Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How do I permanently remove a hair?

How do I permanently remove a hair?

I wasn't sure exactly where to post this question but i figure this forum is the most appropriate where I may get serious replies. I basically have this one single hair growing on my right arm that is long. My arms are generally hairless, but i got this one hair that just keeps growing back. it is very unsightly. It is actually white colored hair (im asian) and it grows about one inch in length. Everytime i cut it or tear it out, it just grows back. It's ugly! Im afraid to cut it or pull it again cuz im afraid it might grow back thicker and thicker and become one of those nasty big thick hairs that can be seen a mile away. I seen on a TV infomercial before that there is this electronic device where you clamp over a piece of hair and you activate it to send a pulse and it supposedly sends an electronic pulse down to the root of hte hair and prevents it from growing back. So basically, my question is, how do i kill this fucker and prevent it from growing back?

just keep plucking it or shaving it. hair doesnt grow back thicker, it's a myth..that's not how your endocrine system works. just keep cutting it


superbri007 electrolysis, or laser sugery, i believe. But very very expensive. Save your hairs, I bet we'll have an Ice Age in our lifetimes hippy

I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night

Electrolysis/lasers. It's one hair, shouldn't be too expensive. See a dermatologist or even a plastic surgeon.

Burn yourself to kill your hair follicle and create forever ingrown hair?

mtnbike4522 I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night those monsters started popping up on my shoulders

just wax it/pluck it, you pussy.

~*Pogovina*~ just wax it/pluck it, you pussy. this isnt about the pain. i plucked it a few times and it just grows back. my entire arm is bare except for this one lone hair which makes me look like a freak. i want to remove it permanently.

is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week?

Phlab is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week? for the rest of my life, yes.

I believe scar tissue does not grow hairs, so you can just cut yourself. Just remember it's down the road, not across the street. Or you can just pass a razor over it everytime you take a shower, it can't be that much of an inconvenience. EDIT:If it's white, then it should not be that noticeable anyways.

How do I permanently remove a hair?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Brock Lesnar is a damn BEAST!

Brock Lesnar is a damn BEAST!

this guy is a monster..i remember seeing him on TV for the first time..i was like JESUS CHRIST! he was quite the NCAA football player to i guess...after he was done wrestling in the WWE....he tried to make a place on the Min. Vikings..but i geuss that didnt happen....i think he was cut 6'3" 286 lbs

he's a tad unproportionate

his pecs in that first pic are bothering me.


looks like Andre

y0gfx why? I dunno...might be the rice I ate.

its either the pose or he looks assymetrical

404 beast not found

He never played football in college, he was the NCAA heavyweight champ though. ibhewasn'tthateither.

his traps are amazing....but his legs look awfully smooth

TheProwler his traps are amazing....but his legs look awfully smooth

he was my hero...till he got cut =(

he never played ncaa football, he was a wrestler in college a very good one

He actually hasn't played football since he was in high school. He was a wrestling champ in college (I can only assume heavyweight). Part of the problem with him not making the NFL imo, is that he was put in at DT where he is grossly undersized. But they probably put him there rather than DE because it probably takes much less cognition. I think the guy is a beast, though. Would I want to look like him? I wouldn't complain if I was, but probably not.

404 legs not found

I still like batista better <~~~ Av

Jeff Coleman 404 legs not found

couldn't find many leg shots

they must take their vitimans and say their Prayers!

batista guy is fucking massive

Brock Lesnar is a damn BEAST!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

damn blenders own

damn blenders own

so I drink my shakes usually by mixing them with a spoon, I've thrown up while drinking shakes but I sitll do it to tuff it out, they taste like shit, clunky, etc well today I tried a blender...holy shit, went down smooth and it was good

My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on.

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I have a rival

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. do they use it on their teeth or their pussy?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. Thats the one I have and I love it. Especially the grinding attachment, works great on oats

i plan to pick up a blender today

Get 1 of those Magic bullets from Tv. I been using it for like 9 monthes. The other day it broke and they sent a new one in le a week. They have a lifetime warrenty.

I got one of them...slightly different great

sounds like too much cleanup on all of those... i usually pound my shakes in about 2 min, quick rinse out my shaker and go.

deznutz did it have the word pocket in it?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit? my g/f bought her sister a dolphin for x-mas

Looks like a corndog stick to me!

AznRyda Looks like a corndog stick to me! yea, wtf?

WTF is that?

yeah i don't understand why everyone doesn't use a blender. i got one for $20, one the best purchases i've made. It takes seconds to clean too if you have one of those hand-spray things in your sink.

meh. i have a nalgene bottle. get water from the refrigerator dispenser, measure to 12oz on the side markings, 2 scoops on whey, close, shake, chug, rinse, done. easy enough for me.

J Shmoke WTF is that? .

i have a cuisinart

Ceaze i have a cuisinart my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake?

sounds like the picture used to be that of a vibrator... and then got edited to a picture of a corndog stick =) i just use this cheapo shaker cup that i got from bulk nutrition.

ACURA TL-S I have a rival that skinny stick is your rival? owned

Atenza6i my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake? I used to bust out the blender each time i wanted a shake, now i just grab the shaker, pour in water, powder, maybe a strawberry or two and shake the hell out of it

i have never used a blender for a shake. i do use a coffee grinder for my oats though

damn blenders own

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

50 cents was working out at my gym...

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Had these two bodygaurds lingering around at all times. He looks in pretty good shape though he had this large shirt on. Works harder than Wahlberg did that's for sure. Goes by 70 cents here in Canada.

Pfft.. 50 Cents... more like a wooden nickel...

dude is one big guy..

J-Unit dude is one big guy.. I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so...

Did you ask him if hes done with those 50's?

timberwolf I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so... how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits

Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese?

isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

gsteclipse97 how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits Possibly 6 feet tall. I never stood close to him. No idea how his legs look but I would think 190-200 at most. Of course Wahlberg said he weighed 190 at 5'7" and 50 cents does look bigger.

Socrates Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese? Just hanging around. These 2 bald white guys.

nic379 isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

how was his form? i always wonder if celebrities really know what they're doing

what was his routine like? was he westsiding, or should I say, east coasting it?

Didn't pay attention too much. Just saw him doing inclines... on the smith machine!

