Showing posts with label Squats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squats. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Does working legs increase test?

Does working legs increase test?

For example, if one were to only work upper body. Person B would work legs too, and his upper body would be bigger than Person A. Is this true? I've heard it does, but only a very miniscule (and insignificant) amount

oh and i'm looking for a reference to a study too if you hve one

heavy compound movements have been shown to release trace amounts of gh. Very minimal and probably has no effect

heavy amounts of stress on the body such as squats/deadlifts results in an androgen response. (my doc)

well i mean doesnt working out in general do that? so if you're only working out half your body, as opposed to all of your body, wouldnt you get better results from full body?

ryazbeck well i mean doesnt working out in general do that? so if you're only working out half your body, as opposed to all of your body, wouldnt you get better results from full body? i don't know, that's why I made this thread

just do the right thing. work out your legs.

Here is an article that I found about:

Does working legs increase test?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

I mean, It's like an extended deadlift but all you brolys only do deadlift. Is there a certain reason for this?

i'll go on a limb here and say because it's more form dependent thant just strength... and have you seen how shitty the forms of some deadlifts here? That's a clusterfuck in the works if i've ever seen one.

It also a very explosive lift...which helps those fast twitch muscle fibers. Oh yea, and nothing burns my traps more than 3 to 4 sets of hang cleans/power cleans.

1.8t It also a very explosive lift...which helps those fast twitch muscle fibers. Oh yea, and nothing burns my traps more than 3 to 4 sets of hang cleans/power cleans. I tried to powerclean about 115 on wednesday (my first time) and I got it up but I believe my form was really horrendous

christophers because there's no reason to use a movement that you cannot teach yourself. the vast majority of football/sports coaches in the US cannot properly teach most oly lifts, either. yea, a few of my friends said that I could just fake it for football testing but I actually want to learn it

just use the clean pull

oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155?

Juke oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155? it's only sad if it stays that way.

I was lucky enough to have a coach in high school that actually did a bit of O-lifting and knew what he was doing. I did them for football/throwing but I see no reason to continue doing them now. Unless you're planning to olympic lift, in which case you should find a good training center/coach and learn from them.

Undefined it's only sad if it stays that way. Well, I just bumped the bench weight up yesterday...and I haven't done squats in a long time cause I had foot surgery in march

whatever you do don't try to do it on your own, please please please have some experience person who knows what the fuck they are doing help you out...With the proper form you can get some fantastic explosive strength. With the wrong form repeated you can just injure yourself and not even get the best results. I just got done doing my oly day...snatches, clean and jerks weee

Juke oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155? your squat is sad, id say bench is fine though, but as Undefined said, its only sad if it stays that way.

princess0fdiabl0 your squat is sad, id say bench is fine though, but as Undefined said, its only sad if it stays that way. well, like I stated in a previous post, I had an injury occur on my foot which required surgery

Juke I tried to powerclean about 115 on wednesday (my first time) and I got it up but I believe my form was really horrendous Its all in your form. My weight coach in highschool certainly wasn't an olympic trainer or competitor, but he seemed like he knew what he was doing. We would spend hours working on form w/ just the bar. Even so, my form as far as dropping underneath the weight still sucks. I drop half as far as I should. However, the rest of my form much better. Keeping the weight on the legs to keep from straining the upper back. Roll the bar to your shins and explode upward using your legs as hard as you can. Near the peak of this manuever shrug and pull the weight up as far as you can while trying to keep the weight moving only verticall. From here you drop beneath the weight as fast as possible while letting the bar come down on your delts as you raise your elbows as high as possible. From here, it is nothing but a front squat. I have only been doing hang cleans as of late. I guess the only reason I like them is because I am decent at them. I do 225lbs for 3 sets of 5. It has REALLY helped w/ my upper back developement.

my problem with cleans is that I don't feel like I have my elbows up high enough when I rack the bar onto my shoulders. does anyone have any good animated gifs to show proper form?

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

Friday, January 24, 2014

CrossFit - forging elite fitness

CrossFit - forging elite fitness have you guys seen this before? they put up a workout of the day everyday that i guess youre supposed to do. workout for the 21st is Three rounds for time of:Run 800 meters 25 L-pull-ups 75 pound Overhead squats, 30 reps

each of these is a different workout 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: Deadlift: 1 ½ bodyweight Bench press: bodyweight Clean: ¾ bodyweight Set up three bars and storm through for time -------------------------------- Three rounds for time of:7 Muscle-ups 225-pound Deadlift, 15 reps Row 1000 meters their list of excercises

thats some pretty vigorous exercises. if i didnt already have a routine for a specific goal i'd consider doing that.

its ok, not exactly well laid out or periodized, but it is decent training for general strength and fitness

