Showing posts with label hurts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurts. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My shins and knee

My shins and knee

Ok, so for the past 1.5 years I've been practicing brazilian jiu jitsu pretty intensely, 4 times a week and for maybe 2-3 hours each time. Bjj = submission wrestling. So as of late, I've noticed more and more pain coming to my left knee and shin until now its just unbearable to even touch the skin. When i am actually grappling, I hardly feel the pain, but before and after the practice it kills. Any advice as to what I should do?

Take a week off from grappling and let it heal.

Being in BJJ myself (With a patella kneebrace), i'd do as Lurker says and stay out for a week, and wear a basic knee brace/wrap to keep it compressed and see what happens.

have to rest and take a break! you are getting signals and warnings from your body for no reason. if taken care properly, you are gonna be good after, so please be patient for your body to heal. and i suggest when you get back, do proper warm up and stretches before.

I have a kneepad with a gel on it, but still it hurts! I don't think I can have any time off, because I'm training for a tournament in july.

brolli I have a kneepad with a gel on it, but still it hurts! I don't think I can have any time off, because I'm training for a tournament in july. Your choice. Take a week off now with still over 2 months of training time left or keep on with an injury, possibly having to take a break to heal close to the tournament and really lose out on valuable practice time. Even worse would be to develop an injury that takes you completely out of it so that you can't compete in the tournament at all because you didn't want to give your body a chance to heal.

you dont' respect your body, then its over! when it comes down to it, is the tournament more important than your body???

dingo Being in BJJ myself (With a patella kneebrace), i'd do as Lurker says and stay out for a week, and wear a basic knee brace/wrap to keep it compressed and see what happens. is a patella kneebrace just the thin strip that goes accross the knee? what is the purpose/how does it work?

you will have many tournaments ahead, but you only have one patella, knee, etc.

My shins and knee

Friday, January 24, 2014

Working back into squats

Working back into squats

I posted a couple months ago about herniated a disc in my back. Well this week I have started to squat lightly again. The following program was recommended to me by a buddy, and I have worked on it this week. Basically we rack 135 in the cage and go to town as follows: me: 1 rep him : 1 rep me: 2 reps him: 2 reps me: 3 reps him: 3 reps ----> me: 20 reps him: 20 reps It works out to over 200 reps with the only break being while my partner does his squats. We are using 135, and will move onto 185, then 225 over the next few weeks. Maybe it was because I took 2 months of squatting, but both times this week I have done this and the next 2 days its hurts when I walk and sit on the can moreso than when I was squatting 400+ at 5 reps (not that that means much). Once I build up confidence in my back I will slowly work my way down in reps and up in weight.

Isn't it fun waking up stiff and knowing it was a good workout?? Good luck!!

How'd you injure your back?

Hip Hippo How'd you injure your back? Drop squats at the end of my workout with too much weight and being too tired. I leaned forward on my toes on the catch and brought the bar up awkwardly. There was a sever pain during this.

420 reps of squats per week? good god...

Working back into squats

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

About two years ago I was diagnosed with sciatica. Well since then everytime I start up a new workout routine i'll get into it for about 2 weeks and bam it hits me. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this? I usually get a sharp pain down my left rear and it freakin hurts for like four days. I stretch every morning as I was taught in rehab. I can't figure it out. help

i have it as well, sleep with a pillow between your legs. it will work amazing.

also, do reverse hypers. if your gym doesn't have a machine, either find a gym that does or improvise and do them on the regular hyperextension bench facing the oppossite direction. reverse hypers are one of the main reasons i am even able to go to the gym anymore after my herniated disk a few years ago that had me basically crippled for a long time.

Undefined also, do reverse hypers. if your gym doesn't have a machine, either find a gym that does or improvise and do them on the regular hyperextension bench facing the oppossite direction. reverse hypers are one of the main reasons i am even able to go to the gym anymore after my herniated disk a few years ago that had me basically crippled for a long time. Can you describe how to do the reverse hyper? I don't know all the technical terms. thanks

Some day people will use the search function.

Jeff Coleman Some day people will use the search function. Uh read that before I posted my question, but thanks anyways.........

Sciatic Pain stops me from working out. help

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hey guys....

