Showing posts with label banana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label banana. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Need Help

Need Help

I just ran 2.4k and my muscles really hurt/sore what should i do?

Cramping sore or sore sore?

Hip Hippo Cramping sore or sore sore? Cramping

Try stretching your muscles. If it's really bad put some ice or heat on it.

Hip Hippo Try stretching your muscles. If it's really bad put some ice or heat on it. Thank you.

a banana

Need Help

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

Just up this 50lb puppy at the post office. It turned out to a beastly thing to carry. The corners give no grip at all as pulls away like cloth, so i ended up carrying it one hand under the box and one hand over to keep its position. It was the longest 1km walk in my life... i dont think my biceps survived So I opened up the box and am greeted with a face full of chocolate powder. I guess they forgot to close the cap as the empty bottle was in one corner and the cap in the other. They gave me a crap load of choclate (to clean up after) but I only got 50g each of the other flavours. I end up mixing the entire banana bottle with just 4lb of whey. I can smell the banana but no taste at all... tastes just like plain. It mixes very well as does all instanized protein. Also, the big bags of whey were closed with a plastic tie cord thing that I just pulled off by twisting. It's a miracle I didn't get a box full whey powder in my face too. I also picked up some chocolate powder from the bottom of the box (about 50g worth) and stuffed it in my mouth because i'm an idiot like that. Tasted chocolately I don't see how it can flavour more than 1lb of whey though Costco is selling 6lb of whey for $30... wish I gone for that

Time to email them those pics and get some sort of a refund

WHere the hell did you order that from? I'm thinking you just bought that from the back of a van..

yah, I get the 5lb from costco for like $21

i really dislike that company

Ill never order from that company just based off of this thread, thats the worst packing job i have ever seen.

I'd be pissed if I got an order like that.

superbri007 that shits ghetto the owner of the company IS called doggcrap

Seriously.. Email them those pics and bitch about their shitty packing, you'll definitely get some sort of compensation.

Mistich i really dislike that company any particular reason? I think a few other people had problem with getting broken stuff with their order too, but at least they respond to email and ship fairly quick. I got my order in ten days.

Phlab Seriously.. Email them those pics and bitch about their shitty packing, you'll definitely get some sort of compensation. I've already have... no responses yet though but i'll post results as it happens

KetchupKing any particular reason? I think a few other people had problem with getting broken stuff with their order too, but at least they respond to email and ship fairly quick. I got my order in ten days. For one, Both of the BSL orders that I have recieved were very bland, and just as expensive if not more than the real BSL back in the good ole days. next, it took them 3 days to ship out both of my orders which isnt what im looking for in a good company. vettedude had ordered something on here that ended up taking 1 month to be delivered to his house, he told me the customer service was horrible....most of the time he couldnt even reach someone to talk to and when he did they pretty much just said they'd ship it out ASAP. ASAP to them was 3 weeks. i dont mean to bash the company all together, but TP < * in my book

they are the only bulk protein store that ships from Canada... they only need to beat out retail stores that sell whey 5lb at a time. (And as of this week, they're aren't even beating them on price )

damn thats nasty. i placed a huge order from them around last november and got it within 4 days, no problems at all

Mistich For one, Both of the BSL orders that I have recieved were very bland, word.

holy fucking get a refund.

KetchupKing they are the only bulk protein store that ships from Canada... they only need to beat out retail stores that sell whey 5lb at a time. (And as of this week, they're aren't even beating them on price ) doesnt SND as well?

looks tasty

dmaestro holy fucking get a refund. that just sent me an email saying they'll send me another bottle of chocolate flavouring and an extra 5lb of their whey. i guess i'm easily pleased

I emailed them twice after placing an order. No response either time. The protein tasted bland and I ended up mixing muscle milk with it.

Just picked up my True Protein order v. mini review

having to force down breakfast?

having to force down breakfast?

I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do?

i know what you're talking about, it happens to me sometimes, not exactly sure why it is though, i usually wait a little bit and eat, but im also not bulking, if you're bulking i'd consider just forcing that shit down and toughing out the pain and you'll get used to it.

It happens to me alot I get a big glass of water, chew up my eggs and just wash it down

i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move.

happens to me every fucking day I normally just eat Oatmeal and a banana or something and force down my Creatine, glass of water, fish oil and all taht shit then I eat alot more later

i've just been making, skim milk or water, 2 scoops whey, 1/2cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter. Goes down quick and easy and that's like 600 cals.

