Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I would like some advice.

I would like some advice.

Alright, Im 5'7 , 180 pounds, and im 19. Im in horrible shape right now, andI 'm looking to lose weight, and gain strength, but i need some help. What are the best foods to include in a diet? How many calories should i take in a day? Any major tips? My excercise is basically going to be a lot of lifting, and a lot of biking. My diets the biggest part that needs help though, Im a very picky eater, and i've been living off macaroni and cheese lately. Thanks!

read stickies

read the sticky. /thread

I would like some advice.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

I started this new job about 3 months ago and just tried to keep a quiet cool attitude and not really discuss my outside interests too much because I really am more of a quiet person... anyways...the pregnant woman openly asked me about diet tips and exercises she can do to help with her pregnancy and weight gain. So...there were 6 girls around when they heard this..and the one girl asked me if I was a PT or certified or something. I said just "no" and the other girl stood up and said I am a bodybuilder. So thats all they needed to hear when they came around and started firing off all types of questions about weight loss and even weight gain. So I'm just spinning my head about all this and don't know who's talking about what. so shit I told them if they wanted 'personal attention' to talk to me later about it too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up

Filmboy44 too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something.

tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner

its a small office too...there are a few that I'd off the "personal" service too "lets work that fat off honey"

christophers i play PT for a lot of people and dont ask anything for it. for some reason i just like helping people. although i get stuff for it all the tme, including money. i'm not going to say no. 4 tubs of muscle milk + 150$ came today from someone i helped lose 25 lb's and get to 8% i actually woulda rather just had cash instead of that muscle milk but oh well thats rather generous. Most of the time my advice isn't they keep comin back. they don't want to hear dieting isn't easy and they actually have to work at it for a while before they see results. I don't mind. I like talking about it and helping them. THey aren't hurting me any by not listening so whatever

cavefish Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something. oh and don't forget to contact the IRS to report any extra income.

evi1eddie tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

cunninglinguist I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

Friday, January 17, 2014

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

: u still goto gym: with doda PurplePossum: yea: how often u fools go PurplePossum: like 4 times a week usuallyt: coo PurplePossum: you should join a gym mang: yeah: i bleached my hair PurplePossum: thats almost as good as working out: and did red tips

i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

dmaestro i bleached my hair in the 7th grade, I thought I was the shit.

PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-)

Ilyusha PurplePossum: i would suggest joining a gym.. seriously PurplePossum: DB's arent gonna get you very far: have u heard of the anabolical steroids? PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: yeah PurplePossum: what about them ?: have u heard anything bad: or good PurplePossum: uh PurplePossum: dont use steroids until you're 250 pounds of muscle at 8% body fat PurplePossum: :-) now go beat his ass talking about steroids already

OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

Ilyusha OH LORD : i got like 2% body fat: lol PurplePossum: haha no PurplePossum: youre at like 9-11: u sure PurplePossum: yes PurplePossum: maybe 8-10 PurplePossum: no less: i think its like 2: or 3 at the most PurplePossum: you cant be serious PurplePossum: leon are you fucking serious?: 4 if u wanna OVER exegerate

no gym for home?

i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair.

Atenza6i i thought asian thugs were the only ones that bleached their hair. 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too...

Ilyusha 21 year old guys stuck in 8th grade do too... is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat?

Atenza6i is he mistaking his bleached hair for penis lesions from having such low body fat? he's one of the dumbest people i know.. seriously. but he's still a friend..

: oh dude i quit stoges: NO more ever ever ever PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: sure thing leon PurplePossum: quitting is for losers: i havent smoked for a week now PurplePossum: YOU WILL FAIL AHAHAHAHA: i got 100 on it: u will never see my holding a cig agian: ever: weed only on special occasions: alchohol kinda too PurplePossum: alright dude PurplePossum: good lick with all that: what u mean: u think i willfail PurplePossum: yes: im getting a tatoo: soon PurplePossum: you have ADD PurplePossum: werent we just talking about cigs?

: wanna hear a joke: womens rights. PurplePossum: haha PurplePossum: ive got a better one PurplePossum: leon quits smoking. PurplePossum: ahahahahahahaha


Haha. damn. Wow....Thats funny. I like making fun of my friends who don't do any physical activity and want to get big by doing pushups and situps....