Hey guys....

well i just got home from the hospital, this fucking sucks. I thought for sure my kidneys were letting go. I have had massive back pain, stomach cramps and pain, pissing out my ass all night and nasua. Hearts a little racey as well, most likely anxiety though. Turns out I have a very bad gastronal virus infection. And the stomach pain raidated to my back. They did tests on me, check my urine, bp, temp, everythings fine except he said my urine was all ketones and looked like I was starving myself LOL! Today was high carb up day and i went only after one meal since it wouldnt stay down. Im on some meds that seem to be helping but hopefully not hurting my condition. Im very weak and my joints kill and the medicen gives me bad headaches...but believe it or not Im still gonna try if im ok somewhat by sunday. If I miss even going to watch im gonna be heartbroken. I already kinda am but when i thought i was checking out I couldnt stop thinking about my baby girl and how selfish I am by hurting myself. But thank god im ok, i never do stupid shit either so it was kinda shock to feel this way. What damn luck...2 days out for christ sake. But im putting on pro tan and shaving and carbing up today as planned and gonna play it day by day. I will let ya know how it turns out

Do you know the cause of this? Hope you get better bud

ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death

how early onset? was today the first day symptoms appeared? they should have attempted an antiviral like tamiflu....might have helped.

fuck man i am sorry to hear that, i know how hard you have been bustin your ass. i hope you get better and can make it on stage sunday.

Good luck.

Damn broly,I dont know what to tell you otther than keep at it, you have come a long way, Dont feel too bad random shit happens some times. Just kick its ass, and come back for seconds. GL

good luck mike! You'll pull thru, just two more days and you can rest up good. just be careful

hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful

Filmboy44 hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful Good luck and be careful. We're all pulling for ya

damn bro, just be safe ok? take care of yourself.

Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one?

Best of luck to ya

sorry man. shit happens. all I know to say is that it's all part of the game.

its ok, i spiked the competitions gatorade with exlax

Sorry to hear that man, hope you feel better.

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? My question too... Hope it works out for you somehow.

get well soon broham

Hope everything works out bro. Good luck.

Aww man thats some shitty news. I hope you get better soon man. Plus you totally owe me those pics you promised! All joking aside I hope you do get better and can at the very least make it to the show to watch.

Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek.

joed1228 Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek. thanks joe, your always there to help

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? hell yes bro, but im coming around actually more and more. Im on my 5th carb meal. With one to go and i havent shit or puked any out since 10 am. I think my nerves were shot also since I thought I fucked myself finally. But im trying to keep my spirts up and i will be on stage sunday unless im still this sick. We are warriors boys..remember that.

good luck mike

PurEvl ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death thats the same shit i had. me and my 2 friends, joints hurts like FUCKING HELL, thats the worst part, but they shit and puked like crazy, it was the most draining feeling i've ever had.

Hey guys....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

when I first started lifting (a few years ago) I remember doing sets of bench with 50lbs (total). now I'm sure a lot of that was form, stabalizers, etc, but even so I doubt it would've been that much higher. Basically my point is that I have very little natural strength. I was always one of the weaker kids in highschool gym class, and I know my dad isnt very strong. Doing squats I could never lift significant amounts of weight (dont do them now because of unrelated knee/back injury). Deadlifts were better, but every once in a while I would hurt my lower back and have to take a break for a few weeks. And now just recently I hit a 5 rep max on bench, and the next day/that night my elbow starts hurting like a bitch. So my point is, I never really had much strength, and when I lift heavy I end up hurting myself. Let me assure you that I dont have horrible form or whatever. So should I even bother going heavy, or just try to be happy with going lighter?

I also have pretty small wrists/bone structure

I was one of the weakest/slowest/smallest kids in high school too. I started benching with 30lb db's. I'm still not nearly as strong as I would like to be, but I'm 50lbs heavier and lifting weight I never thought I would be able to even three years ago... moral of the story -- eat, lift, GFH so your elbow hurts, big fucking deal. You completely glossed over the fact that you hit a 5rm PR. Go easy for a couple weaks, rehab it if needed. If it happens again, figure out what is causing it. Maybe your form is good but you just moved something slightly wrong that time. If you get hurt lifting heavy, figure out when it happens. Don't go to failure EVER if that is when you get hurt. See what I'm saying? Lift heavy enough so you know you REALLY know you are giving it your all... try HST or some other progressive load routine. Maybe that will prevent injury. Bottom line - is it worse to have your elbow hurt for a week or two, or feel weak/small/unconfident/etc for your entire life?

yeah, you make some good points, and that is pobably the road im taking. however, you also brought up another good point. I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around.

