Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

So yesterday afternoon, it was pretty dead, not a whole lot going on and not a whole lot of people at the gym. So usually, I'll see someone doing something kinda awkward once in a while....but yesterday I saw two guys doing odd stuff at the same time.... One guy is going curls with 10 lb plates on each side of a big barbell (bench-press bar)......and then this other guy is doing one arm 20 lb curls...with a fucking barbell. Now there was adequate equipment around that was being unused..... So are these guys morons or am I missing something here? Is there some kind of benefit to using a longer bar for balance or...???

1 arm curls with a longbar?

well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght.

Grouch well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght. every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread! lots of people do one arm BB curls

ryazbeck 1 arm curls with a longbar? what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb?

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? it's a cool exercise

an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

Fabian Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point?

hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out.

vettedude hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out. another advantage is that you can shrug in the cage, facing the side. put the safeties just below hand height and load the bar with weights. No worriest about DLing anything up

something i love to do is to use a BB for leg presses. i just lay backwards on a bench, balance the BB on the middle parts of my feet, unrack, and press that shit.

this is not strange

cavefish Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point? .

Fabian And then the other dude is doing standing curls with a big ass bench press bar that's only about the best biceps exercise that exists

i lay down in a leg press machine upside down and use it as an incline bench. it actually helps me learn how to lift with all the blood rushed to my head. it takes a lot of self control and discipline. not to mention years and years of experience. try it.

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... do this after poping an animal pack

mtnbike4522 do this after poping an animal pack nigga plz, i'm animal withou the packs

why aren't they using the power rack for curls like most people?

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... I do rack deadlifts like that.

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

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