Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Initially when starting back at the gym (after a month or 2), I would feel that really nice muscle pain. However after a week or 2 it would go away and never come back again as long as I routinely went to the gym...does this mean I am not working out hard enough? I want to feel that damn pain.

kingrukus does this mean I am not working out hard enough? No.

ok thanks

What Ceaze said :P Soreness after workouts isn't an adequate indicator that you had a good workout. As long as you're progressing- more weight, more reps, etc- you're doing fine.

if i dont workout hard enough i dont get sore, only goes for my chest, lats, quads and butt. i randomly get sore in my arms and shoulders

Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years.

no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

Mike4831 Are you taking any supplements? They can aid in loss of muscle fatigue. I really haven't felt any pain after a work out in a few years. No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday).

ryazbeck no supplements here. i think i get sore because i dont eat enough because im so poor.

kingrukus No, no suppliments other than taking Whey occasionally (which I am going to start taking everyday). Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap.

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. my kidneys *ACK* FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lylemcd I would strongly argue that DOMS is a pretty worthless indicator of muscle damage. Just too much variance there and any researcher who used something so subjective would be doing a pretty bad job of it. Resercher: So, are you sore today? Subject: Yup, my hips feel like I'm a hooker who serviced the fleet last weekend. Researcher (makes mark on clipboard): Yup, he's got that thar muscle damage. Sorry, that's crap. Lyle .

ralyks Careful, I hear that stuffs toxic to your kidney. Make sure you've done atleast a year of research before starting on that crap. Are you serious

Whey protein is dangerous unless taken in VERY small doses.

No muscle pain the next day means I am not working out hard enough?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

Just up this 50lb puppy at the post office. It turned out to a beastly thing to carry. The corners give no grip at all as pulls away like cloth, so i ended up carrying it one hand under the box and one hand over to keep its position. It was the longest 1km walk in my life... i dont think my biceps survived So I opened up the box and am greeted with a face full of chocolate powder. I guess they forgot to close the cap as the empty bottle was in one corner and the cap in the other. They gave me a crap load of choclate (to clean up after) but I only got 50g each of the other flavours. I end up mixing the entire banana bottle with just 4lb of whey. I can smell the banana but no taste at all... tastes just like plain. It mixes very well as does all instanized protein. Also, the big bags of whey were closed with a plastic tie cord thing that I just pulled off by twisting. It's a miracle I didn't get a box full whey powder in my face too. I also picked up some chocolate powder from the bottom of the box (about 50g worth) and stuffed it in my mouth because i'm an idiot like that. Tasted chocolately I don't see how it can flavour more than 1lb of whey though Costco is selling 6lb of whey for $30... wish I gone for that

Time to email them those pics and get some sort of a refund

WHere the hell did you order that from? I'm thinking you just bought that from the back of a van..

yah, I get the 5lb from costco for like $21

i really dislike that company

Ill never order from that company just based off of this thread, thats the worst packing job i have ever seen.

I'd be pissed if I got an order like that.

superbri007 that shits ghetto the owner of the company IS called doggcrap

Seriously.. Email them those pics and bitch about their shitty packing, you'll definitely get some sort of compensation.

Mistich i really dislike that company any particular reason? I think a few other people had problem with getting broken stuff with their order too, but at least they respond to email and ship fairly quick. I got my order in ten days.

Phlab Seriously.. Email them those pics and bitch about their shitty packing, you'll definitely get some sort of compensation. I've already have... no responses yet though but i'll post results as it happens

KetchupKing any particular reason? I think a few other people had problem with getting broken stuff with their order too, but at least they respond to email and ship fairly quick. I got my order in ten days. For one, Both of the BSL orders that I have recieved were very bland, and just as expensive if not more than the real BSL back in the good ole days. next, it took them 3 days to ship out both of my orders which isnt what im looking for in a good company. vettedude had ordered something on here that ended up taking 1 month to be delivered to his house, he told me the customer service was horrible....most of the time he couldnt even reach someone to talk to and when he did they pretty much just said they'd ship it out ASAP. ASAP to them was 3 weeks. i dont mean to bash the company all together, but TP < * in my book

they are the only bulk protein store that ships from Canada... they only need to beat out retail stores that sell whey 5lb at a time. (And as of this week, they're aren't even beating them on price )

damn thats nasty. i placed a huge order from them around last november and got it within 4 days, no problems at all

Mistich For one, Both of the BSL orders that I have recieved were very bland, word.

holy fucking get a refund.

