Showing posts with label plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plan. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat?

more hungry = hungrier

ryazbeck more hungry = hungrier yeah yeah... same difference

i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming?

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. i dont work out in the morning during the week, only during the weekend. But when i workout at night during the week - i work out hard. my goal is to have my shirt soaked in sweat and i have to actually ring it out like a soaked towel

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming? slimming . I am trying to lower my bf%. I am doing pretty damn good too, just gotta stay on course and i dont want to derail it by giving in to hunger

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond

then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem.

My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories.

ryazbeck then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem. i am doing calorie counting now actually. i am trying to do between 1300-1500 a day for intake

b-stevens My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories. i have a bowl of special K cereal and a glass of OJ for breakfest. For dinner i usually have one of those healthy choice meals that is at a max 500 calories. Maybe some pineapple pieces of an apple when i get home from the gym. Plus more water than jebus to drink

b-stevens How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary

Juggernaut i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary What makes you want to slim down at that weight?

b-stevens What makes you want to slim down at that weight? soccer season. I play forward. The skinnier i am, the faster I get. PLUS - i want a 6 pack so bad

holy crap you need to eat more often!

damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

I just had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds.

Girl_Next_Door holy crap you need to eat more often! I have a crappy metabolism .... if i eat it goes straight to my gut, and i really want a washboard stomach

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories its between 1300-1500 a day. I burn probably 600-800 at the gym a night, so i have to intake something

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? *suspicious* you're joking, right?

Elfling *suspicious* you're joking, right? no... why? edit: I wouldnt come looking for serious advice spouting off bullshit....

cereal and oj lightweight

sounds like you have a horrid diet

Ceaze sounds like you have a horrid diet how so? I am not usually hungry ?

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

Creatine + Clen

Creatine + Clen

During the ECY stack I had no concerns with [testing my rats with] CEE. Now that Ive moved [my rats] on to slightly more potent agents, I would rather not risk dehydration or the other assumed risks in the combo. Is is safe or should I hold out on [feeding my rats] the CEE till after the cycle? ib4flames.

i'm no pro, but dont creatine and clen do opposite things? i thought creatine helped retain water, and clen helped get rid of it?

not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. Ack what a nightmare. 1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml. But looky here: Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another. Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life) Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg. with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have. T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt. T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought? T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming. T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast. T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time. T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.' My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine. T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched. T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous. T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus. T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this. T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT. T+19h: Another shower helped. T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol. T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can. T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!% T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down. For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head. Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare. There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate, tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things. Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it. Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was. What a nightmare Thank God its over. for your rats sake ;x

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x wow i bet your buddy was ripped after that

My rats take it in 20mcg tab form. Not much risk of overdose there. They are at 80mcg today. While in the most general sense they would appear to have opposing impacts, but on a cellular level they have little to do with eachother. My rats are drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water per day so I think most of the risk is mitigated, but I want to be sure.

IMHO i think that you wont look as good as if you did creatine for like 4 weeks and then ran your clen because w/ clen you are trying to lose bf and look shredded and depending on how you respond to creatine you might have water retention leaving you slightly bloated. cliffsne makes you bigger, the other makes you smaller, so run the big then the small

supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer.

iwishiwascool supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer. huh i havent done the research on CEE (haha but bought it anyway) well then i guess go for it?

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him

gsteclipse97 yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion.

the caffeine is what dehydrates you, not the ephedrine or clen

Dunken yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion. if you buy the liquid pre diluted instead of makin it yourself then you should have nothing to worry about unless you are a real dope who cant measure correctly. i dont see how anyone could screw it up if you took 10 seconds to measure it and double check

I bought 500g of CEE from bulknutrition today.

How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking?

AznRyda How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking? 5g taurine, just banannas for cramps when I feel them. When I can tell the rats feel them.

i need to supp with magnesium to get rid of the cramps

The first few days were crazy. It wasnt the big muscles... just the lil ones. Id be sitting still for a while and my entire back would cramp up. Or my hands or toes.... ect. I was fine today.

Creatine + Clen

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Well its official...

Well its official...

i am going bald. doc said only thing he would recommend i do if im that attatched to my hair is hair plugs. im guessing the m5aa agravated it and now its on a role. so looks like i will be going to get some clippers soon. fuck it. he said rogain or propecia might help but im not even gonna bother wasting the time and money

Mike McDermott see if you can get steroids for it haha that would be awesome

If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it.

t3nchi If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it. thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though

whaaat, post a pic first

gsteclipse97 thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though i don't like it but the girls do. you get used to it... and getting checked out more often by girls, especially the cute cardio girls, doesn't hurt. i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it.

Shaved heads > *

Mass whaaat, post a pic first i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower

Ilyusha Shaved heads > * we will see, i know i have a few scars from fights and im white as hell so just another place to add sunscreen

just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth...

Mass just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth... i am mainly losing it in the front, he didnt think propecia would help a ton. i know you can get the powder from ibe. do you know how long it takes to see a difference?

start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks.

