Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday is telling me that yesterday I burned 3297 calories broken down as follows: Basal: 1769 Lifestyle: 1086 Activities: 442 I have "seated work, some movement" as my 9-5 job routine. Does 3297 burned sound a bit excessive? Considering I worked out for an hour and walked 20 mins to and from work, and that only burned 442??

that does sound a bit excessive

lifestyle sounds really high, odd.

ryazbeck lifestyle sounds really high, odd. yeah...not sure what's gone wrong. I sit at a desk all day and look at computer screens.

fitday is all messed up. It says that you burn 0 calories no matter how long you sleep, when in fact it's something like 50 calories an hour... their food calories are pretty accurate though

I don't understand how the fatties lose weight with fitday. It has always seemed to me that they waaaay overestimate your basal and lifestyle calories.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

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