CrossFit - forging elite fitness

Working back into squats

Working back into squats

I posted a couple months ago about herniated a disc in my back. Well this week I have started to squat lightly again. The following program was recommended to me by a buddy, and I have worked on it this week. Basically we rack 135 in the cage and go to town as follows: me: 1 rep him : 1 rep me: 2 reps him: 2 reps me: 3 reps him: 3 reps ----> me: 20 reps him: 20 reps It works out to over 200 reps with the only break being while my partner does his squats. We are using 135, and will move onto 185, then 225 over the next few weeks. Maybe it was because I took 2 months of squatting, but both times this week I have done this and the next 2 days its hurts when I walk and sit on the can moreso than when I was squatting 400+ at 5 reps (not that that means much). Once I build up confidence in my back I will slowly work my way down in reps and up in weight.

Isn't it fun waking up stiff and knowing it was a good workout?? Good luck!!

How'd you injure your back?

Hip Hippo How'd you injure your back? Drop squats at the end of my workout with too much weight and being too tired. I leaned forward on my toes on the catch and brought the bar up awkwardly. There was a sever pain during this.

420 reps of squats per week? good god...

Working back into squats

Thursday, January 23, 2014

For those who do overhead shrugs....

For those who do overhead shrugs....

How much weight do you use? Just curious....

95-135 for sets of 20

Sounds dangerous.

timberwolf How much weight do you use? Just curious.... If your shoulder is hurting then this is a movement I would advise against.

i did them once, and Mr. Rotator Cuff was like " what the hell you doin crazy ass cracka! "

christophers i have never had any rotator issues thx benching properly and not much overhead pressing damn you christophers, damn you to hell...

christophers and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand.

Jeg1983 95-135 for sets of 20 .

Dangerous, unneeded, easily replaced exercise < *

ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each

SteveO ive been using DBs, 45 lbs each Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion?

cbrpimp hold barbell with weight on it above head, and shrug. bloody hell

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? I lock my arms Yea you don't have a large ROM when doing these

timberwolf Arms locked or not? I assume its limited range of motion? not locked, slight bend

sounds scary, i've never even thought of doing shrugs with weight above you. why would you?

My rotator cuffs punch me in the face when I try it. I've had rotator cuff issues since before I started lifting

overhead shrugs scare me

overhead squats scare me more

Mass ive never seen a bottle of test squat a grand. wrong gear dummy

I usually do a few sets of 20 with 95lbs or so to get warmed up before moving on to DB/BB shrugs.

why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured.

Patrick Bateman why in the world would anyone do that? unless youre looking to get injured. some people want to get big.

I do 25lbs each side of a barbell for 20 reps. I don't lock my arms or else it's too awkward to shrug but pretty close. i love these because they don't kill my hands like normal shrugs

christophers i know i feel bad, but nobody listens to me. we have tons of injuries at my gym. but the one thing we dont have much of is rotator issues, and weh ave 600+ raw benchers. and no its not cuz of gear, since this gym doesnt use gear often at all. its cuz we dont bench with elbows out and we dont overhead press very often. most overhead press once every 2-4 weeks. wait a second...overhead pressed every 2 - 4 weeks? How the hell are you supposed to get big doing that?

christophers since when are overhead presses a requirement to get big gutrat? i know of quite a few pro bodybuilders who do 0 overhead pressing. theres 300+ men at my gym who bench 700+ who do 0 overhead pressing. theres many movements that will give shoulder hypertrophy w/o the neccesary risks of overhead pressing. i know, i know, i know. you guys all know someone who has been overhead pressing for 20 years with no problems. and for that one person i know 15+ who have shoulder issues because of tons of overhead work and elbows out benching. please tell me you meant 30 people or I'm gonna cry and move to cali and go to your gym

For those who do overhead shrugs....

Conventional vs Sumo?

Conventional vs Sumo?

Should I be doing both or just stick with one?


so no advantages in switching around now and again?

i cant do conventional, my arms are too short or something

i think sumo is saposed to better mechanically, but it takes alot of practice to get the form down and such. I can pull prettty much the same with both.

thanks man, conventional is a cluster fuck for me at the moment. my gangly legs are all up in there like spaghetti.

I don't know. I'm 6'1, should conventional be easier? It seems like I can lift more with sumo. And it tires out a different part of my back -- am I crazy?

how close is everyone's legs on conventional? My feet are about 6 inches apart, and my arms are right outside my legs.

I put my feet a little less than shoulder width I dont know if I am doing them right or wrong though. I really regret joining the gym I did. And I am just doing conventional as i dont know how to do Sumo at all.

christophers take recorsd on both i pull conv, but i do sumo's for max effort day a lot but i always do speed deads with conv what bodily aspects would be more advantageous for a sumo lift? eg. is it generally suited better to tall guys?

