Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

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