment.

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too.

7th Ninjai Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too. Not really. No symptoms I was aware off. They passed a new law in Canada recently that prohibits fresh fish being used... it has to have been frozen for at least 2 weeks I believe.

Back in the day when I had stomach problems that prevented eating for certain periods of time I used to tell people that "something was eating my tapeworm."

Tapeworm is acting up


"Do you have a tapeworm?"

Saturday, January 18, 2014

woohoo! I broke into the 150s!

woohoo! I broke into the 150s!

I just did my update a few days ago- and of course, right afterwards my "wimmin shit" started- incredibly late. Well, i happened to be carrying a few pounds of water weight and am now at 159

great job pogo! kick ass progress

great job!

You're Doin It!!!!!!!!!

Good job! Keep up the hard work!

good job, keep up the good work and keep us posted with progress =)

post again when you get in the 120's nice work

I hit 200 today

superbri007 Good job brolyette Pogo, how tall are you? 5'8"

Filmboy44 post again when you get in the 120's nice work I will NEVER get into the 120s. PURPOSELY. I look sickly when I am under 130. Cliffs: no pics 4 u

thanks everyone, I'm so proud of myself! 21 pounds down from when I started in January

nice loss. Keep going!

bait nice loss. Keep going! yes, yes, we know I'm still a fattie... I'll keep going

superbri007 we're tied idb? i kid you know what they say about fat girls


superbri007 they give good head? that too... :hungry:

~*Pogovina*~ I will NEVER get into the 120s. PURPOSELY. I look sickly when I am under 130. Cliffs: no pics 4 u I never asked for poics

you're WAY too tall to be under 130. that would be way to skinny.

Filmboy44 I never asked for poics my bad.

ryazbeck you're WAY too tall to be under 130. that would be way to skinny. tell that to the main forum 99% of OT says 130 is fat at my height

woohoo! I broke into the 150s!

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK*

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK* *NWS LINK*


KetchupKing IBitsyou no timberwolf is a beanpole compared to me im like 10 brolys rolled into 1

dmaestro no timberwolf is a beanpole compared to me im like 10 brolys rolled into 1 he's probably using your pic in his myspace

what a fag.

The funny thing is he is saying timber is 11 years younger than he really is.

What a chode. This deserves OT justice.

damn, wy didn't I think of that first. I could be like Tize and pull in mad myspace bitches

ACURA TL-S The funny thing is he is saying timber is 11 years younger than he really is. that would be quite flattering

its gotta be someone from OT... unless Timber whores his pics out

nice bag over the head...

NWS link

Filmboy44 its gotta be someone from OT... unless Timber whores his pics out google: abs timber = #3

man thats flattering... I wish someone would pretend to be me on myspace

deznutz nice bag over the head... Hiding my wrinkled old face. I just opened a profile on myspace.

post your link timber

this is the bish's other pic: with the caption: Ok. . . maybe not as sexy as my first pic . you can tell clearly it is timber from the massive traps ::

timberwolf I opened one to view someone elses stuff and thats about as far as I got.

someone add him as a friend and add a comment i already emailed him. what a loser.

I really think it's a joke, obviously other than the plastic bag you can see how he whited out every bit of his hair too. Honestly because who is gonna wanna meet people on myspace and come to find out your just some skinny little punk kid?

funny pic though

i sent a friend req

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK*

Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

Monday, January 13, 2014

metabolism question

metabolism question

when you change your diet (amount of food you intake basically), how long does it take your metabolism to adjust? ie. get used to the new amount of food intake and disappear that hungry feeling, because i used to overeat, and now that i've lowered it to the amount i should be eating i get hungry

How many calories are you getting a day and what's your bodyweight

about 2300 and i'm 180lbs

learn to like feeling hungry. when i wanted to lose weight i dropped my cals to prolly 1500 or lower a day (too low). i was always hungry and i just liked it. i didnt really know what i was doing, but i lost 30lbs in a 3-4 months.

i dont know too much, but i know enough to know thats not a good method. you must've lost a lot of muscle i started dropping my cals gradually and coupled it with excersise (a bit of cardio and weights). i've got some upper body fat i wanna get rid of (see: man tits)

ChillerTwist i dont know too much, but i know enough to know thats not a good method. you must've lost a lot of muscle i started dropping my cals gradually and coupled it with excersise (a bit of cardio and weights). i've got some upper body fat i wanna get rid of (see: man tits) 30lbs in 3-4 months is pretty normal actually

try some hoodia ( or nicotine (gum or patches). If you want major appetite suppression then get ahold of some bromocriptine.

nathanbx 30lbs in 3-4 months is pretty normal actually I have lost 20 in two with minimal muscle loss.

