Showing posts with label bodybuilder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bodybuilder. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

I started this new job about 3 months ago and just tried to keep a quiet cool attitude and not really discuss my outside interests too much because I really am more of a quiet person... anyways...the pregnant woman openly asked me about diet tips and exercises she can do to help with her pregnancy and weight gain. So...there were 6 girls around when they heard this..and the one girl asked me if I was a PT or certified or something. I said just "no" and the other girl stood up and said I am a bodybuilder. So thats all they needed to hear when they came around and started firing off all types of questions about weight loss and even weight gain. So I'm just spinning my head about all this and don't know who's talking about what. so shit I told them if they wanted 'personal attention' to talk to me later about it too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up

Filmboy44 too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something.

tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner

its a small office too...there are a few that I'd off the "personal" service too "lets work that fat off honey"

christophers i play PT for a lot of people and dont ask anything for it. for some reason i just like helping people. although i get stuff for it all the tme, including money. i'm not going to say no. 4 tubs of muscle milk + 150$ came today from someone i helped lose 25 lb's and get to 8% i actually woulda rather just had cash instead of that muscle milk but oh well thats rather generous. Most of the time my advice isn't they keep comin back. they don't want to hear dieting isn't easy and they actually have to work at it for a while before they see results. I don't mind. I like talking about it and helping them. THey aren't hurting me any by not listening so whatever

cavefish Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something. oh and don't forget to contact the IRS to report any extra income.

evi1eddie tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

cunninglinguist I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

Saturday, January 25, 2014

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

As ceaze suggested I email him to ask him if I can workout with him...that was a long time ago. So when I got a response I told my other bber friends about it and they decided to go, it was on a day I was out of town (last tuesday) and well only one of my bber friends actually went. I just got a call from him now and I asked him "so how was it" him: "bro, it was stupid they kept tellig me I was training all wrong and tried to actually influence me to PL me: "really?" him: yeah man, since I'm only 19 they figured they can do that me: so did you guys workout? him: yeah yeah, but I wasn't really learning anything me: how so? him: well they have their click and it was hard for me to stay within it me: you mean keep up? hahaaha him: no not keep up, he said he never expects anyone to be doing his weight and shit me: should I go? him: no, how long you been competing? me: this is my 10th year him: phht fuck it man, they'd chew you alive...they hate bbers, don't get me wrong it was cool as shit to see so many elites there, especially here...but its not for you man. me: what about your girl, doesn't she train there? him: yeah, but she PL's .............. I figured as much that it would be like that.

Interesting, but I don't see any evidence of bodybuilder hate from your friends conversation.

cavefish Interesting, but I don't see any evidence of bodybuilder hate from your friends conversation. "him: phht fuck it man, they'd chew you alive...they hate bbers, don't get me wrong it was cool as shit to see so many elites there, especially here...but its not for you man."

So... you emailed Childress to see if you could work out with him ... and sent one of your friends instead.

huh...that sucks...powerlifters always come to my shows and are always welcome? Shit its one of the favs at the arnold to.

Well yeah, I can understand where your friend is coming from. I don't know how serious he was about the "hate" but you seem to know him pretty well. Its two different worlds though, I can see why Childress was trying to "convert" him so to speak, since thats what he does. Maybe your friend just misunderstood his intensity while training?

maybe his friend has terrible genetics to be a bb'er and paul saw that an was trying to tell him to try Pl'ing instead..

christophers paul is one of the nicest most humble people around, so is the crew he trains with. hes had several bb'rs come to their gym to lift with them. i know one who went there personally and said it was great. so, filmys friend is full of shit, or filmy is full of shit, or both. maybe i'll give paul a ring and ask him go right...and when you do ask him how little Mikey was and tell him to say hi to Becky for me

PurEvl maybe his friend has terrible genetics to be a bb'er and paul saw that an was trying to tell him to try Pl'ing instead.. not sure, its a give and take...he's extremely bless with a nice frame, and his chest and back dwarf his arms...

where's my baby's card you slacker

It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me.

b-stevens It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me. ^

b-stevens It just sounds like your friend was unwilling to conform to his training methods and/or intensity to me. I wouldn't know...

If I were you I would still take the opportunity to train with him despite what your friend thought.

So Paul Childress HATES bbers...figures

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

wtf classic bodybuilder *snws*

wtf classic bodybuilder *snws*

good progess bro! keep it up


Thats does'nt even look real


How'd you get my picture?

Jeebus Thats does'nt even look real Was looking at a classic bodybuilder website when I came across this chob, I dunno if they put fake pics on the site. I think its real.

