Friday, December 27, 2013

L.A. Fitness

L.A. Fitness

When a new L.A Fitness goes up, how long do they run their 'specials' for? I went and talked to the guy today (3/31) and he said it was the last day they would be running it. I told him all gyms usually run more specials and that this is their way to get ppl to sign up. He said not them, because their a 'corporation.' I gave him the Im just wondering if anyone here goes to LA Fitness, how much did you pay when you signed up? The guy quoted me $35, which is pretty good, but than said it was going to go up to like $45. If thats the case, and hes not just trying to get me 2 join, i will gladly stay at my ghetto ass gym full of geriatrics and pay my $25 a month.

LA fitness is a giagantic pile of shit

L.A. Fitness

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