BTW, you just have to wait for your stomach to shrink. Your metabolism doesn't have as much to do with the hungry feeling as the stretch receptors in your stomach. You will get used to it. It is weird, when I cut and I eat I feel fat, when I bulk and I don't eat I feel skinny.

Ceaze try some hoodia ( or nicotine (gum or patches). If you want major appetite suppression then get ahold of some bromocriptine. yeah hoodia works really good as long as you take it with a full glass of water

awesome! thanks for all the replies guys, they've been very helpful. i will look into those products if it becomes unbearable, but i'd rather let nature take its course

metabolism question

Saturday, January 11, 2014



Or am I some kind of freak I'm 19, 5'7" and I weigh 145 lbs. I don't know what my body fat is. I am completely ripped though. I wouldn't lie as I want a legitimate answer, and I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut. I have never really worked out, and the only sit ups I have done were the ones I had to do to pass PE in HS, but I have really defined abs. Only recently have I started working out, I first started benching 130 30 times in sets of 10, and in a month I can comfortably bench 170 30 times and not get sore. My diet is terrible, whatever cereal is in the cupboard for breakfast, fast food/occasional deli sandwitch for lunch, and anything from spaghetti to steak for dinner with random snacks inbetween. I don't maintain a healthy diet at all, for now. Anyway, my main question is, is this genetics? I know not everyone can eat what they want, when they want and still ahve a body like mine. Is it all metabolism? I'm also kinda new to the working out thing, does anyone have any useful links to workout routines? I mainly want to do my upper body, but I want to keep my legs in proportion. Thanks in advance

uhh why are you doing 30 reps and 10 sets for bench. 300 reps on bench for a workout?

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing to be totally honest.

read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

joy division read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

you arent special you are skinny

joy division it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.


what a gay thread


DCCapen yea, you're a twig Uh, no shit. Why do you think I asked for advise?

i'm not sure i believe the 130 bench 30 times for sets of 10 at all when you first started working out at your size

What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing.

Like 10 - 3 minute break - 10 more - 3 min - 10 more

A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

P7 What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing. yeah. what you said before was 130 lbs 30 reps for 10 sets...which means you would have done it 300 times. i understand you now

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE? dude i'm crunk but this is funny shita

+1 for more Bench Press, Curls and Ab workouts...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut made me laugh a little.

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

Gutrat I don't know about you guys, but made me laugh a little. me too. I immediately had the urge to quote it.

I guess I'll take my questions to a legitimate forum from now on.

this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics?

I wonder if he gets lots of girls.

ryazbeck this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics? your age. i ate TONS everyday, anything and everything, maybe like 4000 calories or somehting very high, my diet wasn't clean, lots of jack and mcd, drank a lot and smoked, etc. my body fat was 12-13% and had six pack.. and im a female. its not like that for me any more. obviously, many years have passed by.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

Ok so as most of you know I got a bad case of colitis in late December, got out of the hospital on January 7th and didn't touch a weight for 8 weeks after that. Now I am going to show you my progress since I started lifting and bulking hardcore. Ok I went from a lean 215 to an abysmal 180 back to 215 but not as good looking Well I plan to keep on eating everything in sight through summer (fuck a beach body this year) and hopefully hit 240 or 250 fairly soon before I cut again (may run Superdrol soon). I have been doing DeFranco's "Westside for Skinny Bastards" routine the whole time and have liked it but have thought about switching over to a CP plan for bodybuilders. If I were to do something like that, what exercises would you recommend and what type of split? I'm pretty new to CP but apparently it's the best thing since dbawlz so I want to try it out. I also would like to hit the gym more than 3 times a week, if possible because I feel like my body responds better than if I were only going 3 days or so. So what do you guys think? Sorry for being such a skinny bitch

if you can make it to 250 before you cut, i give you lots of respect.

