Showing posts with label Pushups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pushups. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2014

ATTN: Timber

ATTN: Timber

What is your ab routine? Right now I am just doing dragon flairs and V sits with shoulders and weighted side bends with arms. I think my routine might need some revision.

ATTN TIZE how many times did your mom drop you on your head?

tize 2x less than you have never been laid

tize 2x less than you have never been laid that was so funny I forgot to laugh

Mike McShit Is this McDermott with a new name?

ACURA TL-S Is this McDermott with a new name? yeah its some dumb main forum shit btw quit quoting Tize, hes on my IL for a reason.

Mike McShit Fazle changed my name. He also did this to 404notfound. Check the archives for details. Were you involved in a thread that may or may not have pertained to a masturbating rat?

ACURA TL-S What is your ab routine? Right now I am just doing dragon flairs and V sits with shoulders and weighted side bends with arms. I think my routine might need some revision. Before this week I rarely did abs. Though most of my abs workouts consisted of variations of straight legged hanging raises. This week I'm doing them with the the back support on the dipping bar, low reps but with isometric holds at various positions. I was pretty much doing alot of pullups, almost always keeping my legs parallel to the floor. What are dragon flairs?

timberwolf Before this week I rarely did abs. Though most of my abs workouts consisted of variations of straight legged hanging raises. This week I'm doing them with the the back support on the dipping bar, low reps but with isometric holds at various positions. I was pretty much doing alot of pullups, almost always keeping my legs parallel to the floor. What are dragon flairs? Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it.

ACURA TL-S Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it. Isn't that a dragon flag??

timberwolf Isn't that a dragon flag?? Check your pm's

ACURA TL-S Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it. As I said, before working them out regularly again this week, I had noticed lately my abs being almost constantly sore despite lack of direct work. Only thing I could attribute it too is the pullups and possibly single arm pushups. Once in awhile I did like doing seated straight legged leg raises supersetted with crunches off a bench.

yeah, dragon flags

so you can target lower abs

damn why do i only have lower abs... my top two abs are the smallest... WACK... anyone have any GOOD advice

timberwolf Isn't that a dragon flag?? Damn, no wonder I couldn't find the article.

ACURA TL-S Damn, no wonder I couldn't find the article. Heh. Do you do it from a decline bench or flat? Last time I did it put alot of pain on my elbows.

I need to start whooping more ass in abs... that's a huge problem area for me

ATTN: Timber

Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

Progress Pics

Progress Pics

Just a little background... 3 months ago i was 235lbs with about 33% BF. I met one of the most beautiful girls in the world and decided i was tired of being fat. 3months later i am 225 with 3x the muscle i had when i started. I had no muscle, no strength, could barely do 2 pushups. I am now doing close grip sets of 10 without really struggling. I dont eat perfect, but i cut out soda, candy, fast foods, greasy foods and eating in the middle of the night. I also do HIIT 3x a week and lift 3x a week. I lift very hard, ive never had so much drive in my life. If i can do it, honestly anyone can people. You need to WANT to do it. You say you do, but saying is much easier then doing. Yes it hurts.... Trust me there were days where i couldnt bend my arms, or even walk. I would break down in tears sometimes. This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline. Here are some pics (not that great) but they will do: before: after:

Cant tell any difference

Platinum Cant tell any difference

good progress broly

eliktronix good progress broly thanks

hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress

Bad ass progress for only 3 months. "This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline." Hell yeah, me too. keep it up.

XsLiCk hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress Im sorry, i was so ashamed of myself before that i never ever really took before pics...

I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress.

dmaestro I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress. this was more of a pep post for people who want to stop being out of shape ...

Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic.

dirtysouthboy Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic. bingo ! i was twice as thick

momoarrowz bingo ! i was twice as thick Yeah, i can totally tell a difference.

here is a pic from last october

is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot.

Good job.

dirtysouthboy is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot. haha no thats some random girl i met on new years Here is my honey..

tize so you were 100x better before?? ?!

well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up

vettedude well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up Thanks man its not insano progress, but i am very satisfied.

nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar.

I can definately tell a difference after you posted that beach pic. Great Job and keep up that attitude.