How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey.

He has been shot numerous times, I wonder if he keeps his shirt on so nobody will see his bullet scars? (Assuming they edit them out on professional pictures)

Ggggg - Unitttttttttt

trancezj How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey. I used to think about that actually. I mean knocking out a celebrity. Since I like living I'll pass on 50 cent and wait for the next one. Might land me a roll like the guy who punched out Van Damme or better yet, a reality show. Of course being on OT this much doesn't make for exciting reality tv.

<--- man boobies?soliddd

i need a necklace like that

yeah he's a gansta all right

ChosenGSR i need a necklace like that Wouldn't need to do shrugs then.

J-Unit dude is one big guy..

neegros with tats is like camo... they look more camofauge(sp?) then they do from the factory.

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Friday, January 17, 2014

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

I just started Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts work out and it is amazing. I want my workouts to be a challenge everytime, and this one is. When watching the instructional DVD it didn't seem like it would kill me as much as it did. I suggest you all check it out,

I've come close to buying many times, I already have a fairly structured workout so maybe when I make some changes. I've heard only great reviews from it

You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself and it kicks my ass. Even the 2 minute rounds are killing me, and I'm only doing the boxing/thai boxing routines at this point. The all around fighting workout is HARDCORE.

I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up.

I get to have a 2 time iranian pancrase champion /former olympic wrestler yell at me during conditioning- at least in the rutten tapes you can cheat and take a rest

they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before

cavefish I'm getting seriously tired of your bullshit, cut it out or I will definitely fuck you up. thats great

Aluyminyum they make you do pretty hard stuff for martial arts. this week just to warm up it was holding a med ball over your head and then hopping in a squat about 60ft. everyone was dead by 30ft and we've done this lots of times before todays training: warm up/stretch/etc. 14 rounds- 3 minutes each, 15 seconds in between Rounds 1-2 = shadow boxing Rounds 3-6 = bag work Rounds 7-10 = pad work Round 11 = sprints w/stepping Round 12 = sprints w/shuffleing Round 13 = jump rope w/knee ups Round 14 = Jump rope w/single leg (5 on each leg) Then 45 minute non-stop "road work" consisting of: Jogging, reverse jogging, sprinting, shuffle in/outward, sidestep in/outward, bear crawls, crab walks, toe ins, toe outs, hops (feet together), zig-zag inward/outward all around the room, never stopping - clockwise then counter clockwise... then jog to the center and 15 more minutes of: Front/back, side to side, switch hips, quick steps, dive bombers, mountain climbers, hops (in place). My legs hurt

cavefish You too huh? I uh "purchased" it myself E. link?

joy division todays training: My legs hurt you should start a training log

velamint you should start a training log Kind of impossible to recreate it in a thread on account of our trainer tells us when to do things, its always timed...also alot of the lifts/movements require proper form that you don't want to attempt without being shown but... for example the strength training day is all oly lifts with special weights (one handed); snatch/press/cleans/etc. etc....then there are things like slaloms and turkish getups which have multiple steps to them and are really hard to explain.

I wish there was an mma gym around here...although when I'm not injured any more I'd like to start taking bjj and boxing

yeah I've never seen any place that was so serious about conditioning. Classes are at least 3 hours long, 3 times a week. It takes lots of dedication

joy division Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA.

thats intense. 3 hours, you better be sore!

illmatix Damn! That's a pretty serious routine. How long have you been training? I'm just now making the switch from boxing to MMA. I trained for over a year at the same place back in 2003-2004. I just started up again in january of this year after taking time off for school/work/personal deals. Yeah soreness pretty much rocks me if I don't get proper sleep and nutrition- the trainer makes us go to a nutrition class and we have to set up our own diet. Right now I'm eating ~380g carbs, ~230g protein and ~67g fats.

One of the best workouts I've ever tried

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

I'm getting tired of going to the gym (to far away). I figured I could still get a good workout with dumbells and a bench. Anyone try or one powerblocks? How are they compared to traditional dumbells? May have to pick some up.

why don't you join a gym thats closer?

i watch powerblock on spike TV saturday morning just bumping for ya

theyre good if you dont have alot of space to work out in very easy to add/remove weight in 2.5 lb increments you can buy addons up to 150lbs each i think expensive as hell though

Anyone ever try Powerblocks?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

The UFC's first "reality" TV series starts tonight on Spike TV at 11pm. If you are at all interested in martial arts it'll probably be worth a watch. 11pm EST, as in... 20 minutes from now.

flippin over right after family guy

I'm going to be missing it because of gymtime. I guess I'll check back here for a review.

Got the DVR set!

12 more minutes

haarago Got the DVR set! Upload to internet?

few more min to go

no cable

MikeTheVike1 no cable

watching it now

It's on now

at that drunk tard pissing over the guy's bed and pillow

a bit boring to watch but damn id love the experience... anyone wanna train???

I always enjoy watching people train in anything. Makes me wanna go work out the next day fired up and ready to go.

man to bad i quit martial arts in 1st grade could ahve been like these guys lol

For being ufc guys/coaches, I'm surprised at how nice and supportive they are in the training. Granted it's the first day, but I for some reason would've thought these guys to be a little more tough on these guys. Also, cauliflower ear sucks...

superbri007 that red headed fuck is a tool, i hope he's the first to go He finished the sick treadmill routine they had set up. 5mph@5mins 6mph@6mins 7mph@7mins 8mph@8mins 9mph@9mins 10mph@10mins it was something like that?

superbri007 yeah, and no one else did, so props to him for that. Maybe he's not all talk. it was 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each btw ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes.

superbri007 its easier to run 3.5 just strait-up instead of that pyramid conditioning shit they had them doing but, that was the point, to see who could do it, and who could not. are you sure it was the 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each? think about it man, i know i can do that and im hardley in ultimate fighter shape, it had to be what the first guy posted with the time intervals increasing along with the pace if it was actually hard enough where only one guy finished it.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. ................. those motherfuckers were sprinting near the end, and it was nonstop

it 5 for 5 minutes 6 for 6 minutes 7 for 7 minutes and so on not 5 minutes for each

btw the ear is cauliflower ear...comes from grappling.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. While curcuit training boxing, grappling, and muay thai... it is nothing to sneeze at.

superbri007 they had 2 treadmills goin for 16 guys. for 30 mins each, which is a total of 4 hours...that gym session was only like 3 hours +/- They also had a buncha guys quit. Only one went for 30 minutes.

