Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nolva Question....

Nolva Question....

My nolva caps are 50 MGS each, I should be taking 40 mgs first week, then 20mgs for 4 weeks after that..... Is 50mgs too much for all 5 weeks? Any negative side effects?

they are caps and not tabs right? no chance of split a cap?


TheChosen My nolva caps are 50 MGS each, I should be taking 40 mgs first week, then 20mgs for 4 weeks after that..... Is 50mgs too much for all 5 weeks? Any negative side effects? Do they not give you instructions on the bottle they came in? If they're 50mg capsules, I would think you're supposed to take 50mg each time. I don't see why you would want to take the capsules apart anyways.

Peal they are caps and not tabs right? no chance of split a cap? I wish they were tabs, they are caps, if i split, shits gonna go all over

50 mgs will be fine. I know some people after a cycle will do 60mg-40-20, or even 80-60-40-20.

where do you buy novla? need a prescription? or I prefer CNW because they actually give you a measuring thingy, ibe gives you a dropper, which is a pain in the ass. Spend the extra money

I just ordered some Rebound XT ... I'll see how this stuff works out, good reviews on anabolic though

Nolva Question....

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