Sh0kka good progess bro! keep it up

Tiny thighs.

Sonic Tiny everything. fixxed

that was before they invented protein

Was that taken at the "Mr. Auschwitz" contest?

cavefish Was that taken at the "Mr. Auschwitz" contest? Dude, as a Jew, I find that offensive.

cavefish Was that taken at the "Mr. Auschwitz" contest? oh my god horrible.

oh god, instead of x'ing it out i enlarged the window

What in teh fuck

cavefish Was that taken at the "Mr. Auschwitz" contest? snap!

pokesteve we finally found someone skinnier than noxen! Yeah. ME

that a nice picture, buffalo bill

oh damn, competition for brad pitt!

seriously though that Auschwitz comment is fucked grandpa died there he fell off a guard tower!

Sh0kka good progess bro! keep it up

Flies and pullups for the win

wtf classic bodybuilder *snws*

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Before:Sept 04 Now:May 05

everyone is gonna say it, you shouldn't be cutting. Good progress though, look a lot better

yeah i just want to add that im not going for the huge bodybuilder look, just the fit, athletic look...for now

Looking much better!

nice playboy boxers

nonplus nice playboy boxers

OH SNAP IS THAT YOO, BRAD PITT?!!111lc edit: You actually do look a ton better though

Damn you look A TON better. You actually look bigger too!

how long have you been cutting for? weight in the beginning and weight now?

been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142

jkklim been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142

lol im only 5'4" man

Good improvement, but you should be bulking.

looking good mini-broly

what do/did you eat? a can of tuna and an apple each day? cutting down to 140 would mean like 1300 cal/day looking better though

crap you're short

terse what do/did you eat? a can of tuna and an apple each day? cutting down to 140 would mean like 1300 cal/day looking better though well i multiplied my weight by 10-11 and ate that many calories. heres an example of a day Diet:7:45am- General Mills whole grain berry cereal and skim milk- 265 cals 10:45am- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 1:45pm- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 4:45pm- lean cuisine(lowcarb)- 220 cals -preworkout 7:45pm- oatmeal + protien - 210 cals - postworkout 10:30pm- tuna and lettuce wrap- 185 11:30-protien shake- 110 cals Total cals- 1400

yap, great progress, but you're too small to cut

jkklim well i multiplied my weight by 10-11 and ate that many calories. heres an example of a day Diet:7:45am- General Mills whole grain berry cereal and skim milk- 265 cals 10:45am- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 1:45pm- turkey and reduced fat cheese sandwich w/lettuce- 205 cals 4:45pm- lean cuisine(lowcarb)- 220 cals -preworkout 7:45pm- oatmeal + protien - 210 cals - postworkout 10:30pm- tuna and lettuce wrap- 185 11:30-protien shake- 110 cals Total cals- 1400 holy christ, eat more please

Werdna yap, great progress, but you're too small to cut What's your story man!? Have you started cutting yet or are you still bulking?

jkklim been cutting since sept 2004, before weight was 175 now i weigh 142 i lost more weight than that in three months dude, u are doing somethign wrong

Good job...that's some impressive progress.

I'm actually quite suprised 142 pounds doesnt look a lot bigger on you.

jkklim lol im only 5'4" man 5'4 here, too

I'm wearing the same boxers right now

Cutting Progress *Pics*

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength.

I'm stronger than many people much larger than me... but often I wish I was bigger

im a bodybuilder so i care more about how i look than how strong i am. not saying i dont care about strength, it comes with the size ;x

DCCapen Looks> strength>size you keep telling yourself that little man

once i get past a certain point size wise, ill be with you. right now, i really would take 10 lbs of added muscle with no strength gain than a 15% increase to all my lifts with no size gain.

power > strength > looks >....*crickets* > size

christophers you cannot be powerful without strength. strength is the precursor my point was I'd rather be able to clean X than deadlift Y

christophers i can power clean 300+ and never power clean, ever FREAK

Size+Strength+Looks = win

I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets.

What are some good routines for strength only? Westside?

Mike McDermott Yeah, that works the stabilizers! Surfs up, bro. that first picture almost looke like an Inch dumbell. if so.

Incog91 I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets. shut the fuck up douche bag

at some point in my life i want to compete at under 150 pounds. right now im at 225 bench 315 squat and 365 deadlift but theyve gone down since im workin 16 hours a day between 2 jobs.