If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks

there's very little you can do about hair loss in the front. You can shave it as much as you can and use dht and sebum removing shampoos.

Mass start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks. the ches tis nice and smooth had it waxed

Mass If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks mind sendin me a pm?

how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now.

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. 23

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. wow, at what age did you start shedding?

evi1eddie i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it. that's clearly the most important thing

Invest in razors and a hat gsteclipse97 i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower Supposedly on average a human sheds 100 hairs from their head a day, the bald people are the ones that don't grow it back.

disblohs that's clearly the most important thing i was kidding

Mass wow, at what age did you start shedding? not really sure, but i thappened pretty quickly. I had a full head of hair when I started goigng out with my ex g/f, and by the time the 8 month relationship was over, I was using a mach 3 on it. I still have hair on the top, but I have a "culdesac" thing going. I also think its thinner than normal in the back. My dad started going bald at an early age also. He hasn't really lost much more since then, so hopefully I'll be the same.

evi1eddie i was kidding

Well its official...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

damn blenders own

damn blenders own

so I drink my shakes usually by mixing them with a spoon, I've thrown up while drinking shakes but I sitll do it to tuff it out, they taste like shit, clunky, etc well today I tried a blender...holy shit, went down smooth and it was good

My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on.

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I have a rival

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. do they use it on their teeth or their pussy?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. Thats the one I have and I love it. Especially the grinding attachment, works great on oats

i plan to pick up a blender today

Get 1 of those Magic bullets from Tv. I been using it for like 9 monthes. The other day it broke and they sent a new one in le a week. They have a lifetime warrenty.

I got one of them...slightly different great

sounds like too much cleanup on all of those... i usually pound my shakes in about 2 min, quick rinse out my shaker and go.

deznutz did it have the word pocket in it?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit? my g/f bought her sister a dolphin for x-mas

Looks like a corndog stick to me!

AznRyda Looks like a corndog stick to me! yea, wtf?

WTF is that?

yeah i don't understand why everyone doesn't use a blender. i got one for $20, one the best purchases i've made. It takes seconds to clean too if you have one of those hand-spray things in your sink.

meh. i have a nalgene bottle. get water from the refrigerator dispenser, measure to 12oz on the side markings, 2 scoops on whey, close, shake, chug, rinse, done. easy enough for me.

J Shmoke WTF is that? .

i have a cuisinart

Ceaze i have a cuisinart my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake?

sounds like the picture used to be that of a vibrator... and then got edited to a picture of a corndog stick =) i just use this cheapo shaker cup that i got from bulk nutrition.

ACURA TL-S I have a rival that skinny stick is your rival? owned

Atenza6i my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake? I used to bust out the blender each time i wanted a shake, now i just grab the shaker, pour in water, powder, maybe a strawberry or two and shake the hell out of it

i have never used a blender for a shake. i do use a coffee grinder for my oats though

damn blenders own

Saturday, January 18, 2014

chest peck help

chest peck help

k can someone just whip up a quick day at the gym for what they did on chest days, like what are some real good excercises to bulk up in the upper area you know what i mean?

Incline BB or DB Flat BB or DB Dips Flies(if you want) End of workout. SHould take no longer than 45min.

and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee

dougie090 and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee There is no K in pecs. Your rep base will be dependent upon your goals.

haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10??

dougie090 haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10?? Jesus. You need Jesus.

Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10

actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself

Silver85327 Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now.

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself I have the suggestive shirt, it says "geologists make the bedrock"

Neo22 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now. Today was my first day working out I plan on going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week. I really need to set up some sort of routine so I dont look like a retard in there.

k thanks neo you sound like you know what your doing, god bless ya

hahahah silver that was some funny shit, i know how you feel though hahah that is fucking hilarious i cant stop laughing, i can picture you just walking around haha fuck me thats funny

Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though

Chalkitup Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though Nice now if I only knew what some of those things were.

Sorry, I know how you feel I read most of the threads in here and they may as well be in japanese so dont be afraid to ask. What in particular don't you know?

yah im not familiar with skull crusher, hack squats, preachers curl im sure i know what they are but i have a differnet name for the fucking thigns

Skull crusher - Lay on the bench on your back and using a barbell and grip with palms facing up (or towards your feet) straighten your arms so that they are perpendicular to your body. Now by bending at the elbow you lower the bar down towards your head. Start off light and try and focus on keeping your elbows neat and together. Hack squats are a machine lift. You begin in a standing position with pads on your shoulders that attach to the "carriage", unlock the carriage and position your feet so that you when you squat you are positioned as if sitting in a chair. Again keep your knees steady and get someone to check that you're going deep enough. Preacher curls - these are an isolated bicep curl where you sit or stand with a barbell or dumbells and the tricep part of your arm is rested on an inclined pad. Now when you curl the pad keeps your elbows in position and you isolate the biceps when curling. This is the type of form that you are aiming for when free lifting where your control muscles keep you in position and lifting the weights rather that swinging them.

ahh yes i know what the preacher curls are now, yah they are harder since you cant swing, good workout, the hack squats i dont know i dont have that machine the gym im at im pretty sure, so for the skull crusher you will kinda loook like an L like your on your back and your then lifting upwards? or are you going out over your head so its just like a straight line you know?