KetchupKing they are the only bulk protein store that ships from Canada... they only need to beat out retail stores that sell whey 5lb at a time. (And as of this week, they're aren't even beating them on price ) doesnt SND as well?

looks tasty

dmaestro holy fucking get a refund. that just sent me an email saying they'll send me another bottle of chocolate flavouring and an extra 5lb of their whey. i guess i'm easily pleased

I emailed them twice after placing an order. No response either time. The protein tasted bland and I ended up mixing muscle milk with it.

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

having to force down breakfast?

having to force down breakfast?

I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do?

i know what you're talking about, it happens to me sometimes, not exactly sure why it is though, i usually wait a little bit and eat, but im also not bulking, if you're bulking i'd consider just forcing that shit down and toughing out the pain and you'll get used to it.

It happens to me alot I get a big glass of water, chew up my eggs and just wash it down

i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move.

happens to me every fucking day I normally just eat Oatmeal and a banana or something and force down my Creatine, glass of water, fish oil and all taht shit then I eat alot more later

i've just been making, skim milk or water, 2 scoops whey, 1/2cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter. Goes down quick and easy and that's like 600 cals.

This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down

I used to wake up fucking starving, but my appitite has been fubared for awhile.

i'm like that in the morning too....i just try to compensate by eating more later in the day

Lysine, B12, etc to promote appetite might help

Basically all my life I never ate anything untill noon-3 pm, I was just never hungry...At night I would eat constantly, everything in sight. As long as I don't eat too much at night I'm hungry in the morning

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down werd, 3 eggs max for me in the morning.

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down wow i could never put that into words until you said it. eggs are the worst thing to try and put down...but the other stuff is a lot easier.

my eggs are incredible

I think im just gonna start blending my entire breakfast into a shake and pounding it 5 minutes after I wake up. Anybody ever try to grind up toast and Vector cereal?

SickLife i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move. oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I wake up, grab the banana that I leave next to my bed and eat it.

i cant eat solid food for my first meal of the day, so i always do a shake. its not hard to crap 800-1000 calories into one, which i think is a pretty good start on the day

Ceaze my eggs are incredible my eggs are incredible edible eggs

I'm the same way, takes me awhile till I can eat... try taking a b vitamin complex... and stretching upon waking up...

jaymode I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do? im usually still full from the previous night (when bulking). i always have to wait a bit to eat and when i do its usually beef jerky and/or a protein shake for breakfast.

having to force down breakfast?

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Just want to see what everyone likes to eat while they are cutting/dieting. I want to know what's good and what's bad. I usually eat Chicken Breast and Tuna. What about Potatos? Are most fruits healthy?

Blue Bell Sugar free popsicles hehe

Just wanted to see what everyone else ate while cutting/dieting. On Sugar Hill Refer to sticky

Eggs, tuna, chicken, turkey, ground turkey, ground beef, steak, beef jerky, vegetables, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, shredded wheat, whole wheat bread, skim milk, etc...

depends on how hard I'm dieting

shastaisforwinners depends on how hard I'm dieting if i'm serious, tuna it is. if i'm not, spicy tuna rolls here i come

im technically cutting right now and im going to go eat some chicken quesadillas.

turkey sandwiches, chicken breast and rice, cereal

Egg Whites All Bran Apples Bananas Almonds (Blanched) Wasa Bread Crackers Flax Bread Chicken Breasts Carrots+Celerey Mushrooms Fat Free Yogurt Ultra Lean Chicken Breast+Turkey Breast (Deli Sandwhich Meat) Lean Steak Brown Rice Unsweetened Apple Sauce

cereal, beer


CLA as a sup.