I switch up. I still do some form of deadlift almost every squat/dead day, so to keep from getting stale I do all kinds of variations.

I usually do conventional when training but I've always been able to pull more with sumo.

On DL's I do conv. Seem to be able to get more drive that way, even if I have to pull it higher. On squats I do sumo because it feels more stable and easier on my knees

I have only done conventional.

i squat both and pull sumo right now my conv squat is higher than my wide stance which i am trying to change

I love it.

ajahhahaha wtf bend me over and call me alfred

christophers this is what i think about sumo i share the same view as jeff ace of base playing in the background

christophers hes stronger than you, maybe hes onto something Apparently not, cuz I listen to that sometimes too

christophers That guy seems hilarious, and the garage gym looks pretty awesome

my football coaches always taught us to do sumo, so thats how i've been doin it since. today i tried conventional for the first time, and i absolutely loved it, much better than sumo.


I've done conventional when I first started and saw great gains when I switched to sumo, my weight lowered a bit, but it shot back up in no time. I think sumo helps prevent people from cheating. Now, I can do the same, if not more, with sumo than with conventional

Conventional vs Sumo?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

What are the calories in a gram of protein, fat and carbohydrate? I am setting up my diet and I want to do it right. The numbers I came up with are 4 calories per gram for protein, 3.5 cals per gram for carbs, and 9 calories per gram for fat. I wonder if those are right. Thanks!

4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box

nonplus 4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box Well i'll be damned. Thanks!

Well then lets use this thread for something else. On my diet that I am starting next week, I need to eat around 2250 - 2450 calories a day at the beginning(205 lbs). I am wondering should I eat my bigger meals earlier in the day and tick myself down towards the end and eat my carbs in the morning?

Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too?

iwishiwascool Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too? Definatly, I just finished writing up a routine. But I workout at like 10 in the morn after waking up at 8:30 - 9:00 so I will eat a carb breakfast, oatmeal and english muffins Workout Sunday: Boxing/Jump Rope Monday - Back/Biceps Deadlifts - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Chin-ups - 3 x 6, 6, * Row Machine - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Hammer Curls - 2 x 8, 8 Hanging Leg Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Mon Night: Running Tuesday: Boxing/Jump Rope Wednesday - Legs Squats - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Squat Press - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Leg Curls - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Calf Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Wed Night: Running Thursday: Boxing/Jump Rope Friday - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Dumbbell Incline - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Dumbbell Bench - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Arnold Presses - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Upright Rows - 2 x 6, 6 Cable Pressdowns - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Crunches - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15

looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too.

iwishiwascool looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too. I know that, I am going to go through and set out when I should eat at what time during the day for my meals. IE: Breakfast: Calories 600, Carbs 60g, protein 40g, fat 20g etc etc... thats not what I am going to use, thats just an example. I always mix 8oz of OJ and a scoop of whey for my preworkout drink.

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

All-in-one leg exercise? meaning targets all the muscle groups in the leg? also.... for good mornings, do you position the bb where you would if you squat?

For GMs I place it slightly lower than where I do for squats.

i was wondering this also, since i don't really do any calve work at all...i do deads and squats

it doesnt work out your groin like those SWEEET ass groin machines that all the fat girls do.

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles

tize what kinda routine do you do? for legs? hack squats, leg press, plate loaded squat machine thing. i switch those up every week, then quad extensions, hamstrings, calves. i do squats occassionally

tize i thought you knew more than this i dont know EVERYTHING

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles which is why I don't do heavy squats with wide stance in socks on a smooth floor anymore

deznutz i dont know EVERYTHING You post alot, you should know THAT. Think about the joints involved in squating, and the muscles that move those joints. That is your answer.

is the Squat an all-in-one?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

chest peck help

chest peck help

k can someone just whip up a quick day at the gym for what they did on chest days, like what are some real good excercises to bulk up in the upper area you know what i mean?

Incline BB or DB Flat BB or DB Dips Flies(if you want) End of workout. SHould take no longer than 45min.

and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee

dougie090 and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee There is no K in pecs. Your rep base will be dependent upon your goals.

haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10??

dougie090 haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10?? Jesus. You need Jesus.

Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10

actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself

Silver85327 Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now.

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself I have the suggestive shirt, it says "geologists make the bedrock"

Neo22 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now. Today was my first day working out I plan on going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week. I really need to set up some sort of routine so I dont look like a retard in there.

k thanks neo you sound like you know what your doing, god bless ya

hahahah silver that was some funny shit, i know how you feel though hahah that is fucking hilarious i cant stop laughing, i can picture you just walking around haha fuck me thats funny

Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though

Chalkitup Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though Nice now if I only knew what some of those things were.