That sucks about your colitis, I'm with ya on bulking through summer broly.

damn that sucks. good work though

you're back at 215 already? nice work bro, it'll all come back in time

just be careful with the bulking, hubby had colitis last year and he is really sensitive to certain foods now. He's never been the same. edit: looks like you're doing great though

Damn, what a way to pull it back up. That's shitty about the illness dude but the fact you've managed to come out of it and still find time to pull back your training is amazing. I'd have a hard time knocking that progress, congratz

DCCapen I have never seen muscle loss like that before, thats amazing. But hey, congrats on the bluking Yeah I was mentally devastated afterwards seeing that I had lost like 35 pounds of almost pure muscle. Getting back though

GilgaMesH Yeah I was mentally devastated afterwards seeing that I had lost like 35 pounds of almost pure muscle. Getting back though how long did it take you to gain it all back? or was it 8 weeks to goto the 180 to 215?

SteveO how long did it take you to gain it all back? or was it 8 weeks to goto the 180 to 215? It's been about 6 weeks, I believe.

Are/were you on any medications like prednisone for your colitis?

therealdeal Are/were you on any medications like prednisone for your colitis? I was on prednisone for like 2 weeks and now I'm on colozal.

GilgaMesH I was on prednisone for like 2 weeks and now I'm on colozal. fuck prednisone

Sgt. Ownage fuck prednisone agreed. Wasn't a huge fan

GilgaMesH agreed. Wasn't a huge fan killed my apetite/upset my stomach

Sgt. Ownage killed my apetite/upset my stomach It increased my appetite but I just felt shitty once I tapered down.

Sgt. Ownage killed my apetite/upset my stomach wierd, the typical side effect is to drastically increase appetite.

therealdeal wierd, the typical side effect is to drastically increase appetite. Yeah it really helped my bulking I'm getting fucking fat though and it's pissing me off.

GilgaMesH Yeah it really helped my bulking I'm getting fucking fat though and it's pissing me off. Ya, unfortunately it makes you gain fat and it kills off muscle. So you must have lost all your weight before you got on it eh?

Yeah all my muscle was killed off before the prednisone.

Sgt. Ownage fuck prednisone By the way, what did you take prednisone for?

GilgaMesH By the way, what did you take prednisone for? massive allergic reaction/hive breakout...which still plagues me to this day and the cause is unknown

Sgt. Ownage massive allergic reaction/hive breakout...which still plagues me to this day and the cause is unknown Yeah getting someone , doctor's not knowing the cause or whether or not it's going to be persistent is pretty frustrating

GilgaMesH Yeah getting someone , doctor's not knowing the cause or whether or not it's going to be persistent is pretty frustrating this was honestly my allergist's response 'welll didnt test positive for any it's a..............virus....yeah......if you break out for 6 more months see me'

PcH How can you gain and lose weight so quickly?! You were so cut before.. Welp a week of laying in a hospital bed and throwing up everything I ate tends to make muscle disappear apparently.

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

Okay here is my problem I'm a 28 year old male and I'm skinny as all hell. I could pass for 16 probably to be honest. I have tried and tried to gain weight but just can't. I eat and eat and eat and nothing really. I don't really have access to a gym so I have to make do with those weight benches you buy from the store to work out with. This is all good and fine but all it's doing is toning me out not really gaining any mass or muscle. It's downright embarassing to be as skinny as I am and I was curious if anyone knows of any products or excersises or something I can do to get some meat on my bones? I don't want to be like friggin Hulk Hogan or anything but to be in shape and not a twig would be really nice. Thanks for any help you guys can offer without flaming the shit out of me lol.

You THINK you eat a lot. Trust me, I did too. Eat at least 5-6 times a day, REAL food. Chicken, pastas, fish, lots of protein. And you're not going to get big if you don't lift hard. Period. Look around, there are some good writeups. Also, check your PMs

get into competitive eating

Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it.