anything, just less of it

Low fat cottage cheese, chicken, tuna, lean beef, skim milk, olive oil, egg whites, asparagus, green beans, spanish, protein powder.

i dont know but im hungry as hell right now..and i still have the taste of whey in my mouth.

egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence.

eggs whole wheat bread tuna chicken turkey corn green beans peas apples bananas oats celery carrots mrp's whey protein peanuts

D-GUy egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence. mm hot sauce. the only thing as far as "dressing" goes in my fridge that's 0,0,0,0,0 everything

I use the asian hot chilli oil which is like 5 calories for every tablespoon of the stuff. Though when I was dieting down I was using alot of oatmeal, still do though now though, guess it's force of habit.

chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want.

pop tarts

i had chick fil a on friday

nic379 chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want. Sperm?

Foods that I like, lower portions and healthier versions (lite/sugarfree/etc...) i don't push myself too hard to eat superclean or only certain things. I already eat pretty clean as it is, minus a cheat meal here or there...

egg whites like a mug. you can get low fat/carb protein powder, any lean chicken and beef, Non Fat Carb Countdown Milk (0g fat, 3g carbs, and like 14g protein per cup)

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

anyone ever give it a try? I got some sample packs today, having my first one right now after going to the gym, and going to bed in an hour... it tastes quite good with water, mixes without clumps, does have a slight aftertaste but not too bad its got quite a bit of shit in it though, was pretty surprised. 340 calories (160 from fat) 18g Fat (8g Sat Fat) 10mg Cholesterol 12g carb 2g fiber 4g sugars 32g protein (somebody help me out here, what the fuck does IU stand for when talking about vitamins) Vitamin A, C and E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vtiamin B6 and B12 Folate Biotin Pantothentic Acid Calcium (160mg) Iron (7mg) Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium (160mg) Zinc (5mg) Selenium Copper Manganese (1mg) Chromium (58mcg) Potassium (410mg) i skipped a few, those weren't important... now the rest, the more important things Multi-State Protein Blend - 32g Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Calcium and Sodium Caseinates Micellar Casein Colostrum Glutamine Peptides Taurine then:Lipid Blend ~ 18g Dairy Lipids Sunflower Oil MCT's Coconut Oil L-Carnitine Mono & Diglycerides and finally: Creatine Potentiator Blend ~ 3g Creatine Monohydrate Betaine Arginine Methionine and last, 1mg of boron. right now I've been using the Natures Best Isopure protein and creatine... this seems to mix better, and though I've not tried the chocolate isopure, the max milk doesn't taste bad at all... considering picking more of this up later... just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it. pros, cons, whatever. heres hoping its not a bad thing to have before bed... normally i'm happy with my isopure, a glass of water and a little creatine after a workout... but doesn't have any casein in it... meh. i'm ranting.

tize fake ass muscle milk while i am aware of that... i prefer eas products

tize im drinking eas choco whey right now cuz they sell it at walmart any idea what the IU stands for? the EAS RTD's I usually drink are the 17oz Mocha Latte in the AM, Cookies and Cream before lunch, and French Vanilla before Dinner (or I'll make a water/isopure/sugar free raspberry drink instead), then dinner is two chicken breasts and some brocolli, and before bed, its usually another isopure mix with some liquid vitamins (tastes like shit though, but atleast its vanilla isopure, not chocolate ) considering doing the lower carb EAS RTD's but not sure, since i'm running around on my feet all day i think that'd be bad

oh yeah, I got my case of Mocha Latte today for $25 because I ordered 3 more cases of the things for next week, so they said they'd give me a discount... wasn't that nice? (new apartment is right behind the supplement store i go to )

i know it had to do with vitamins ass I figured it was something unit... odd way to measure that... the fuck is an international unit?

tize where do you see IU in the first place i always see it on my vitamins thats all i ever see it on is vitamins... nothing else never realized it till earlier today when i was looking at things. thats why i asked int he oringal post wtf it was

EAS Max Milk ... anyone ever use this?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

So you have just woken up, and you NEED to hit the gym right now, since it closes in two hours. You havn't eaten or drank anything since waking up. Do you go to the gym on an empty stomach? or eat some fruit? or some bread? or some protein?

rye bread & raspberry jam & down 30g of liquid protein or so.

dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

ANIMALPAK VITAMINS. Thats all you need.