Hot gurls.

hot she into you? and nice progress, keep it up

350GT nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar. Yes sir. 2003 g35c 5AT w/ all options and nav

Progress Pics

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

: u still goto gym: with doda PurplePossum: yea: how often u fools go PurplePossum: like 4 times a week usuallyt: coo PurplePossum: you should join a gym mang: yeah: i bleached my hair PurplePossum: thats almost as good as working out: and did red tips

i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

dmaestro i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-)

Ilyusha PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-) now go beat his ass talking about steroids already

OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

Ilyusha OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

no gym for home?

i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair.

Atenza6i i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair. 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too...

Ilyusha 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too... is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat?

Atenza6i is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat? he's one of the dumbest people i know.. seriously. but he's still a friend..

: oh dude i quit stoges: NO more ever ever ever PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: sure thing leon PurplePossum: quitting is for losers: i havent smoked for a week now PurplePossum: YOU WILL FAIL AHAHAHAHA: i got 100 on it: u will never see my holding a cig agian: ever: weed only on special occasions: alchohol kinda too PurplePossum: alright dude PurplePossum: good lick with all that: what u mean: u think i willfail PurplePossum: yes: im getting a tatoo: soon PurplePossum: you have ADD PurplePossum: werent we just talking about cigs?

: wanna hear a joke: womens rights. PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: ive got a better one PurplePossum: leon quits smoking. PurplePossum: ahahahahahahaha


Haha. damn. Wow....Thats funny. I like making fun of my friends who don't do any physical activity and want to get big by doing pushups and situps....

My friend today said he bought a book about Creatine and says that all it does it make your muscles look bigger thats the main reason why people buy it I was like wtf

Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left.

y0gfx Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left. nice story

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

The muscles most dominant for a powerful punch are your delts correct? anyone know any good exercises that would strengthen these muscles to throw devastating jabs? any boxers in here? thanks

superbri007 its mostly pecs. you sure? any second opinions?

superbri007 do chest exercises that are explosive in nature. try some cable work one hand at a time throwing punches. Or, have someone hold a exercise band behind you while your gripping it and throw punches with resistance. You can be creative and make up your own shit. what about shadow boxing with 10-20lb weights? or is that just stupid?

Maybe plyometric pushups? I found single arm pushups tended to improve my jabs.... Where in Toronto do you box?

i want to take a boxing class next year, but its 2 hours a day for only one credit

the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over.

brolli the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over. Still, I'm guessing he's asking aside from that....

hip and leg drive.

Grouch hip and leg drive. to big bird

a boxer once told me back is the most important...

how about we just say everything.

Grouch how about we just say everything. yeah. I guess if you work your ass off in the gym and boxing gym, you would become a hard puncher.


bag work. you learn better technique on it, plus it gets you used to punching something hard

The power generated is a series of movements relying on your core. Develop a better one, train hard.

Kickbacks are the most important in developing a powerful punch.

curls! Punch stuff. Keep good form and uhhh.... I remember hearing somewhere before that Bruce Lee didn't want a bigger chest because it slowed down his punches. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Can anyone elaborate on that?

bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power.

Grouch how about we just say everything. fucking for a hard punch, you need total body strength, punching requires alot, but the best way to get a better punch is to hit the punching bag

timberwolf Where in Toronto do you box? i don't actually box, yet at least. although i want to try some lessons this summer and thought it'd be a good idea to check to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks for all the tips and help guys. i appreciate it. i'm asking for my own curiousity mostly, and because there's a good chance i will be forced into a fight or two over the next couple weeks. I know who they'll be against and really doubt i'd ever lose them. But better safe than sorry. So bottom line just overall strength, especially core, and explosive workouts?

The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62

Ceaze The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62 i was just gonna tell him to squat, but i think your answer was better.

joy division bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power. work on powerfull crosses and hooks.... all in the hips!!

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

I go to the gym to maintain my weight... not to get muscular, but just not to get fat. I am considering cancelling going to the gym all together because I do not think I will have time and/or opportunity to go to the gym once I start. Do you feel that I will stay in shape as much if I do workout videos? For instance, I like the Comcast On Demand videos a lot. I am wondering if going TO a gym will make a difference or if I can stay in just as much shape doing videos. Thanks

What do you currently do when you go the gym?

If you just go to "not be fat", doing bodyweight training and cardio at home with a good diet would probably be sufficient. Not as good as going to the gym though.

Just buy a stairstepper or a treadmill for your house/apartment.