This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down

I used to wake up fucking starving, but my appitite has been fubared for awhile.

i'm like that in the morning too....i just try to compensate by eating more later in the day

Lysine, B12, etc to promote appetite might help

Basically all my life I never ate anything untill noon-3 pm, I was just never hungry...At night I would eat constantly, everything in sight. As long as I don't eat too much at night I'm hungry in the morning

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down werd, 3 eggs max for me in the morning.

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down wow i could never put that into words until you said it. eggs are the worst thing to try and put down...but the other stuff is a lot easier.

my eggs are incredible

I think im just gonna start blending my entire breakfast into a shake and pounding it 5 minutes after I wake up. Anybody ever try to grind up toast and Vector cereal?

SickLife i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move. oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I wake up, grab the banana that I leave next to my bed and eat it.

i cant eat solid food for my first meal of the day, so i always do a shake. its not hard to crap 800-1000 calories into one, which i think is a pretty good start on the day

Ceaze my eggs are incredible my eggs are incredible edible eggs

I'm the same way, takes me awhile till I can eat... try taking a b vitamin complex... and stretching upon waking up...

jaymode I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do? im usually still full from the previous night (when bulking). i always have to wait a bit to eat and when i do its usually beef jerky and/or a protein shake for breakfast.

having to force down breakfast?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Starting to need belts on all my pants. All i do is go to the gym about 2 or 3 times a week ( on a good week ) and only have 1 or 2 meals a day and lots of water. Yea, i know thats not the best method, but it works and i'll take it.

Why only one or two meals a day??

Same here actually .. yesterday was the first day I actually noticed it. Got a few pairs of 32's I'd love to fit back into and at this rate it'll happen by next week

good stuff...keep it up if its working

Elfling Why only one or two meals a day?? No time or mone.y

congrats to ya

Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight.

N.A Honda Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight. I'm loathing the new wardrobe i'll have to spend money on, tho it will be nice to not actually HUNT for nice looking clothes. Im currently at the size thats not quite normal, and not quite big & tall.

Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way

KetchupKing Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way I need to lose fat first. Im doing that through weights.

Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better.

xpinchx Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better. i try. I need to get back on my oatmeal/banana/cottage cheese/tuna routine.

who read "parents aren't fighting anymore?"

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What do you eat yogurt with?

What do you eat yogurt with?

I eat it with granola or granola cereals. quite tasty.... but I don't want to get tired of it. so what else can i eat it with (besides protein powder)?

Fruit, Bananas are awesome.

A spoon.

Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good.

MikeMurder Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good. Bananas > cranberries


Ilyusha A spoon. I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries?

y0gfx I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries? Where in SF do you live?

more yogurt

Ilyusha Where in SF do you live? od->rd conversion in progress

...and do you guys think you're badasses or something saying to eat it plain?

MikeMurder od->rd conversion in progress Fuck yeah.

I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus.

it tastes fine all by itself

what kinda yogurt you are eating, that is the question.. blueberries are great, i used to spread the yogurt on my wheat bread... yum!

plain or with cottage cheese

with my tuna

cottage cheese + yogurt = teh win


dump oats in there.

Ilyusha A spoon. Damn, I was gonna say the same thing. I usually just eat a big ole thing of vanilla yogurt.

Mike McDermott plain yogurt = crap by itself sugary yogurt = good by itself Yeah, I guess I should mention that I eat plain yogurt (which isn't horrible by itself, but can use some help.) BTW, I'm eating it with bananas right now. It's so-so. It needs too much banana to drowned out the taste of plain yogurt, though.

y0gfx I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus. I tried answering your PM but your PM inbox is full.

a spoon

On my cheatdays I'll make a parfait. Granola, honey, strawberries, and blue berries or mangos. If I'm eating clean then I'll add a scoop of whey protein.

What do you eat yogurt with?

Monday, January 20, 2014

What have you consumed today?

What have you consumed today?

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon. snack: scoop of vanilla ON whey and water with half a cup of organic milk lunch: 2 slices of flax bread with natural peanut butter, small spinach salad with crab meat snack: half scoop of vanilla ON whey and half a scoop of RPC and water with half a cup of organic milk dinner: grilled rosemary garlic marinated trout filets, red beans and rice. Water: 48 oz so far how about everyone else?

christophers 4 person boston market meal a beer a bag of m&m's a big skittles a bag of peanut butter m&m's a slurpee a cheesecake i want your diet.

