Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Most - other than forearms indirectly, shoulders Least - abs and calves

Most: back & Grip Least calves biceps

most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms

most: tris, shoulders least: hamstrings

most: tri's least abs/chest, because my bench sucks

i dont train abs as much as i should but i just started

GTPBR most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms but replace forearms with traps

Most: pretty much all lower body (besides calfs) Least: calves abs I <3 squats

most: hams, quads, pecs, tris, delts, post. chain, lats, traps least: biceps and the pen0s.

Most :Tris (just because they are worked in so many exercises that don't target them) Least: Forearms (never, unless you count gripping DBs and barbells for various exercises)

Most: back, quads/hams Least: calves, biceps

most:abs least:forearms, calves

Spyde|2 "Why did Lisa dump me? Is it because of my small calves? They're the hardest place to add mass!" /Milhouse Most: Chest Least: Everything else

most: back least: penis

Most: Legs (squat) Least: Calves

most:lats least:chest(cant bench or fly cuz of bum shoulder )

Most: Chest Least: Legs (i run a lot, and have genetically large,strong legs)

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

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