Start step 1 Bend your elbows and lower your forearms toward the top of your head. Keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position, and straighten your arms to return to the start position. finish

Hack squats You shouldn't lock your knees out during the exercise so that your quads stay loaded

you need the sex muscles bro

db preachers

For Chest I like something along the lines of Flat BB 10,6,4,4,2 Incline DB 3x6-8 Incline Flies 3x8 Flat Flies 3x8 Then the next week do Incline BB 10,6,4,4,2 Flat DB 3x6-8 Flat Flies 3x8 Incline Flies 3x8

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself Buy an av, you are

chest peck help

Post your cardio here

Post your cardio here

yo guys ive been on a interval plan for a while now and im getting pretty bored of it, wanted to see what kind of cardio interval workouts you guys would recommend. here are some that im currently doing in my cardio workouts: (on an intense scale of 1-10 ex. 5 being jogging, and 10 being all out sprinting) cardio 1:min /level of intensity first 15 mins /5 (then ill start an interval cycle of sprint/jogging):next 20 seconds /10 next 40 seconds /6 etc... (and i'll repeat this interval 8 times) cardio 2:min /level of intensity 1-2/ 5 3 / 6 4 /7 5/ 8 6 /9 ...(one interval cycle) 7/ 5 8/ 6 etc.... (four interval cycles= roughly 20 mins)

why is this thread in spanish?

I ride the stationary bike 4 times a week at a HR of 160bmp for 30 min.

forum95 why is this thread in spanish? they only decent cardio is sex

i run 4-10km 4-5 nights a week. i play hockey/shinny. bike riding randomly... yea

Post your cardio here

Thursday, January 16, 2014

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

test cyp 600mg/week 1-16 eq 500 mg/week 1-15 drol 100mg/day 1-5 halo 20-30mg/day 13-16 pct of nolva and clomid with hcg run 250iu 2x a week starting with week 4 and ending the week before pct. pct starting week 18. what do ya think?

inject big, get big?

thats the plan

I'd run dbol instead of drol, so I didnt feel like shit, but I don't know anything about halo apart from the incredible strength gains.

i've run dbol before and it gave the worst back pumps ever, i mean dibilitating. couldn't deadlift 135lbs if my life depended on it. so i'm gunna give drol a try. running the halo to harden up at the end of the cycle and for the aggressiveness and strength.

Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end.

AznRyda Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end. good for you troll...

any real input from anyone?

16 weeks is a bit long..... You probably won't get too many replies on this. You are better off taking it to Elite Fitness Forums.

I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about.

cavefish I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about. I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice.

Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice.

cavefish Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice. I agree, but it does look like you're overdoing it. How many cycles have you done in the past?

ACURA TL-S I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice. .

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hello to F&N

Hello to F&N

How's it going F&N? I decided to stop being a lurker, get a sub ,and make my frist post here. I don't have any progress pics for you right now but I have gained 25 pounds since January after reading up on bulking here. (160-185 at 5'11) Personal Bests for the big three are:Dead: 400 Bench: 200 Squat: 250 These are from highschool when I was on the powerlifting team in the 165 class and we did our deadlifts straddle Right Now Dead: 320 Bench:195 Squat: 245 Got a bit weaker due to laziness and lack of knowing what I'm doing. Will get some pics up soon.

Will do soon. My last final is in approximately 5 hours so I will be able to get back into my routine more consistently.

superbri007 i have one more week of classes then like 4 finals Yea I just finished all that bullshit and am currently ruining my diet with a 2 liter of mountain dew to stay awake and study for this anthropology crap. On the bright side summer is here and I plan on breaking 200 lbs here soon. Hopefully I don't get too fat since I used to be a Cross Country runner and when I don't look like an ethiopian I feel fat. I'm like a woman sometimes.

Yea today convo with mom :Mom: You're starting to look chunky Me: Mom: Well it's true Me: gonna go purge myself and run the minimarathon. Bye.

superbri007 slap her with your deltoid good idea

Hello to F&N

Monday, January 13, 2014

fuck getting hurt-

fuck getting hurt-

Man, I'm dying here... I broke my wrist in two places snowboarding at the end of Febuary, and I can't do shit for my upper body! I've been doing legs twice a week and some variation of abs everyday, but it's not enough!! I can't work out UB for 2 more weeks, and then it's light weight... My co-worker, an occupational therapist (I work in physical therapy), said it'd be another 3 months before I get back to where I was. Bullshit, I'm making it 2 months... As stated, FUCK getting hurt. Cliffs: me whining. Oh, BTW, I've never broken anything in my life since this...

yea i snowboard every week. really sucks boarding on lifting days, especially when you take a hard fall. like i did when tried jibbing a volkswagen last week.

I know how you feel as I type this with one hand.