That drunk asshole is probably gonna win the whole thing (middleweight), but his best compitition is the yoga guy. They are both accomplished MMA fighters. Their Muay Thai coach is a BADASS coach from the Fairtex gym. Their grappling coach is also a stud. REPLAYS are on Friday, 12:00 AM, Saturday, 7:00 PM, and Sunday, 5:00 PM.

The Ultimate Fighter

Friday, December 27, 2013

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

and i'm getting really concerned about her health. she doesnt exercise much, and spends too much time watching TV. she eats a lot of junk and snack food too. wot can i do to help? words dont seem to do much.. i can see her being obese if she carries on this way. by the way she's 5'6.

weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time.

RotorBalls weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time. Where are the parents? I commend you for caring and wanting to do something, but unless you are very close or are used to bossing her around, the parents have to do something. Like stop buying junk food and turn off the TV

my parents dont seem to be that concerned.. sometimes they'll yell at her for eating junk food and stop her.. but the next day its bak to normal. wot about exercising wise? wot is suitable for a 12 year old to do? i cud tag her along to my gym sometimes.. make her jog the treadmill or something?

If you can get her to the gym with you, then yeah have her do any kind of aerobic activities regularly. If you can pull her away from the tv for an hour a day she'll be fine. Go for bike rides with her, I was a bike riding freak growing up. You get tons of exercise and don't even realize it. I could ride for hours and hours and not even know it.

5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)...

Take a walk with her every once and a while or play a game that she likes to play. Telling her what to do and not to do wont help. You have to show her through things that she enjoys. But just get her outside and doin stuff. As for her diet, you have to get that junk food out of the house, ill assume taht your parents are overweight as well so that might be hard. But thats really gonna be the key to her bein healthy. Its great that you are concerned about her! There are to many people who just pass off obesity as being ok, especially in children, that can be devastating.

Da Hell's Oracle 5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)... She's 155, and yeah, that is pretty porky. My little sister (15) is 5'8 and about 110-115. That's pretty thin, but my girlfriend is 5'5 and 128, and would like to lose a few.

i think if she doesnt wanna exercise you'll just have to chase her around with a knife to make her run, and dont stop until she starts to sweat. After a while she'll just start running without any negative encouragement needed.

thanks for the input people. do fatter people tend to sweat more? cuz she sweats easily without even doing much work..

yes they sweat more easily

My GF is 5'6" and 113. At 155, she'd look pretty fat. My suggestion would be to try and get her interested in sports or other activities that will get her more active. Unlike boys, girls tend to not lose their "baby fat" when they hit high school. So you're right to be concerned for her now. Good luck.

Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it.

waylander Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it. and we have a wiener

she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do?

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? Wiener? Frank and beans...frank and beans.

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth.

waylander I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth. ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy.

trancezj ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy. Gog's down with the fatties? I wonder if he will be my wingman. Wiiiingmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!

being her big brother and all, i think you should just eat all the junk food in the house yourself, so she doesnt have any junk food to eat.

HOLY SHIT!!!! tell her to start respecting her body, the sooner she starts the better. and tell your parents to stop buying that shit and leaving it around the house.

This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs

don't worry she is just bulking

kingfaz This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs You have a panoramic camera? is so pics? Reguardless, this is bordering neglect/child abuse at this point. Hide the fucking little debbies! Do something, seriously.

you cant tell a 12 year old shit about dieting. basically its your parents fault for putting shit food in the house. wanna know my suggestion? accept it. shes going to get fatter and you're right, she'll eventually be obese and it'll probably be right around freshman year in HS. theres nothing you can do about it because if you nag her to get her to exercise and eat right she'll just get pissed at you. what your parents need to do is lay down some fucking guidelines and buy good food. allow 1 hour of TV per day, she chooses the hour and this must be very restricted, same should go for computer. or she can choose between computer/tv. she must limit her calories and start exercising 4 - 5 times per week. i think if your parents cared at all about hers and their own diets theyd stop buying shitty food but its obvious they dont, so theres nothing you can do but just accept it and live your own life

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Well ever since I have started my E/C stack a few weeks ago I have started to sweat pretty heavily under my I was wondering what everyone recommends for the best anti-perspirant. I currently use Degree, but it doesn't work well at all. Didn't want to post this in the main forum because of all the douchebags there and I would just get flamed more than actual advice, thanks.

Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell.

Mystery Guest Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell. this stuff smells good too

I went to Kroger the other day and saw this stuff called Mitchum...I thought I overheard somebody saying something good about it. I might go try and pick that up today.

Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me.

red zone sucks, axe stick sucks, right guard sucks, speed stick sucks, mitchum is good...

While on the discussion of anti-perspirants, I have a few questions as well. I find that I sweat quite a bit even if I'm not physically active. My right armpit sweats sometimes for no reason at all. And when I'm at work (truck unloader) I get really bad swamp ass. Is there like some kind of pill I can take that will lower my overall perspiration because it's embarassign.

I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that.

ACURA TL-S I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that. That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped.

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. had the same problem, bought some drysol from an online pharmacy for $20 and apply it weekly, problem solved

White Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks Yeah, I rotate my white t-shirts every few months. I need to get some more drysol because the cold sweating is coming back . Read more about it here: and here: Note that 1/4 of the people on that website are pussies. After you put it on just suck it up and go to sleep and it'll be fine in teh morning. Nothing works nearly as good as Drysol, trust me. Ask your Doc about it.

++ to that Certain Dri stuff. It works like Drysol; you put it on at night before bed. It works really, really well. I used to live in a swamp (Houston), had horrible armpit sweat, but Certain Dri solved everything. Plus it's only like $6 too. Should be fairly common at local pharmacies.

Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly.

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Get this spot shot stuff, dont know what its called =/ but spray it on pits before put in wash, works wonders.

axe cause the ladies love it

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Yeah that's why I never really buy white shirts...they go bad after like 4-5 months, so it's not even worth it to me. My undershirts are horrible.

i use degree but I'm a pussy girl so who cares

i have to switch every 2 months or so, otherwise i start getting irritated..

