Friday, January 17, 2014

Progress Pics

Progress Pics

Just a little background... 3 months ago i was 235lbs with about 33% BF. I met one of the most beautiful girls in the world and decided i was tired of being fat. 3months later i am 225 with 3x the muscle i had when i started. I had no muscle, no strength, could barely do 2 pushups. I am now doing close grip sets of 10 without really struggling. I dont eat perfect, but i cut out soda, candy, fast foods, greasy foods and eating in the middle of the night. I also do HIIT 3x a week and lift 3x a week. I lift very hard, ive never had so much drive in my life. If i can do it, honestly anyone can people. You need to WANT to do it. You say you do, but saying is much easier then doing. Yes it hurts.... Trust me there were days where i couldnt bend my arms, or even walk. I would break down in tears sometimes. This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline. Here are some pics (not that great) but they will do: before: after:

Cant tell any difference

Platinum Cant tell any difference

good progress broly

eliktronix good progress broly thanks

hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress

Bad ass progress for only 3 months. "This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline." Hell yeah, me too. keep it up.

XsLiCk hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress Im sorry, i was so ashamed of myself before that i never ever really took before pics...

I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress.

dmaestro I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress. this was more of a pep post for people who want to stop being out of shape ...

Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic.

dirtysouthboy Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic. bingo ! i was twice as thick

momoarrowz bingo ! i was twice as thick Yeah, i can totally tell a difference.

here is a pic from last october

is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot.

Good job.

dirtysouthboy is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot. haha no thats some random girl i met on new years Here is my honey..

tize so you were 100x better before?? ?!

well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up

vettedude well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up Thanks man its not insano progress, but i am very satisfied.

nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar.

I can definately tell a difference after you posted that beach pic. Great Job and keep up that attitude.

Hot gurls.

hot she into you? and nice progress, keep it up

350GT nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar. Yes sir. 2003 g35c 5AT w/ all options and nav

Progress Pics

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