If general fitness and weight management are your interests, there is plenty of shit you can do outside of a gym. Cardio stuff is obvious (walk, jog, bike or get an elliptical, treadmill, etc...). For strength training, look for a book called "The Naked Warrior" by Pavel Tsatsouline... strength training concepts, routines, and exercises using bodyweight and a minimal amount of equipment.

There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff.

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. That's really how I feel about it

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. I agree, but I am also thinking that it would be extra nice to save myself the money as well, because I am SEVERELY lacking in funds... to answer NickStam, I use the treadmill/stairmaster/some yellow cardio machine for a little while, and then I use the machine weights for abs, legs and arms... I dont do a whole hell of a lot at the gym, i spend a max. of about 45 mins there... thats why Im thinking it may be an equally as effective/cheaper way to keep myself in shape ... but im not really sure, so thats why Im asking you guys

Triple-C I agree, but I am also thinking that it would be extra nice to save myself the money as well, because I am SEVERELY lacking in funds... to answer NickStam, I use the treadmill/stairmaster/some yellow cardio machine for a little while, and then I use the machine weights for abs, legs and arms... I dont do a whole hell of a lot at the gym, i spend a max. of about 45 mins there... thats why Im thinking it may be an equally as effective/cheaper way to keep myself in shape ... but im not really sure, so thats why Im asking you guys Then you're probably right You can get a decent dumbbell set at Modell's or whatever for >200 bucks. If you shop, you can probably find used weights somewhere for even cheaper. And running/walking outside is free

Elfling There is *always* time to go to the gym, imo. I've never stopped going, not even during my working two jobs, 14 hours a day phase that lasted a year. If you really want to, you'll find the time somehow..and of course there's the other options people have put forth about in-home stuff. yeah, what he said.

freeskiwp yeah, what he said.

jonno *chuckles* It's cool, I'd rather be thought a guy half the time here anyways I just do find it funny because to me, Elfling is not a very manly name.

Elfling Then you're probably right You can get a decent dumbbell set at Modell's or whatever for >200 bucks. If you shop, you can probably find used weights somewhere for even cheaper. And running/walking outside is free sounds good... at least I know if I DO make the decision to drop the gym and just do videos and stuff on my own, it wont make a huge difference from what I do at the gym

spending money on a gym, might be more motivation for you to go...

im sorry elfling .im retarded

MikeTheVike1 spending money on a gym, might be more motivation for you to go... thats what I thought, and it worked for about 6 mos, but since the payment for the gym isnt making a HUGE dent in my budget, Ive realized that I just kinda "figure" my way out of the payment now.... I consider it less out of my paycheck now rather than less out of my take-home, if that makes any sense... I I guess Im just looking for words of encouragement as far as dropping the gym and doing it on my own... I almost have my mind made up, but Im looking for someone to tell me its a GREAT idea or HORRIBLE idea, based on the facts ive given

Pushups, Hindu squats, upsidedown pushups, there is always an option.

I don't know about everyone else, but paying for a gym motivates me to go. I spend xx amount of dollars a month for equipment that I'd better be using. If I didn't spend a dime, I'd probably be sitting home doing pushups and situps thinking I'd get massive. But the fact that I pay motivates me. I think if you can, just try to continue going to a gym w/ a (paid?) membership so that you'd have a reason to go out. Plus, while you're there you get to have a certain mentality that you might not be able to achieve at home. If you're not looking at that route, I think that motivation would be key in terms of working out several times a week. So maybe get a buddy to run with you or something...I don't know. I'm kind of rambling.

I think allot of it depends on how you get motivated. About 3 years ago I prepaid a gym membership and could never get motivated to go. As a result I never really made any progress and fatened up. I also let the membership lapse after it expired. I finally decided to do something about being out of shape and bought a bench/squat rack and dug out my old free weights. I started working out again on April 1st and have been hugely motivated so far. I'm doing the dreaded cardio by taking my boxer on bikerides 3-4 times a week and lifting 3 nights a week. I've dropped 18 pounds (mostly water i'm sure) so far and I swear I feel stronger. I screwed up and dropped a grip on my gym membership and never used it. I spent $200 on a decent home bench and use it all the time. I even look forward to using it. Food for thought anyway.