My friend today said he bought a book about Creatine and says that all it does it make your muscles look bigger thats the main reason why people buy it I was like wtf

Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left.

y0gfx Some guys at the gym today were working out together teaching their newb friend. I heard him say "you gotta go shoulder then bicep shoulder bicep shoulder bicep." I was like "huh?" Then I finished my set and left. nice story

My friend is a tool.. *conversation*

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Basketball Shape?

Basketball Shape?

I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance

Play basketball as much as you can. There are several exercises you can do that will help your vertical that don't require any extra equipment, you can do a Google search for those. As for running faster, run hills. Wind sprints will help you get conditioned right for basketball. But the best way to get in overall basketball shape is to play basketball.

i dont remember what the exercise is called, but what you do is you take a step pad, and jump over it side to side like 20 times. every time you finish a set, stack another step pad onto it until you cant jump over it anymore. jump rope would help too i guess. wind sprints are always good. you can work out and shit, but i think the physical activity of ballin will benefit you the most.

I play recreationally, about 4-5 times a week, 2-3 hours per those days that I do play. I do notice I slowly get a higher vertical and can play longer and run faster. But I'd like to speed up the process. Playing for my school wouldn't be entirely outta the question if I was in shape. I find it's mostly people are faster than me and jump higher. I'm not that tall (5'10"), so I need to find other ways. I also tried looking up stuff on google, i mostly got sites that are selling some tapes. But I know people already know this stuff. Just curious if anyone had anything they do to get in shape. Yes, stronger would be good to get steals and rebounds. Edit: I know diet is crucial too, anything in particular?

bunny hops > *

sorry for ignorance... wind sprints?

Yeah I play a bit, but my diet pretty much counteracts that. Shooting and dribbling I don't really have a problem with. I'm actually considered one of the "shooters" on the courts. So, it's really running faster, jumping higher, keeping it up the whole game. I feel I have excellent court awareness, but I can't always act on it cause I can't act in time. By the way, thanks for all the advice guys.

Playing yourself into shape is not bad. If you want do sprints where you start at the end line, go to the free thow line and back, go to the mid court line and back, go to the far free throw line and back and then go end line to end line. If it is on a large basketball court and takes you longer than 28seconds to do then you are slow. Just keep practicing. *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them

i remember reading something in an interview with dennis rodman when he was like, the leading rebounder in the nation. he said his key was a rock solid mid section, all power is derived from a solid core of muscle. you said you were looking for some key tricks of the trade, that was one that stuck with me. learn how to box out, if a guy can jump higher than me and is taller than me, excellent boxing out will eliminate his advantage. develop your fast twitch muscles, when you're not the tallest guy.. this'll help you get around them or shoot over them.

go_duke21 *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton.

smoke menthol cigs

Read this article:

Mike McDermott Nah, that's more about doing well on a VJ test. Check out this article instead: I'm sure a VJ test program will help with the "hops" that someone here was mentioning..

teamelement3 I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance well heres a few far as jumping higher, concentrate on workouts that improve your calves...every once in awhile throw in some quad workouts. calf raises, go to a gym and use their calf raising machines, and just do run and sprints, taht works out all aread of your legs. for getting faster just run period: sprints, suicides, skips, etc. and while your at it sprint with a basketball for better handling skills. good luck to you

If you want to run faster, do sprints 10-30m, working on driving off the blocks and then finishing strong. For quickness look into plyometrics. They teach you how to explode and recruits fast twitch fibers. To jump higher do box jumps with a medicine ball. And it'll help to do some weight lifting like squats and good mornings. As for lasting longer in a game, try running the court counting down from 10-0, make a layup, and then 9-0, all the way down to 2. Rest and repeat 5 more times. My stamina has improved quite a bit since I started that. That's a total of 1 mile running.

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco IBincessantracismtofollow

Mike McDermott all wrong, except for sprints roighttttttt............

