Friday, January 24, 2014

Working back into squats

Working back into squats

I posted a couple months ago about herniated a disc in my back. Well this week I have started to squat lightly again. The following program was recommended to me by a buddy, and I have worked on it this week. Basically we rack 135 in the cage and go to town as follows: me: 1 rep him : 1 rep me: 2 reps him: 2 reps me: 3 reps him: 3 reps ----> me: 20 reps him: 20 reps It works out to over 200 reps with the only break being while my partner does his squats. We are using 135, and will move onto 185, then 225 over the next few weeks. Maybe it was because I took 2 months of squatting, but both times this week I have done this and the next 2 days its hurts when I walk and sit on the can moreso than when I was squatting 400+ at 5 reps (not that that means much). Once I build up confidence in my back I will slowly work my way down in reps and up in weight.

Isn't it fun waking up stiff and knowing it was a good workout?? Good luck!!

How'd you injure your back?

Hip Hippo How'd you injure your back? Drop squats at the end of my workout with too much weight and being too tired. I leaned forward on my toes on the catch and brought the bar up awkwardly. There was a sever pain during this.

420 reps of squats per week? good god...

Working back into squats

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