Mike McDermott no it isn't still looks like a thick handled db

i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route

princess0fdiabl0 i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route those numbers are soo unimpressive

Strength is #1 in my book. I don't care how I look. It's like Christian Thibadaeu said: "Train for power, everything else is just gay porn." GFH motherfuckers. Read Christopher's user text.

i have a hard time losing weight, so i am concentrating on upping the weight i can lift!

Blue=Gay I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength. if your 180 benching 500 and im 240 benching 300 im still gonna bitch slap you right off the planet. You think otherwise then find someone alot bigger then you but weaker in the gym and start a wrestling match with him. And saying what you said is just an excuse, cause you cant get big you just say "I would rather be strong" Well 99% of the time its not one without the other so you must still be weak.

christophers people who dont think you can achieve both at a decent rate are people i honestly feel sorry for. fucking chris....amen

you're seriously only benching 300?

tize not really for a bber really tize, my training partner is 179 right now at 5% and deaded 405 for 7 last night then followed it with 315 BB rows and weighted pullups with a 45. Hes a pretty weak BB"er Point is hes doing his first show this year, hes an average joe in my world, hes not a genetic god yet he will out lift 99% on here easily

SteveO you're seriously only benching 300? me I use 300 for behind the head presses for 6-8, I wasnt using me as an example. I would make a better powerlifter then BB'er to be honest. Just no one around here thats any good to teach me.

superbri007 Brandon is 179 he was 184 when you were there, thats what a properly built person looks like, you saw him repping 225 for 12 at that weight on the incline

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

he is always giving advice... saying what to do and what not to do... a pic of christophers so we can see if it is legit or not?

/ib hislatpicturesmakeyoufaintanddiscourageyoufromever liftingeveragainbecausethatiswhathappenedtohalfoft hisforum

he knows what hes talking about, believe it. /thread

lol...wasnt there an official F&N post your pics thread? we should make a new one, im sure everyones got newer pics. sticky it?


seriously... i mean i trust that he knows what he is talking about... just wanna see if he uses his own advice...

did someone say drama?

Ceaze are you serious?

Mike McDermott He is a powerlifter, not a bodybuilder. But I'm sure that he is very sexy. Where do you work out at in gville?

XsLiCk are you serious? almost as serious as your obesity.

interesting... im not being a dick about this either i really was curious...

cus he has given me a lot of advice...

Ceaze hahahahahahahaha, thats me in the offseason, I diet pretty hard for shows

christophers edit: I call bullshit.

christophers Lies even for a fat body hes fucking enormous. You could advertise on that thing

christophers wow.


right, that guy easily looks 300 lbs

404 mohawk not found.

hmmm, in for more pics

If that's Chris then sweet..

wouldn't it be better to not know what he looks like? the advice is all more than helpful for me personally.

i've seen 2 pics of him and i've talked to him on the phone i just need his e-autograph

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Protein intake during deficit

Protein intake during deficit

Is it as important to hit at least the 1g/lb of protein mark while in a deficit as it is while bulking?

what kind of intake should I be aiming for? Even though I'm not a BB, going off the the bodybuilder diet posted a week or two ago, should I be aiming for 1.4-1.5 (for my body type), and for my BF, would the thermogenic effect of it really make any difference? Mesomorphs - 1.2g/lb - 1.3g/lb. Ectomorphs - 1.4g/lb - 1.6g/lb. Endomorphs - 1.4g/lb - 1.5g/lb.* * I recommend a higher protein intake for endomorph's while dieting because of the thermogenic effect of a higher protein intake and increased protein turnover, not because they need more protein to maintain muscle mass.

