Monday, December 23, 2013

This really sucks

This really sucks

I got a wisdom tooth pulled lat night (longest root doc had ever seen, luck me ) so i couldn't really eat or drink much. Today ain't gonna be much better because my mouth is swollen but good. And starting tonight I have to fast for some blood tests as part of my physical tomorrow. bye bye my muscle

you really wont lose much in a few days, make sure you sleep alot

welcome to cutting!

I've been cutting for over a month now, and this is beyond cutting for me.

fasting for a blood test isn't a big deal, you just dont' eat/drink for one night and you really don't want to stress yourself while your socket is healing, increased blood pressure during that time can cause the socket to bleed and not heal properly just chillax

SoKo fasting for a blood test isn't a big deal, you just dont' eat/drink for one night and you really don't want to stress yourself while your socket is healing, increased blood pressure during that time can cause the socket to bleed and not heal properly just chillax thats the problem, working out (in the end) is relaxing for me. If I don't work out I get real tense and grumpy...its like I'm addicted

Dragon thats the problem, working out (in the end) is relaxing for me. If I don't work out I get real tense and grumpy...its like I'm addicted work out your brain and read just don't do anything to jostle the blood clot

im starting to come down with a cold...excellent

NoXeN im starting to come down with a cold...excellent be careful, a machine might fall on you

Don't bitch.. At least you didn't get mono I haven't been back to the gym in about 6 weeks. My spleen is still all swollen up, and I've lost about 15 pounds of muscle.

This really sucks

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