I'm gonna try drysol, I sweat like crazy all the time.

cavefish Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me. l

Ones that don't make you itch.

Soularis axe cause the ladies love it yeah they also love 8 inch diameter pit stains

bigbadben this is similar to what a friend of mine in england told me about last week. its called triple dry. im a bit nervous with the aluminum chloride in it. ive heard ppl getting cysts and stuff from it. although, it works great. i hate having sweat circles when i wear dress shirts.

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

ibsumodeadlifts I heard all they do is just eat and eat....huge bowls of noodles and small animals at every meal.

Shaolin_sword36 ibsumodeadlifts I heard all they do is just eat and eat....huge bowls of noodles and small animals at every meal. I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3

Sammo I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3 rofl who won that fight???

dmaestro rofl who won that fight??? the small guy

Sammo the small guy did the fat guy even put up a fight

dmaestro did the fat guy even put up a fight yeah, he tried the fat guy got knocked down at one point, but then was able to get ontop of the small guy but the small guy escaped

Sammo yeah, he tried the fat guy got knocked down at one point, but then was able to get ontop of the small guy but the small guy escaped man i need to see a vid of that i remember when I was in Taekwando as a kid one of my instructors went on UFC and got OWNED by some 6'8" polish guy. Think it was like UFC 5 or 6 maybe? his name was Cal Worsham or something.

dmaestro man i need to see a vid of that i remember when I was in Taekwando as a kid one of my instructors went on UFC and got OWNED by some 6'8" polish guy. Think it was like UFC 5 or 6 maybe? his name was Cal Worsham or something. wow, neat

Sammo wow, neat thats him! thats the guy who owned him omfg...this guy is a general contractor here in Sacramento, my boss does business with him all the time

Sammo I could go for a small animal right now This thread also reminds me of the fight from UFC 3 I saw that shit... white dude ran up on him a few times and finally knocked him down.. then started pummeling his fucking face in until the black guy quit

lol, back in the early 90s, nobody really knew what they were doing in the UFC. Emanuel should definitely have done some serious thinking before fighting.

I heard the newer guys who are starting to weight train more have been getting injured more. Saw it on a tv show.

eman's a dude

Do sumo wrestlers do any weight training?

I need food ideas

I need food ideas

Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna

zaphod Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna Cake, Oreos, poptarts, Milk, Beef jerkey, mashed potatos, hamburger helper, frozen crap like skillet sensations, piza, TV diners, at my grocer, they have lots of pre cooked meat there, that stuff is ok. but dude if u got a mom, get her too cook u shit Chickenfried steak steak chicken cassaroles BBQ Stick a bunch of chicken in a crock pot, and add some salsa, or BBQ! sauce, and let it cook all day Fish I could list more

peanut butter on wheat crackers or regular crackers nuts (almonds are great) fresh fruit and veggies yogurt cottage cheese oatmeal cereal whole milk v8 juice orange juice with alot of pulp EDIT: lol hell me and my friends took a shot of olive oil the other burned lol

Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy..

my personal fav: peanut butter jelly sandwich and sweet potato

zaphod Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy.. gotta eat them carbs too

breaded cheese sticks!

I need food ideas

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I know this will sound stupid but...

I know this will sound stupid but...

How do you dead lift im going to start using that base routine that christophers wrote once my Creatine and Whey come in I dont know how to dead lift though the only lifts we do at my school (or atleast that I know are) Push Press Squat Front Squat Military Press Bench Incline Bench Powerclean Hangclean Then we have alot of stuff to do curls and we have neck machines and leg press machines etc... but I dont know how to dead lift

gsteclipse97 thanks

Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 where are you from

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 If only you knew some actual shit tahts going on here instead of believing all that shit the media throws out I bet you didnt know that the Kid whos Mom started all this mess he only played football as a freshmen so he never new our head Varsity Coach he might have seen him around but he pretty much barely fucking new his name (His main sport is also baseball so this is pretty stupid) The kid is now a junior and the mom is suing our coach for 1.5 mil because of all this shit Also every other fucking school around here and around Texas is on teh juice to I can guarantee taht Grapevine, Southlake, and Denton Ryan have players on roids and we all know that northwest and other school are on roids No one has the balls to use steroids anymore at our school coach has ban anything and everything from the locker room including yogurt and now there is talk of all this random testing and parents are now having there kids tested so im pretty sure we are roid free but there are always those kids that dont give a fuck Im also just saying whats going on im not trying to although it may look as if im trying to make it seem like nothing happens over here but it does and I hate it but I ahte it even more when people say shit like that And im just saying what I know im not really pissed because this shit will happen for the rest of time so dont think that im upset or anythingwith you personaly

I can vouch for froznfyre. I lived in North Dallas about 30 mins from the really rural towns of Dallas and steroids was rampant as fuck in that part of town. No one gave a fuck about it either you could get it SOOO easy.

Everyone is so fucking rich up here that they dont know what to do with all there money all of my friends are so fucking rich I dont even know it untill I end up their house for some reason. Everyone is loaded and their parents give them as much money as they want and they end up buying drugs with it The only way you can go to CHHS without being loaded is A- Live in parts of Uless (sp) B- Bought your house many many many many years ago before the prices doubled (this is the situation im in but our house is still a shack compared to everyone else)

I'm basically in the same boat as you. I'm from frisco and in the past like 8 years all this reallllly rich people moved in. I lived in the old part of frisco in a $100,000 house while all the new people moving in were buying houses atleast 250k and up to a few million. It got even more ridiculous as you went north of frisco. Fucking estates and shit out there... Deion Sanders had over 20 acres and a got damn mansion.

you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights

jonno you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights No, but Southlake Carrol is in our district I know you know who they are Also Denton Ryan you might of heard of or seen them on TV playing Carrol We have 2 giants in our district

creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps

vokuro creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps wtf

I know this will sound stupid but...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When you have children...

When you have children...

Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right.

I will steer my children far away from what i do

5 bowls of lucky charms? Holy crap! The most cereal I could ever eat was like 3-4 bowls of fruity pebbles. Were you a big kid?