the fatted calf and a pitcher of wine

Salad with turkey and hard boiled eggs at Saladworks, wheat roll. 2 slices dried pineapple. 1 panda licorice bar. 1 sugar-free fudge bar. 3 low-carb pitas with apple butter. 1 apple. I'm slacking

breakfast: 6 egg whites w/ pepper, 2 pieces of toast, cup of brown rice with 3/4 cup of mixed veges lunch: 2 cups brocolli, 3/4 cup oatmeal, 7.5-8oz chicken, natty pb&j sandwich, handfull mixed nuts, handfull golden raisins pre work food: casein protein shake(40g protein), 3/4 cup oats w/ 1 cup fat free plain yogurt and nutrasweet @ work: protein bar(20g) and 2 big ass pieces of birthday cake(boss's b-day) diner: cup of brown rice, 7oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups of brocolli, 3/4 cup of mixed veges all mixed together with some hot sauce, handful of nuts probably going to eat something else before bed. God I love not being on a diet. edit: mom just called and is bringing me home a 4 meat pizza.

According to fit day, not even close to enough Banana, raw 217 1 55 2 Pro Rated Whey Protein: Alpine Vanilla 120 2 4 22 Orange, raw 57 0 14 1 Oats, raw 233 4 41 10 Orange juice, NFS 113 0 27 2 Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened 30 0 8 0 Yogurt, plain, NS as to type of milk 78 2 9 6 Milk, cow's, fluid, 1% fat 306 8 35 33 Chicken, thigh, with or without bone, NS as to cooking method, NS as to skin eaten 347 22 0 35 Rice A Roni: Chicken 180 1 38 5 Corn, raw 66 1 15 2 ARCHWAY Home Style Cookies, Iced Oatmeal 123 5 18 1 Corn dog (frankfurter or hot dog with cornbread coating) 273 18 20 9 Steel Cut Oats 300 4 52 8 Margarine, stick, unsalted 77 9 0 0 Roll, white, soft 103 2 18 3 Totals 2623 77 354 141

8 oz milk + whey + oats eggs + turkey + rice thai bbq chicken + rice another shake

pizza, carrots,corn, turkey, omelet, sausage patties, salad, taco bell bean burritos, ice cream, cake, and some protein

6 wheat bix , just woke up

Peal 6 wheat bix , just woke up what is a wheat bix?

Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Berries, raw, NFS 45 1 11 1 granola cereal 190 3 44 5 Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, lowfat milk 209 3 34 12 Peanuts, roasted, salted 74 6 2 3 Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Tuna, canned, water pack 132 1 0 29 Salad dressing, KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIGHT Dressing 49 4 3 0 Pickle relish, hot dog 14 0 4 0 Bread, whole wheat, 100% 138 2 26 5 Cheese, Swiss 213 16 2 16 Chicken, breast, with or without bone, broiled, skin not eaten 275 6 0 52 Broccoli, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 43 1 8 5 Carrots, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 70 0 16 2 Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 216 2 45 5 Sherbet, all flavors 133 2 29 1 Totals 2060 62 230 157

egg sandwich bagel 3 donuts turkey club can of tuna 2 beefaronis 1 met rx protein bar i worked ~10 hours today so it wasnt all that bad of diet considering

polish hot dog on bun diet pepsi teaspoon of CEE pepper beef on rice and some chow mein some ice cream cottage cheese orange been slacking off today

an ice cube

SpeedyGST what is a wheat bix?

bowl of fruit 2 MRP shakes bag of beef jerky 6" steak/bbq sandwich bag of doritos 100oz water chicken breast baked potato

SteveO an ice cube fattie

3 slices of mixed grain bread 2 Slices of Mozzeralla 2 eggs 2 egg whites Protein Shake 1/2 a Cup of almonds Couple of Fish Oil capsules

wtf iCe and Chutups, that seems like it would be a inbetween meal snack.

my diet DUDE Meal DP Blizzard w/ butterfuinger and reeses Wendies DBL cheaseburger meal Junir Bacon Cheseburger Lots of cookies more DP

for april 24th 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs about 15-18 beers a few jellow shots a few strips of beef jerkey a few bites of a turkey sandwich 1/2 lb of shredded brisket, 6 slices of bread, 1/2 cup of potato salad 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs

yesterday I had jabalaya pasta with blackened chicken/sausage and garlic toast from applebees, 3 chickens strips and some fries off this one bitches plate, an oreo shake, 2 arby bacon cheddar melts, a pound of hamburger, 2 hotpockets, 2 pieces of cherry cobler, a chicken breast, a bowl of cereal, protein shake, 3 fruit and nut trailmix bars, a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and half a piece of some shitty cake

yesterday: Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein shake (pre-cardio) Meal 2: 4 egg whites, 3 whole eggs(7), Whole Wheat Bagel Meal 3: 1 chicken breast, brown rice, green beans Meal 4: 2 scoops whey protein shake, almonds Meal 5: 1 chicken breast, noodles, veggie Meal 6: 1 Hemilayan chicken curry, nan bread, white rice Meal 7: 1 sesame chicken breast, rice, from korean resteraunt