Davo Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton. Like I said, obviously they are nice to have, but you dont need them to be a good player, most people can't jump 40 inches so if you work on lateral quickness, shooting, etc you will be just as well off. Too many people just concentrate on trying to dunk and they don't practice everything else enough, that was all I was alluding to. And I don't see how sprints are bad, wouldn't it be just like HIIT? I mean there are tonnes of ways to get in good shape, sprints worked well for me in high school, my team was always in better condition than the teams we played against.

basketball shape = round. /thread

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco i dont remember if you're quoting this from memory or you actualy found it somewhere, but that's not quite the quote i found which. i found "Big calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" - Joe Defranco in a Q&A on his website. Questioner and Joe Defranco " Q: What are the best exercises for increasing calf strength and size? I do a lot of standing and seated calf raises, but I was wondering if there is anything else I'm missing? I'm about 2" away from dunking a basketball and I'm looking for an edge. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. John A: Big calves have about as much to do with how high you can jump as the color of your hair. Sure, there's nothing wrong with doing some calf raises in your training routine, but they shouldn't be the focus of the routine. As I've said time and time again, the "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings) makes up around 70% of the musculature that is responsible for your jumping ability. Squat and deadlift variations, Olympic lifts and good mornings will give you the best "bang for your buck" with regards to improving your vertical jump in the weight room. There is another very interesting factor that plays a large role in how high you can jump. I've had the pleasure of working with over 2-dozen athletes who can jump over 35" and, besides being very strong in the posterior chain, they had something else in common. The one thing they all had in common are what I call "high cut" calves. What I mean by this is that the calves have an insertion point very high on the lower leg. This usually means a longer Achilles tendon. A longer Achilles tendon can store more elastic energy, which translates into more explosive jumps." -Joe Cliffs : big calves dont help you jump, what helps you jump are a powerful "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings). also a high calf muscle insertion (people with calves way up near their knees) cause they have long achilles tendons, and there's not much you can do about that (genetics).

KingGargantuan basketball shape = round. /thread sweet, i'm in basketball shape.

tize i hate how basketball players look

Didn't know this thread was still alive... Would ankle weights add anything? I heard they could be harmful? I'll read those links for more..

Mike McDermott how do you know so much, you ever play for a team?

Basketball Shape?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

The muscles most dominant for a powerful punch are your delts correct? anyone know any good exercises that would strengthen these muscles to throw devastating jabs? any boxers in here? thanks

superbri007 its mostly pecs. you sure? any second opinions?

superbri007 do chest exercises that are explosive in nature. try some cable work one hand at a time throwing punches. Or, have someone hold a exercise band behind you while your gripping it and throw punches with resistance. You can be creative and make up your own shit. what about shadow boxing with 10-20lb weights? or is that just stupid?

Maybe plyometric pushups? I found single arm pushups tended to improve my jabs.... Where in Toronto do you box?

i want to take a boxing class next year, but its 2 hours a day for only one credit

the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over.

brolli the best way to practice making your punches stronger... is by actually practicing punching. Make sure you use your hips, and practice the technique over and over. Still, I'm guessing he's asking aside from that....

hip and leg drive.

Grouch hip and leg drive. to big bird

a boxer once told me back is the most important...

how about we just say everything.

Grouch how about we just say everything. yeah. I guess if you work your ass off in the gym and boxing gym, you would become a hard puncher.


bag work. you learn better technique on it, plus it gets you used to punching something hard

The power generated is a series of movements relying on your core. Develop a better one, train hard.

Kickbacks are the most important in developing a powerful punch.

curls! Punch stuff. Keep good form and uhhh.... I remember hearing somewhere before that Bruce Lee didn't want a bigger chest because it slowed down his punches. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Can anyone elaborate on that?

bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power.

Grouch how about we just say everything. fucking for a hard punch, you need total body strength, punching requires alot, but the best way to get a better punch is to hit the punching bag

timberwolf Where in Toronto do you box? i don't actually box, yet at least. although i want to try some lessons this summer and thought it'd be a good idea to check to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks for all the tips and help guys. i appreciate it. i'm asking for my own curiousity mostly, and because there's a good chance i will be forced into a fight or two over the next couple weeks. I know who they'll be against and really doubt i'd ever lose them. But better safe than sorry. So bottom line just overall strength, especially core, and explosive workouts?