Fabian You THINK you eat a lot. Trust me, I did too. Eat at least 5-6 times a day, REAL food. Chicken, pastas, fish, lots of protein. And you're not going to get big if you don't lift hard. Period. Look around, there are some good writeups. Also, check your PMs how much muscle gain

strangerthanfiction how much muscle gain A lot man I"m 5'9 weight abotu 120 if that. I need to gain some weight and some muscle. I just u kno a slender man's build but healthy you know?

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

I can't gain weight

I can't gain weight

I'm 5'10 130ish but i've lost 20 pounds since the summer. I can't put on weight. My waist is size 28 and my figure is enviable by some females. I've tried supplements and they have worked but i'm now somewhat intolerant to milk, so that rules out my old stash. Is it something to do with my weird metabolism? I'm 23, Asian, everyone in my family is not overweight. My diet has a decent amount of carbs as we rotate western/eastern style meals on a daily basis. I can binge eat like a mad man and gain next to nothing. See nutrition specialist?

meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006.

if you want it bad enough, you'll eat enough to meet your goals

You'd be surprised what you can put in a blender, but whatever you do, don't try to put a Powerbar in there. I swear to god the blender was about to explode.

I'm 5'8 and i started at 130...(Last fall) I started working out maybe 2 months ago. And if anything (im 145 now.) The best way to gain weight is to eat a LOT. Eat eat eat. And Lift. LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS. Try to limit cardio as much as possible.

how in the shitfuck did you lose 20 lbs from 150 at 5'10?

If *I* can gain weight, anyone can. 6'2 135 - 6'2 170 in 5 months. Granted I lost it all when I got mono, that's still a lot of weight. If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim before I manned up and started eating (in addition to the lifting that wasnt doing me any good until i hit a caloric surplus)

you can gain weight /thread and possibly yourself

sr20wop you can gain wight /thread and possibly yourself

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. It'll take a while to get to this, but eat slightly more every day and you'll work your way up to being able to eat that much.

you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position.

SpicyMcVoodoo you saying if you eat quarter pounders with supersized french fries 3 times a day with a large milk shake on the side you won't gain any weight? I'd fucking kill to be in your position. i'd fucking kill to not be in my position

eat a 5 pound plate you'll gain 5 pounds

I've eaten 4 pounds of food in one sitting before... weight did not change in the morning

i know how he's feeling. but still gotta eat. eat lots, lift big, get big.

When I was in HS (all 4 years) I weighed a steady 110 pounds. I HATED it, I was painfully skinny and it actually would get me into trouble (they thought I had an eating disorder ) I tried everything, even that weight gainer powder drink and drinking ensure Unfortunately I never managed to gain any weight by these methods. I eventually gained weight when I was married and got knocked up My metabolism just finally slowed down. (funny thing is, that's how I knew i was preg- I gained 10 pounds in the first month and it tipped me off that something was going on) I honestly worried that I had a mild thyroid disorder and my doctor had even suggested it at one time. I certainly hope this isn't the case but you may want to have it looked into. Good luck and don't get knocked up!

Phlab If you want a mental image, I looked like a holocaust victim that sums up what I looked like at 110 pounds and 5'8". I don't look healthy under 125.

oh, and you sound just like my little brother. he looks like noXens before pic If you figure out how to do it, let me know so I can pass the info along

yogfx seems to be the only person to have said it... Eat more, and then eat more after that, do this consistently and you will gain weight.

I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein.

ChosenGSR I know this is not a popular choice, and rightfully so... But have you looked into weight gainers? They aren't the healthiest thing out there for you but they certainly do work. Being a slave of corporate America when bulking I resort to those (along with other stuff) to help me put on weight. Just recently I went from about 134 to 150 in about 2 month using heavyweight 900 instead of protein. Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph....