I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want

I am definately going to make my kids (if they are boys) start lifting weights in the 7th grade. My middle school and first 2 years of high school were miserable because I was always worried about being chubby. Always. They will thank me after seeing results!

nathanbx I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow.

disblohs kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow. No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it.

nathanbx No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it. that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever

disblohs that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself.

nathanbx Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself. your nonchalant "they can do whatever they want" attitude will carry over into other things. don't act like you would let them eat whatever they want because it's their life and then you would take it upon yourself to control every other aspect of their life. if you do have children, i hope they learn proper nutrition (among other things) in school because they obviously aren't going to get the guidance they need at home.

oh goodie, it's lunch time. i think i'll go have a bowl of chocolate syrup with baby ruths mixed in

I have the ultimate solution....I'm not having any.

I was thinking about this the other day, my parents (my mom really), always tried to get me to eat right, and stop eating all that candy shit, but of course me being stubborn, didnt listen to her and I turned into a fatass If I were to/when I do have children (not literally, but you catch my drift ) I will do my best to try and keep them on a straight path, and eating healthy. Introducting healthy foods early in life so they are used to them, and eat them. I'd also have my children start weight lifting when they are young (~middle school), and thats if they're boys of course. If they are girls, I still would want to keep them on a healthy nutritional path, and introduce some other exercise into their lifes. They wont become a couch potato, like I was

xpinchx Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. holy shit. sounds like your parents were fattening you up for Thanksgiving dinner I have kids. I let them eat candy and sweets. they are limited in the quantity that they are allowed to eat though. for the most part they eat healthy, and reasonable quantities of food. I've only cut my oldest off a few times, when she has gone back for more and more and more...

superbri007 I know that i'm only 21, but I'm already thinking about family, and I'm still in college. I can't wait to get out get my job, get a wife, and then have kids. Is that like, natural in our genes, to want to settle down so early? Am I weird? hahahah thats sweet. wait until you're ready though- financially and mentally/emotionally

superbri007 I'm scared to have sex with any girl here at Quinnipiac University. Yale University has parties called "Quinnipiac Party's" wear the girls wear next to nothing, and the guys wear popped up collar pink shirts so you can tell what im dealing with at school. too many hoes here

i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

nic379 i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

I'd rather borrow kids from my friends and spoil them so I can be the cool uncle, then return them at teh end of the day. they're great for pickin up hotties cause it shows you like kids, but aren't tied down by one of your own. but back on topic, if I ever have kids, and thats a BIG IF (caue I like my freedom and having disposable income) I won't be anywhere near as anal about there diet as I am about mine, but somethings, like what we decide for on dinner would be an obvious carryover from my diet to their's.

I won't be too strict on what my kids eat, overall I eat pretty well anyway, I just will make sure the junk doesn't get out of control. However, I will make sure they stay active. No sitting in front of the tv/computer all day doing nothing. If they are into sports, great, if not that's ok but they're helping me in the yard once in a while.

I make sure my daughter eats a well balanced diet. At the same time I don't deprive her of candy and junk food. Thats part of being a kid.

xpinchx I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. same here.

Fucking I'd be having them on a nazi regime. Big bowl of proddige mixed with flaxseed oil and protein powder for breakfest, school packed lunch is a salmon sandwich with 2 pieces of fruit and a bottle of water. For dinner it's either salmon or stake, drenched in olive oil, with potatoes and a side salad with fruit for desert. Snacks: Fruit, Walnuts or Water If they don't like it, THEY'RE OUT OF THE FUCKING GENE POOL

i will just make sure they get exercise and eat in moderation. Nothing too extreme unless they are getting to be real fat

I am going train my kids up to be ultimate athletes, good strength speed and agility. I am not teaching them through my mistakes, I have always been very health concious. Right now I just hope I don't have pansey kids, but when the time comes I am sure i would like them anyways. Right now whenever I think about kids, I never think about a girl. I would not know what to do.

When you have children...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

theres 2 'fighters' in the gym and they seem to alternate days of coming in so as to hassle me to the fullest. Scenario 1: me and my friend are on incline bench...after every set i finish, 'fighter' #1 proceeds to walk over and tell me some bullshit i dont care about how he switched jiu jitsu gym from the black dragon school to the gracie school. he then proceeds to bring up 4,000 different submissions he just learned and prefaces every one with 'you're a know know this one right?' and then proceed to say 'here man youre too tall, i cant do it on you...get on your knees so i can do it' then he proceeds to put me in some dumbass sleeper hold variation nearly knocking me out so i have to tap his arm...he then gets this dumbass shitfaced grin on his face and says 'har har hardy har har pretty good hold eh?' as i think 'yeah man, next time youre in a fight and the guy is over 5' 5" just ask him politely to get on his knees so you can do your flawless submission repetuoire' this goes on between every set causing a 5-7 minute break between every fucking set (Reapeat paragraph Mon-Wed-Fri) Scenario 2: 'fighter' #2 takes a break from his incline situps and throwing punches at the top of every rep to take notice of my 'undefeated wrestler' shirt and waltz on over. meanwhile my friend and i are in the middle of deadlifting. he proceeds to butt in and say 'hey....are you a wrestler' (he obviously is very perceptive and has 40/30 vision or better because it has registered with him that i wear wrestling apparel every day to the gym). he then goes on to tell me about how he trains with a wrestler who was a two time state champ in west virginia where the west virginia state tournament consists of 2 parapolegic mutes with down syndrome. thinking im enthralled to hear this, he then goes on to tell me about every single principle of brazilian jiu jitsu and how i should do it. (meanwhile nearly 5 minutes have elapsed) he then takes an abrupt change in subject matter to the tv show 'the ultimate fighter' 'have you ever seen the ultimate fighter' 'no' (a lie in a futile attempt to stifle conversation...bad idea) 'ohhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, well in that case (insert backround story, physical specs, fighting backround, and undergarmet preference of every single fighter on the ultimate fighter.....then after that he spends 5 more minutes telling me how the show was only supposed to give out 2 contracts at the finale but the fight was just so damn fucking a sweet they DUH DUH DUH gave out 3. (insert me shitting my pants out of suprise). then after that riveting 15 minute long sabbatical from lifting, he proceeds to walk back to the corner and throw some lightning fast jabs and ultra smooth kicks in the mirror (Reapeat paragraph Tues-Thu) note to self: never wear wrestling apparel again or get swamped by the 'everything we wear says "tapout" on it' crew

As an mma practitioner this UFC show has become a blessing on the one hand and the gayest thing on the other... Tons of people are showing up to train, all because of the show. They only last a month or less, they don't realize its seriously hard work. Then there are all the people who just watch the videos and pretend they can do something like it (like backyard wrestling). The exposure is good in terms of making the sport larger...but there are always bad things that come with expansion, like the douchebags you saw.

that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children.