What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away.

velamint I have a pretty shitty metabolism/fat deposit areas. If I have some chub, I have some bitch tits. And while part of me just wants to eat everything in site and get as strong as possible, another part of me would like to be able to wear t-shirts this summer without worrying about my boobs jiggling around. Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are naturally very lean and do not carry much lbm. The best idea is to figure out what your maintenance calories are, then add about 500 per day to that. Get some calipers and learn how to measure your bodyfat. It doesn't matter if it's 100% right, just that you do it the same each time you check it. Lift fairly heavy and track your progress for a few weeks. If you are getting significantly fatter, lower cals a bit and do the same thing. The important thing is keep track for a while so you know what your body needs in order to grow without excessive fat gain. *note - this is for gaining muscle, not losing fat. To lose fat, read the fat loss sticky. Do the same tracking, but lower calories until you see results. Choose what is more important to you, because you aren't going to gain muscle AND lose fat at the same time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible.

gstrdr1 What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you an active person?? The reason I'm asking this is a friend of mine started experiencing some wrist pain after the first couple of months lifting. Basically, what it came down to is, and I hope this doesn't sound idiotic, is that since he had a desk job, and having a relatively low activity level his muscle strength was gaining faster than his body structure causing joint and tendon pain. He remedied this by using a stress ball while at work, and doing some very basic calestenics (sp?) in his apt. Once he strengthened his base structure the pain from lifting all but went away. eh, I'm pretty much your average college kid, I dont think that kind of thing would be causing too much of a problem, although I think I definetely need to up stretching and things like that...I'm actually going into physical therapy soon for back problems too

shastaisforwinners Not everyone can/needs to eat everything in site in order to gain. You are one of them, as am I. The ones that need to do that typically are e time. The best you can hope for is gaining muscle without much fat gain, or losing fat while keeping as much muscle as possible. I know, I know...this is just another thing that complicates this all for me but yeah, I am modifying my diet now and trying to figure out how many calories I need to be taking in, etc

I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. edit: Put it in perspective though... you're in college. How much more shit do you do on a daily basis that you don't want to? You do it to get ahead. Working out is the same thing.... well, you do it to get head. Either way, you benefit.

shastaisforwinners I know, it's a bitch. The plus is that once you do it for a few weeks, it's easy to do almost unconsciously. You start to know the nutritional content of things you normally eat, and can add up what you need in your head. Writing it down all the time is the best way to be sure, but it's a pain in the ass. yeah, at least theres fitday..I'm pretty much eating the same stuff every day, so it makes it easier

see my edit for motivation

I'd work on lower weights at this time to get your body parts stronger.

Is my body just not meant to lift heavy ass weight?

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

Right inbetween the metacarples of my index and middle finger. I think I did it trying to bend some G5 bolts. Failing btw. It hurts but I dont think it will effect my crunking too much. Or my wacking for that matter.

your penis must hurt after all that grip strength exercises

knucks your penis must hurt after all that grip strength exercises Only if I wack it as a warm up. So now I usually jerk it after I've worked out as a nice cool down.

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Progress Pics

Progress Pics

Just a little background... 3 months ago i was 235lbs with about 33% BF. I met one of the most beautiful girls in the world and decided i was tired of being fat. 3months later i am 225 with 3x the muscle i had when i started. I had no muscle, no strength, could barely do 2 pushups. I am now doing close grip sets of 10 without really struggling. I dont eat perfect, but i cut out soda, candy, fast foods, greasy foods and eating in the middle of the night. I also do HIIT 3x a week and lift 3x a week. I lift very hard, ive never had so much drive in my life. If i can do it, honestly anyone can people. You need to WANT to do it. You say you do, but saying is much easier then doing. Yes it hurts.... Trust me there were days where i couldnt bend my arms, or even walk. I would break down in tears sometimes. This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline. Here are some pics (not that great) but they will do: before: after:

Cant tell any difference

Platinum Cant tell any difference

good progress broly

eliktronix good progress broly thanks

hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress

Bad ass progress for only 3 months. "This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline." Hell yeah, me too. keep it up.