I just take it easy and ride like a pussy

Leb_CRX I just take it easy and ride like a pussy yea but the seasons almost over go hard or go... lift

tize i broke my shit snowboarding in 7th grade, havent been back since. Yeah, I don't plan on going again- I live in CO, but it took me 22 years to try it, I think I can live without it!

Leb_CRX I just take it easy and ride like a pussy my new best friend

fuck getting hurt-

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

He hosts the website His takes on lifting are so much different than anything else i have ever read or been taught for my entire life but everything he claims is thouroughly backed up with scientific testing. Have you guys heard of this guy or his new book? His credentials are incredible. The full ebook can be found on limewire and i just finished reading it. I must admit, it nearly has me convinced and i think im gonna give his plan a try. Anyone use this plan or heard of it? It is well worth the read.

what's the gist of it

Ceaze what's the gist of it .

What is it called, .

It focuses on recovery time and short intense lifting. Its very mathmatical you guys should check it out.

uofapeter It focuses on recovery time and short intense lifting. Its very mathmatical you guys should check it out. I have heard of him and his teachings. His teachings are very true. They follow the teachings of Arthur Jones and Nautilus.

I feel like this thread is about a cult

b-stevens I feel like this thread is about a cult you must cut off your balls and kill yourself!

mike you must cut off your balls and kill yourself! Jesus, why both? Isn't one enough? but then again, I guess I wouldn't want to live without my balls anyways.

Pete Sisco's Static and Power Factor Training

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

I am currently 162 lbs about 6'1" and fed up with it. So I am fully commited to put some weight on. I have tried before, I lifted for 8 months really hard, I got stronger, but only a couple pounds bigger, I'm hoping because I never really added to my diet. So here is what I'm starting on now: Morning:25g protien shake 25g can of chicken breast Oatmeal or cream of wheat, a bagel, some fruit, whatever the caffeteria has Lunch:Whatever school is serving, usually a decent meal, hamurger or something. Dinner:Again whatever school is serving, pasta, pizza, chicken, whatever it is I can eat a lot of it. 50g protien shake Obviously I will be lifting throughout the week, I feel I have a good workout that gets my full upper body and some legs throughout the week. I am not worried about putting on fat, in fact I would welcome a few % more body fat. So if anyone has anymore suggestions on what I should be doing that would be great. Thanks for the help.

If you wanna gain weight stop eating like a pussy and start downing more than 2000 calories.

I'm pretty sure I get more than 2,000 a day. I eat tons for dinner, but thats really the only time I can eat till I can't eat anymore.

If you're a hardgainer you may have to take up to 4000-7000 calories a day, depends on your metabolism, start your calories out at 3500-4000 and eat that amount for a week and see if you gain any weight, if you dont, add another 500 everyday for another week and repeat the process until you start gaining, it ain't rocket surgery

Wow, 3 meals a day... try 6 or 7 full course meals.

That's a great meal plan for losing weight

Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches.

...i'm pretty sure I'm no expert in bulking(trying to cut) but eat anything and're trying to get BIGGER...go stuff your mouth with burgers or something?

FlameBox Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches. unless you have been counting calories for a while you dont have an accurate gauge as to "how many calories you ate." believe me, its very easy to stuff your face multiple times a day and be barely breaking 2k calories. find nutrition labels, get on fitday, whatever you have to do in order to track caloric intake. get familiar with the nutrition content of foods you eat daily and keep a list. gaining weight can be laborious but if you put in the time you will see results. good luck!

35hrs of class? How? How many credits is that? You are going to need to eat a lot more than that. Buy canned foods and keep your room stocked. If you want it bad enough you will make it work.

Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too.

do you feel hungry at any time of the day? if so, you could be eating more

xpinchx Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too. Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. George Forman grill...Its tiny.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. can you take extra food fro the cafeteria? i mean say you go at alot..and take a plate to go for your next meal. then t dinner eat alot..and take another plate to go.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. You can get a moderate-sized Foreman Grill for around $10-$15 that will easily fit anywhere in your dorm. You can cook your shit on your computer desk if you want to. As for no room for a fridge, just how small is your dorm? Pics? IMO that would be most beneficial for you if you could eat in your dorm. It'd be better than the crap they serve at the cafeteria. Probably cheaper, too, but I don't really know.

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

Ok so as most of you know I got a bad case of colitis in late December, got out of the hospital on January 7th and didn't touch a weight for 8 weeks after that. Now I am going to show you my progress since I started lifting and bulking hardcore. Ok I went from a lean 215 to an abysmal 180 back to 215 but not as good looking Well I plan to keep on eating everything in sight through summer (fuck a beach body this year) and hopefully hit 240 or 250 fairly soon before I cut again (may run Superdrol soon). I have been doing DeFranco's "Westside for Skinny Bastards" routine the whole time and have liked it but have thought about switching over to a CP plan for bodybuilders. If I were to do something like that, what exercises would you recommend and what type of split? I'm pretty new to CP but apparently it's the best thing since dbawlz so I want to try it out. I also would like to hit the gym more than 3 times a week, if possible because I feel like my body responds better than if I were only going 3 days or so. So what do you guys think? Sorry for being such a skinny bitch

if you can make it to 250 before you cut, i give you lots of respect.