You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. meh, local shows will be easier to set up and probably more frequent now though.

Lower devisions like IFC, GC, KOTC, SuperBrawl etc. have NO problem getting fighters. So dont expect there to be more shows just because more people want to fight, if they wanted more shows they would contract more fighters.

my friend is the NY state champion in mma or whatever

I understand that the idiots are strong now..but why even cater to them? Tell the little chump to back off, you're lifting and don't have time for him..don't feed his stupid ego trip.

Real fighters wouldnt be focusing half their week in the "gym" Most explosive moves can't be replicated with your typical gym set. I don't think this sudden burst of popularity will last very long, give it a year or so.

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg except poker isn't going anywhere

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah.

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards

jonno i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards the other day in class he enlightened me with the "reason" why he always has them on him. He told me that he shakes when he's not playing cards... like it's some kind of physical addiction.

I'm gonna guess that they just train in grappling and aren't really fighters... anyways people who preach about it incessently are gay.

buy your own equipment and lift at home, i did and it was worth it

there was always a good mix when i went 2 the Y, couldnt tell ya now cuz i work out @ my house.

Good think I work out at our school football weight room so I know everyone in there and no random people come in I can also do some lifting at my house

make sure you have plenty of weight on the bench next time he comes over and be like, "wow, i got something new i learned two, here sit down on the bench and i will show you", lift bar up, drop on his chest.

tize he would karate kick sarges face doubtful and most likely you could make sarcastic comments like "ohh is the baby going to tap out?" worst case scenario step on his foot and run.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. Yeah now I can go to my local bar/club and there will be even more lightweights to beat the shit out of on fight night!

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. work on your grip and learn to tear decks of cards in half.

Be like "Black Dragon this, motherf**ker!", and then use your index and middle fingers to gouge out his eyes.

Its pretty stupid to compare sport fighting systems to combat systems. Its like comparing stock cars and formula, they are two different things. Also its the fighter not the system who is ultimately responsible for the outcome of a fight. Anyway, yeah there are a lot more people interested in MMA now that TUF aired but I am happy for it. I'm glad that every third guy is talking about armbars and rnc's, even if they are looking at kimura's and neck cranks. Whatever, until NHB fighters start making the money they deserve, I'm all for the blatant commercialism. If it means that there will be more wannabe's walking around acting like jackasses, so be it, it better than fighting for 500 bucks and having no health insurance.

Grouch that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children. Gilroy

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

Friday, November 29, 2013

is it ok to work out when sick?

is it ok to work out when sick?

my whole family is sick with the runny nose, sore throat, congestion crap. i noticed this morning at the gym that my workout was twice as hard to do as usual and i think it's because i'm getting sick as well. i have a runny nose but that's it so far. it's ok if i still go to the gym tomorrow right? its my cardio day and i'm trying to lose weight so i really want to go but not if it's going to hurt me

i'd stay home for a couple of days and just keep your diet in check

i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it...

I actually enjoy working out when I'm sick, as it makes me feel a lot better. Make sure to drink extra water though.

XsLiCk i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it... i've heard that when you work out it lowers your immune system for a short time. is this true? if so that would just make me get even sicker.

I usually go when I'm sick, put i get nowhere close to my max numbers, and i don't do cardio.

dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains.

not a good idea as stated above

ryazbeck dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains. who are you talking to im a girl, and its a runny fever. no infection as someone else mentioned...just a runny nose.

superbri007 your a girl and you are in the "pussyfeelgood club"? as opposed to the pussyhurt crew

I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up

superbri007 I have mixed opinions. I have been lifting with bronchitis for the past month...and I wonder why I still have bronchitis So part of me says it keeps your immune system low. But when I don't lift, I feel depressed and anxious, which also lowers the immune system. so its 6 of one, or half a dozen of the other now I'm on a 5 day anti-biotic for my infection I've had some bad luck with my lifting schedules the past few months from injuries and colds Oh well, once spring comes by, no more flu season, no more being cooped up in college dorm rooms with the heat blasting and germs spreading yeah im kinda torn too. i get sad just thinking about not going to the gym tomorrow. but i don't want to get sicker either. i'm drinking OJ to boost my immune system. and i saw a commercial for these new immune system boosting i might go get some of those.

Larry Lex I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up ok. i hate this...i really want to go o well, i better rest

I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout.

timberwolf I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout. i would just walk on the treadmill for 90 mins....the most intense would be a brisk 3.6 mph walk on a incline of 7.

cbrpimp I dont so i dont get people at the gym sick that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards

superbri007 just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean its going to work get some echinacea, vitamin C + zinc lozenges, and get some low acid OJ don't hit me...o wait..slap me harder i have the lozenges and dayquil (my SO is sick so he bought it) and i've been drinking OJ.

cold - yes sick - no

nic379 that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping.

the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. I clamp 45 lb plates under my armpits while rubbing my ass crack along the bar and coughing on the bench press.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. i'm not a mean person though i wish i was...but i'm not. i even went out and bought my own antibacterial wipes so i could clean after myself. I'm kind of an ass about it though....i make sure EVERYONE that is even remotely near me sees me cleaning up after mylsef so that they might think "hey i should do that too"

Silver85327 the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick. i hate them for getting me sick...and no two wrongs dont make a right...but i dont think i will get anyone sick....i wipe after myself and i dont talk to or breath on anyone

superbri007 your one of those girls my aim screen name is the same as this name you bolded the wrong part the "my SO" part should have been

i worked out a couple times when i was sick, all it did was make me feel worse and increase the length of the cold

is it ok to work out when sick?

Monday, November 18, 2013

steam sauna or dry suana?

steam sauna or dry suana?