Job change: may not have the opp. to go to a gym now...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

well i've made some changes in my life 2 weeks ago and this time i am on a hellbent mission to improve my life mentally, physically, socially, and financially/academically. ive only been watching what i eat for under 2 weeks. i've cut out juices and sodas completely and most fatty fatty foods but i've been undereating i feel because i've been feeling way too weak at work daily now. i have to start a plan but i dont even understand the terms you guys use like bulking and cutting, let alone forming a dietary and exercise plan. anyways here are my starting pics of what will be the last time i ever want to see myself like this. im 6'1" and 245 lbs. so far i've been doing roughly 40 situps and 40 pushups a day and 30-45 minutes of run/walk. and some clothed

this sticky should be revived from the archives good luck.

evi1eddie this sticky should be revived from the archives good luck. .

also is useful

Bulking is eating a large amount of calories to make you gain weight and allowing your muscles to grow. Cutting is generally done after bulking, and is putting your body in a mild calorie defecit but working out just as hard to retain the muscles you have. You are cutting away the bodyfat you have. You really need to study the stickies and ask any questions you have. 30-45 minutes a day is a lot of cardio. You would be equally successful if you walked fast paced or slow jogged for 12-15 minutes when you wake up in the morning, assuming you have the correct diet. This would be best for fat burning and you would save the muscle. Your abs are muscles just like any other body part, and should only be worked out once or twice a week. Try doing 4 sets of 50 situps on Monday and Thursday. That is at least a start. You will not see your abs until you lose a lot of bodyfat. Study the stickies! (Unless you plan on lifting weights at least 2-3 times a week, you really won't be too happy with yourself and you will not see results nearly as fast. Read the "Want to lose weight? L I F T W E I G H T S" sticky.) It's a lifestyle, not a hobby. All or nothing.

Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio.

ACURA TL-S Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio. truth get a gym membership. if you want to change your lifestyle, think ahead. its gonna be a long way.

read the stick - lose weight lift weights that should be the staple of your program good luck!

one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right

size18boarder /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right i do, i do, and i do. these are suggestions for someone starting out, alot of people startoff with these crazy workout schemes and only end up burning up within a few weeks. its hard to go from doing a few pushups everyday to throwing down a mad workout cycle.

good luck man

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. don't listen to this


yzf crew holla I sold her on sunday

jonno don't listen to this . For christopher's sake... it doesn't matter when you eat, so long as within any given 24hour period (usually measured til bed) your caloric intake is less than your caloric expenditure.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout Who are you and why are you giving bad advice? The reason that not eating after 7 works is because that stops you from having midnight snacks which may potentially be harmful, but if you have some willpower and eat a little less during the day so that you can have some before bed it is much better for you. Having no macronutrients for that long is not a good thing, protein before bed = teh win.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...she had no idea what she was talking about and neither do you.

Socrates That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...

Good luck.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout so you are going to starve yourself for 12 hours until you wake up? That isnt good for you or your metabolism.

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

Friday, December 6, 2013

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

So yesterdya and today, I went to work out, but soon into it my neck feels really strained (with pain) and I get a little lightheaded, so I stop when this happens. Yesterday I was doing leg extensions and was ing when it happened. And today, I was doing bench and it happened again. yesterday was 10x worse though, I was buckled over holding my neck in pain for a good while. Today I recognized it and stopped before that happened. Also, lately, my neck has been pretty tense and I've been popping it more than I probably should. I quit soccer in December and just started getting back into shape recently. Anyone know what the issue might be?

I think you answered your own question: it's probably a strain. I had this problem -- a while back -- whenever I lifted anything it would strain my neck, and give me an instant headache.

were you looking at yourself in the mirror while lifting?

Gutrat I think you answered your own question: it's probably a strain. I had this problem -- a while back -- whenever I lifted anything it would strain my neck, and give me an instant headache. I'm hoping so. This sudden motivation isn't getting used! superbri007 doing anything differently, taking any supplements, do you feel you have high blood pressure? Nope, nope, and nope. Odd thing is, it's fine when I do pushups and whatnot, it's just on apparatus, form what I've experienced. I'll wait it out and just do lots and lots of pushups. call me mick were you looking at yourself in the mirror while lifting? Nope.