That sucks about your colitis, I'm with ya on bulking through summer broly.

damn that sucks. good work though

you're back at 215 already? nice work bro, it'll all come back in time

just be careful with the bulking, hubby had colitis last year and he is really sensitive to certain foods now. He's never been the same. edit: looks like you're doing great though

Damn, what a way to pull it back up. That's shitty about the illness dude but the fact you've managed to come out of it and still find time to pull back your training is amazing. I'd have a hard time knocking that progress, congratz

DCCapen I have never seen muscle loss like that before, thats amazing. But hey, congrats on the bluking Yeah I was mentally devastated afterwards seeing that I had lost like 35 pounds of almost pure muscle. Getting back though

GilgaMesH Yeah I was mentally devastated afterwards seeing that I had lost like 35 pounds of almost pure muscle. Getting back though how long did it take you to gain it all back? or was it 8 weeks to goto the 180 to 215?

SteveO how long did it take you to gain it all back? or was it 8 weeks to goto the 180 to 215? It's been about 6 weeks, I believe.

Are/were you on any medications like prednisone for your colitis?

therealdeal Are/were you on any medications like prednisone for your colitis? I was on prednisone for like 2 weeks and now I'm on colozal.

GilgaMesH I was on prednisone for like 2 weeks and now I'm on colozal. fuck prednisone

Sgt. Ownage fuck prednisone agreed. Wasn't a huge fan

GilgaMesH agreed. Wasn't a huge fan killed my apetite/upset my stomach

Sgt. Ownage killed my apetite/upset my stomach It increased my appetite but I just felt shitty once I tapered down.

Sgt. Ownage killed my apetite/upset my stomach wierd, the typical side effect is to drastically increase appetite.

therealdeal wierd, the typical side effect is to drastically increase appetite. Yeah it really helped my bulking I'm getting fucking fat though and it's pissing me off.

GilgaMesH Yeah it really helped my bulking I'm getting fucking fat though and it's pissing me off. Ya, unfortunately it makes you gain fat and it kills off muscle. So you must have lost all your weight before you got on it eh?

Yeah all my muscle was killed off before the prednisone.

Sgt. Ownage fuck prednisone By the way, what did you take prednisone for?

GilgaMesH By the way, what did you take prednisone for? massive allergic reaction/hive breakout...which still plagues me to this day and the cause is unknown

Sgt. Ownage massive allergic reaction/hive breakout...which still plagues me to this day and the cause is unknown Yeah getting someone , doctor's not knowing the cause or whether or not it's going to be persistent is pretty frustrating

GilgaMesH Yeah getting someone , doctor's not knowing the cause or whether or not it's going to be persistent is pretty frustrating this was honestly my allergist's response 'welll didnt test positive for any it's a..............virus....yeah......if you break out for 6 more months see me'

PcH How can you gain and lose weight so quickly?! You were so cut before.. Welp a week of laying in a hospital bed and throwing up everything I ate tends to make muscle disappear apparently.

OK F&N, Here has been my journey since December.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

I'm new to the world of training but after getting back on my dirtbike today for the first time since winter I realized how completely out of shape I am. I am plenty strong and already pretty thin with little to no fat on me. My question is what kinds of exercises should I do to build Endurance instead of strenght and mass. I know that with more strength comes endurance, but in the sport of motocross it pays to be as light as possible. My plan is to just do 30-45 minutes of cardio every single day wearing all of my riding gear to simulate the extra weight and also heat retention. I plan to do my cardio on a Healthrider machine (Don't laugh, it's all i've got, and 30 minutes on it when it's 90 outside will put a workout on you) but I was also wondering what kind of exercises besides cardio I can do to help out with endurance in my arms/wrists/fingers as these are the first parts of my body to wear out. It actually gets to the point that I can't even pull in my clutch lever no matter how bad I want to because my whole arm is numb. My fingers and wrists go completely numb to the point that it hurts to move them at all for about 5 minutes after I pull off the track. Any ideas on how to improve forearm endurance without adding mass, because adding mass will actually cause my arms to pump up quicker.

ibgrouch COC grippers will help you

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

post some progress pics

post some progress pics

i need some motivation....

a little over a 1 year ago, about 1 year into training... I couldn't even imagine looking like that again - 175 in pictures, 155 starting lifting about 3-4 months ago 223 lbs

i'm just going to post links because i feel like i'm getting to the point where i'm posting too many pictures this was just before i started lifting start (10 months ago) these are from yesterday apri16_1 apri16_2 apri16_3 apri16_4

Chris3G i'm just going to post links because i feel like i'm getting to the point where i'm posting too many pictures this was just before i started lifting start (10 months ago) these are from yesterday apri16_1 apri16_2 apri16_3 apri16_4 That is awesome broly. How much of that 10 months was used to bulk?