Get some carbs and some protein.

Ceaze dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

what are you trying to do at the gym? heavy lifting, cardio(for how long), or yoga(empty stomach for sure),.. depends what you are gonna do.

devilangel if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

tize go back to your myspace forums, did acura give you this address??? im a legit member here. and myspace forum sucks my ass!

tize <3 you mackin on me? hahhaha

prolly a weight gain shake 600 calories + 52 g protien + 15 ounces of water= win

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

I've heard mixed things about it. I'm about to make my first order on 1fast400 and I don't know which flavor to get. I've heard that Vanilla is nasty shit and regular Chocolate is the way to go. Just wondering if the C&C tastes absolutely rancid or something.

its grosss, i'd stick with chocolate if you want ON

Mistich its grosss, i'd stick with chocolate if you want ON Are there any other brands/flavors worth mentioning? I'd like to keep it kinda cheap.

On Sugar Hill I like the cookies and cream. That's what I'm taking right now. What exactly does the taste resemble? Like, chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk? Sandwich cookies with cream in the middle?

xpinchx What exactly does the taste resemble? Like, chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk? Sandwich cookies with cream in the middle? I hear it resembles feces.

ON is your best bet for price since BSL bit the dust...ive heard most people liking vanilla and strawberry too from ON. i recently got hooked on syntrax nectar, its more expensive though, mucle milk is good too.

It's ok not worth going out and buying though

I'll just go with chocolate I guess. It should taste good mixed in with peanut butter, bananas, and milk.

On Sugar Hill Kinda reminds me of an oreo. So it does have chocolate flavor in it?

its freakin nasty tasting and the consistency is way too lumpy. you'd be better off with chocolate, it mixes the best

Crunge its freakin nasty tasting and the consistency is way too lumpy. you'd be better off with chocolate, it mixes the best You had the old one; the new one is GREATLY improved, best mixing as well.

I just ordered some Chocolate Mint from Hope it's good... I got 10lbs of it :-p

Strawberry ON gave me horrible stomach sticking with chocolate

If you are mixing with other fruits in a blender, go with strawberry.

I am taking it right now and it's not bad at all, I do belive it mixes better than the chocolate one.

ON tastes like watered down <insert flavor>... The only Protein powder I've tried and liked is Muscle Milk with Myoplex being second. I just got a tub from True protein and it tastes like ON, based on flavor alone there is nothing special about it & its the same price if not more expensive than ON.

I wouldn't call Muscle Milk protein powder

the original ON cookies and creme was rancid. However, I guess they figured it out and reformulated it, from what I hear it actually tastes pretty decent now.

i like the chocolate and mint chocolate (tastes like chocolate mint chip ice cream) However, I never tried the other flavors of ON since I started with these and like them a lot.

Dude....cookies and cream is by FAR the worst flavor ON has to offer Chocolate > Vanilla > *

I'm on strawberry right now. Goes well with milk..but sucks with water

I guess I'll just stick with chocolate.

does anyone else here absolutely hate protein shakes? ON is definitely better tasting than nitro tech, but still sometimes when chugging it, when i feel a chunk on my tongue i gag and throw up in my mouth. btw, i do 12oz water + 2 scoops ON, shake in nalgene, and chug.

try Their stuff is top-notch and the chocolate is great

It's ok... a little sour. Chocolate is good. Cytogainer > *

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

ok. ive been lifting steadily for 1 year now. i am 5'9 and weigh 180 lbs. my stomach is some what flat, i have a good amount of muscle considering the time ive been lifting. incorporated cardio in my regiment and im doing good so far. my question i getting enough caloric intake? id estimate according to fitday that my caloric intake is around 2100 calories. ive tried to keep all the proportions correct, protein to fat to carbs. my daily protein intake is 296 grams., fat 50 grams, carbs 139 grams. all that comes to 2099 calories roughly. i feel like im not eating enough? i want to gain my muscle mass but would like to keep it lean. do i need to eat more and where do i need more of? im not getting any bigger or thicker. and my gains are slowing down. any suggestions? im open to anything. my routine involves heavy weights, 4 times a week with 3 days of cardio. 1 day of high intensity, 1 day low intensity and another day just to mess around on the punching bag or outdoors like biking on a weekend. keep in mind that my caloric intake on the weekends is much greater given that igo out and drink and party.