y0gfx Weight gainers aren't necessary IMO. From ALL the threads in F&N, I'm surprised not many people just post here and just say EAT. That's all he has to do. The #2 piece of advice here (#1 being DL and Squat) is to fucking EAT. SO JUST EAT. Thats ALL. EAT EAT EAT BABIES, CHICKENS, DOGS, CATS, anything that you can possibly eat. (But try to eat clean...) edit: you say you can binge eat. Well binge eat 5 times a day. Hit the weights 4 times a week. Do little to NO Cardio. And stay disciplined and motivated. Stick to your schedule and don't cheat. There is no easy way to bulk if youre like a super ectomorph.... I completely agree with you, however certain schedules do not give you the ability to eat 24/7 as required when bulking I spend 8-9 hours at work and about 2-3 hours on the road each day, so having a shake with me helped me big time to pack on some weight. Again, I am not pushing the idea of weight gainers. Just give him some food for thought. I know I wouldn't of been able to do without, not with my schedule

superbri007 anyone advocating the use of N02 can suck my wang

I've also had a very tough time gaining weight. fOr while I thought if I just took steroids I could gain. But really it just takes willpower to be dedicated. I eat till I am completely full. wait an hour or something then lift heavy. WAit a day or again. In the meantime I take Enlarge2 shakes in between meals, meal replacement shakes as snacks, and I eat huge portions. when you get that totally stuffed feeling your metabolism actually slows down a bit. Mine is always through the roof. Try to eat a few big meals instead of many small meals. many small meals keeps your metabo up. And do less reps, more weight for muscle gain. Im fairly new to lifting but IVe found that this method really helps me to gain weight. My jeans are almost too tight to wear now, which is crazy, a few months ago they would fall off me.

KetchupKing meet or beat this everyday for a month. You'll gain at least 5 lb by the end of the month. Do it for a year and you'll be at 200lb this time 2006. Very, very true. If you're lifting to gain muscle, your diet should contain: 59% Carbs, 28% fats, and 13% proteins. KetchupKing is pretty much correct. Also, try drinking half a gallon of whole milk per day. (I have heard GREAT things from this.)

I can't gain weight

Monday, January 6, 2014

ATTN: Norman Normal

ATTN: Norman Normal

you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm

sr20wop you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm no, i am interested too...

I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them.

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. shiiit, i'll post pics of me when i was 265, if u post urs... IBThisaintimwithopugheyfag EDIT: well if yu ae not gonna posty pics, habve u gained any weight yet?

I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here:

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n or scared... either one

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: they will be baned if they post em there...

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: fair enough

how come yur not usin f&n training log

sr20wop awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n F&N is like my sanctuary I'm off to bed guys.. you guys will get pics, just wait a bit more.

damn man good luck i didnt know you were that skinny. i hope you get bigger

sr20wop how come yur not usin f&n training log mostly because it didnt exist when I started my log at wannabebig

damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work

sr20wop damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work i agree... keep eating, and keep us updated...

ATTN: Norman Normal

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone.

a few days wont hurt man!

i binge whenever i go home for some reason. i always go places with my friends and i eat everything in sight. it freaks me out because i'm going home for the summer.

xpinchx It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone. i'm in the same boat. weekends are so tough

ACURA TL-S Kick that bitch to the curb .

it's nothing to worry about. The amount of carbs you ate just added some water weight

i'm in the same goddamn boat, during the week i have amazing discipline, then the weekend comes and i eat like there's no tomorrow

im injuried so my boat is even worst! i feel myself getting fatter =o

If you're eating spot on during the week and not planning for the weekend, you need to start. Plan in a "cheat" or a "free" meal on the weekend so you stop just gorging without planning.

I thought you were small and bulking

I do the same thing when I go to my gfs. It doesn't matter though because I am bulking.

Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so

the best thing to do is have your weekend meal prepared! i like to have baked potato, chicken breast, and veggies ready for me to eat. So if im always full i cant eat bad food =p

Grouch I thought you were small and bulking I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July.

SilverJettaGLX Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so Unless the rest of your diet is pretty bad, I don't think you would've hurt yourself too much. You definately hurt your progress by binging that much, though. I know it's hard as hell.

I'm ~230lbs and I have never eaten an entire pizza, or something of that sort and size, by myself. I don't know how you guys do that shit...

xpinchx I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July. oh my bad. I though you said you were in that thread where you posted your weigth set.

I ate bad all weekend too, I had a friend come from NJ, so we went drinking all day yesterday, and then today I had a california burrito, and 5 dominoe slices, and a couple beers.

this weekend killed me too, went to vegas. Nothing but fast food and beer. Time to get back on track tomorrow morning.

Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking

oatmeal cream pies>* junk food

GilgaMesH Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking whitecastle!

ive been living off subs and burritos for the past month

yeah, i feel your guys' pain, i cheated this weekend, i had almost two handfulls of cheezits on sunday before dinner. but on a serious note, drinking like 20 beers over the course of the weekend cant be good for anything.

my fiancee is skinny, abs showing, very low BF. She was very athletic in high school, and has maintained a high metabolism through college with minimal effort. She loves chocolate and cookies. Usually one small peice of chocolate throughout the day, and a few cookies a week. Its always around the house. Well - I'm a former fat kid with a horrible sweet tooth. She tries to get me to eat cookies and stuff its like offering a recovering alcoholic a drink. I lost weight by eating healthy, cutting all snacking, and 2 hours of cardio + 1 hour lifting a day, spread over two workouts. I was able to do this b/c I removed all sweets and snacks from my place. Once a week I would get a small about of candy. Dropped 60 lbs in 3 monthes. 75% of the time I do good at my fiancee's place. My excuse right now is bulking. This summer, second half - I'm going to cut. Then maintain, then wedding in december. I'd like to be <10% BF @ 185 lbs. Right now I'm 200lbs and ~16%bf. I've been as low as 12% but I wasn't strong enough. Now I'm getting some great strength, but a gut as well

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

fat loss concerns

fat loss concerns

does a diet and excercise break down fat before you lose it? I'm on week 4 of my diet and excercise. I've been eating good and everything except for the morning. I usually just eat a banana or something light since I'm not hungry in the morning. for lunch I have a tuna sandwhich and for dinner a chicken breast or some more tuna. not soda or junk food at all. I do cardio twice a day. once before lunch and once at night. 15 minutes a piece. Now the thing, I notice my pants fit looser but my love handles are starting to hang more then before . is this normal? Its not all the time, only sometimes. Is it in my head or something? also, I haven't felt this good in a long time. oh and I do the cardio 5 days a week. also, I notice I get full very quick. is this normal also? Like I can't even eat much even if I wanted to.

sounds like you need to eat alot more

I'm not quite understanding the question /boggle Are you lifting? Or just doing cardio? Go read all the stickies

haha yeah I read all the stickies. just doing cardio. The thing is though, I guess I got use to not eating alot and get sick if I eat too much. What about the breaking down of fat? or is it in my head that my love handles hang more :O

you don't lose fat everywhere at the same time...

In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine.

etech In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine. Yeah I have noticed that too but could just be in my imagination

I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp).

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). if you get sick from eating too much then just up your calories a little bit at a time until you have a healthier amount of calories. Shouldnt be too hard, just have like a spoonful of natty peanut butter or an extra 2 or 3 eggs.

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). are you drinking enough water?

And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity..

bclimn are you drinking enough water? of course. thats all I drink.

Elfling And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity.. I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough.

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. Reread the sticky on lifting to assist in losing weight... it changed how I think for weight loss (granted I haven't started lifting yet because of my stupid busy schedule )

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later.

BuckNut I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later. i agree. it sounds like you're in a severe calorie deficit. what you'll end up doing is losing a ton of weight, but still being flabby. its cause you're burning muscle, probably more than fat. i made the same mistake 2 years ago, i ended up being skinny as hell, but not cut at all. you should be doing what the rest of us "cutting" guys are. eat about 1900-2000 calories (depending on body weight) split up into 6 meals. keep protien intake at atleast 1g per lb of body weight (to help retain muscle) and eat clean otherwise. you probably dont need cardio 10x a week either, maybe do cardio 3x a week and a solid 3 day weight training split (workout 3x a week). otherwise i just dont think you'll be happy with your results, and it will just take you longer to reach what you think you should look like. this is all coming from personal experience.

fat loss concerns

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

today was day 2 of me wandering the gym randomly trying out equipment and stuff and i tried to cover every part of my body... and my body is painful all over.. but DAMN i feel good. working out > * i can't wait for the fat to burn and muscle to show.

