Monday, December 16, 2013

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

i cant dorsiflex my right foot :'(

what? I understand like 2 words in this post

How's your HRT going?

Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right?

Or I have that backwards.

dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin

He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

ACURA TL-S He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

Hip Hippo Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right? yeah..

Ceaze dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin si, senor.. i cant do it, my nerve is temporarily dead..they said it might be a few months before it comes back

So what happens now?

Ilyusha So what happens now? sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it

mike sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it can you lift?

Ilyusha can you lift? not with my foot ;o

mike not with my foot ;o Not like it ever mattered..

superbri007 well, now you can devote all your time to upper body how did all this happen again? football? kickball

mike kickball Are you serious?


buffbronzenbtchn How's your HRT going? .

something like that used to happen to me when I would play soccer. It would go away in a few weeks

mike kickball is that what you did on spring break?

Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true.

who are you?

Incog91 Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true. who the fuck are you? and please explain to me how damaging a nerve ending, regardless of cause, makes someone a pussy? die in a fire you worthless jizz bucket

404SHITnotfound I've had that before, from soccer. You kicked it right about at the joint of your foot and shin, didn't you? God I hate that numb feeling and not being able to get full range of motion out of my good. nah, the nerve ending that was malfunctioning is located just below the knee on the outside of the leg

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

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