The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62

Ceaze The punch is characteristically very similiar to other movements (such as benching, throwing a shot, baseball, fencing prick, etc.), but what make it different is that is an unloaded movement. Thus, tension has to generated by the body, surprisingly, not in a rapid manner, but displayed at brief intervals using intense muscular contractions. These intrinsic properties categorize the punch as a true speed-strength movement, which incidently lies between 0-20% of one maximum. Since maximal strength (80-100%) and speed-strength are not correlated (different neurological regimes), max strength doesn't effect initial muscular tension or max force when the external resistance is low. Speed-strength thus correlates highly with starting strength (20-40%). Thus, starting-strength which is displayed isometrically against an external resistance, is displayed dynamically in an unloaded movement, but barely (100-500 ms of conscious initiation). I recommend: 1- Training for relative body strength, you don't need hypertrophy. The success of your other regimes depend upon this. 2- Train the appropriate energy systems. Shift that lactate curve to the right (speed-endurance). 3- Train in a relaxed, but heightened state. This will increase your reactionary times as well as your auogenic inhibition (eliminate co-contraction). 4- Train through incorporating different regimes. Use extreme isometrics, SUB-maximal eccentrics, starting strength (20-40%), and maximal speed (0-20%). For example, for starting strength, use suspended chain bench presses with 20-40% of your max for time. For maximal speed, utilize 1-5# DB's, weighted gloves, or mini-bands, in various positions. 5- Continue your DE day. This is acceleration strength (40-60%). Together maximal speed + starting strength + acceleration strength + relative strength = explosive strength. And remember, your punching success depends upon your speed of execution. In order to be fast, you must train fast! #62 i was just gonna tell him to squat, but i think your answer was better.

joy division bruce lee was a pussy Go to a boxing gym, ask them...I throw a shitload of punches 3 times a week in training (normal striking day = 14 rounds, 3 mins each w/15 second breaks...bag work, shadow punching, double end ball and pad work then conditioning), our conditioning consists of total body; everything from strength training, plyo, medicine ball drills (good for explosiveness), tons of rope jumping for leg work....more stuff than I could ever type split up into a month long routine. Asking to have a powerful jab is pretty worthless considering a jab is 80% of the time just a set up punch. With a speed jab you won't use your legs/hips at all, a regular jab you will....speed jabs are 100% for redirection and setting your opponent up, regular jabs won't inflict any kind of knock out power. work on powerfull crosses and hooks.... all in the hips!!

Exercises for a powerful Punch?

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

Any tips for faster recovery? Rest Ice Compression Elevation ? It was going good until I heard a big fucking CRAACK.

Rest is probably you best. Just take it easy and don't try to train again too early.

How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ?

MrNamjama How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ? No gym for home..... Seriously, there's a thread about squats and DL's. As long as you maintain good form, you should be alright.

If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight.

ice, then heat. try some kind of rub. i strained my back on DL's yesterday, but it's not so bad today. don't up the weights too much.

Ilyusha If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight. I completed it, its just my back is rocked right now. I know its going to be hurting tomorrow.

superbri007 @ user text I didn't recognize you for a bit just cause i didn't see the old AV Why hallo thar.. dude, happy extremely belated birthday.

it took me a while to get back into drinking after I turned 21.. I drink a few times a month now at clubs and lounges and such. My 21st birthday was the greatest thing to ever happen to me.. ever.

doubt it maybe in ten years, and by prescription only

Yea... gene therapy isn't exactly safe right now. Quite a few subjects have died on stuff we know far more about than the myostatin gene.

You heard a loud crack? Like bone cracking?

I think we can safely rule out a broken spine. Probably just some strained muscles and the popping was probably bursa sacs.

Take it easy for a few days. I would recommend eating a lot of bananas or mushrooms. Eat something with a lot of potassium.

depends on type of pain, I would say rest and some aniinflammatorys. How do use compression on a back?

I gave up deadlifting. Chance of injury is too high. I'll do it once in a blue moon, but it is not part of my routine now.

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

Monday, January 6, 2014

great grip excercises!

great grip excercises!

if anyone wants to copy and paste all the pages into a word doc, that would be awesome

that dude is the rainman of grip exercises

Leo95SE if anyone wants to copy and paste all the pages into a word doc, that would be awesome its in the grip thread. Here is something like 35 grip tips on the site. Some good stuff.

awesome, didnt see the link there before.. good stuff

great grip excercises!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

workout tips?

workout tips?