That'll be me in a few days, only I have a routine set up. What gym did you join? Were there a lot of people there?

xpinchx That'll be me in a few days, only I have a routine set up. What gym did you join? Were there a lot of people there? dont worry about who is there, we're all self-centered assholes who pay no attention to anyone else in the gym..dont be emberassed about anything in there, we all started off somewhere.

great thread!

everyone at the gym has one goal in mind, to lift some weight. the only reason people will look down on you is if you're trying to do an exercise and your form is absolute crap. if you're lifting weight, even though it's not a ton, they really just dont care. i remember my first couple times in a gym, was my freshman year in highschool. i was nervous and almost afraid just because everyone else knew what they were doing and were so much bigger than me. i would suggest having a friend show you how to do a basic run down of several diff exercises for each body part/muscle.

mike dont worry about who is there, we're all self-centered assholes who pay no attention to anyone else in the gym..dont be emberassed about anything in there, we all started off somewhere. unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing its all in your head. everybody is there to workout.. yeah.. they might be looking.. maybe cause they are resting between sets or something and it happens you see them looking in your direction... they probably arent specifically staring at you just cause your new

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing the real reason that we're staring should make you feel proud, not embarrassed

get a pt or a good routine going so youre not wandering around the gym like that

nic379 unless you're a girl at my gym. anytime I go near the freeweights or anything over there I get stared at. It's embarrasing i get stared at and prefer to use freeweights. sometimes i just stare back

Yeah, what noXen said. You need to isolate body parts and work them seperatly

NoXeN get a pt or a good routine going so youre not wandering around the gym like that my pt put my on the machines

nic379 my pt put my on the machines well if he got some sort of routine and had a PT show him the basics of the routine it would be good

NoXeN well if he got some sort of routine and had a PT show him the basics of the routine it would be good i know..i was just making fun of my trainer

too many are like that try to find a PT that works with athletes and not housewives

EVERYONE LOOKS, ITS LIKE AM I BIGGER THEN HIM? let them look for a sec or two and they wont care, unless you skinny ma fucka grunting at doing a 100lbs bench

nic379 my pt put me on the sauce dot

NoXeN too many are like that try to find a PT that works with athletes and not housewives my trainer treats me like a guy and I like it like that.

Sh0kka EVERYONE LOOKS, ITS LIKE AM I BIGGER THEN HIM? let them look for a sec or two and they wont care, unless you skinny ma fucka grunting at doing a 100lbs bench what if you're a fat woman grunting at doing a 100lbs bench?

~*Pogovina*~ what if you're a fat woman grunting at doing a 100lbs bench? depends on your fetishes

princess0fdiabl0 depends on your fetishes

johndoe1999 its all in your head. everybody is there to workout.. yeah.. they might be looking.. maybe cause they are resting between sets or something and it happens you see them looking in your direction... they probably arent specifically staring at you just cause your new not because she's new, but if she's hot, then they're definitely staring.

just don't act like a cocky bastard when you are doing your exercises....i really hate when little weenie guys do curls and then walk around for 10 minutes flexing in the mirror

willg133 just don't act like a cocky bastard when you are doing your exercises....i really hate when little weenie guys do curls and then walk around for 10 minutes flexing in the mirror It's like the commercial where that guy weighs himself in the gym then runs a lap around all the exercise equipment, then weighs himself again.

Fabian Yeah, what noXen said. You need to isolate body parts and work them seperatly No.

HOLY SHIT why haven't i started this sooner!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Driver's License Weight vs Current Weight

Driver's License Weight vs Current Weight

Mine says 175, and I was lying at the time coz I hated being a lightweight. I was probably around 160 in actuality. I am currently 200. You?

160, 220

doesn't say a 195lbs right now though and probably 170 when i got it

SteveO 160, 220 Nice.

um 110 ( i was lying because i was skinny...) 145 now...


I'm the only reverse one? 220/155

VA doesn't show weight anymore


I dont have it on my DL I was about 150-160 I am 220 now

says 190 on mine, was probably 210 when I got it. Went from 210 to 260 to 160 and now I am right back around 190 (188lbs).

154, 195

dmaestro says 190 on mine, was probably 210 when I got it. Went from 210 to 260 to 160 and now I am right back around 190 (188lbs). Bouncie bouncie.




120 shown.. at 160 now.

Grouch 210/231 C'mon, pokey!