Sorry, I know how you feel I read most of the threads in here and they may as well be in japanese so dont be afraid to ask. What in particular don't you know?

yah im not familiar with skull crusher, hack squats, preachers curl im sure i know what they are but i have a differnet name for the fucking thigns

Skull crusher - Lay on the bench on your back and using a barbell and grip with palms facing up (or towards your feet) straighten your arms so that they are perpendicular to your body. Now by bending at the elbow you lower the bar down towards your head. Start off light and try and focus on keeping your elbows neat and together. Hack squats are a machine lift. You begin in a standing position with pads on your shoulders that attach to the "carriage", unlock the carriage and position your feet so that you when you squat you are positioned as if sitting in a chair. Again keep your knees steady and get someone to check that you're going deep enough. Preacher curls - these are an isolated bicep curl where you sit or stand with a barbell or dumbells and the tricep part of your arm is rested on an inclined pad. Now when you curl the pad keeps your elbows in position and you isolate the biceps when curling. This is the type of form that you are aiming for when free lifting where your control muscles keep you in position and lifting the weights rather that swinging them.

ahh yes i know what the preacher curls are now, yah they are harder since you cant swing, good workout, the hack squats i dont know i dont have that machine the gym im at im pretty sure, so for the skull crusher you will kinda loook like an L like your on your back and your then lifting upwards? or are you going out over your head so its just like a straight line you know?

Start step 1 Bend your elbows and lower your forearms toward the top of your head. Keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position, and straighten your arms to return to the start position. finish

Hack squats You shouldn't lock your knees out during the exercise so that your quads stay loaded

you need the sex muscles bro

db preachers

For Chest I like something along the lines of Flat BB 10,6,4,4,2 Incline DB 3x6-8 Incline Flies 3x8 Flat Flies 3x8 Then the next week do Incline BB 10,6,4,4,2 Flat DB 3x6-8 Flat Flies 3x8 Incline Flies 3x8

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself Buy an av, you are

chest peck help

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

when I first started lifting (a few years ago) I remember doing sets of bench with 50lbs (total). now I'm sure a lot of that was form, stabalizers, etc, but even so I doubt it would've been that much higher. Basically my point is that I have very little natural strength. I was always one of the weaker kids in highschool gym class, and I know my dad isnt very strong. Doing squats I could never lift significant amounts of weight (dont do them now because of unrelated knee/back injury). Deadlifts were better, but every once in a while I would hurt my lower back and have to take a break for a few weeks. And now just recently I hit a 5 rep max on bench, and the next day/that night my elbow starts hurting like a bitch. So my point is, I never really had much strength, and when I lift heavy I end up hurting myself. Let me assure you that I dont have horrible form or whatever. So should I even bother going heavy, or just try to be happy with going lighter?

I also have pretty small wrists/bone structure

I was one of the weakest/slowest/smallest kids in high school too. I started benching with 30lb db's. I'm still not nearly as strong as I would like to be, but I'm 50lbs heavier and lifting weight I never thought I would be able to even three years ago... moral of the story -- eat, lift, GFH so your elbow hurts, big fucking deal. You completely glossed over the fact that you hit a 5rm PR. Go easy for a couple weaks, rehab it if needed. If it happens again, figure out what is causing it. Maybe your form is good but you just moved something slightly wrong that time. If you get hurt lifting heavy, figure out when it happens. Don't go to failure EVER if that is when you get hurt. See what I'm saying? Lift heavy enough so you know you REALLY know you are giving it your all... try HST or some other progressive load routine. Maybe that will prevent injury. Bottom line - is it worse to have your elbow hurt for a week or two, or feel weak/small/unconfident/etc for your entire life?

yeah, you make some good points, and that is pobably the road im taking. however, you also brought up another good point. I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around.

What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away.

velamint I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around. Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are naturally very lean and do not carry much lbm. The best idea is to figure out what your maintenance calories are, then add about 500 per day to that. Get some calipers and learn how to measure your bodyfat. It doesn't matter if it's 100% right, just that you do it the same each time you check it. Lift fairly heavy and track your progress for a few weeks. If you are getting significantly fatter, lower cals a bit and do the same thing. The important thing is keep track for a while so you know what your body needs in order to grow without excessive fat gain. *note - this is for gaining muscle, not losing fat. To lose fat, read the fat loss sticky. Do the same tracking, but lower calories until you see results. Choose what is more important to you, because you aren't going to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible.

gstrdr1 What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away. eh, I'm pretty much your average college kid, I dont think that kind of thing would be causing too much of a problem, although I think I definetely need to up stretching and things like that...I'm actually going into physical therapy soon for back problems too

shastaisforwinners Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are e time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible. I know, I know...this is just another thing that complicates this all for me but yeah, I am modifying my diet now and trying to figure out how many calories I need to be taking in, etc

I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. edit: Put it in perspective though... you're in college. How much more shit do you do on a daily basis that you don't want to? You do it to get ahead. Working out is the same thing.... well, you do it to get head. Either way, you benefit.

shastaisforwinners I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. yeah, at least theres fitday..I'm pretty much eating the same stuff every day, so it makes it easier

see my edit for motivation

I'd work on lower weights at this time to get your body parts stronger.