I have a weider pro 9930 series gym set which has a max resistance of about 175 pounds. It has a bench press a butterfly and a few other things i dont use. anyway im 6'5 340 ive been using the gym about twice a week past 6 months. ive noticed muscle gain in my chest and arms. I use the max resistance doing about 3 sets of 10 on the butterfly and bench press. I want to work in some sort of fat burning excersies along with still building muscle. any tips or ideas. Im thinking about getting a set of 40 weight dumbells. also should i work in protein shakes with my workouts or will that just help add more fat.

elephant16 I have a weider pro 9930 series gym set which has a max resistance of about 175 pounds. It has a bench press a butterfly and a few other things i dont use. anyway im 6'5 340 ive been using the gym about twice a week past 6 months. ive noticed muscle gain in my chest and arms. I use the max resistance doing about 3 sets of 10 on the butterfly and bench press. I want to work in some sort of fat burning excersies along with still building muscle. any tips or ideas. Im thinking about getting a set of 40 weight dumbells. also should i work in protein shakes with my workouts or will that just help add more fat. Cardio?

workout tips?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

F&N for women in a nutshell

F&N for women in a nutshell

when i was reading pretty muched sumed up what i've learned on this forum so far.

good read

mtnbike4522 good read are you female?

No. But its nice to be informed when females come asking about fitness tips

u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice

KetchupKing u forgot to mention that it's essential to post pics so we can give personally tailored advice i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont

Heh Nic's post reminded me of a joke. An 80 year old woman after loseing her husband decides to end her own life. After much thought she decided shooting herself in the heart would be the most clean and least painful. The woman got her husbands gun and ready to do the deed realizes she needs to know the exact location of her heart so as not to inflict more pain then necissary. The woman places a call to her doctor and asks him where her heart would be located. He asks why she needs to know and she tells him its for her nephews science project. The doctor tells her it is pretty close to 1 inch below your left nipple. The woman thanks the doctor and hangs up the phone. The doctor sees the old woman in the hospital the next day and inquires as to why she was there. The little old lady in a rather bitter mood states to the doctor " I shot myself in the knee. "

good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick

nic379 i'll edit that...if you look your pic. if your a 300 , 80 yr old woman with tits down to your knees and are wanting to lose weight because youve dont nothing but eat fast food..then please dont Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old.

timberwolf Actually there's a women at my gym who looks really good for 80. She must do 2-3 aerobic classes per day including the spinning class and must be at the gym 3-4 hours per day. Thing is I just recently found out she was only 69. Possibly from all the tanning her face looks like she's 80. In fact she used to workout when I got my first personal training job in 1991. She already looked this old. and this, boys and girls is why Pogo will be pale until the day she dies... that and I couldn't tan if my life depended on it

You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip.

timberwolf You'd think I'd learn from that. I still go for fake and bake once in awhile though I usually put a towel over my face for half the session. Still, I rationalize that I'm already a little darker genetically so should take it better. Most though consider me really pale for a flip. I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge

~*Pogovina*~ good read but i'm annoyed at the suppliment pushing that I tend to find at alot of "women friendly" forums. I intend on losing my fat and toning up without suppliments beyond your average every day vitamins. I had a doctor suggest Phen-fen back in the 90's and I was only 130. edit: and I find it amusing that they talk about testosterone in women. I think i have more than your average chick i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them

~*Pogovina*~ I had no idea you were a flip I thought you were aZn I'd actually like a little color to my skin and I can get a light tan...but my freckles get out of hand at that point and i get darker spots where they merge i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan

nic379 i don tthink he was pushing supplements..just basically giving advice on them i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them

nic379 i'm irirsh so i have freckles and so does my bro..... he used to go tanning when he was working out...i heard him tell my mom once that he hoped all of his freckles would merge into one giant tan German-Irish here

~*Pogovina*~ i didnt think they were pushing them so much as advising on which ones to take if someone was gonna... but a lot of sites make it sound as though you'll never reach your goals without them i'm taking lipo 6

nic379 i'm taking lipo 6 i know i'm just stubborn about them, I don't like to take suppliments to help me do what I can do on my own. Hell, I didn't even like getting pain meds while in labor

that's crazy. I must say that I'm a product of the generation that thinks everything should be easy and there should be a magic pill that will make me lose weight and gain muscle. I realized a year ago that this wasn't ever going to I finally joined a gym a couple months ago. Started really going a week ago. I use to work out all the time in HS because I was a I know I can look good. I've just let myself go this last couple of years

christophers this is a pretty good article and its true. more owmen would get more out of reading the some stickies here and some other bb/performance forums than you will reading the vast majority of "female" forums i agree 100%. I'm just being pissy because some things will NEVER apply to me