Protein intake during deficit

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Email one you have the average bodybuilder type of exercise modality without assessing how to properly execute a movement (you don't tell a beginer to simply do squats without first teaching form!) and only a bodybuilder works a single muscle group in one day. For most of us, who want to be in good functional strwenght or who do athletics and are more concerned about power, strenght, endurance and coordination than simply being "BIG" A good lesson in Kinesiology might help you. Or do you read? My response ou are a close minded fool. First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). I am not here to teach a person how to squat, in fact doing that over the internet would be damn near impossible. I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. I actually consider myself a mix between a bodybuilder and powerlifter, by the way. I do not only promote one group per day once per week lifting. As you can see if you read some of my other threads, I have also talked about westside training and 3 day splits. I can guarantee my methods increase power strength and endurance. Just because I don't prescribe to your methods does not mean that my methods do not work and in the same I am not saying anyone elses methods don't work, to a point. Now when someone wants to work every muscle every day of the week, of course I am going to say something. -Michael P.S. Get off your high horse. Email two before I even responded to the first Hey sorry about the you can't read comment, but bodybuilding is not a sport! Who cares what you look like what can you do? Asia wrestling weight 110 and 105 after really cutting "to make weight not to put on some shinny skivies" 22 years lifting weights (for strength, power and muscular endurance) Hey that's longer than you have been alive. Eight marathons, six under 3 hrs, 20 min. wrestled 12 years - US national team Climbed three peaks in Peru and Bolivia over 18,0000 feet. Rock climb Yosemite Mountain Bike through northern California What can you do? Response #2 Get off your damn high horse. In the last two weeks, I have helped build a house for habitat for humanity, cleaned up my campus, worked at the animal shelter, along with finishing up my research, presenting it at a national ACS meeting and presented a paper for publication. You need to realize that physical accomplishments are not everything, I have. The fact that I have been lifting for less than 3 years probably says something about my motivation. But if you don't think that size is impressive, also note that my lifts put me over a 1200 total for the big three. Oh, and I am also pretty good at hockey. I don't know what I have said to perturb you, maybe it is just that you are a bitch looking for someone to praise you, maybe it is because you haven't been laid in a while, I don't know, but the fact is that there is so much more to life than what you have listed for your "accomplishments". -Michael Why do I keep going back? I think I need a 12 step program

BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction).

maybe christophers can help up my strwenght.

holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. :hatefuck:

and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too.

You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. Yes, this whole thing or should I say both things, were written because when some girl asked how to work her ass and everyone else was saying buns of steel videos and the such, I said "squat".

therealdeal You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play. I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side.

Grouch and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too. Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't.

ACURA TL-S I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side. How come you don't play regularily anymore?

therealdeal How come you don't play regularily anymore? Lack of ice and time constraints. Hopefully I will have some time after I graduate in two weeks, plus they are in the process of putting in two new sheets 5 minutes from my house. Right now there is only one near Memphis.

ACURA TL-S BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction). Oh god.

dude no joke...that bish wants to devour your pen0r

what in the gayshit got up her nasty ass cooter?

"First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet.

Stupid bitch.

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. shut it woman and get back to the kitchen As for acura....why the fuck are you arguing with a woman in the first place. Tell her to bleed for a week and then come back

I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. You should have told the bitch that you're response was appropriate because what was asked was how to shape the gluteus (bodybuilding question) not on how to get a more functional gluteus.

what a cockly ugly broad

Bitch looks like a she-male that got smacked in the face with a 12" frying pan. She's prolly one of those new-age E-Thugs... watch your back.

I have recieved a couple of fairly good e-mails too, they really dont like us overthere acura... LOL's

I'm scared

ACURA TL-S Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't. I like how that one argued with the pier reviewed studies, and said that they where too old, cause they where like 8 years old...

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. I was more referring to the assumption that bodybuilders cannot read.

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

as soon as i find mine ill post it

Hell of a deadlift Mike, but how is your poker game?

Mike McDermott I am having a really stupid day. It took me at least 45 seconds to realize that was a picture of Matt Damon poorly editted on.

here you go, I made you a collage

Since I just uploaded one, Ill post. And I'll preface by saying, yes I know I am small, yes I know I am weak, yes I know I have a long way to go. I started working out in January maybe ill upload a before pic sometime 6'3" 210 34 inch waist

Try smiling, nathan..

Ilyusha Try smiling, nathan.. never!

still bulking.. i've gotten alot bigger IMO. this was just taken a few days ago

my shitty 1 year of progress

jonno = teh new hotness

Ilyusha jonno = teh new hotness i'm seriously pretty happy with the progress

look good eye.. you got any normal poses?

nice man hey mike.. you said you were going to post some pics awhile ago. come on

Mike McDermott soon yeah.. i've heard that one before

my old collage

Damn Steve-o, you're a tank. Nice! How long have you been working out?

jonno yeah.. i've heard that one before wheres yer updated pics jonno

not a tank, most of the pics are a little stretched to work in there 2 1/2 years though, maybe 1 1/2 with knowledge

^^ thanks.. i'm getting fat but it's all good

Mike McDermott I'm not a bodybuilder, so people might make fun of me. shut it cupcake

post a pic of yourself now so all F & N can see

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

a lot of girls love a guy with big tits

are you saying that soy protein gives you bitchies... never heard that.

keep feeding the propaganda, and ill keep munching on soy patties while looking at my bulging chest

Soy patties?