How many people here sit in the dry/steam sauna 10 minutes or so after your workout? I've heard that the steam sauna is good for your face, such as acne. Anythign wrong with sitting in the sauna after your workout and getting a good sweat on? thanks

no one?

i do both sometimes. they're right next to eachother. i sweat my ass off in the steam room and then chill in the dry sauna for a few minutes before i shower. it's still hot in the dry sauna, but the steam room gets me dripping in sweat within 2 minutes cuz everyone is always pouring water into the steam activator thingies lol. the dry sauna is relaxing as fuck. i wish they had a tv in there with espn, i'd just watch sportscenter every night after lifting and then head home and sleep.

you sweat alot more in a steam sauna. Its freaking great.

steam sauna or dry suana?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Controlling Apetite....

Controlling Apetite....

whats the best way you all have found to control hunger, weather it be a supplement or some other method? im dieting down for summer and finding my cravings to be insane this year for some reason and will power is barely holding out, ive tried increasing my water intake to give me the full feeling but its not really working out too well..... suggestions?

Fiber helps keep you full in my experience - fills up the stomach, but isn't digested. As for supplements, I've found ephedrine very effective at controlling cravings. YMMV of course.

shitloads of water and veggies/fiber

foods with higher satiety index. :shrug: I dunno what to tell ya...

water, physical activity. if you're doing something you won't think about eating when your body isn't really hungry like you might if you're watching tv. plus if you do decide to eat your activity will help burn the cals.

Drink lots of water, or no/low calorie liquids to fill your stomache. Then just do something to keep yourself occupied.

I got off of EC today. I'm hungry as FUUUUCK! i didn't kow it had this much of an effect on my appetite.

Oh, my body is below my setpoint I think. It sucks ass. :-|


Dont know if you have tried it yet but smaller potions spread out through out the day? Instead of eating normal portions 3 times a day try eating smaller portions 5 times a day.

pokesteve thats a good way to control cortisol I really should practice what I preach even if I dont know WTF i am talking about. You know what i have ate today? 1 6 inch subway turkey breast sandwhich. on white bread w 2 slices of cheese with letuce, tomato, bell pepers, onions, and jalepenos, 1 line of spicy mustard 1 line of light mayo. about 1 gal of water and a 20 oz pepsi. I still havent broken my morning caffine addiction I just dont feel right without it and I hate coffee. I need to get to sams and buy a bunch of tuna and boneless skinless chicken breasts BUT I dont get paid for another 11 days so I am stuck to what I have and I refuse to eat any of the garbage I have in the house right now. On the upside my maintenace is probably around 4000 cal a day and I only took in 700 ish calories on a high estimate. Thats it. IByourgoingtodie

pokesteve i know what its like being broke and trying to make progress.... tuna and whey protein are your friend, if nothing else, take a protein shake every few hours to keep your body digesting. I cant afford to buy the protein. I cant afford to do shit right now. I hate working for 6.50 a hour its so fucking gay. Im going to have to borrow money to make it to work until I get paid.


christophers well then stop dieting. arent u like 150 lb's. I've been fat for so long. I want to just see what its like being really low body fat. Just 6 more weeks of dieting. 2 of maintenance. Then a nice long 5 months of bulking.

veges, fiber, ephedrine. All pretty good results with.

take some hoodia and a glass of water. it works good

I dropped my calories relatively slowly. Im now just below 2000 per day and I have to force myself to eat even that. Right now, in fact, I am stuffed on a small cup of chilli and a chicken sandwich. If all else fails... clen

AznRyda I've been fat for so long. I want to just see what its like being really low body fat. Just 6 more weeks of dieting. 2 of maintenance. Then a nice long 5 months of bulking. 6 more weeks of dieting @ 150lbs? Please tell me you're 5'1'' or below

I just took a second job. I dont think im going to have much time to eat... First job is from 7am - 5pm second job from 5 pm - 9pm. first job weekends off second job saturday and sunday 9-5. I am going to have to get up at 5 am to work out.

nathanbx 6 more weeks of dieting @ 150lbs? Please tell me you're 5'1'' or below 5'6, 155. 15% bf (I am guessing) Body recomposition is individual. So whatever makes me happy and keeps me motivated.

Controlling Apetite....

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Can a person with no meat get muscle?

Can a person with no meat get muscle?

so i hear that fat turns into muscle.. so if im really skinny...5'6" and i only weight 118 lbs. is there a point to working out? i eat as much as i want and i cant gain any weight

-iLLuZioN_B18C1 so i hear that fat turns into muscle.. i eat as much as i want and i cant gain any weight No, you heard wrong. Fat does not turn into muscle. And 2nd, anyone can gain weight. You're just not eating as much as you think you are.

you heard wrong

put a dick in your ear and fuck what you heard

you're going to get the same response from everyone here aren't eating enough lift weights, eat, and get enough sleep, you will get bigger. and for many, me included, eating is the hardest part of that equation...

Fat does not turn into muscle. Eat more and lift hard.

this forum is going downhill. fast.

dank this forum is going downhill. fast. hardly the thread to say that in, tool.

you dont eat enough, try tracking all your foods but im sure you'll just leave this forum and not do anything anyone said and you'll stay skinny, so bye

dank this forum is going downhill. fast. weezer sucks

ryazbeck weezer sucks

noxen, mind posting some before and current pics for this guy? read the stickies, read the archives, read read read. then go out and eat eat eat (learn to count calories, excess calories = increased weight). find a basic routine (maybe try christopher's, search for "christopher's routine") and start building a base. keep eating, keep working out. decide for yourself when you want to cut (you'll get partialy fat), most people here will say cut at 230.. get informed, and decide when you yourself want to cut.

Undefined put a dick in your ear and fuck what you heard

kronik85 noxen, mind posting some before and current pics for this guy? werdna would be a better example

dank this forum is going downhill. fast. good then stay the out, never seen you in here giving all your wonderful advice in the first place

Undefined put a dick in your ear and fuck what you heard

dont eat as much as you want. eat as much as you can.

If I can gain weight anyone can gain weight. If I can put on muscle, anyone can put on muscle. You can do it. You're just not trying hard enough.

go_duke21 werdna would be a better example i've never seen werdna's... /shrug. heh, show christian bale's machinist to batman transformation...