I had this problem when I was using machines, then I switched to free weights and I was fine for the most part. Mostly happend when I couldn't get a weight up and resorted to poor form to get it there.

i do neck rolls before i do any benching or deadlifting. you just do that exercise they teach you when you are 5, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder, stretching your neck back and foward a few times and it will loosen it up. When i did get strained, moving my neck around slowly did ease the pain and did help me recover quicker than when i just left it alone

Neck strains while working out... :wtc:

Can anyone here belly dance?

Can anyone here belly dance?

wondering, can any of you like, roll your abs in and out from top to bottom...I can aim my belly button on like a 170 degree this just incredible oblique control

my gf belly dances

I am taking this as a big fat no, considering the lack of response...go me!

guy belly dancing... what is the world coming to these days...

XsLiCk guy belly dancing... what is the world coming to these days... seriously...just add a male belly button ring.... oh god...

idunno, I can push my stomach out with a 175lb guy standing on it...can you?

i can..but i'm a chick. i don't think i helped you look less ghey.

I don't mind looking gay...women dig that sometimes anyways, here is something similar, although I'm like 10 times this chick's size... After searching on google I think I am a rare, what you refer to as, sex muscles, are huge when I want them to be

sorry, but i don't think women dig guys that look gay.

stfu faggot

welcome to california

I lived in Kommiefornia .. and guys belly dancing was

i've got the control to roll up and down (not really fluid, but well enough).... but i've never tried it until this thread....

my belly fat jiggles when I shake it, does that count as belly dancing?

Dragon my belly fat jiggles when I shake it, does that count as belly dancing? .

yea guys, I'm definitely gay, DCCapen wanna fuck? thanks kronik for a useful answer. I can do handstand pushups too, and I'm a heavy bitch.

Can anyone here belly dance?

Friday, November 29, 2013

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday i come home and i'm exhausted but i do manage to do 100 pushups/25lb 4 sets of 12 bicep/tricep curls so that my body can stay in shape would a protein supplement(whey) in any way benefit me or is it only necessary for full time gym people ?

stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time.

knucks stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time. ethug

Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD

Fabian Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD thx for link fabian

my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted

stickies > you



run of the mill response


creatine will increase your weight if taken correctly, and strength too. but kinda pointless if you're not actualy gonna really lift. research it more for info. instead of doing 100 pushups and curls, take 45 minutes and go to the gym (that's all it takes, i promise) and get a good real workout. read the stickies as advised, they really are useful though it is a ton of reading.

here's a link to the stickies, they're at the top of the page or hell, just hit back on your browser. they're the threads saying "Sticky : thread topic"

Frisco crew holla.

China i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday my thoughts..................... 1) i'm 6'2" and 179.5 lbs... was 184 lbs a couple weeks ago, got real sick, dropped to 174 and now i'm almost at 180 again. started workin out a few years ago i was 145 lbs and 6'2"... THAT sucked. 2) EAT - like a mother fuck. drink protein shakes between meals w/ an apple or banana. 3) DRINK - tons and tons of h20. me and the bathroom are GOOD friends. 4) i work 8-4:30 M-F on my "9-5" job, go to class mon, tue, wed, thur, and sun for 1.5 hrs during the week and 3 hours on the sunday class. i workout tue, thur, sat in the morning before going to work for 1 hr. i do cardio on the alt days for 30-35 mins and rest on sunday. good luck... it takes TONS of work.. and if you want to gain weight you have to EAT.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted If you want it bad enough there is always time. I worked as a Diesel Mechanic last summer and came home dirty and tired but still made it a point to lift. Truck parts are heavy as are the tools needed to work on them. Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. I was increadably tired for a week or so but adapted and the gains show it. Lifting after work will be a drain on you but if you eat properly your body will adapt. Basically, stop making excuses and make time if you really want it, also read the stickies, the information is there for a reason.

since ur work is so exhausting, you're probably burning a shitload of calories thus you are more. and if you're too exhausted to lift, then your sol. lift on your days off from work even if its only 2 days a week, better than nothing. focus on heavy compound movements, squat, dead, bench, row, chin. do that and eat a lot, you shall gain weight.

[QUOTE=GTPBR] Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics?