I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from?

Gutrat I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from? i used fitday and inputed all the RDA amounts into the tables. i get all my protein from chicken breasts, protein shakes and cottage cheese. im pulling this straight from the table. im a male. my only problem is if i were to eat more what do i eat more of without getting really fat?

what to eat more of? food. Doesnt matter what for the most part. You arent going to get really fat. Hell you arent going to get *somewhat* fat in a day. Eat more, assess your gains, cut as you feel is neccessary but dont be a pussy if you see a little bit of pudge.

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

GNC Super Whey...

GNC Super Whey...

Is it any good? I am currently taking it. Its some blue berry flavor. It really tastes good. I just take it an hour after working out. It says I should be getting about 40g of protein. Should I take more throughout the day? Thanks for any info.

How much does it cost?

Draco How much does it cost? like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs "Mega WheyT combines 40 grams of whey protein per serving with 5 grams of glutamine and 3 grams of branched chain amino acids BCAA. "

deznutz thanks for the input...

i picked some of it last month when GNC was having a big sale... I take it about an hour before my lift and about 30 minutes after... i got the multi berry flavor, or whatever... it was 26 bucks for the 5 pound jug... pretty much the only reason why i got it... i hate GNC

and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight

MaineSucks and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight i weigh about 180-185 lbs

illustrious like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs " Bleh, way to much $.

Draco Bleh, way to much $. so whats a better alternative?

illustrious so whats a better alternative? optimum nutrition

aenz optimum nutrition dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error

best times to take are in the morning, since your body is depleted, and after your workout. if the protein is an isolate it will release throughout the day and you can take your whole server in the morning, then one after your workout. if it isnt an isolate you might want to take the servings in a broken up manner. i think the average person can make use of about 25g of protein per hour.

MaineSucks dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error does the pro lab's advanced whey mix well? this mega whey mixes so well with water, i dont have to add anything at all.

GNC Super Whey...



Just ordered some as a back-up for some serious cutting (thank you Ceaze for teh help)..I'm anxious for it to get here, should be interesting! Day 3 of protein and veggies..I feel surprisingly good!

appetite suppresant

Where did you get it from? Im reading Lyle's crash diet and Ill be starting it Monday. Im gonna need something to kill my hunger. Ive looked at bulk's website and it seems to be getting bad reviews.

bulk nutrition sells it

Ceaze bulk nutrition sells it Bulk's has some pretty bad reviews.

Bromocriptine works better than anything OTC anyway

superbri007 wtf is hoodia? an extract from a south african cactus

People either love it or hate, there is no inbetween. We would offer it caps, but start to cause patent issues if we do that

tize wtf is this guy thats mike, owner of 1fast400

tize i dont believe tis true

It is true.

tize wtf is this guy tize, will you fucking think before you type? shit...

What kind did you get? There is quite a lot of hoodia that's going around that's not what is considered the proper "type."


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

I picked up a bottle of siberian ginseng and some product called revxp(came attached to my protein container), took them before my workout today, and felt like the energizer bunny. I love this stuff. The ginseng is pretty straight forward, but I was wondering if anybody knew of what the revxp is made of and what exactly it does. RevXP: Per serving (3 capsules):Green Tea Extract: 900mg Yerba Mate Extract: 600mg Coleus Forskolii Extract: 360mg "6-pack" (prorietary blend): 350mg - Dandelion leaf and root - Synephrine - Octopamine - 4-Hydroxyisoleucine - Amentoflavone - Piper Nigrum