F&N for women in a nutshell

Monday, December 30, 2013

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

best bulking restraunt

best bulking restraunt

ryans!!my friend took me there, all you can eat buffet. chicken steaks pork chops tacos you name it...ill have to go there more often 7 bucks for lunch too

Ohana's at The Polynesian Resort, Disney World

your kitchen.

dining halls on campus

Golden Corral

Ceaze Ohana's at The Polynesian Resort, Disney World been there! god i love disney world... Applebees

Buffalo Wild Wings aka BW3's, $.75 tenders days are the best if you're bulking. 10-12 tenders will do you well.

panda express

any buffet. there's a meditteranean and a japanese buffet on the same block, so gorging depends on the lineups.

ideeosinkruhcee any buffet. there's a meditteranean and a japanese buffet on the same block, so gorging depends on the lineups. I would definitely recommend against old country buffet though. I've never been to a really good buffet though except for one. I do plan to go to Sal Carvaos sometime this summer... like 47 dollars per person for all you can eat filet mignons, lamb chops, all this great meat and food. That doesn't even include drinks or tips though. Its fucking great food.

Davo Buffalo Wild Wings aka BW3's, $.75 tenders days are the best if you're bulking. 10-12 tenders will do you well. tuesday night wing nights are the shit

doesnt beat brazilian bbq

hometown buffet or chipotle burritos

Ceaze Ohana's at The Polynesian Resort, Disney World I am going there in June. Stuffed french toast here I come.

The best place is Texas de Brazil. They have all you can eat filet, chicken, pork, pretty much any type of meat. However, it is also $35 a head. A close second is Hunan all you can eat sushi for $10.

ACURA TL-S The best place is Texas de Brazil. They have all you can eat filet, chicken, pork, pretty much any type of meat. However, it is also $35 a head. A close second is Hunan all you can eat sushi for $10. is that just a statewide chain or no? EDIT: There's one opening in Chicago this fall.

ACURA TL-S The best place is Texas de Brazil. They have all you can eat filet, chicken, pork, pretty much any type of meat. However, it is also $35 a head. A close second is Hunan all you can eat sushi for $10. that place fucking OWNSSSSSSSS

chinese buffet of your choice. the ones here are 5.99 all you can eat

Actually that place is going to be in schaumburg. Right next door

Country Kitchen careful though

b-stevens Actually that place is going to be in schaumburg. Right next door I go there when I can afford it. They have some damn good chocolate cake.

pizza hut buffet

In Columbus there's a pizza place that's all you can eat for $4.

christophers theres a chinese resteraunt that has all you can eat right by my school ive hit it a few times before class and once i got the tiniest desk ive ever seen felt like it was made for 100lb'rs and had trouble gettin in cuz of the bloat was sweet no sushi no care

ACURA TL-S no sushi no care no tempura lobster no care

best bulking restraunt

Saturday, December 14, 2013

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

hey guys, been working out for a while now and i've suddenly hit a plateau. i'm 5'9" and 135lbs. i'm putting up 205lbs on the bench and have been stuck here for a good 6 months. i'm taking the whey protien shakes from but i'm still stuck here. any tips to increase the weight? i go to the gym 3 nights a week and work out another 2 nights at home. i usually just mess around with the 45lbs weights i have, nothing big. i would like to get my bench up to at least 250-275. thanks. -mike

Eat more

deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more .

Eat alot more

135lbs? eat!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill people, eat them, lift.

135 @ 5'9" ?? Jesus I was a fucking twig at 145- 5'9", I cant imagine 10lbs lighter. As stated above EAT

Eat. Make sure your form is good too, I gained 20lbs on my bench when I corrected mine.

pokesteve i think you need to cut, are your abs showing? if not you should cut can u give me advice?

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

I know this is slightly off-topic, but I'm wondering is there any link between what you eat and having oily skin? I need to wash my face 2/3 times a day because it sometimes tends to get quite oily. I don't take any medication or use any creams for it. I'm just wondering though, does what I eat effect how oily my skin may get? Any link between junk food or oily food.. and oily skin?

