Monday, January 27, 2014

CEE + Di-Arginine Malate

CEE + Di-Arginine Malate

anyone tried this combo before. I found it on 1fast. The people who reviewed this combo said it is the shit. I think I am going to try it out after my Swole V2 runs out. Check it CEE SuperPumpT Stack

do a search there is a thread here on it

not sure about the di-arginine but i get some crazy pumps with just the CEE. its strange though, i don't feel the tightness of a normal pump i just look huge. anyone else get similar?

I searched for it. Didnt see any reviews of these two as a combo. Is anyone taking these two together?

aenz not sure about the di-arginine but i get some crazy pumps with just the CEE. its strange though, i don't feel the tightness of a normal pump i just look huge. anyone else get similar? thats just called "looking full"

I started taking this shit yesterday, we'll see how it goes. CEE still tastes like rotten asshole even in OJ, but I just down it as quick as possible.

I have been taking CEE for a few days and I don't notice much in terms of looks, but I do feel like I get more out of each workout. It may be a placebo effect, so we'll see.. I don't mind the taste - I put it in a bit of water and drink it like a shot.

Ilyusha I have been taking CEE for a few days and I don't notice much in terms of looks, but I do feel like I get more out of each workout. It may be a placebo effect, so we'll see.. I don't mind the taste - I put it in a bit of water and drink it like a shot. bro that's crazy. in oj its not bad but in water.... reminds me of those sour warhead candies i used to eat when i was younger. but times five.

aenz bro that's crazy. in oj its not bad but in water.... reminds me of those sour warhead candies i used to eat when i was younger. but times five. hmm... then maybe I would like it.

CEE + Di-Arginine Malate

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