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

Another deadlift with questionable form

Another deadlift with questionable form 475

what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup

Ilyusha what a douche.. IBbutatleasthegotitup You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition.

His spine is hating him right now and will in the future. Talk about shit form, dude in the end even cheered him on?

Neo22 You should see what that guy is saying on ls2. He's like omg so what if i used my back more than my legs. I'd still be legal in competition. link?

with that lift at his weight, he wont have to worry about competitions

christophers well thats true Ya, I didn't see any type of hitch so it would be legal in comp, just probably not the best for your back.

i heard the lightweight in the background looks like a stiff-legged deadlift?

christophers steve goggins is arguably the best squatter in the world and he good mornings his squats basically first guy to hit a 1k squat Like I said, legal. But still probably not great for your spine.

looks like a white version of my lift

That is damn awful. It also makes me want to videotape my form to make sure it's ok. It feels ok, and I don't feel like I'm rounding out my back or anything. But I dunno.

his arms look like they were about to dislocate

umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form?

so we are talking about how is back is so horribly rounded correct its ok to use the back if it is straight with the chest out, thats a sldl correct

Shamrock umm my legs are outside of my hands which makes me use my legs to get it up. Am I doing the wrong form? no, its called Sumo. hands outside legs is called Traditional.

looks alright to me. not perfect but passable.

Grouch looks alright to me. not perfect but passable. i dunno man, his back is really curved

sans_pants i dunno man, his back is really curved backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him.

He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad.

Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

yeah my upper back had a tendency to round a bit with maximal loads, the weight just pulls my arms forward and my traps/rhommies are strong enuf to counter the load.

looks like my dl

Grouch Thread failure. Neo is an idiot again.

cavefish He did it with a double overhand grip too, not bad. he used straps. very anti-impressive. backs have a tendency to cruve when you max out. I doubt most peoples form here looks all that great when they do. The only really bad thing that jumped out was that he let the bar drift way to far infront of him. gouch speaks the truth and tells no lies. if you are going to criticize someone post a video of you doing the same ratio weight lift.

Another deadlift with questionable form

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Basketball Shape?

Basketball Shape?

I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance

Play basketball as much as you can. There are several exercises you can do that will help your vertical that don't require any extra equipment, you can do a Google search for those. As for running faster, run hills. Wind sprints will help you get conditioned right for basketball. But the best way to get in overall basketball shape is to play basketball.

i dont remember what the exercise is called, but what you do is you take a step pad, and jump over it side to side like 20 times. every time you finish a set, stack another step pad onto it until you cant jump over it anymore. jump rope would help too i guess. wind sprints are always good. you can work out and shit, but i think the physical activity of ballin will benefit you the most.

I play recreationally, about 4-5 times a week, 2-3 hours per those days that I do play. I do notice I slowly get a higher vertical and can play longer and run faster. But I'd like to speed up the process. Playing for my school wouldn't be entirely outta the question if I was in shape. I find it's mostly people are faster than me and jump higher. I'm not that tall (5'10"), so I need to find other ways. I also tried looking up stuff on google, i mostly got sites that are selling some tapes. But I know people already know this stuff. Just curious if anyone had anything they do to get in shape. Yes, stronger would be good to get steals and rebounds. Edit: I know diet is crucial too, anything in particular?

bunny hops > *

sorry for ignorance... wind sprints?

Yeah I play a bit, but my diet pretty much counteracts that. Shooting and dribbling I don't really have a problem with. I'm actually considered one of the "shooters" on the courts. So, it's really running faster, jumping higher, keeping it up the whole game. I feel I have excellent court awareness, but I can't always act on it cause I can't act in time. By the way, thanks for all the advice guys.

