Thursday, January 16, 2014

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

test cyp 600mg/week 1-16 eq 500 mg/week 1-15 drol 100mg/day 1-5 halo 20-30mg/day 13-16 pct of nolva and clomid with hcg run 250iu 2x a week starting with week 4 and ending the week before pct. pct starting week 18. what do ya think?

inject big, get big?

thats the plan

I'd run dbol instead of drol, so I didnt feel like shit, but I don't know anything about halo apart from the incredible strength gains.

i've run dbol before and it gave the worst back pumps ever, i mean dibilitating. couldn't deadlift 135lbs if my life depended on it. so i'm gunna give drol a try. running the halo to harden up at the end of the cycle and for the aggressiveness and strength.

Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end.

AznRyda Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end. good for you troll...

any real input from anyone?

16 weeks is a bit long..... You probably won't get too many replies on this. You are better off taking it to Elite Fitness Forums.

I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about.

cavefish I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about. I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice.

Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice.

cavefish Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice. I agree, but it does look like you're overdoing it. How many cycles have you done in the past?

ACURA TL-S I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice. .

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

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