XsLiCk hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress Im sorry, i was so ashamed of myself before that i never ever really took before pics...

I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress.

dmaestro I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress. this was more of a pep post for people who want to stop being out of shape ...

Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic.

dirtysouthboy Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic. bingo ! i was twice as thick

momoarrowz bingo ! i was twice as thick Yeah, i can totally tell a difference.

here is a pic from last october

is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot.

Good job.

dirtysouthboy is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot. haha no thats some random girl i met on new years Here is my honey..

tize so you were 100x better before?? ?!

well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up

vettedude well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up Thanks man its not insano progress, but i am very satisfied.

nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar.

I can definately tell a difference after you posted that beach pic. Great Job and keep up that attitude.

Hot gurls.

hot she into you? and nice progress, keep it up

350GT nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar. Yes sir. 2003 g35c 5AT w/ all options and nav

Progress Pics

bicep pain: help me identify

bicep pain: help me identify

Ok this is the deal. Had pain in right bicep for over a week. I cannot pinpoint a workout or a rest period where I injured it. It kind of just developed. It has hindered all my workouts. I have been trying various stretching and hot/cold patches but it hasnt helped. It hurts only slightly when I do a curl movement. For me to to able to produce the exact pain I need to do this: Hold arm to my side straight down. Rotate palm up facing ceiling Rotate the arm from the wrist back and forth. I get lots of pain and soreness in my bicep. What could I have torn? It even hurts when I pick up a DB and move it to my knee to begin military presses so its getting very annoying. I hope the description of the motition can pinpoint it. Thanks in advance!

See a doctor?

cant afford a doctor? me either i say just rest it, ice it and heat it alot, maybe try massaging it and use it as little as possible. look around on the internet for different types of muscle injuries.

Thanks, the pain is the the extreme lower bicep.

see brachialis? thats where it hurts, extreme lower bicep gonna rest it some more

Could be the tendons at the common extensor origin

tize Sounds like ur jelqing too hard what do YOU know about jelqing?

thanks superbri007 and edd91 for helpful responses

bicep pain: help me identify

Thursday, January 16, 2014

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

test cyp 600mg/week 1-16 eq 500 mg/week 1-15 drol 100mg/day 1-5 halo 20-30mg/day 13-16 pct of nolva and clomid with hcg run 250iu 2x a week starting with week 4 and ending the week before pct. pct starting week 18. what do ya think?

inject big, get big?

thats the plan

I'd run dbol instead of drol, so I didnt feel like shit, but I don't know anything about halo apart from the incredible strength gains.

i've run dbol before and it gave the worst back pumps ever, i mean dibilitating. couldn't deadlift 135lbs if my life depended on it. so i'm gunna give drol a try. running the halo to harden up at the end of the cycle and for the aggressiveness and strength.

Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end.

AznRyda Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end. good for you troll...

any real input from anyone?

16 weeks is a bit long..... You probably won't get too many replies on this. You are better off taking it to Elite Fitness Forums.

I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about.

cavefish I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about. I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice.

Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice.

cavefish Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice. I agree, but it does look like you're overdoing it. How many cycles have you done in the past?

ACURA TL-S I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice. .

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dislocated Shoulder

Dislocated Shoulder

I had a bicycle accident last night and dislocated my shoulder. It popped back in on its own. It hurts like a mofo and it feels like i tore up my rotator cuff. Any recommendations on physical therapy? Know how long it usually takes for something like this to heal?

Dismay I had a bicycle accident last night and dislocated my shoulder. It popped back in on its own. It hurts like a mofo and it feels like i tore up my rotator cuff. Any recommendations on physical therapy? Know how long it usually takes for something like this to heal? ouch... i messed up my rotator took a long ass time for it to heal... many months until it felt completely fine.