150/190... although mine was when I was 15 1/2 yrs old... so ya... i get a new one with updated shit in november

Mugwump C'mon, pokey! I was your size in 6th grade.

195 just got mine renewed.


100 - 125

NY doesn't do weights.

Driver's License Weight vs Current Weight

last call for selling a bench shirt

last call for selling a bench shirt

before i put it on ebay. its a brand new inzer. size 46. sizing here: also have a new size 3 groove briefs, if anyone's skinny enough for them $35 shipped for the shirt. $15 shipped for the briefs. thanks

You must be swimming in that shirt

Jeg1983 You must be swimming in that shirt no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big.

SickLife no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big. Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46

damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt

Jeg1983 Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46 i can get it on. with 15 minutes & 2 people helping. but it cuts off my circulation real bad. & i can't lift my arms out in front of me at all.

Thats how its supposed to fit

You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in.

Jeg1983 You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in. it's not a matter of going low. i literally can't even pull my arms out in front of me. they just hang at my sides.

You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small

vettedude damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome.

Jeg1983 You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small well, regardless. i already have a 48. so i'm selling the 46.

Silver85327 Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome. i am tiny.. look in my log...

vettedude i am tiny.. look in my log... K then. That puts my curiousness to ease. I just pictured a Christophers JR when I thought about your posts.

last call for selling a bench shirt

Sunday, December 29, 2013

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

First off, don't laugh guys Now honestly, I'm not too worried about bulking strictly muscularly, because I'm just really that goddamn skinny, but I would obviously prefer muscle over fat. I calculated it through stuff in the archives, and I need to eat roughly ~3000-3200 calories per day to maintain, and let me reiterate that I'm pretty skinny and I eat only 3 meals per day right now, which is a light breakfast before school (cause I'm always running late - ~200 calories max), a cafeteria lunch (I have no clue, maybe ~500-600 calories?), and finally a semi decent meal for dinner which would probably max at about 900 calories. So on a typical day, as you can see, I'm hitting about 2000-2500ish calories (including snacks and stuff). I know that's probably nothing compared to you guys Oh and also I need to point out that I don't have a workout routine right now, but I'm going to be starting that soon (more on that below). Here's where my questions/concerns come in. What kind of meals/etc can I make for myself that have high caloric content? I don't have very much time in the mornings, and even if I boil/fry myself some eggs that's still like 200ish calories yeah? As far as the cafeteria lunch, I don't have much of a choice there because of my meal plan/money constraints. Dinner, yeah. So by typing this out I've kind of answered my own question that I just need to eat more in between meals, which is going to be hard because it's hard for me to get myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any suggestions there? I guess it's just a mental thing. Now this is going to seem dumb to you guys, but that's kind of my point, I want you guys to point out the flaw in my thinking here Since my main goal is to just gain weight, I'm hesitant to have a regular workout routine because that'll just be burning calories that I'm desperately trying to eat. Plus doesn't working out boost your metabolism? Mine's plenty fast right now Right now I was planning on trying to gain weight as fast as possible, and then work out to tone up/bulk up... is that stupid? As you guys can see I'm a pretty big noob, but I've been through the archives some and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna do all this, so I appreciate any and all responses

newb thread/archives edit and since u have a subs, search for bulking foods, stuff like that


Ilyusha Height/weight/pics? 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious

CaseLogic 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious Eat until you vomit.

Ilyusha Eat until you vomit. That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.)

KetchupKing That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.) What was I thinking..

Wow I'm so excited about doing this

You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny.

Phlab You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny. Please leave the thread

CaseLogic Please leave the thread hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did

NoXeN hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit/flame me for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more

CaseLogic He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift.

Just make sure to get some extra calories on days you lift, problem solved.

Phlab I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift. My point was you didn't have to seem like such an assbag, there are more polite ways of saying things But I appreciate your advice anyways.

Like everyone else said, eating more and not working out will just make you skinny fat. I know this from first hand experience . I like snaking on almonds. They don't fill me up and are pretty calorie dense. A half a cup of almonds has around 300 calories. They should also be easy for you to put in a baggy and bring to school. I also drink shakes for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast person. If you mix in the right stuff(oats, flaxseed oil, protein powder) you can get some easy calories.

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

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