Monday, December 30, 2013

How are's flavors?

How are's flavors?

I am thinking 5 lbs of each Pina Colada Mango Vanilla Watermelon All with sucralose as a sweetener

I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest...

Butter Cream is the best flavor I have ever had. But I don't think they offer it.

All I've had is chocolate with stevia and it was awful.


vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... Should I just go with ON? I want my BSL back.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I put an entire bottle of flavouring into 4lbs of whey and couldn't taste anything. They don't color it either. Your flavour choice is moot at best. And i like the service I got... fastest shipping time I've ever had (less than 2 weeks to recieve... great by canuk standards!)

To be honest, i kinda like the taste of plain whey, and I love how easily it mixes. Just pour water, and that's it.

ever have's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best.

brolli ever have's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best. Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving.

ACURA TL-S Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving. try syntax nectar, i think... dont get true protein, it blows, go with ON, muscle milk, or try the all the way, i hear it tastes good. but like i said, i don recomend true protein to anyone, dont really taste good, and its shit service.

you can still get bsl flavors carries them

so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want???

gsteclipse97 so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want??? I'm cheap.

Ok new question, on or allthewhey?

ACURA TL-S Ok new question, on or allthewhey? ON

for me its either BSL or ON i dont even bother tryin new flavors anymore, i stick to what is good

on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them?

brolli on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them? my only experience with them is taht they wanted $70 something bucks to ship it to me

I purchased the Bannana , it was just OK. Not too much flavor. I added some Muscle Milk Bannana to it.

I get allthewhey allthetime Orange, Banana, Mint Chocolate are the best. Chocolate is alright, but it sucks compaired to the others. It's good stuff, got my order 3 days after ordering. Im in IN they are in PA

i got morning mix with orange cream bsl & night time with cherry berry. both were sub par in taste & blending. mixing vanilla whey with orange ultra fuel is way better. or even mixing it with gatorade.

allthewhey mint choclate isolate is better than on, and no gas for like $35 for a 5lb tub. Plus they now offer bulk stuff:50 lb concentrate - 139.99 25 lb concentrate - 69.99 50 lb blend flavored - 179.99 25 lb blend natural - 89.99 50 lb Isolate flavored - 299.99 50 lb Isolate natural - 279.99 25 lb Isolate flavored - 149.99 25 lb Isolate natural - 139.99 25 lb 20/30 flavored - 72.50 25 lb 20/30 natural - 69.99 Thats pretty sweet. Its not up on the website yet but you can email/call them and get it.

vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... I unfortunately agree.

How are's flavors?

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