XsLiCk ouch... i messed up my rotator took a long ass time for it to heal... many months until it felt completely fine. yeah this sucks hardcore. In my 5 years of working out i have been careful and never had an injury and this bullshit happens looks like i wont be doing the things i wanted to the next few months

Mike McDermott Have you seen a doc yet? no, doesnt seem that bad roommate actually had same thing happen to him about a month ago, his was much worse and they didnt do anything for him aside from give him vicodin

this shit sucks. dislocated mine playing football in high school. plagued me for a few years, got surgery last year. still sucks. ..... it sucks.

I've had mine do that same thing many times. What i do is move my shoulder as little as possible for about a week or until it doesn't hurt when i move it. Then when i start doing presses i start out light and go up in weight as long as it doesn't hurt. I don't stretch it hard, i just get the muscles warmed up before I lift.

aenz this shit sucks. dislocated mine playing football in high school. plagued me for a few years, got surgery last year. still sucks. ..... it sucks.

Mike McDermott You should see a doc just to make sure you didn't do something serious like tear your rotator cuff. yeah, maybe i will

Dislocated Shoulder

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Elbow pain?

Elbow pain?

Ok, since my last thread got locked (which was a joke, though I actually did that routine) I wanted to ask you guys a question. 2-3 weeks ago after reaching a new max on bench, I started getting some (fairly) dull pain in my elbow. It definetely feels like it is in the tendon or joint or something, or at least it isnt muscular. One of the weirder, more specific times it hurts is if my elbow is totally folded (forearm parallel to bicep), which happens when im in bed. I tried doing some light db curls today and even that resulted in some pain. And yeah, I should see a dr, and if its not better in a week or so I'll make an appointment. So, have any of you guys experienced similar pain, and if so, what was it? PS, I also have some back/leg/stomach injuries, which is why my workouts are so weaksauce

tize you goin heavy? or is your volume/intensity too high? or is your form a shitbath in a church house like I said, I had reached a new max on bench, so I was going relatively heavy. form was fine, and I was doing christophers, so maybe volume was a little high from what I was used to, but I had been doing the routine for some time previous to the injury. either way, I'm more concerned with what the injury is now, since it doesnt appear that I'll be able to get back into a similar routine in the forseeable future.

if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case

Cobra Commander if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case that's what I was thinking. I just took some ibuprofen, so I'll see what happens.

tize what kinda warm ups you do son usually 8 reps or so of significantly lighter weight, and usually some bar only reps before that

Elbow pain?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

What are your training routines and daily mile totals? I'm thinking about a 5K but since I'm in Engineering I don't exactly have the time to train except for the weekends.

lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run.

I ran 7 miles yesterday. today my foot hurts.

JGatz914 lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run. it shouldnt take you more than 20-30 mins for a noob to make a 5k run. (I was running 17-18 mins at meets and I sucked )As you get better you should up your training. Time yourself each time so that you can try beating your time, also add in longer runs and things like sprints, hills, stairs, etc.

I wouldn't consider the 5k a long distance run. It's fairly easy to train for though. As some mentioned, work in speed drills, and run 4-6 miles for conditioning. A 3.1 mile run is more of a dash than anything though.

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

I'm new to the world of training but after getting back on my dirtbike today for the first time since winter I realized how completely out of shape I am. I am plenty strong and already pretty thin with little to no fat on me. My question is what kinds of exercises should I do to build Endurance instead of strenght and mass. I know that with more strength comes endurance, but in the sport of motocross it pays to be as light as possible. My plan is to just do 30-45 minutes of cardio every single day wearing all of my riding gear to simulate the extra weight and also heat retention. I plan to do my cardio on a Healthrider machine (Don't laugh, it's all i've got, and 30 minutes on it when it's 90 outside will put a workout on you) but I was also wondering what kind of exercises besides cardio I can do to help out with endurance in my arms/wrists/fingers as these are the first parts of my body to wear out. It actually gets to the point that I can't even pull in my clutch lever no matter how bad I want to because my whole arm is numb. My fingers and wrists go completely numb to the point that it hurts to move them at all for about 5 minutes after I pull off the track. Any ideas on how to improve forearm endurance without adding mass, because adding mass will actually cause my arms to pump up quicker.

