Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When you have children...

When you have children...

Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right.

I will steer my children far away from what i do

5 bowls of lucky charms? Holy crap! The most cereal I could ever eat was like 3-4 bowls of fruity pebbles. Were you a big kid?

I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want

I am definately going to make my kids (if they are boys) start lifting weights in the 7th grade. My middle school and first 2 years of high school were miserable because I was always worried about being chubby. Always. They will thank me after seeing results!

nathanbx I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow.

disblohs kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow. No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it.

nathanbx No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it. that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever

disblohs that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself.

nathanbx Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself. your nonchalant "they can do whatever they want" attitude will carry over into other things. don't act like you would let them eat whatever they want because it's their life and then you would take it upon yourself to control every other aspect of their life. if you do have children, i hope they learn proper nutrition (among other things) in school because they obviously aren't going to get the guidance they need at home.

oh goodie, it's lunch time. i think i'll go have a bowl of chocolate syrup with baby ruths mixed in

I have the ultimate solution....I'm not having any.

I was thinking about this the other day, my parents (my mom really), always tried to get me to eat right, and stop eating all that candy shit, but of course me being stubborn, didnt listen to her and I turned into a fatass If I were to/when I do have children (not literally, but you catch my drift ) I will do my best to try and keep them on a straight path, and eating healthy. Introducting healthy foods early in life so they are used to them, and eat them. I'd also have my children start weight lifting when they are young (~middle school), and thats if they're boys of course. If they are girls, I still would want to keep them on a healthy nutritional path, and introduce some other exercise into their lifes. They wont become a couch potato, like I was

xpinchx Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. holy shit. sounds like your parents were fattening you up for Thanksgiving dinner I have kids. I let them eat candy and sweets. they are limited in the quantity that they are allowed to eat though. for the most part they eat healthy, and reasonable quantities of food. I've only cut my oldest off a few times, when she has gone back for more and more and more...

superbri007 I know that i'm only 21, but I'm already thinking about family, and I'm still in college. I can't wait to get out get my job, get a wife, and then have kids. Is that like, natural in our genes, to want to settle down so early? Am I weird? hahahah thats sweet. wait until you're ready though- financially and mentally/emotionally

superbri007 I'm scared to have sex with any girl here at Quinnipiac University. Yale University has parties called "Quinnipiac Party's" wear the girls wear next to nothing, and the guys wear popped up collar pink shirts so you can tell what im dealing with at school. too many hoes here

i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my kids...as my mom did with me.

nic379 i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my kids...as my mom did with me.

I'd rather borrow kids from my friends and spoil them so I can be the cool uncle, then return them at teh end of the day. they're great for pickin up hotties cause it shows you like kids, but aren't tied down by one of your own. but back on topic, if I ever have kids, and thats a BIG IF (caue I like my freedom and having disposable income) I won't be anywhere near as anal about there diet as I am about mine, but somethings, like what we decide for on dinner would be an obvious carryover from my diet to their's.

I won't be too strict on what my kids eat, overall I eat pretty well anyway, I just will make sure the junk doesn't get out of control. However, I will make sure they stay active. No sitting in front of the tv/computer all day doing nothing. If they are into sports, great, if not that's ok but they're helping me in the yard once in a while.

I make sure my daughter eats a well balanced diet. At the same time I don't deprive her of candy and junk food. Thats part of being a kid.

xpinchx I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. same here.

Fucking I'd be having them on a nazi regime. Big bowl of proddige mixed with flaxseed oil and protein powder for breakfest, school packed lunch is a salmon sandwich with 2 pieces of fruit and a bottle of water. For dinner it's either salmon or stake, drenched in olive oil, with potatoes and a side salad with fruit for desert. Snacks: Fruit, Walnuts or Water If they don't like it, THEY'RE OUT OF THE FUCKING GENE POOL

i will just make sure they get exercise and eat in moderation. Nothing too extreme unless they are getting to be real fat

I am going train my kids up to be ultimate athletes, good strength speed and agility. I am not teaching them through my mistakes, I have always been very health concious. Right now I just hope I don't have pansey kids, but when the time comes I am sure i would like them anyways. Right now whenever I think about kids, I never think about a girl. I would not know what to do.

When you have children...

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