[QUOTE=Undefined] GTPBR Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics? Thats whatd I figured but it didnt happen. And by leg I mean the size of my thigh, that thing was heavy as shit. Wasnt eating enough to pack on a lot of muscle but by the end of the summer I was stronger then I had ever been and had a crazy grip (not Grouch level but I was impressed). I started college in August and I've gotten soft but got back in the weightroom in January so I'm back on track.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted Mine is probably moreso than yours. I work 40 hours a week doing freight/recieving. We generally move at about 2000 pieces every 2 hours for 8 hours straight. So every shift I pick up and move roughly 8,000 boxes that weigh anywhere from 15-70 lbs. And I still work out about three times a week. BTW, read the stickies and the F&N archives.

great advice guys i'm now more motivated than ever before

China thx for link fabian No problem at all man. Most here will also help you, but some can act like jerkoffs at times if they feel like joking....only when your new to lifting, you sometimes can't distinguish

Good luck on not putting on any fat. I bulked from 145 to 170 with virtually ZERO fat gain, but as soon as I even tipped over 171, my stomach started slowly getting unscrawny.

China my job is very physically demanding..[ ] me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted [ ] Oh.....muffin.....are you gonna be okay? Whatsssamatta? Sand where there shouldn't be sand? Man up and lift. It's not tricky. Plenty of people (me included) have had 10+ hour days of physical labor every day and have still gone to the gym.

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

Friday, November 22, 2013

A question about routines...

A question about routines...

Is it better to hit 1 or 2 main muscle groups a day, or shoud I mix it up a little bit more (Do a little bit of each every workout day.) I'm attempting to put together my first routine by myself: Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Behind neck press Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Push ups/Sit ups 8 minute abs ( ) Day3 Legs/Compound movements Squats Deadlifts Calf raises I'm obviously open to any advice. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so any help is appreciated. My main goal is to change body composition and hopefully maintain my weight (6'5" 225 lbs) if not lose a little. I'll figure out my sets and reps throughout this week to see what works best.

xpinchx Is it better to hit 1 or 2 main muscle groups a day, or shoud I mix it up a little bit more (Do a little bit of each every workout day.) I'm attempting to put together my first routine by myself: Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Behind neck press Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Push ups/Sit ups 8 minute abs ( ) Day3 Legs/Compound movements Squats Deadlifts Calf raises I'm obviously open to any advice. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so any help is appreciated. My main goal is to change body composition and hopefully maintain my weight (6'5" 225 lbs) if not lose a little. I'll figure out my sets and reps throughout this week to see what works best. 7 minute abs. Not 8. 7 little monkeys sittin in a tree, one fell down and broke his knee! Sorry, just had to say that, and im in for an answer as well.

White 7 minute abs. Not 8. nope. 8 minute abs. Not 7.

White 7 minute abs. Not 8. 7 little monkeys sittin in a tree, one fell down and broke his knee! Sorry, just had to say that, and im in for an answer as well. It's 8 minute abs . It's under-rated IMO. The routine seems pretty beneficial. Just what you'd expect, really. The guy shows different ways to do crunches to hit most/all of your abdominals. I have the avi if you want.

if you do squats and dl on the same day, you will have difficulty walking for a while... split those up Move deads to back day, ditch the pushups and situps, and move the shoulder stuff to legs

xpinchx It's 8 minute abs . It's under-rated IMO. The routine seems pretty beneficial. Just what you'd expect, really. The guy shows different ways to do crunches to hit most/all of your abdominals. I have the avi if you want. Dude, hit me up w/ that avi! And BTW what I was saying came from the movie ... I think it was something about mary? Anyways, yeah. Send me that file plz!

Here's the 8 minute abs. Beware - keep your volume down. Someone walking by your door may mistake it for gay porno.

Here it is again, slightly revised. Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back/Compound movements Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Deadlifts 8 minute abs ( [img]images/smilies/hsugh.gif[/img] ) Day3 Legs/Shoulders/Compound movements Squats Calf raises Behind neck press Upright row

A question about routines...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

I do triceps together with chest and biceps with back..but, what are the best exercises to promote growth? I'm sitting with 13.5" here


Thanks for the great insight.

no problem

oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls

drunknmunky oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls Been doing those...vertical dips? Close grip pushups(although I'd think this would be more endurance + strength..)? I need to find an old carboard time that I measured my biceps on..

