Monday, December 23, 2013

Vitals Magazine...

Vitals Magazine...

I got the free subscription to the new mens mag... Apparently it's not a FAG mag yet, but it's sure to be. It's got tons of stuff Filmy would like such as fashion stuff, but the important part was this.. The fitness "guru" they have. I don't have it in front of me, but the gist was "what's you opinion on weight belts" guru " They're a nice accessory, but I don't beleive that you need them. If Prada makes one, then we'll see" He's right, but reguardless.. FYI if you people who like to read during cardio haven't checked hot deals for free mag subscriptions, you should. I get like 20 now. Enough for cardio and bi-daily monster shit sessions.

Vitals Magazine...

Vitals Magazine...

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