Playing yourself into shape is not bad. If you want do sprints where you start at the end line, go to the free thow line and back, go to the mid court line and back, go to the far free throw line and back and then go end line to end line. If it is on a large basketball court and takes you longer than 28seconds to do then you are slow. Just keep practicing. *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them

i remember reading something in an interview with dennis rodman when he was like, the leading rebounder in the nation. he said his key was a rock solid mid section, all power is derived from a solid core of muscle. you said you were looking for some key tricks of the trade, that was one that stuck with me. learn how to box out, if a guy can jump higher than me and is taller than me, excellent boxing out will eliminate his advantage. develop your fast twitch muscles, when you're not the tallest guy.. this'll help you get around them or shoot over them.

go_duke21 *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton.

smoke menthol cigs

Read this article:

Mike McDermott Nah, that's more about doing well on a VJ test. Check out this article instead: I'm sure a VJ test program will help with the "hops" that someone here was mentioning..

teamelement3 I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance well heres a few far as jumping higher, concentrate on workouts that improve your calves...every once in awhile throw in some quad workouts. calf raises, go to a gym and use their calf raising machines, and just do run and sprints, taht works out all aread of your legs. for getting faster just run period: sprints, suicides, skips, etc. and while your at it sprint with a basketball for better handling skills. good luck to you

If you want to run faster, do sprints 10-30m, working on driving off the blocks and then finishing strong. For quickness look into plyometrics. They teach you how to explode and recruits fast twitch fibers. To jump higher do box jumps with a medicine ball. And it'll help to do some weight lifting like squats and good mornings. As for lasting longer in a game, try running the court counting down from 10-0, make a layup, and then 9-0, all the way down to 2. Rest and repeat 5 more times. My stamina has improved quite a bit since I started that. That's a total of 1 mile running.

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco IBincessantracismtofollow

Mike McDermott all wrong, except for sprints roighttttttt............

Davo Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton. Like I said, obviously they are nice to have, but you dont need them to be a good player, most people can't jump 40 inches so if you work on lateral quickness, shooting, etc you will be just as well off. Too many people just concentrate on trying to dunk and they don't practice everything else enough, that was all I was alluding to. And I don't see how sprints are bad, wouldn't it be just like HIIT? I mean there are tonnes of ways to get in good shape, sprints worked well for me in high school, my team was always in better condition than the teams we played against.

basketball shape = round. /thread

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco i dont remember if you're quoting this from memory or you actualy found it somewhere, but that's not quite the quote i found which. i found "Big calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" - Joe Defranco in a Q&A on his website. Questioner and Joe Defranco " Q: What are the best exercises for increasing calf strength and size? I do a lot of standing and seated calf raises, but I was wondering if there is anything else I'm missing? I'm about 2" away from dunking a basketball and I'm looking for an edge. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. John A: Big calves have about as much to do with how high you can jump as the color of your hair. Sure, there's nothing wrong with doing some calf raises in your training routine, but they shouldn't be the focus of the routine. As I've said time and time again, the "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings) makes up around 70% of the musculature that is responsible for your jumping ability. Squat and deadlift variations, Olympic lifts and good mornings will give you the best "bang for your buck" with regards to improving your vertical jump in the weight room. There is another very interesting factor that plays a large role in how high you can jump. I've had the pleasure of working with over 2-dozen athletes who can jump over 35" and, besides being very strong in the posterior chain, they had something else in common. The one thing they all had in common are what I call "high cut" calves. What I mean by this is that the calves have an insertion point very high on the lower leg. This usually means a longer Achilles tendon. A longer Achilles tendon can store more elastic energy, which translates into more explosive jumps." -Joe Cliffs : big calves dont help you jump, what helps you jump are a powerful "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings). also a high calf muscle insertion (people with calves way up near their knees) cause they have long achilles tendons, and there's not much you can do about that (genetics).

KingGargantuan basketball shape = round. /thread sweet, i'm in basketball shape.

tize i hate how basketball players look

Didn't know this thread was still alive... Would ankle weights add anything? I heard they could be harmful? I'll read those links for more..

Mike McDermott how do you know so much, you ever play for a team?

Basketball Shape?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another dumb question from me

Another dumb question from me

So im at my gym doing my thing today mostly just farting around on the tredmill because I started Christophers routine in the middle of the week and I dont want to get super serious about it until monday where I can really go at it. Anyways im noticing my gym has about a 50/50 split when it comes to free weights versus machines. I know most if not all of yall lift with free weights so you can work your stabalizers. That being said since I have no work out partner and I wanted to find my max on like bench or squats could I get a accurate number from the bench press machine/leg press machine? Is there a disadvantage other than stabalizers to useing machines?


Why don't you use dumbbells I sometimes don't have a workout partner either and just use the dumbbells for most stuff.

no you can not get an acurate number, ask for a spot, i do all of the time.