What the hell is going on? Well, overall, the best tricep exercises are the following: 1. Dips 2. Close-grip bench press 3. Skullcrushers 4. Tricep extension? (not sure if it's really that good). They pretty much go in the order. As for biceps...i'm not really sure, I never train them. They get enough work out (yeah i know it's sad) from pull ups, bent over rows...ect. If you are eating properly, and working out hard on your biceps and see no growth try changing up things a bit. You could try the following exercises: 1. DB bicep curls 2. BB bicep curls 3. Cable curls 4. Concentration curls 5. Preecher curls *(not in any particular order) but you should get enough workout from doing other than your arms.


preacher curls

christophers according to whom him, duh it varies person to person... almost the only exercise I do for triceps are pressdowns and CGB

triceps= reverse bench biceps= bb curl

I do like 150 reps with a 5lb DB until i get REALLY TIRED.

Gods, what's with the standard forum answers??

I did tate presses for the first time yesterday. They destroyed my tris.

christophers what kind of flat bench #'s has pressdowns given ya? can't tell you, remember I'm a body builder.. I could give a shit what my flat bench is, but 3 plates is where I'm stuck at

Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me.

christophers more weight = more growth I'm not arguing that, maybe this is why my chest is so damn stubourn... I might give a powerlifting routine on it just to see how it works out, but I can never understand them /or have access to the equipment

i got better results when i trained chest/tri's on seperate days

the opposite of whatever i do.


Grouch the opposite of whatever i do. /

I liked reverse grip curls, was definately a nice change of the routine.

I really like rack press for tris. Usually I only do maybe some hammer curls and ez bar curls for bis. I get a pretty good bi workout from back day.

I just do close grip, skull crushers and pushdowns. I probably can't bench more than 275 right now.

Ilyusha Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me. jmpresses are excellent

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Critique mah!

Critique mah!

Bombs away! Current split: weights M-F, cardio M-S Monday: deads, leg press, pulldown, high cable row (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running, 10-25 minutes elliptical Tuesday: pushups, incline dbell press, flyes, ab work (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running Wednesday: myriad arms/shoulder work-light day- 4 sets, 10-15 reps; 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes walking Thursday: barbell squats, SLDLs, unilateral leg press(5 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running Friday: pulldown, incline dbell press, high cable row/barbell row, pushups/cable flye (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes walking Saturday: outside run or cardio at the gym I'm feeling in need of a change, this has more or less been my routine for six months, and while it ain't broke, change is good for the soul. I'm considering going to a more basic 4 day split, especially since I will be moving to Florida on or about June 1st and that would be easier to maintain during some craziness. NB: I'm doing pretty well lately, losing bodyfat slowwwly but at least enough I can tell for once; I want to keep up my running and my strength but I'll sacrifice a little bit either way if it gets me lower in the fat %.

I'd split up cardio and weight training.


you're leaving the greatest state ever for FL??? j/k what's your progress been on that routine?

damn that's alot of cardio..personally i would just lower cals a tad and maybe whipe out some of that cardio

looks pretty good to me, i do more cardio than that right now but i probably have more bf than you. if you are in pretty good shape maybe drop that sat and give yourself two full days off

If that ab work is crunches, 8-12 reps is not enough.

Socrates If that ab work is crunches, 8-12 reps is not enough. 8-12 is fine for abs

AznRyda I'd split up cardio and weight training. I would really like to. Maybe once I'm in a warmer state I can go back to running in the morning and lifting at night. It's just too freaking cold and dark up here and my gym has shit hours.

i usually do 6-8 intense reps for everything but crunches, which i do @ least 20 reps a set.

Jeg1983 8-12 is fine for abs 8-12 crunches wouldn't even get you tired.

tize i did 2 sets of 6 reps today with 30lbs behind my head Yeah, I can understand that. I just don't see how 8-12 reps of regular situps could get someone tired. Probably just me!

Socrates Yeah, I can understand that. I just don't see how 8-12 reps of regular situps could get someone tired. Probably just me! Who said anything about being tired? If your workout is structured around working to fatigue, great. Mine's not atm

Critique mah!

anyone here train by calisthenics?

anyone here train by calisthenics?

what are the advantages and disadvantages training by calisthenics?

Major disadvantage is progressive overload. After a certain level it becomes almost entirely muscle endurance unless of course you find more difficult ways to do the exercise. Instead of doing 50-100 reps per set of pushups, you could raise your feet higher, do them one arm or do them single arm single leg. The last exercise I've been incorporating into my workouts alot.

anyone here train by calisthenics?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Help out a newbie?