I've been eating reallly clean lately and I think my skin is better

isnt there a link with testosterone and oily face? im not so sure but i heard something like that..

I think it's more hormonal. ^ Though, I can't see how cutting back on greasy food could hurt.

christophers huh? The guy sounded like he has image issues, so I was hitting him with advice I did'nt mean to go off topic

eddscat No fucking science to back me up, but I'd say yes One good way of looking good is to find someone who you wanna look like and copy there training and diet exactly e.g. Pretty shallow, but hey, it's just like copying someones fashion tips Dude. Seriously. What does that have to do with the topic?

kingfaz Dude. Seriously. What does that have to do with the topic? I thought it did, jesus I'll delete it then. I was only trying to help, stop being so uptight guys, it's mean

Two proven things I know help. Hydrate, & use a non-oily lotion w/ no fragrance. Because oily skin will secrete more when you overdry it. You don't want to irritate it with fragrances and garbage ingredients. Assuming you're a guy, I don't know if you'd go for this, but they now make these little packs of oil absorbing sheets that'd fit in your pocket. If you're worried about appearance. Clean, & clear makes some, they come in a blue packet. (not super girlie)

yup, ever since i've started cutting again my skin is a lot clearer caloric surplus = higher hormone levels (including testosterone) = oilier skin

eddscat I thought it did, jesus I'll delete it then. I was only trying to help, stop being so uptight guys, it's mean Sori didnt mean to sound mean I just thought I was missing out on something

D Two proven things I know help. Hydrate, & use a non-oily lotion w/ no fragrance. Because oily skin will secrete more when you overdry it. You don't want to irritate it with fragrances and garbage ingredients. Assuming you're a guy, I don't know if you'd go for this, but they now make these little packs of oil absorbing sheets that'd fit in your pocket. If you're worried about appearance. Clean, & clear makes some, they come in a blue packet. (not super girlie) Thanks dude I can give that a try Werdna yup, ever since i've started cutting again my skin is a lot clearer caloric surplus = higher hormone levels (including testosterone) = oilier skin Sorry to sound stupid but what does caloric surplus mean? I'm taking an educated guess at a surplus of calories?

You're welcome...That would be dudette.

Sorry to sound stupid but what does caloric surplus mean? I'm taking an educated guess at a surplus of calories? Yes.

D You're welcome...That would be dudette. My bad.. I was under the assumption that no females posted in this section, sorry! (and no i'm not sexist at all ) Nick Yes. Does it matter where the calories come from? i.e fats, carbs protein or can u can caloric surplus from anything?

use facial wipes

kingfaz Does it matter where the calories come from? i.e fats, carbs protein or can u can caloric surplus from anything? Caloric surplus just means you consume more calories than you use in a day. The excess calories will be stored as muscle/fat.

Thanks for that Nick..

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

She doesnt particularly want to become a weight lifter etc.. but she wants to put on about 15 lbs as she's really thin at the moment. Any sort of tips? I've basically suggested she should start off lifting some basic weights, up her protein intake and drink plenty of water. Eating junk is only going to make her fatter is her metabolism doesn't counter it, right?


Tell that girl to lift and eat more.

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

Friday, December 6, 2013

Chiseled Jawline?

Chiseled Jawline?

Anyone have tips/suggestions for losing small amounts of fat around the face/neck? I have a pretty low body fat percentage, but I want my face to look less round and have a more distinct jawline...Anything more than just dropping down to lower body fat levels (which im doing at the moment)?

o god here we go READ THE STICKIES!!!!!!!!!

Read 'em...I was talking about any extra tips.

chandojmc Read 'em...I was talking about any extra tips. talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken?

beef jerkey gave me massive facial striations

nic379 talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken? haha.

i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try...

vettedude i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try... served me right in the past

nic379 talk alot? chew bubble gum? do the stupid thing where you move your head front and back like a chicken?

vettedude i hear sucking dick helps, maybee u should try... wrong, i and other females do this alot and we do not have chiseled jawlines but quite the opposite. you see..from having our mouths open so much it has corroded bone to make it rounder actually given women a more softer looking face

juice. A telltale sign of a juicer is a protruding jaw line.