GilgaMesH Soy patties? whats wrong with soy products?

inspired keep feeding the propaganda, and ill keep munching on soy patties while looking at my bulging chest who needs girls when you've got your own nice pair of bulging tittays

It is a shitty, incomplete protein. And:

Even if you don't believe that article, it really is a shitty protein. Go eat some fucking meat.

GilgaMesH Even if you don't believe that article, it really is a shitty protein. Go eat some fucking meat. im not going to read the article but lemme guess, theyre talking about phyto-estrogen? and its not a shitty protien, try mixing soy with animal or even whey for a more complete protien source. the most 'complete' protien source doesnt even come from an animal, although that might be hard for you to swallow

Food Source Protein digestibility (%) Egg 97 Milk and cheese 97 Mixed US diet 96 Peanut butter 95 Meat and fish 94 Whole wheat 86 Oatmeal 86 Soybeans 78 Rice 76 Btw, pics of your "bulging" chest?

well isnt this nice to know. not that i eat much of it.

I've heard the whole eating soy and estrogen is a bunch of bs.

I love soybean milk in a can by Yeoh's.Asian stuff.But I rarely drink it so...

Mystery Guest I've heard the whole eating soy and estrogen is a bunch of bs. and ive heard that jessica alba wants my nuts, but until that happens, ill be staying away from any real amount of soy.

KetchupKing a lot of girls love a guy with big tits explains a lot for you

wow, there are some extreme misconceptions about soy in here. first, it is a complete protein that is high in BCAAs and glutamine. second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. third, i have reviewed studies done on older men and babies and both cases found NO hormonal differences in test levels with soy protein diet supplementation.

quasar wow, there are some extreme misconceptions about soy in here. first, it is a complete protein that is high in BCAAs and glutamine. second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. third, i have reviewed studies done on older men and babies and both cases found NO hormonal differences in test levels with soy protein diet supplementation. According to the National Research Council's "Recommended Dietary Allowances", 10th ed. National Academy Press, 1989, Soybeans have a Protein digestibility (%) of 78 while milk is at 97. Is there a difference between the protein digestibility of whole soybeans to soy protein powder?

quasar second, it is a superior protein as far as digestibility and utilization than whey or milk. PDCAAS and BV suggest otherwise

ok, the digestability stuff was from a page i was reading about the isolate. if only i could find a reputable company that makes the isolate, i would try it. ibfemalesteroidsarefoundinsoy

check this out, this actually describes the trend i'm seeing in recent studies, that soy may actually increase testosterone by lowering levels of SHBG (serum hormone binding globulin). the isoflavones in soy are converted to phytoestrogens which can block the estrogen receptors!

quasar older men and babies

from this page: "From this and other data it seems the phyto-estrogens can lower cholesterol and improve heart disease risk without systemic estrogenic effects (i.e. gyno, bodyfat increases, etc.) that would normally be seen if say the bodybuilder took estrogen pills or from the normal conversion of certain steroids to estrogen. This study is a little more relevant to us humans being it was done with male monkeys which are far more similar animals to people than rats." it also goes on to say it has been shown to raise thyroid output which accounts for the increased weight loss.

i hate to look like a jackass here but i've read enough studies to be convinced it lowers dht...(idiot)

if soy was as great as you guys seem to think it is i think all asians would be jacked. /thread

Why soy protein supplementation is bad for you

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

I need it to prove something to my teacher.

You could have just googled it. edit: bad link.

AznRyda You could have just googled it. interesting, but annoying that bitch takes the film out of context. there was also that guy in supersize me that eats ridiculous amounts of bigmacs and never gains a pound.

the more i think about it the more that article pisses me off. she says supersize me was one sided and fraudulent because he gorged? he was eating what the normal person going to mcdonald's would eat, the entire point of the movie. not to mention the fact that she lost 18 pounds obviously means she was eating less than her normal caloric intake therefore nullifying her whole fucking argument. /rant

It was also mentioned that in Supersize Me he was doing a lot of traveling and such putting an added stress on the body which on it's own could cause the weight gain, and health problems he was experiencing. I can't wait until this guy's 15min of fame is over. I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of breakthrough, let me get this straight, I eat big macs and quarter pounders for every meal and maintain my low activity level you're saying I'll get fat... wow, I never thought of that. I had a supersized Double Qarter Pounder meal in his honor after watching that piece of crap.

No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it.

ignorance is bliss....*sarcasm* sounds like a Big Mac counter-attack to me.

Isn't there a film being done that's the opposite of super size me?