Help out a newbie?

Well I've been on for a while now, mainly lurking the Hot Deals section, but now I have entered the Fitness & Nutrition section in need of some guidance. Im 16 years old, about 5'7/8, 120lbs, pretty much im scrawny. Ive decided I want to get in better shape, I have pretty much only 2 goals, gain some weight and some muscle. This is where you guys kick in. I dont have any equipment and I dont have any time to go to the gym (with school & work). What would be the best way to achieve these goals? I want to workout my bicepts/abs, pretty much have a decent body overall. Are there any excersises without equipment that I can do as a starting point? (pushups, situps, pullups?) Also what would be the healthiest way to gain some weight without getting 'fat'? Sorry for any stupid questions, but like I said I dont have much experience with any of this stuff. Any input is appreciated.

No. You need to devote time to this. Not that much time, but time. To see any real gains, you will need equipment of some sort. Any other basic advice will be found in the archives and your questions answered there.

you're going to have to hit the gym

Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym.

knucks Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym. lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start.

I see a couple outcomes to this story: 1) You will make time to work out and better yourself, 2) You will be scrawny. I can't imagine, at 16, not having 45-60 free minutes a day. Can't imagine that at any age.

Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine.

Eat. Eat. Eat. Get a gym membership, stop posting on OT and watching cartoons, and go spend 45minutes in a gym on the weekends and one day of the week.

I'm assuming you are in high school, most high schools have some sort of weight room for the athletic program. At my school it was open in the mornings before school mainly for athletes but also for anybody who was interested. Find out when it is open or take a "strength and coditioning class" (a common high school elective). If for some reason they say you have to be an athlete to use the weights druing non-school hours tell them you want to wrestle and need to get in shape, but that means when tryouts come around you will probably have to go out for it. Thats not a bad thing though, its more exercise and of all the sports I played in high school, it was my favorite. Cliffs: Man up and find a way, you're in high school and always have free time.

Gutrat Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine. I go to school from 830 to 230, after school I work from 3-8. I get home do my hw or whatever I have to do and usually end up calling it a day. Im sure gyms are open late but I dont have any method of transportation other than walking and the closest gym is probably a half hours walking distance. The only option I see available is as mention my school does have a weight room and im not too sure but I do believe its open in the morning. For now im going to try go gain some weight before hitting the gym, what routines would you guys suggest? Normally I have a small breakfast in the morning, lunch around 12, then dinner at 8 and occasionally ill eat something at work. Any foods in particular I should focus on?

what do u do saturday and sunday?

vettedude what do u do saturday and sunday? Saturday I work from 9-6 sunday I dont really do much, hang out with friends or whatever.

Your mornings are open, possibly lunch, a good chunk of saturday and all sunday, "not enough time" is no excuse.

Ix dOc xI lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start. In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside

you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work.

Hoodoo In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside Ok that was just retarded, I posted it a bit before midnight, im not going to be going to the gym that late...

guestDJ you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work. Thank you, this is by far the best reply as of yet. I thought it over and I talked to a friend of mine and looks like we might be hitting the gym sat evening and sunday, and possibly tues or wed (gotta talk to my boss first). What would be a good starting point once I hit the gym? How long is the average workout?

Help out a newbie?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

I can be found most of the time behind a computer screen, for my study as well as for my job. What would you recommend as (an) exercise(s) to perform daily to keep fit and healthy? Something special for the back? A diet?

Here's a quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break. get in shape at work

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

#1. Is it natural to have unnaturally large calf muscles? My friends keep saying my calf muscles are like major big but i haven't exercised in awhile, and i only noticed them like years ago. Is it just a natural thing or maybe due to physical activity from when i was a pee-wee? Just a wondering question.
#2: I am kinda flabby on my arms and stomach/abs. i kinda am weak seeing how girls can beat me at arm wrestling (maybe cause the bone in elbow gets pushed into table) but moving on, what are some good exercise routines i could do? i have been doing continuous pushups of 30 per day and situps/crunches 30 per day too. Any other things i can do? I am 5'3"- 5'4" weighing around 110 lb. 17 years old. should i watch my diet since i kinda am just a "eat whatever I'm given kid"

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