ibgrouch COC grippers will help you

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Being white sucks

Being white sucks

I am sunburnt as hell from bein outside all day today. hurts like hell. today is leg day, there is know way i am gonna be able to do squats, my back and neck is candy apple red. i wish i fuckin tanned instead of burning

I'm black... wanna switch bodies?

werd tize, ever since i started tennis back up this semester my face has been bright red till i remembered that sunblock existed

i got fried because of my neighbor-drama I need someone to rub aloe on my back, STAT!

tize use sunscreen, i got burnt yesterday playing tennis at 3:00. i was only out there for like an hour 1/2 and i got burnt wtf i usually do i didnt plan on being out all day was spur of the moment

in, was outside playing basketball and just sitting around and I got nice and pink

I went down to the track today (drag strip), and I didnt wear sunblock, my face/neck/arms are as red as a ripe tomato They hurt like a fucking bitch too superbri007 back in the 1700's they didn't complain back in the 1700's the atmosphere didnt let it as much shit through as it does now, which will burn your skin even more now

i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

I thought this was about penis size.

SteveO i'd kill to be black, 99% of them are genetic freaks of nature. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, and still manage to grow and stay lean

black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago.

Ilyusha Burgundy isn't a bad color on me

Girl_Next_Door black people sunburn too. I was proof of this about 4 or 5yrs ago. this is true i have seen my friend sunburn, it drives me crazy my whole family tans except me i fry

or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score

Sgt. Ownage or you could be mediterranean area white and just tan well...score i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now

gsteclipse97 i would be happy with that, but after i am in the sun all day i look redneck white. i have a fuckin farmers burn right now hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake

Sgt. Ownage hit up mystic tan for a luxurious fake a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now

gsteclipse97 a couple of friends have told me to go to the tanning booth and just start out on real short times and work up real slow. they used to burn but after goin for a while they dont now cant help you there...never tanned before

Wear sunblock christ, your all going to get skin cancer.

asian with natural tan

here comes the sackriders hollering

christophers pale and proud holla in

tize that's only because you're asian PreemO = asian SteveO = white

just ration out how much you're in the sun, build it up. once you have a decent base tan you can go outside for about as long as you want. that's what i did last year and got nice and bronze.

Being white sucks

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

front squats vs regular squats

front squats vs regular squats

i've been doing front squats alot.. i love them discuss

Mike McDermott define "regular" squats bar on back. stance wider than shoulders

back squats > front squats at least in terms of comfort and the amount of weight I can use. When I first started they were almost the same but now I can almost back squat twice as much as my front squat.

Mike McDermott how deep? parallel

KetchupKing back squats > front squats at least in terms of comfort and the amount of weight I can use. When I first started they were almost the same but now I can almost back squat twice as much as my front squat. yeah i only get 150x5 on front squat.. going slightly below parallel

Mike McDermott so a PL squat? yes.

front seem to hit teh glutes better

Mike McDermott i'll utilize chris's sister's glutes

Mike McDermott i'll utilize chris's sister's glutes ohsnap!

I do back squats to parallel with a wide stance. I do front squats to below parallel with a narrow stance. Fronts seem to hit my quads more and toast my lower back.

Mike McDermott damn, too late to edit

Mike McDermott do front squats all the way down, ya homos what do you front squat? ibmorethanme

no ATF squats no care.

Mike McDermott i haven't done them in awhile 275? i don't remember jesus

did front squats this week as opposed to rear, was a good change. I feel more comfortable with front squats(form wise) than rears.

you guys use pads for front squats? the bar hurts the shit outta my shoulders with just 135 if i dont

No pad on front squats. I'll admit to wrapping a towel around the bar for heavy Zercher squats though

a pad would make it feel really akward for me

pads are awkward front squats is a machien right? if so they dont have them where i go. either squats, or plate loaded squat machine which is kinda like a leg press, but its on a hinge, not a straight bar going up and down. hack squat too.

christophers we use a front squat harness so haw haw Lucky . My gym sucks.

i dont rest the bar on my shoulders when i do them, i actually hold the bar with my hands, wrist pain? hell yes 111x3 best. (kg) i guess i formed it as a habit doing power cleans instead of squat cleans.

oh front squats is where hold the bar on your shoulders in front of your face right? i like those.