ACURA TL-S juice. A telltale sign of a juicer is a protruding jaw line. Jay Leno juices I'll just stick with the cutting for now...

facial implants


blue steel!

What if uh i want them and im already skinny?! :O

chandojmc I'll just stick with the cutting for now... Eh, genetics is a large part of it too, so don't think a BMI of 11 is going to get you chiseled and all.

SpeedyGST blue steel! but can he pull off.... the magnum?

Ceaze facial implants point

genetics? maybe if you werent retaining water and you didnt have a balloon head? you're a fat ass, lose some fat, chubby?

lower bf=less face/neck fat

ryazbeck genetics? maybe if you werent retaining water and you didnt have a balloon head? you're a fat ass, lose some fat, chubby? dont be an asshole.

~*Pogovina*~ dont be an asshole.

Chiseled Jawline?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

A few months ago I decided to get very serious about lifting. I have a high metabolism and its been hard to gain weight, but enough excuses. Ive been forcing myself to eat more and more and I go the gym religiously now. Now, if I miss a scheduled day at the gym I feel horrible, it just doesnt seem right. I check F&N constantly to see new tips and read the daily logs of Broly OTrs. The before and after pics are definately inspiration. IVe noticed that every day I get ravenous, like Ive never felt before. I get super hungry and have to eat large portions to be satisfied. In between meals I have shakes and other snacks. The post workout feeling is addictive and awesome. I already am seeing gains, although minimal right now, they are coming. Im 5'9" 140 pounds. yesterday I benched 205 pounds, 5 times. A personal best so far. I know its not much but Im proud of it. I read about some OTers that have motivation folders with pics and stuff, what a great idea. IVe started one too. Everything is in your mind, there are no excuses. Broly is Good. Thanks OT.

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 Thanks man.

That is good, for 5 reps too damn. Congrats broly, I'm going to work my ass of now too. Its worth it in the end.

Betta than me!

yea it def felt good.

Sounds like you're on the right path. I love the post workout rush and how great it feels to see the difference in pictures instead of just on paper.

im 150 and cant even do 205

superbri007 205 lbs for bench, not bad im 5'8, 165 and my best bench is 185 funny im 5'11 weigh 170... and my best bench is 215... yet you were just telling me what to do... odd?

That's a great bench @ 140lbs

7th Ninjai That's a great bench @ 140lbs TY

Appetite explosion. Broly is good.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

I need to start incorperating more leg and abdominal exercises to my routine. Does anyone know of a good website that has good visuals that will aid my learning on performing various leg and abdominal exercises? Thanks

Ceaze wow thanks... can anyone give tips on some of the more effective exercises to do when working out legs and abs? thanks

legs:squat leg press stiff-leg/romanian deadlift good mornings (more low back, but still good hamstring/glute activation) glute-ham raise abs:decline situps/crunches dragon flags hanging leg raises standing/kneeling cable crunches

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural

Big Calf muscles- Is it natural ?

#1. Is it natural to have unnaturally large calf muscles? My friends keep saying my calf muscles are like major big but i haven't exercised in awhile, and i only noticed them like years ago. Is it just a natural thing or maybe due to physical activity from when i was a pee-wee? Just a wondering question.
#2: I am kinda flabby on my arms and stomach/abs. i kinda am weak seeing how girls can beat me at arm wrestling (maybe cause the bone in elbow gets pushed into table) but moving on, what are some good exercise routines i could do? i have been doing continuous pushups of 30 per day and situps/crunches 30 per day too. Any other things i can do? I am 5'3"- 5'4" weighing around 110 lb. 17 years old. should i watch my diet since i kinda am just a "eat whatever I'm given kid"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Easy Tip For weight Lose

Easy Tip For weight Lose

Tip For weight Lose

Working out with weights is really important because you're breaking down muscle tissue in the gym and then recovering and growing afterwards. We talked about eating the right types of food and maintaining a positive nitrogen balance.

Working out with weights will also help keep your skin tight. Whenever I see the "runners" in my neighborhood, the people who only run and never lift weights - they tend to have saggy, loose skin that hangs and flaps there. Some of these people are really skinny but with loose skin and that's because they don't want to lift weights - mostly out of fear that lifting will give you a bulky look. Let me tell you that lifting weights will never make you bulky, NEVER ever. It's all in your diet that controls your weight.

Main tip for weight lose

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