ACURA TL-S No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it. i know which one you are talking about but i cant remember th elink. i will try to find it

going from a relatively vegan-like diet(assuming he eats what his gf the chef eats) to eating nothing but mcdonalds, I think anyone in that situation with get his ass kicked. Though who can't finish a double quarter pounder w/cheese meal. Weak... is the one you want

it was called the McLes diet. he was a teacher proving to his students that eating Mcdonalds, coupled with keeping an active lifestyle, won't turn you into a fatty.

christophers well dur dur, despite what many people here think the laws of thermodynamics are not altered by eating "Bad" food such as mcdonalds. Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary".

how do your ead the rest of the article?

Lurker111 Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary". mf'n this is what pissees me off the most.

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Friday, December 6, 2013

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

anyone have a few or know where I can find some?

anything in particular?

sweet, got anymore? maybe of a bodybuilder lifting weights?

maybee go to look under q&a then training logs.

vettedude maybee go to look under q&a then training logs. I think those are going to be low res

SpeedyGST And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here?

MikeTheVike1 And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here? 675 EDIT thats franco not the first dude

MikeTheVike1 And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here? (14x45)+bar give or take

Thanks SpeedyGST,that should be good,you know how much weight that guy has in the first pic? EDIT: Thanks guys!!!

He has more than 675 on the bar.

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Is it OK to work the......

Is it OK to work the......

small muscles first?? Ive been doing the usual routine since I started 2 years ago (eg. chest then triceps,back then biceps). Since you're not supposed to stick to the exact same routine as far as large first then small, I was thinking of doing the smaller muscles first for a change.

you've been training for 2 years? stats?

i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag

werd, why would you do this. you just change exercise/order of exercises. your chest and back would lag horribly.

If you train the big parts first, you wont have to waste time warming up the smaller parts. if you arent going to do that, why not split up the days... i.e. bis/chest day somethin day backs/tris day that way you get to hit the same body parts twice as often with the same effort. You still get to hit each bodypart full force each day without any other part lagging behind.

Jeff Coleman i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine?

Ro Cobra If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine? Do rack presses for tri's.

only time i train small muscles first before the large muscles is when i do circuit training.. but if not, you should finish your bigger muscles first though.. but you are right, you need to constantly change your routine, do different things! why don't you train chest and back one day, shoulders and arms(bis, tris) the other day, for example.

really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc.

devilangel why don't you train chest and back one day for example.

Jeff Coleman i was suggesting changing his routine to something else.. although i can see why your face cuz back alone is pretty intense anyways.

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. yup, i agree. all depends on your goal!

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. hey, nice av, you post on sherdog?

Is it OK to work the......

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Growing taller?

Growing taller?

Is there a way i can grow taller, i thought about getting nutrition and sleep as well as huge intakes of calcium anything else i should know?

other than hormone injections, you'll grow as far as your genetics will take you

what about weight lifting doesnt that stunt your growth?

acceptance > you

Mike McDermott I wish I was a little bit taller... ...wish I was a baller...

oh really. i wanna paper mat. how about that. ibthreadlocked

Atenza6i oh really. i wanna paper mat. how about that. ibthreadlocked And a six four Impala

how old are you? your growth plates may have closed already. If this is the case, you can at least work on your posture.

I highly dislike being a shorter person (5' 8") but I am getting over it. it's what God gave me and theres nothing I can do about it. Just go to the gym and build big muscles to compensate

damiand ...wish I was a baller... I wish I had girl that looked good, I would call her.............

LEX XIV how old are you? your growth plates may have closed already. If this is the case, you can at least work on your posture. what's the range for the ages they close at? and average closure age??

Whats this growth plate? I'm 19 and 5'8"....(I'm asian )I wanna be 6'3" :O

Till what age does the body grow again? Last i heard it was 25. Im 6'2" at 18 years old, i dont want to grow any more.

Best you can hope for is follow a typical bodybuilder's bulking diet. I would'nt skip the weight lifting. It will only stunt growth if you lift stupidly large amounts of weight, it will probably help by increasing you testosterone levels and thus making you grow taller. Of course supplementing with calcium will help, but an actual calcium deficency won't stunt your growth. You won't need to worry about this anyway if you're following a proper bulking diet with all the vitamins and minerals properly supplemented. It makes sense, a bodybuilders aim is too increase cell devolpment to the maximum amounts and the same is with people who want to grow taller. Go to the doctor if you want you're growth plates checked. I'm short, but I won't ever grow any taller. I've just learnt to except it. It has advantages e.g. I can pull bigger weights in the gym. In this day and age, height really is only a problem in social situations.