Yeah your gym should have people that can help with a spot. If not, then your gym most likely blows.

squat in the cage and ask for a spot on your last set on bench

Another dumb question from me

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

trying to add box squats to my routine and wondering if it was a good idea to put them together.

whats the point of both?? just pick one

squats and box squats in the same day good idea

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Most - other than forearms indirectly, shoulders Least - abs and calves

Most: back & Grip Least calves biceps

most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms

most: tris, shoulders least: hamstrings

most: tri's least abs/chest, because my bench sucks

i dont train abs as much as i should but i just started

GTPBR most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms but replace forearms with traps

Most: pretty much all lower body (besides calfs) Least: calves abs I <3 squats

most: hams, quads, pecs, tris, delts, post. chain, lats, traps least: biceps and the pen0s.

Most :Tris (just because they are worked in so many exercises that don't target them) Least: Forearms (never, unless you count gripping DBs and barbells for various exercises)

Most: back, quads/hams Least: calves, biceps

most:abs least:forearms, calves

Spyde|2 "Why did Lisa dump me? Is it because of my small calves? They're the hardest place to add mass!" /Milhouse Most: Chest Least: Everything else

most: back least: penis

Most: Legs (squat) Least: Calves

most:lats least:chest(cant bench or fly cuz of bum shoulder )

Most: Chest Least: Legs (i run a lot, and have genetically large,strong legs)

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

lets hope this thread becomes my reminder that its bad to get lazy. feel free to chime in and remind my sorrowfull ass of this. finally dragged myself into the weightroom today. figured id go light, spend an hour to remind my muscles what it means to move. did a mini full body workout, just hitting mostly compound movements. i hate the first day back after a break. i lost so much damn strength! squats-2x8@275. compared to max of 405. and my form bites ass. my hams are so weak. thats a problem area for sure. dl-3x3@315. couldnt hold the bar. compared to 405. surprisingly, the form and weight felt much better than the squats. maybe ill focus more on these, sldl and gm's bench-1x3@275. 2x3@225. max was 335, so not too far off. but damn its gonna take some work from my arms shoulders and back. since my arms were doggin on bp, thought id focus on tris a bit. db bench-2x8@90s. form wasnt hot. elbows started to flare. skull crushers-3x8@60. felt ok, more on joints than muscles. think my body is just tight. supersetted with:db curls-3x6-8@50. easy, but whatever. just curls. really wanted shoulder work, but they were starting to burn from bench. so just did side and front lateral supersets-2x6-8@35. big big drop there. normally use 50-55. def affecting my bench. ended with db shrug-2x8@75. just completely depleted. almost threw up, went home. at least this was a good gauge for letting my body know time to get back into it, and a decent idea of some weak(er) spots. thanks for listening. like you cared. carry on now.

it's been 3 weeks for me I'm scared.

just came back from a long drought and it feels good!

i just came back not so much from heavy lifting, but most any heavy activity at all. although my break was only a month and a half. but after 3 days i've already noticed my muscles are harder and a bit fuller. i'm excited about the future.

ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics?

Peal ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics? someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered

I've been off for six weeks due to working too much, tomorrow will be my first day back. I've probably lost ten pounds

hernia surgery has set me back a few weeks. sucks

update one day later. my traps hurt. my legs hurt even more. its going to be a rough night. i love day 2 soreness

I feel like I want to cut everything but my torso off, first day back from a few breaks. Probably about 3 weeks, worked out for a week before that, then maybe even another 3 weeks before that. Oddly though, my strength hasn't suffered THAT much. I think its mostly because I don't push myself hard enough though. Squats I always get nervous because I don't have anybody spotting me. I switched gyms and they have these queer ass hexagonal or octagonal plates that make it kinda fucked up to do deadlifts Bench I actually feel about the same after incorporating some leg drive and a little arch. I still have to get it down a little more but I tried lots of variations and seem to have found one that worked fairly well for me. I'm more happy with myself for going than pissed off about my losses in strength.

i took last summer off it sucked im hoping this summer wont be like that

i wonder what ceaze drives

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives minivan

jonno minivan i'm guessing an older bmw 3 series

im guessing bang bus

i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial.

thank christ, dont ever want to drop the weight on the hammer curlzzzz

HP_84 i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial. but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!!

GuOD but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!! you come to windsor and i military press you? this sounds good?