Someone must know something... Bump

ralyks I picked up a bottle of siberian ginseng and some product called revxp(came attached to my protein container), took them before my workout today, and felt like the energizer bunny. I love this stuff. The ginseng is pretty straight forward, but I was wondering if anybody knew of what the revxp is made of and what exactly it does. RevXP: Per serving (3 capsules):Green Tea Extract: 900mg Yerba Mate Extract: 600mg Coleus Forskolii Extract: 360mg "6-pack" (prorietary blend): 350mg - Dandelion leaf and root - Synephrine - Octopamine - 4-Hydroxyisoleucine - Amentoflavone - Piper Nigrum The dandelion leaf and root is a diuretic I believe. Forskolin is often added to thermos, It supposedly releases cAMP, to boost fat burning rate. Yerba Mate is a caffeine source though I'm not sure.

my understanding is that it has caffeine, theobromine and forskolin in it, but I'm not sure what else. Nor do i know what exactly the ingredients do... it appears that this stuff is marketed the same way other "fast weight loss formula"s are. edit: beaten by the all mighty hotness himself, Timber edit again: my "knowledge" is worthless

Would it be likely that it was the revxp or ginseng that kept me going yesterday? Has anyone heard of the ingredients in revxp being bad for you when taken over a period of time?

ralyks Would it be likely that it was the revxp or ginseng that kept me going yesterday? Has anyone heard of the ingredients in revxp being bad for you when taken over a period of time? I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing there really more potent than ECA stacks.

Ginseng and Green Tea Extract

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

100% Whey OR Whey protein shake i'm gonna just be carrying a few water bottles filled with this stuff and drinking it throughout the day. do they taste like shit or does it gorw on you eventually?

after a while it just becomes routine

so which one do you suggest?

and you should be taking these shakes while bulking and cutting, right?

go with the ON 100% whey. And yes take them while bulking and cutting.

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

I have to take a massive shit 20-30 mintues afterwards and its explosive

yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker.

ryazbeck yeah boyeeee and gas like a mother fucker. yeh wtf is taht supposed to happen

you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes

taqman15 you aren't lactose intolerant are you? I am and have to take lactaid. Either that or you need to get used to the shakes I know my dad is and I noticed I am a little extra sensitive to some dairy products maybe this just kills me I will take some lactaid next time

Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning

i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference

Opi i did alot a year ago when i started using it, anymore it doesnt make a difference

FrozynFyre Cause my ass was pretty much bleeding this morning pics

FrozynFyre haha, how long have you been using whey?

Opi haha, how long have you been using whey? 2 days

FrozynFyre 2 days haha, just keep at it, Its helped me a lot, you just gotta get past the first few weeks of excessive poo and gas

i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose i use water...and no longer have bad shits

deznutz i used to have bad shits too, and found out i was lactose i use water...and no longer have bad shits Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to

I wouldnt have thought I was lactose till I had the shakes

Im going to go try one with water

FrozynFyre Its not like ive never had milk before mayeb I should start using water to it never gave me problems before......just happened when i found out the nice protein level and vitamins in milk and would drink a lot of it ....protein shakes and casually drink it

it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water

FrozynFyre it mixed 100 times better tastes pretty much the same and it seems better with water it def. tastes better with does mix better with cold water....but it tastes like crap with water, but ive gotten used to it

Mine doesnt taste bad at all

FrozynFyre Mine doesnt taste bad at all ok it doesnt taste "bad" but compared to my milk shakes it does

my dad told me he drinks soy milk and that I can use it whenever I want It will probaly taste better than water

Looks like the water did the trick I will try the soy milk tonight

being lactose is teh lose

I actually stoped using milk because it was bad for my skin, I have real annoying bacne and the milk wasnt helping any

Whenever I take whey protein shakes

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

CEE questions...

CEE questions...