DTR rex I highly dislike being a shorter person (5' 8") but I am getting over it. it's what God gave me and theres nothing I can do about it. Just go to the gym and build big muscles to compensate thats what most short guys do

isn't too much calcium bad for you? something about your bones being calcified, whatever that means.

BlkGS3 Till what age does the body grow again? Last i heard it was 25. Im 6'2" at 18 years old, i dont want to grow any more. I'm 6'3 (turning 18 on the 28th) and if I grow another inch, I'm gonna get my legs removed.

who? what's the range for the ages they close at? and average closure age?? I have searched through many medical websites and many of them differ slightly in their numbers. What was generally said was that men stop growing in their early 20's and some as late as 25. Women tend to stop at 19 to 21. A simple body calculator for men (inches):Your height potential = (Height of Mother + Height of Father + 5)/2 For example, my calculated height 68.5 inches (5'8.5") and my actual height is just under 5'9" at 20 years old 68.5" = (60" + 72" + 5)/2 Check out this link for more info and a body height calculator: Be skeptical of what you read on the net.

y0gfx Whats this growth plate? I'm 19 and 5'8"....(I'm asian )I wanna be 6'3" :O Im asian and 6'04" There are a lot of downsides to being taller... As well as a plethora of great ones... keep that in mind when I have to buy a coach airline ticket, go to mexico, buy clothes, eat and have to arch my back in some restaurants with the low decor.

You can always have your legs broken then seperated so they can grow longer.

Grouch And a six four Impala :word:

NoXeN thats what most short guys do LOL Although at this point i GUESS i'm satisfied w/being 5'8" (I'm taller than some of my friends ) My goal IS to become broly. However. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be TALL and BROLY, is there? edit: And to that average thing. My dad is 5'2" and mom 5'3". I'm way past my potential... edit2: make that 5'2" + 5'8 /2....5'5 average? [site makes me add 6 to my mom to assume she was a man ]

17 y/o korean and 5'8'' here, parents are 5'2'' and 5'6''

short isn't as bad as most guys and shallow girls make it out to be. I like a guy to be close to my height. (5'8") it makes perfect

~*Pogovina*~ short isn't as bad as most guys and shallow girls make it out to be. I like a guy to be close to my height. (5'8") it makes perfect I banged the shortest girl ever two nights ago Needless to say, it was awesome. 5'1"

Growing taller?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

eating before bed

eating before bed

we were at ruby tuesdays and this girl says she wants the salad because "its too late for the carbs in pasta; i dont want to get gain fat" do people store calories differently depending on when you eat them? ex: if i eat dinner at 8pm and my friend eats at 11pm every night and we both go to sleep at 11:30pm, is he going to gain more fat? i argued that it didnt matter but i really didnt have any science to back it up, and it was interesting that i didnt know so i just argued what i whats the deal?

yeah but like her friend was arguing that the carbs are stored as fat overnight...and i said fat loss depended more on total number of calories

when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body.

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch?

size18boarder but if you expend 3000 cals a day, and eat 3000 every night before bed, you are saying you would gain weight more than someone who eats the 3000 cals in the morning or at lunch? no, its the same

can we get someone respected in here to clean this up ceaze? christophers?

holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot.

Werdna holy fuck, people. thermodynamics are thermodynamics. if you both eat the same number of cals, it doesn't matter what time you consume. that girl was an idiot. .

Moonwalker when you sleep you burn A LOT less calories than when you are awake. so if you eat a lot, then go to bed.. the chances increase greatly of your food being turned to fat instead of being used to fuel your body. stop posting

i usually have a protein/carb mix meal before i go to bed

i've always had my biggest meal before bed. even when cutting

ff cottage cheese and protein shake before bed = win

Meh. It's not going to make a huge difference unless you're binging before bed, which is what a lot of people do. People who lose weight by not eating before bed, lose because they are generally the type to starve all day and pig out at night; therefore when they set a limit, they lose weight because they are cutting back on calories.

i usually have a shake or steak before bed so i keep protein in my system all day.

i eat my fish oil and cottage cheese + whey before bed every night.