ChutUps That is awesome broly. How much of that 10 months was used to bulk? middle of september through the end of january. For the first few months i didnt really bulk but i had some good noob gains. this picture was taken at the end of bulking I'm really looking forward to bulking again, i think i've learned a lot since then and i'm going to do much better next time around

Very nice progress SteveO.

that's some good shit, I'm gonna show these to my brother who's currently bulking too motivate him more.

im sure youve seen it..

October 04 (about a month after starting to work out): Today: The difference is much more vivid in shirtless pics, but those aren't gonna be posted until I lose some weight.

Ilyusha October 04 (about a month after starting to work out): Today: The difference is much more vivid in shirtless pics, but those aren't gonna be posted until I lose some weight. why are your armpits yellow? do your armpits smell so horrid they turn your pits yellow?

dmaestro why are your armpits yellow? do your armpits smell so horrid they turn your pits yellow? I'm allergic to my deoderant, but I still use it, in hopes that my body will adapt.

DCCapen adapt? I dont think it works that way, thats like saying you adapt to poison Ivy dude..

I'll post my 2 week progress on Wednesday.

pokesteve stevo... 50 pounds of muscle in 8 months? no offense but may i ask what supplements you were using? Started: 155 lbs, 2 years ago Ended: 223 lbs, recent That's 60 lbs in two years.

pokesteve he said 175 to 223 in 8-9 months in his thread... thats 48 pounds! 6 pounds of muscles added every month! wtf It can be done.

pokesteve impressive nonetheless im betting prohormone , stevo care to share your typical bulking diet? im around your starting weight of 175 and never can seem to bulk right, always too much or too little.... As far as I know, Steve eats like 7k calories/day when he bulks.

pokesteve holy shit that must be so expensive At least half is liquid form, so it's not that expensive.


y0gfx Liquid? Protein shakes with other ingredients in them.

there you go, 8200 btw and no, it's really not expensive. I don't eat most of the foods you guys eat, for carbs it's only oats and wheat bread. Shakes are dirt cheap, usually a weeks worth runs me half tub of whey, some powdered milk, 2 jars of natty PB, and a cannister of oatmeal, and 2 bundles of bananas. Protein sources are cheap too, mainly bulk cottage cheee and bulk turkey meatballs would be my main sources

jonno - amazing! dont recall seeing your before pics ever

SteveO there you go, 8200 btw and no, it's really not expensive. I don't eat most of the foods you guys eat, for carbs it's only oats and wheat bread. Shakes are dirt cheap, usually a weeks worth runs me half tub of whey, some powdered milk, 2 jars of natty PB, and a cannister of oatmeal, and 2 bundles of bananas. Protein sources are cheap too, mainly bulk cottage cheee and bulk turkey meatballs would be my main sources

he's posted it a couple times before

pokesteve i want to go on the 8 month steveO plan...... can you tell me exactly what you did and ate so i can emulate your every move please I don't have a plan, I workout what I feel like working out and I stick to a high calorie diet. It's no science.

post some progress pics

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning

you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning At least 50-60% of my protein comes from shakes if I'm targetting over 200g per day. I don't worry about it...

joy division you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON yeah, i could.. i guess i'd just prefer not to because i don't like reheated chicken and don't like the taste of tuna. i know, i'm being a bitch i've gotten used to the on, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. if by chance it gets to me, we have free coffee at the office so i can get that to chase away the taste.

fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning I wouldnt worry about it. The only time I was ever told to make sure all my protein, or at least the majority of it, came from whole foods, was when a chinese herbalist told me my ying and yang and Chi was all out of wack. I changed my diet accordingly, and became sick and more tired and well all negative affects. I like the taste of food better, but sometimes its easier to make a shake and forget about it.

Getting a bunch from shakes is better than not getting enough. My only problem with relying on shakes too much is that they don't fill me up at all, so I do my best to get as much from whole foods as possible to keep my cravings down.

protein is protein but meat is sooo much more tasty....its true that different protein sources give different amounts of different amino acids but in my opinion it is all relevant

Shakes are ok but as Jugget said you wont be getting aminos and other nutrients that all help your body absorb and use up the protein. Also why are you having a shake before and after your workout? Your body can only digest so much at once and I may be wrong but Im guessing that 40g-1hour-40g is going to yield little more than lots of farting and protein turds. Protein wont help you work out it helps your body build muscle after you break it down working out so keep your post shake but re-consider the pre-shake IMO

Nothing wrong with the protein IMO; what's wrong is your veggies- or lack of it. That's a pretty bland diet for cutting to me Not to mention that a leetle more variety is good for the soul..unless you do well in the same routine , which honestly some of us do.

joy division fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm hehe i used to do that, but everyone would make fun of me for eating "raw chicken" idiots

protein is protein. i see nothing wrong with it. if they dont fill you up I'd buy a bucket of mass gainer and throw in a couple of scoops. thats what I do and my shakes are ~400 calories, 45 grams of protien which fill me up pretty well

I get three of my meals from shakes and oats. Hasn't stopped me yet. You can only cook and eat so much. If we all had all the time in the world to cook, eat and workout then we wouldn't need shakes. Most of us have school and work.