Mike McDermott damn, too late to edit Its ok, what is that babyfaced, gaming nerd gonna do?

front squats vs regular squats

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Which one do you prefer? How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb?

this has been covered extensively - probably every other week do a search

i swear by the DB, and i think im the only one...but alternate db and bb

DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB

I can't control my lifts as well as I'd like so the bigger weights are usually BB, lever or smith.. But I prefer DB for certain exercises

Filmboy44 DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB me too

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying it's the boobs, isnt it? i told them to stay at home

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying Blasphemy.

db press fucks up my left shoulder. i prolly bring the dumbells too low. i do bb

I prefer DB because i like to go to failure and i rarely have a spot and it's easier than searching the gym for someone who can spot me everytime i want to do a set but if I have a spot I like BB because I can move more weight and i feel better about myself How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb? Generally people DB press less than they can BB press, but there's no general rule of thumb for how much...

I do bofe. Barbell for teh power, dumbbell to fill in the blanks.

i stick to db's because bb hurts my shoulder, but i'll screw around on it every once in a while with really light weight for old times sake.

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Thursday, December 26, 2013



I hate chiropractors. After 5 - 6 treatments of A.R.T -- I feel ripped off. He didn't even understand what I was saying, and he just treated me the way he thought was correct. I don't want to lose hope in A.R.T because my shoulder is just killing me. Anyone else have a bad experience with A.R.T? For now, i'm blaming the lack of skillz of my chiropractor... /vent

Gutrat I hate chiropractors. After 5 - 6 treatments of A.R.T -- I feel ripped off. He didn't even understand what I was saying, and he just treated me the way he thought was correct. I don't want to lose hope in A.R.T because my shoulder is just killing me. Anyone else have a bad experience with A.R.T? For now, i'm blaming the lack of skillz of my chiropractor... /vent I have nothing but good things to say about my A.R.T treatments. I have been suffering from Plantar Fasciitis for just over 3 years now, and have tried everything aside from surgery (Physio, Night Splints, Orthotics, etc) and the only thing I feel that has truley benefited me has been constant stretching and ART. It also helps to have the leading practioner in the Country work on you. If you found the doctor(?) that was working on you to not listen or benefitting you at all that should of been the first sign to swtich to another clinic. Dont give up on it yet, if at all possible swtich to another clinic, and before the doctor (?) even starts tell him what exactly it is you want, what hurts, and what the other guy obviously didnt help you with. My doctor wrote a book thats extremely helpful for after-treatment care.

My chiropractor made me hurt worse and gave me headaches everytime I worked out for months.

Chiropractic Therapy =! A.R.T

My ART woman is pretty good. Definitely helped with my tendonitis.

I'll fix you in 3 and a half years

what exactly do art doctors do?

A Myotherapist treats the "hot spots" or muscles that pull you out of alignment. Combination therapy between the two is excellent.

christophers find a new art guy. find a new chiro too. chiros, art specialists, etc. are like EVERY medical type profession.. you'll find ones good and ones bad a good chiro is great, and a good art guy is great too. my gym has our own chiro and art guy and he rocks. Free of charge?

christophers for little tweaks and stuff yes, for full sessions its discounted a lot Isn't Diablo like $150/month or something crazy anyway? There should be some perks in there.

Woah, okay, well i'll find a new one... but why are they all chiropractors?


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

This really blows. I was out playing football at a field behind the dorms on campus this past friday, and while I was out I hurt my knee all kinds of bad. I was running full speed and it buckled inside... Now I'm on crutches and can't workout indefinately, with only 3 weeks of classes left. I don't know how long I will be out, but last time this happened the doc said if it happened again I would likely need reconstructive surgury. I was making such good progress too... now I can't even make my way around the kitchen to eat well, so its only fatty takeout food for a while Sorry for the sad post... ibflamesforwhateverfuckingreason

i would cry and kill myself i think. i feel really sorry for you right now.

dude you can still eat well. i was on crutches for 6 weeks last august and still managed to hop around the kitchen on one foot so i wouldn't have to settle for bullshit food. dont use that as your excuse. and u can still go to the gym and do some upperbody stuff. it's not that bad

I'm injuried from football as well. But i hurt my finger. I have around 5 weeks left before i should be better.

that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts

PHOBOPHILEE that would be awesome if that happened no more squats and deadlifts are you kidding me? squats and deadlifts > *

I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

lol so true! buti feel bad when i cant workout hotdamn! I went to a friends party last night and his girlfriend kept telling me how adorable I looked on the crutches and how she felt the need to help me, and that I can use this as a means of meeting girls. I guess its not all bad.