Q: Is it really true that calories eaten at night are more easily stored as fat, or that I shouldn't eat anything after 6pm if I want to lose weight? A: This is another one of those common ideas and the answer is that it depends. A lot of diet authors give the 6pm (or even 4 pm) rule for weight loss without ever really explaining why. In my mind, this is just a simple trick to get people to eat less, which of course causes them to lose weight (pretty simple trick too - get people to eat less and they lose weight. Wow!) The common reason given is that since you're less active at night, the calories are more likely to be stored as fat. Other authors have commented that insulin resistance is higher in the evening and eating carbs will more likely be stored as fat. But is it true? Again, it depends. Now, if eating a big meal at night (which is quite common in the US) causes you to eat more calories than normal, of course you will gain fat from it. But it's not from eating it at night, it's from eating too much overall (the same thing would happen if you ate too much earlier in the day too). That is, it still comes down to calories. But, overall, assuming the same daily caloric intake, there's no real reason to assume that eating a larger meal at night compared to in the morning will lead to more being stored as fat. Think about it this way. Say you're the same person from the previous question eating 2000 calories per day. If you eat more of your calories at night, that means that you're eating less earlier in the day. So even if you did store more of those calories eaten at night, your body would be mobilizing more stored fuel earlier in the day when you were eating less. End result: no difference. As a side note, one study of dieting and exercising women found that eating more calories at night caused less muscle loss, but no difference in fat loss. Presumably more nutrients were available during the night to avoid muscle breakdown. The women who ate more in the morning did lose more total weight, but the entire difference was because they lost more muscle. Basically, the old bodybuilder idea that you should eat fewer calories at night appears to be counterproductive to keeping muscle on a diet. What really matters in the big scheme of things for weight and fat loss is total calories in versus total calories out. But assuming you eat the same number of calories, whether you eat more of them earlier in the day, or more of them later in the day, it doesn't seem to matter. In fact, eating a larger meal at dinner (or a small bedtime snack) may spare more muscle. The only way eating a lot at night will make you fat is if it causes you to eat more overall. by Lyle McDonald, CSCS

eating before bed

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

No more cardio?

No more cardio?

What do you guys think about this article?

1lb of muscle does not burn 75-100 calories a day. Newer theories shows it is probably more like 5-15 cal/day.

I don't think much of the article you posted. Cardio For Bodybuilders "... Sorry guys, but to be a champion in contemporary bodybuilding, one must do cardio. Cardio was not that important back in 1970s and 80s, but it is today. In the early 80's, the average Olympian competitor weighed in around 190 pounds. Today, that figure is over 220. Athletes are not only bigger and more massive, but they also sharper and harder. A prime example is Frank Zane. When Zane competed he was tight, but he competed less than 180 pounds. Try coming in that tight at 225. Twenty years ago, it was about being big and cut. Today, you must be huge and shredded. ...." Bill & Torbjorn's Conversation "... TA: During the past few years, there has been a trend in bodybuilding to omit aerobic exercise. I guess it's partially because there have been some studies showing that resistance training alone is quite effective for burning fat.32 This, as you just mentioned, has led a lot of bodybuilders to think they should skip "cardio" and instead do more of what we do best-lift weights. I don't think this is a good idea, even though it will work for a small percentage of metabolically gifted individuals. A natural bodybuilder just can't handle more than four or five hours of intense weight training per week, but we need more exercise than this to burn fat on the cutting phase of my program. Some people fear that if they do aerobics at all, they'll lose muscle mass. This is not the case. Recent studies [using a sophisticated procedure called "stable isotopes"] have revealed that, "Although aerobic exercise may stimulate muscle breakdown, this does not result in a significant depletion of muscle mass because muscle protein synthesis is stimulated in recovery." ..." Learn why cardio is a must for bodybuilders and what these bodybuilding experts think about cardio. "... John:I'm old school. I've been competing since the 1980's. Back then, cardio wasn't as important as it is today. This past year was the first time that I ever used it as a tool. Prior to beginning my competition diet, I was doing 30 minutes of cardio. Once I started preparing for my show, I increased my time to 60 minutes. I've never done more than an hour. Don't need to. Andre:60 minutes? During the final 6 weeks of my contest prep, I was doing up to 2 hours of cardio a day, an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. In the off-season, I'll keep it at 30 minutes a day, four days a week. Andrew:Like you John, I never did a lot of cardio in the past. But Steve Weinberger at Bev Francis' Gold's Gym encouraged me to do more and it has paid off. My routine is like yours Andre. I do cardio twice a day, for a total of two hours. About 60 minutes on the treadmill in the morning and another 60 minutes or so on a stationary bike in the evening. In general, I set the treadmill on a 10% grade. When I'm 3 weeks out of the show, I'll bump up or tone back my cardio, depending on how I look in the mirror. ...."

I think that this thread is about to be derailed.

No more cardio?

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