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives VW golf

Ceaze someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered Why not bike there?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Well I've come to a point in my life I want to improve my muscle mass without the use of any crap that will ruin any internal organs ( aka I wont do power protien shakes at all or steriods). I'm pretty average kid around stomach chest legs, not overweight little under weight ( wish I had a pic )... but my arm muscle mass is REALLY REALLY low. Anyone have any ideas of the best method to boost this? Right now I'm lifting weights every day for about 20 minutes doing sit ups push ups and the weights. Any help would be great

read the stickies. but bascially, lift heavy and eat alot. Oh, and there is absolutely nothing bad or dangerous about protein powder.

power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. steroids = heart and testicular cancer

I've heard bad stories about some of the protein powders. Or maybe that is the energy drink powders. Anyways ok so eat and lift

PreemO power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. does Nlarge2 count?

so does your kidneys and liver get messed up when you eat a can of tuna or chicken breast or a steak? Just read stuff and become informed.

and do squats low and with out the damn pad on the bar.

you need to do some post cycle therapy if you're considering protein powder

Is this an ae?

Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. Oh my fucking god

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. BWAHHAHAHA!!

Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. what brand?

Ilyusha Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes. wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention...

Atenza6i wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention... PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something.

You guys are awful.

I used to take protein but now I just stick to m1t.

Ilyusha PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something. thanks. this is why i frickin love OT. from here, i learned how to take steroids safely while completely getting rid of my manboobs. my penis however, is turning into a clitoris. gosh, i hate this hormonal imbalance that protein put me on. i knew estrogen was really good for me, but i didnt think that too much of it would cause side effects. btw if you want some advice: 1. try not to take protein. it has lots of side effects. surprisingly, large amounts of lettuce will help tone your body. listen to me, i said tone. i know you want that. right? tone. dont forget it. 2. breathing technique is crucial. during the day if you focus on your breathing, making them deep breaths and full exhales, it actually helps you optimize the amount of calories burned when idle, while maximizing muscle growth. 3. take progress pictures of your penis. if you find it shrinking over time, cut down on the protein. especially if you see small scabs like ilyusha and i are experiencing. good luck bro, i hope to hear good news in a few days.

DCCapen My doctor told me that if I didnt quit drinking protein shakes he would report me to insurance and they wouldnt renew when the time came around you're joking right?

chlywly you're joking right? No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein.

Gutrat No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein. dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions...

Atenza6i dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions... I still get shaky when I walk by a GNC. I can't believe they let places like that stay in business.

curious, whats ae (serious question) stand for? it seems to be the equivelent of a "troll" on other forums.

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Injured again v.mylifesucks

Well, about a year ago i was doing deadlifts, i was on my 4th set and was trying to go huge, on my 6th rep i felt a pinch in my lower spine. About an hour later i could barely walk i was in so much pain. It took me 5 minutes just to tie my shoes for weeks. After TONS of money spent on physical therapy and chiropractors, i finally was getting back on track. I had lots of xrays and scans done and it was determined that i damaged a lot of muscle tissue in my lower back. That was 1 year ago. 2 days ago i was doing squats, last week i did 365 for 6 reps on my 4th set, so i was going to do the same this week, i always keep good form, but i feel that my long torso (im 6'2"), puts a lot of pressure on my lower back no matter how hard i try. And on my 3rd rep i felt the same feeling i felt a year ago. The pain is pretty much 24/7, when i sit, walk, try to bend down, brush my teeth, etc. So now my back is totaly fucked again, all that money and rehab and physical therapy for nothing. I will never do deadlifts or squats again, no matter how perfect my form is, this shit always seems to happen, and its not worth tearing my lower back again. Sorry just had to rant

Sorry man. Hope it gets better faster than last time..

i can't do them either. Some people just weren't made to DL

I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month

yeah I fucked my back up along time ago and it seems to be getting better now, I just hope it improves in a hurry cuz I feel like a fucking douche doing curls and extensions

velamint I feel where you're coming from...I fucked up my back putting in an air conditioner last summer (I had before doing deads but it always got better), and it was fairly constant pain since started getting better, and then i hurt my lower back again doing squats. just recently went to the dr, he thinks its a muscular thing. starting physical therapy next month Good luck man, the physical therapy got way to expensive for me, i spent 300$ in 1 month. I first went to a chiro, but i realized that it was bullshit, he tried to feed me a line "My job is to keep your lower back and spine alligned while your tendons and muscle tissue heal" ...what a crock of shit, i didnt feel any improvement from going to him. The stretches work really good, but i think it really just takes time, even though it had been a year, i was still careful, i still have never done deadlifts since the first time, i would have never thought that squats would have been the thing to re-tear my back again.

do you wear a belt?

at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year

The same thing happened to me doing squats about 4 months ago, I took a week break with muscle relaxers, anti-inflams, stretching.. haven't had the pain since. You just need to take it easy on the weight.

Ceaze do you wear a belt? i have one, but never wear it.

PreemO at least u know what messed up ur back. i'm still clueless as to how i injured mine cuz i haven't done a max attempt on squats or deadlifts this year he wasn't maxing either

Injured again v.mylifesucks

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