I searched but did not find the answers I was looking for. -Should I take CEE on my off days? -Should I take CEE with water, or with a carb source like OJ? (I don't mind the taste in water). -Should I take it before or after my workout? I am favoring taking it before because it helps with endurance and strength, and those things are key during a workout, not after.

yes, either i believe is fine, i prefer before, some split it before and after

Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before

Jeff Coleman Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before dont you take mono on both on and off days, so what changed?

ive never heard that you take creatine monohydrate on top of it

The main benefit of CEE over Mono is it's solubility in liquids, and thus easier assimilation into the blood and muscles... less of it sits in your gut causing cramps... Also i reccomend you all to check out the article on Which shatters alot of rumors about creatine...

To answer your questions though: 1) yes 2) doesn't really matter too much (Carbs will cause an insulin response in the blood which will increase absorption, however you can do up a PWO shake with protein and carbs which will work the best) 3) 1 hour before and within 1hour afterwards also you can do a dose in the morning as well... 3 grams should be sufficient in each dose... On off days one maintenance dose of 5 grams in the morning. (this is what I do based on trial and error)

Thank you everyone.

it tastes like shit as well.

CEE questions...

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Is all natural a thing of the past?

It seems like so many people are using stuff now days. I never took anything, not even creatine. I dunno, I guess Id rather get there without using anything ya know? Im sure there are a ton of people out there who DONT use anything, it just seems like most are, ya know?

a lot of people are all natural, a lot of people juice.... either way their results are more directly correlated with their motivation and knowledge so i dont see what the big deal is

im guessing youve never used protein either and you weigh 140

Actually im 6', 220. all natural.

i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural?

Widowmaker Actually im 6', 220. all natural. % body fat?

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? you also eat food with creatine in it

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? well your body produces creatine, and testosterone, just not in the same levels as you get from supplements.

protein is something you need to build muscle, regardless if it is "natural' in your any pics?

Honestly never check it. I can post my pic if youd like. My maxes are... Bench:260 ( i suck at bench) Squat: 450 Dead: 505

out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there.

infinite loop out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there. Then you still are natural

Best pic I got...

Video of 500 deadlift?

And please dont think Im knocking people who do use them or anything cuz im not.

I don't consider creatine/protein as "not natural". roids i would consider cheating.

Hip Hippo Video of 500 deadlift? This is just like racing huh, no timeslip, no care. Sorry no vids, I THINK i have one of 405 somewhere lol. But that's a far cry. I dont expect yall to believe me.

If it doesn't change hormonal levels to unhuman levels then it is natural to me and on that note, I am all natural.

Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements.

guestDJ Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements. he probably eats more than you

jonno he probably eats more than you not really. I was illustrating how some people may need more intake depending on their metabolism mainly. I need to eat 3 bigmacs while my bro needs only one type of deal.

to each their own speaking of car racing is nos cheating? what about slicks? or what about stripping the car, or what about... you get the point to each their own, I take protein now, might take creatine in a couple of month

Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass.

personally, its natural if I can get it in my diet, , ie protein, creatine, etc. I'm pretty sure I can't get steriods or prohormones from my diet

Mass Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass. exactly

Is all natural a thing of the past?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense..

Ilyusha I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense.. how much cardio are you doing?

ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real

gsteclipse97 how much cardio are you doing? 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it..

PurEvl ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do?

Ilyusha 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it.. i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year

Ilyusha I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do? i would suggest lowering your cals. but thats just my opinion

gsteclipse97 i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks.

lower callories more

vettedude lower callories more That's gonna suck.

Ilyusha Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks. i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly.

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. indeed

gsteclipse97 i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly. Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening..

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results

Ilyusha Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening.. you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way.

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day..

gsteclipse97 you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way. I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight..

Ilyusha I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight.. i rarely do cardio...

vettedude how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day.. i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks

i am just recommending what i am doing because from seeing you it seems like you have a little more muscle mass than me but similar amount of fat and body type

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started...

vettedude I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started... so was i, i was at least 30%

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I'm ~235 right now, closer to 230. I'll keep going with the diet and try to add in more cardio and see if that helps.

once you get going if you have to cheat once i a while ok, but i would try very hard to not for the first 2-4 weeks so that your body can adjust

Lower calories. or Increase cardio. And what exactly are you eating? Are you keeping a food log or are you just guessing?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Just got my protein

Just got my protein

I went to the mall to get some myoplex whey protein and I found it on sale. I bought the chocolate. Went and worked out...then came home and had a shake :yummy: I love working out now and I can't wait till I start losing some significant pounds.