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

Monday, January 6, 2014

ATTN: Norman Normal

ATTN: Norman Normal

you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm

sr20wop you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm no, i am interested too...

I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them.

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. shiiit, i'll post pics of me when i was 265, if u post urs... IBThisaintimwithopugheyfag EDIT: well if yu ae not gonna posty pics, habve u gained any weight yet?

I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here:

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n or scared... either one

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: they will be baned if they post em there...

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: fair enough

how come yur not usin f&n training log

sr20wop awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n F&N is like my sanctuary I'm off to bed guys.. you guys will get pics, just wait a bit more.

damn man good luck i didnt know you were that skinny. i hope you get bigger

sr20wop how come yur not usin f&n training log mostly because it didnt exist when I started my log at wannabebig

damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work

sr20wop damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work i agree... keep eating, and keep us updated...

ATTN: Norman Normal

Sunday, January 5, 2014

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

heard a lot about it... any one that takes it in here that can explain to me what exactly it does... and if its actually worth buying? and how much does it cost?


see the thing is i have a friend that body builds and he takes it... says it just basically helps something with protein synthesis... or something like that cant exactly remember...

A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month"

Up All Night A pt at my gym said to take it if "you don't want to use something as unresearched and unknown as creatine ,but still want to pack on 5-10 lbs of muscle per month" eh he takes creatine and glutamine... so the two together... wheres christophers when i need him lol

waste of $$$

jonno waste of $$$ can you back it up? i mean like explain to me why...

There was a (recent?) study that basicly said it was worthless. Ill try to find the link but Im sure one of the experts will link it first.

whatever shows me proof of it

In conclusion, few studies have demonstrated any sort of conclusive benefit from L-glutamine supplementation in athletes, although the existing evidence does support a small benefit. The most promising effect is a reduced incidence of infection after exhausting exercise, and in this case 5-10 g preworkout and/or postworkout may be effective. It may be especially useful during times of overtraining or high stress, such as on a diet, but this is only in theory. There is little evidence for a direct anabolic or performance enhancing effect of glutamine. References at the bottom. They sell the stuff and dont endorse its effectiveness... that might say something.

guess oyu got me on that one then... wasnt gonna buy it just wondering what it does...

if you drink protein shakes you dont need that shit

well i do... guess that means i dont need it...

it was only proven to help recovery and such when used intraveinously, so unless you plan on hooking up an iv after a workout skip it.

i take creatine and now i am kinda scared.... hows creatine "something unresearched and unknown "

not helping dude

christophers sigh.. creatine is the most researched sports supplement in the entire world. once again, pt's showing why the reputation of them is nothing short of fucking awful. thank u very much

go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate

Ceaze go with Scivation Xtend instead... BCAA's + citrulline malate agreed...only supplement I havent tried worth trying...

The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... I like it because it makes my protein shakes really thick .

Socrates The guy at the gym told me it helps repair muscles faster/better or something..... except, it doesn't

Ceaze except, it doesn't Heh, I didn't take their word for it too much.

is glutamine worth buying? (sp)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Being white sucks

Being white sucks

I am sunburnt as hell from bein outside all day today. hurts like hell. today is leg day, there is know way i am gonna be able to do squats, my back and neck is candy apple red. i wish i fuckin tanned instead of burning

I'm black... wanna switch bodies?

werd tize, ever since i started tennis back up this semester my face has been bright red till i remembered that sunblock existed

i got fried because of my neighbor-drama I need someone to rub aloe on my back, STAT!

tize use sunscreen, i got burnt yesterday playing tennis at 3:00. i was only out there for like an hour 1/2 and i got burnt wtf i usually do i didnt plan on being out all day was spur of the moment

in, was outside playing basketball and just sitting around and I got nice and pink

I went down to the track today (drag strip), and I didnt wear sunblock, my face/neck/arms are as red as a ripe tomato They hurt like a fucking bitch too superbri007 back in the 1700's they didn't complain back in the 1700's the atmosphere didnt let it as much shit through as it does now, which will burn your skin even more now

i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

I thought this was about penis size.

SteveO i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Ilyusha Burgundy isn't a bad color on me

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago. this is true i have seen my friend sunburn, it drives me crazy my whole family tans except me i fry

or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score

Sgt. Ownage or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now

gsteclipse97 i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake

Sgt. Ownage hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now

gsteclipse97 a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now cant help you there...never tanned before

Wear sunblock christ, your all going to get skin cancer.

asian with natural tan

here comes the sackriders hollering

christophers pale and proud holla in

tize that's only because you're asian PreemO = asian SteveO = white

just ration out how much you're in the sun, build it up. once you have a decent base tan you can go outside for about as long as you want. that's what i did last year and got nice and bronze.