Don't let an injury let your whole lifestyle go to shit. I did once, and that 30 pounds came pretty quickly. Just keep eating well, I'm sure you'll figure something out that you can do while your knee is taken care of.

i was in a similar boat..i had surgery on my knee 3.5weeks ago and it's still healing. it's still swollen and hurts..i sorta tripped down the stairs and my foot got stuck and stretched more than needed. it hurts like a motherfucker.

When i fucked up my knee i still went to the gym and did upper body stuff. I would for sure try to figure out how you can go still so you dont get out of shape.

Aaargh, gonna be outta the gym for a long time...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

i cant dorsiflex my right foot :'(

what? I understand like 2 words in this post

How's your HRT going?

Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right?

Or I have that backwards.

dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin

He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

ACURA TL-S He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

Hip Hippo Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right? yeah..

Ceaze dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin si, senor.. i cant do it, my nerve is temporarily dead..they said it might be a few months before it comes back

So what happens now?

Ilyusha So what happens now? sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it

mike sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it can you lift?

Ilyusha can you lift? not with my foot ;o

mike not with my foot ;o Not like it ever mattered..

superbri007 well, now you can devote all your time to upper body how did all this happen again? football? kickball

mike kickball Are you serious?


buffbronzenbtchn How's your HRT going? .

something like that used to happen to me when I would play soccer. It would go away in a few weeks

mike kickball is that what you did on spring break?

Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true.

who are you?

Incog91 Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true. who the fuck are you? and please explain to me how damaging a nerve ending, regardless of cause, makes someone a pussy? die in a fire you worthless jizz bucket

404SHITnotfound I've had that before, from soccer. You kicked it right about at the joint of your foot and shin, didn't you? God I hate that numb feeling and not being able to get full range of motion out of my good. nah, the nerve ending that was malfunctioning is located just below the knee on the outside of the leg

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

Friday, December 13, 2013

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

It's the new hottness/ bandwagon on the gripboard. The idea is that by tightening the hose clamp you stretch the spring out adding resistance to the close. I put it on my coc1. It was a fucking bitch to do though.

that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye

Fucking McGyver.

nukegoat that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye dont say such things

I could see it used as a weapon to shoot the spring at unsuspecting people.

fucking cool, i seriously need to get a COC...

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 fuck you it's 1337! you wish you had these skillzz. Oh and I have a RB300 wish its like a 3.9 compared to a coc4.

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 Like 3 people have closed that..

Ilyusha Like 3 people have closed that.. 5. And none under the new rules.

Grouch 5. And none under the new rules. What new rules?

Ilyusha What new rules? The credit card set. Before it was just you had to close it with one hand but you could set the gripper pretty much as deep into the close as you wanted too.

Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard.

Grouch Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard. dude,

b-stevens dude, what???? Its inbetween a 2 and a 3 and i've been looking to get rid of my HG300 cause i dont like the small spread. Addicts never try and justify their problems...

i will still turn your hand to dust

PurEvl i will still turn your hand to dust no, I dont think so.

^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2.

terse ^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2. shut up. dont use that sound logic with me!!

blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers

anyone selling a trainer?

in for pics of callouses

you're obsessed dude first thing im buying with my paycheck is a gripper...

Shaolin_sword36 in for pics of callouses I've picked most of the big ones off. but now i have callouses on my fingers and not just my palms.

NoXeN blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers no, I really need to get a recording of that and make an animated gif from it. But i think most of the strong guys on the forum could do it.

superbri007 want to know a little trick...use toe-nail or finger nail clippers, and just clip it off, its dead skin so it won't hurt. If it hurts, thats live skin I use a cheese grater

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

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