Just got my protein

Just got my protein

Cyclic diet question...

Cyclic diet question...

Is a cyclic diet pointless if you're not going to do "depletion" workouts and all that shit? My fat losss is stalling out so I need to change something up, but I'm happy with my lifting routine (more/less westside) as it is and would rather not fuck with it. From what I understand the whole goal of the cyclic diets is to amplify positive hormonal responses to food... so that even though you may be in a glycogen depleted, caloric deficit most of the time, the relatively brief windows when you are in a replenished, caloric surplus is sufficient to product the hormonal responses necessary to keep your metabolism chugging along... or am I missing the concept completely? Why can't you just manipulate the system through calorie intake and macro ratios? Why all the special workouts and shit? Is it oversimplifying it to just do a repetitive cycle of 2-3 no/low carb days followed by a high carb day? Any links to good cyclic plans that don't require special workouts? I've read a lot of stuff at since that seems to be the defacto reference for fat loss around here, but it seems most of the people there are doing the depletion workouts and cardio schedules.

Right...but what is the percieved positive benefit of the changes that make up the cycle, be it changing macros, total calories, whatever? I thought it was becuase the cyclic nature of it helped avoid the metabolism slump caused by extended periods of caloric deficit. Is that wrong?

Hmm... shit. Thanks for your help.

the positive benefit as i understand it from cycling is to avoid homeostasis (the survival mechanism). basically the body gets used to the changes and down-regulates any over-expressed enzymes it doesn't need. anytime that enzymes are downregulated due to a perceived surplus, your body is going to be in a catabolic state. that's the point of both carb and protein cycling - in carb cycling, your body figures out either that it's not getting carbs and stops producing so much amylase and in protein cycling, the body stops producing so much protease. if you keep eating a lot of carbs or protein when there are less enzymes to process the substrate, it just takes longer to process (which the body sees as an energy savings). if you vary your amounts of carbs and protein, the body never gets to set a point of energy savings since it cannot predict how much will come at once.

the depletion workouts are simply to lower glycogen levels (and keep them low) since that will be burned before any stored fat and the UD2 is for athletes looking to lose weight (and maybe add lbm) you need stored glycogen to be low to get the glucagon response and insulin is mutually exclusive so if there is sugar, you cannot activate the enzymes to burn fat

this is the point of bulking or cutting, because the success of one is the failure of the other due to the hormonal responses and enzymes involved

Cyclic diet question...

A slow absorbing protein blend?

A slow absorbing protein blend?

I read a good suggestion somewhere and I can't for the life of me find it. Something like this: ? With a 60:40 blend? ? Like this? Or just drinking whey with milk to have it absorb slower? Any recommendations?

whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth

SpeedyGST whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker.

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. get a hand blender (motor boat as emeril calls it) so much easiar to clean Wonder if this can chop ice.

If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein.

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. bingo

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. Yeah. The ones I linked are casein based. I was just wondering what the optimal mix was and/or if there was anything I could do with normal whey protein to make it absorb slower so I could save money.

if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing

y0gfx if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing and heavenly

casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien.

devilangel casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien. milk + whey changes absorbtion rate. thats why I mentioned it.

you can pretty much take any protien as long as you somehow slow down the absorbtion in any way, for example, you can take any whey with any fiber rich food (oat meal, whole wheat, sweet potatoes, etc), then its all good..

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it?

Undefined cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it? Sure is. but sometimes I like eating real food.

I just use milk protein isolate. Its like 60% casein / 40% whey. They claim each portion digests independently, so you get the quick spike from the whey, and the prolonged release from the casein. I got it from TrueProtein, like $6/lb... which is a bit cheaper than either of the sources you posted...

i have milk protein isolate from allthewhey

tastes like ass, though. i may go back to whey + milk

A slow absorbing protein blend?

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