Saturday, December 14, 2013

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

hey guys, been working out for a while now and i've suddenly hit a plateau. i'm 5'9" and 135lbs. i'm putting up 205lbs on the bench and have been stuck here for a good 6 months. i'm taking the whey protien shakes from but i'm still stuck here. any tips to increase the weight? i go to the gym 3 nights a week and work out another 2 nights at home. i usually just mess around with the 45lbs weights i have, nothing big. i would like to get my bench up to at least 250-275. thanks. -mike

Eat more

deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more deznutz Eat more .

Eat alot more

135lbs? eat!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill people, eat them, lift.

135 @ 5'9" ?? Jesus I was a fucking twig at 145- 5'9", I cant imagine 10lbs lighter. As stated above EAT

Eat. Make sure your form is good too, I gained 20lbs on my bench when I corrected mine.

pokesteve i think you need to cut, are your abs showing? if not you should cut can u give me advice?

need advice.. i've hit a plateau

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