Wednesday, January 29, 2014

one of the hotties from my class

one of the hotties from my class

easily one of the top 5 most gorgeous girls ive met in college. pic doesnt do her the justice. kinda sux that her and all her friends, even her sister, are just as jaw-dropping. more to come

hot is relative

hotness not found....i go for blondes...sorry (every man has his own tastes in women)

sorry mang

u guys r haters... She looks fine to me

I'm going to Berkeley in the fall. That's one of the five hottest girls you've met on campus? How's the gym? I'm guessing it does have a GHR or reverse hyper, but it's still good enough?

i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why)

PreemO i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why) LOL at background poster... Dude looks big, makes u look smal mang.

no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see.


PreemO no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see. That's what I thought. Hopefully, there'll be some new stuff when I get there.

i think she looks good...her body is bangin and ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say the pic just makes her face look weird

after 4 years here at berk, i think its an advantage to have a lack of pretty girls. cuz whenever you venture outside of berkeley, your lowered standards make every girl seem hot

how hot would you rate flavia?

eh well bezerkely is known to have an extreme shortage of good looking girls, so.. anyway, she's a cute girl, but not a "hottie" in my opinion.. not hating, just not my style.

lol, she doesnt do it for me (don't tell her that). i'm really picky and don't really go for hte mainstream type of hotness. in terms of looks, i adore natalie portman, or say kristin kreuk. subtle, but alluring. berkeley scale maybe a 7? other guys i know, former floormates, would rate her higher.

engineering did =! girls

she's "cute" not "hot"

Leo95SE engineering did =! girls i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes

PreemO i just about spit my drink across the room. dude looks like a.c. slater

preemo > *

vettedude i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore.

girls got the same frame

Zaffir I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore. what school? blodes...

vettedude what school? blodes... says someone in texas where the hottest blondes in the world are.

one of the hotties from my class

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