Being white sucks

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone.

a few days wont hurt man!

i binge whenever i go home for some reason. i always go places with my friends and i eat everything in sight. it freaks me out because i'm going home for the summer.

xpinchx It seems whenever I go over to my girlfriend's they have a shit load of junk food/candy. I don't know why, but whenever I'm over there I lose like all inhibitions. We have all sorts of junk food at my house, but I never eat any of it. Anyway, I've been eating lots of peanut butter M&M's, and last night I had like 5 oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then today I ate like 3-4 pieces of pizza for dinner, then another 3 as a late night snack. I feel so fucking fat now. I've already lost like 9 lbs. I don't want to gain this shit back already . I'm going to start doing cardio soon. I'm not worried about losing muscle anymore, I just want to get this fucking huge layer of fat around my gut gone. i'm in the same boat. weekends are so tough

ACURA TL-S Kick that bitch to the curb .

it's nothing to worry about. The amount of carbs you ate just added some water weight

i'm in the same goddamn boat, during the week i have amazing discipline, then the weekend comes and i eat like there's no tomorrow

im injuried so my boat is even worst! i feel myself getting fatter =o

If you're eating spot on during the week and not planning for the weekend, you need to start. Plan in a "cheat" or a "free" meal on the weekend so you stop just gorging without planning.

I thought you were small and bulking

I do the same thing when I go to my gfs. It doesn't matter though because I am bulking.

Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so

the best thing to do is have your weekend meal prepared! i like to have baked potato, chicken breast, and veggies ready for me to eat. So if im always full i cant eat bad food =p

Grouch I thought you were small and bulking I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July.

SilverJettaGLX Last night I consumed : entire large dominos pizza, 6 pack beer, ice cream, large cinamon roll probably set myself back a good week or so Unless the rest of your diet is pretty bad, I don't think you would've hurt yourself too much. You definately hurt your progress by binging that much, though. I know it's hard as hell.

I'm ~230lbs and I have never eaten an entire pizza, or something of that sort and size, by myself. I don't know how you guys do that shit...

xpinchx I'm not really "small" at 226 lbs (218 now). My priority is to lose enough body fat to fit into some of my old pants so I don't have to buy new ones, then from there I'll probably clean bulk until July. oh my bad. I though you said you were in that thread where you posted your weigth set.

I ate bad all weekend too, I had a friend come from NJ, so we went drinking all day yesterday, and then today I had a california burrito, and 5 dominoe slices, and a couple beers.

this weekend killed me too, went to vegas. Nothing but fast food and beer. Time to get back on track tomorrow morning.

Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking

oatmeal cream pies>* junk food

GilgaMesH Nothing beats what I ate a while ago... 10 burgers, 2 frys, 2 cokes. But I'm bulking whitecastle!

ive been living off subs and burritos for the past month

yeah, i feel your guys' pain, i cheated this weekend, i had almost two handfulls of cheezits on sunday before dinner. but on a serious note, drinking like 20 beers over the course of the weekend cant be good for anything.

my fiancee is skinny, abs showing, very low BF. She was very athletic in high school, and has maintained a high metabolism through college with minimal effort. She loves chocolate and cookies. Usually one small peice of chocolate throughout the day, and a few cookies a week. Its always around the house. Well - I'm a former fat kid with a horrible sweet tooth. She tries to get me to eat cookies and stuff its like offering a recovering alcoholic a drink. I lost weight by eating healthy, cutting all snacking, and 2 hours of cardio + 1 hour lifting a day, spread over two workouts. I was able to do this b/c I removed all sweets and snacks from my place. Once a week I would get a small about of candy. Dropped 60 lbs in 3 monthes. 75% of the time I do good at my fiancee's place. My excuse right now is bulking. This summer, second half - I'm going to cut. Then maintain, then wedding in december. I'd like to be <10% BF @ 185 lbs. Right now I'm 200lbs and ~16%bf. I've been as low as 12% but I wasn't strong enough. Now I'm getting some great strength, but a gut as well

Well my diet went to complete shit for the past couple days :hsugh:

What kind of blenders do you have? v. Vitamix?

What kind of blenders do you have? v. Vitamix?

I am going to get a new one in a couple weeks when I get home. What do you guys have and what do you recommend? I sort of want that one, but 400 dollars for a blender = wtf!

i just bought the cheapest one i could find, $19.99 at bed bath and beyond.

Chris3G i just bought the cheapest one i could find, $19.99 at bed bath and beyond. Does it crush ice easily? Easy to clean?

AznRyda Does it crush ice easily? Easy to clean? i wouldn't say it crushes it easily...but it does crush it. It's really easy to clean, i just spray it out with the hand-spray thing in the sink, takes like 10 seconds. I'm sure a more expensive blender would be much better, but all i use this for is to make protein shakes and it works well. this is the one -

i use my parents old ass osterizer. Makes quick work of SC oats.

A Rival hand mixer

good for the tri's

Nitromike jupp, i have the same one its fuckin awesome

20 dollar piece of shit from walmart

Goes through ice like a pimp through his ho's

braun hand blender

I picked one up at BJ's for about 25 bucks.

this is the blender i plan on getting once i start bulking again: hamilton beach stay-or-go blender comes with a blender-compatible travel cup so i won't have to wash both the cup and the jar heard the cups only 12oz so i guess if i just use less water i think i should be fine.

What kind of blenders do you have? v. Vitamix?

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