Basically its a fact that you will gain weight if you eat in excess of your maintnance calories. So obviously your not eating over what your body burns off.

dank this forum is going downhill. fast. a half year ago i was 6" 130 lbs now i'm 160, less fat and more muscles. i am stronger, i live healthier, i look better, i don't waste my time watching TV, i educate other people, i am more self-confident, i am finally stronger than my brother again, i rule. work out, eat, sleep, eat, eat, eat, sleep, eat, work out, eat, eat, eat, sleep...easy as 1,2,3

FredBull a half year ago i was 6" 130 lbs now i'm 160, less fat and more muscles. i am stronger, i live healthier, i look better, i don't waste my time watching TV, i educate other people, i am more self-confident, i am finally stronger than my brother again, i rule. work out, eat, sleep, eat, eat, eat, sleep, eat, work out, eat, eat, eat, sleep...easy as 1,2,3 Do you not have FOX? 3 hours of King of the Hill, Simpsons, Friends, King of queens, and That 70's Show owns me

FredBull a half year ago i was 6" 130 lbs now i'm 160, less fat and more muscles. i am stronger, i live healthier, i look better, i don't waste my time watching TV, i educate other people, i am more self-confident, i am finally stronger than my brother again, i rule. work out, eat, sleep, eat, eat, eat, sleep, eat, work out, eat, eat, eat, sleep...easy as 1,2,3 i cant believe all the negative energy towards tv nowadays, its probably the best invention involving entertainment ever made. ppl who dont get to relax and chill (ie watch tv...) are the ones who flip out and shoot ppl . shit i do all that shit you named, +go 2 school + work+ chill w/ friends + watch tv and i am damn happy to get that tv time.

Socrates Do you not have FOX? 3 hours of King of the Hill, Simpsons, Friends, King of queens, and That 70's Show owns me incubimmer i cant believe all the negative energy towards tv nowadays, its probably the best invention involving entertainment ever made. ppl who dont get to relax and chill (ie watch tv...) are the ones who flip out and shoot ppl . shit i do all that shit you named, +go 2 school + work+ chill w/ friends + watch tv and i am damn happy to get that tv time. (Americans are crazy if you ask me)

I could never sit down and watch 3 hours of sitcoms or whatever you want to call them. The only thing I actually like watching is educational or inspirational stuff... Speaking of which, I was watching Bench America last night, where can you buy or download videos of powerlifting comps?

Can a person with no meat get muscle?

Monday, November 11, 2013

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

Any difference between the two, or is it just the taste?

RichSpidizzy Any difference between the two, or is it just the taste? better quality fats

no stds

i was wondering the same thing. better EFAs? i know extra virgin is thicker and tastes better.

Extra virgin olive oil is from the first cold pressing of the olives. Subsequent presses often employ heat to extract any remaining oil from the olives.

which would mean that with no heat theres more nutrients etc and it also has the most flavor and would also explain why its thicker and darker, thank you mr. henderson

BiffHenderson Extra virgin olive oil is from the first cold pressing of the olives. Subsequent presses often employ heat to extract any remaining oil from the olives. who are you, emeril's brother? reveal yourself.

No problem. I just watch a lot of the FoodNetwork. Cable>regular crappy TV shows.

sr20wop no stds

sr20wop no stds

benifits of extra virgin olive oil vs. regular olive oil?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

And you people say bulking is hard

And you people say bulking is hard

I just threw down four Mcdonalds double cheeseburgers (they're only $1 each) for dinner. Let's look at the nutrition facts for all of them: 1840 calories 100g protein 148g carbs 48g fat And thats just from one meal. Lightweights.

cavefish I just threw down four Mcdonalds double cheeseburgers (they're only $1 each) for dinner. Let's look at the nutrition facts for all of them: 1840 calories 100g protein 148g carbs 48g fat And thats just from one meal. Lightweights. :bowd own: damn im going to mcdonalds sometime this week

If I would've had a large coke or something it'd be even more. GFH NIGGAS.

dude youre like 300 pounds... bulking = hard for cats that are like 130lbs. that would be a weeks worth of fucking food for them, motehrfcucker.

i just had 2 as an after dinner snack

Mike McDermott Bulking is so easy. I love eating. .

lol i love food

Ilyusha dude youre like 300 pounds... bulking = hard for cats that are like 130lbs. that would be a weeks worth of fucking food for them, motehrfcucker. Don't hate me cuz you ain't me, son. I keep it real. Now I think I'll do some cardio and crack open a 12 pack of ice cold Budweiser.

Mike McDermott Bulking is so easy. I love eating. especially when u smoke weed every day, thats one thing the munchies come in handy for

cavefish Don't hate me cuz you ain't me, son. I keep it real. Now I think I'll do some cardio and crack open a 12 pack of ice cold Budweiser. fucking americans.

bulking? my metabolism is so slow, i would just have to eat about 3k calories and stop doing cardio, and i'm about 215lbs

Atenza6i bulking? my metabolism is so slow, i would just have to eat about 3k calories and stop doing cardio, and i'm about 215lbs .

100g of protein, holy fucking shit.

my last meal before i started cutting White Castle cheeseburger x 18 cals 2880 cals from fat 1620 fat 162g carbs 198g protein 126g

DCCapen holy jesus Chris3G, what did the WC cost ya? they're like a dollar and a few cents each... less than $25 with a drink.

had the buffet last night at the Paris buffet in Las Vegas. easily 4000+ calories in one sitting.

i just made 4 eggs scrambled, 4 strips canadian bacon, 3 slabs pemeal. bulking is fun.

yeah bulking is much easier than cutting...i used to get two double cheeseburgers and a mcchicken for many-a-dinner. plenty of cals and protein for cheap. mcd's > *

one of my good friends at the gym bulks with the all day tv dinner meals.

i may fight against the current and go back to bulking thru summer, cutting this year just doesnt seem as important.


is the fat really that low? that's pretty good

cavefish I just threw down four Mcdonalds double cheeseburgers (they're only $1 each) for dinner. Let's look at the nutrition facts for all of them: 1840 calories 100g protein 148g carbs 48g fat And thats just from one meal. Lightweights. i thought you were dieting fucker.

Actually it's 92g of fat.

you guys are fucking pigs I could probably put down 4 double cheeseburgers in a sitting and then be full for 4-5 horus

And you people say bulking is hard

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