What have you consumed today?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

Fruit Blast Isolate Gainer. I was sick of the same old Vanilla/Choc/Straw/Banana options, so i opted out and spent a bit more on the Fruit Blast. this shit is awesome, i actually look forward to taking the shakes. Per 152g serving (4 scoops) Calories - 600ish(cant remember exactly) Fat - 5g Carbs - 78g Protein - 58g if you gag almost everytime you take your shake, i highly recommend this one.

OR make this 24 oz of milk, 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 2 tbsp natty PB, banana

i have a retarded metabolism, you got numbers for that shake? also, i read that taking protein with water increases the rate at which it is assimilated into the body

superbri007 i just bought some Cytosport Cytogainer strawberry, and 100 grams of 1fast400 cee should be here today the last gainer i had was strawberry, from HDT, i didnt mind that one

superbri007 this is by the makers of muscle milk, so it should taste excellent nice, hows the price on that the fruit blast was ~80 canadian for a 10 pounder

superbri007 $29.99 for 6 lbs, 18 servings, 4 scoops a serving. 37.64 for you Hosers up there in Canada eh? thats a good price, ill check that one out once im done this one thanks dude

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BP measured really high

BP measured really high

Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading.

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. I have ahd the same problem and also the Doctor saw it read high to. But then he measured it a different way and it was almost normal. Sometimes the doctor says that your muscle in your arm will get in the way of an accurate reading.

Mine today was 149/78 Ah well

GilgaMesH Mine today was 149/78 Ah well remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing.

DraicKin remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing. 160 does sound very high, how old are you? do you have any bad headaches?

while we're on the subject, any reason why my diastolic would be so damn low, I was 140/50 last time I checked...

The more fat you have on your body the higher its going to be. So if youre bulking I would expect it to go up.

are those BP things in grocery stores accurate? I got high readings in all 3 things it took, can't remember what they were though

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. If you have been working out very hard that can raise your blood pressure for awhile. I'd suggest taking a few days off before you get it checked again. Might want to eat a banana or two a day also. The potassium can help. And yeah, cutting back on the caffiene might help also.

BP measured really high

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

I just started working out again heavily, but I don't know if I should drink protein shakes. I'll give you my routine and my diet, you let me know what you think . Routine - 5 day switch, HIIT Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off This is what I eat normally: Breakfast @ 8-9am: 10+10 Trader Joe's Cereal, 10 grams fiber, 10 grams protein (soy), banana, apple Lunch @ 12:30pm: regular turkey avocado from Togo's or something else remotely healthy (I'm trying to get in the habit of making my own sandwiches to take to school with me) Pre-workout ~4-6pm: sandwich, banana Start workout anywhere between 5-7pm, workout for 45 minutes or so and then do 20-30 minutes of cardio Post-workout ~6-8pm: sandwich or tuna on crackers + gatorade 30-45 minutes later I'll eat another small meal of either a sandwich or tuna I drink about 84 fl oz. of water per day (5 water bottles) including one during my workout. Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when?

I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days.

ACURA TL-S I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days. Crap. I only do legs one day on Saturday. Wednesday is shoulders.

diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more.

hootpie Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when? Yes. Whenever you can...mostly before and after workout (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

shastaisforwinners diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more. I am trying to clean bulk. What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

What kind of protein shakes should I get? Do they replace meals?

if you have a costco membership get the powder there

twofourtysx if you have a costco membership get the powder there I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting?

hootpie I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting? chocolate they have 6lbs for $20

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 Cool, thanks for the heads up.

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 how's the stuff taste? that's a good price

SteveO how's the stuff taste? that's a good price I doubt it tastes like a Dove bar, but it's probably better than drinking fish juice

....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts).

is300eater ....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts). I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off

hootpie I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day?

Ilyusha Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day? They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem.

hootpie They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem. Congrats.

Ilyusha Congrats. was getting VERY bothersome.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

best whey protein with water?

best whey protein with water?

ON whey obviously isnt going to cut looking for just a basic whey protein that will taste decent w/water...i have muscle milk now, but I'd rather find something without all the calories/fat

Biotest grow but it'll be pricey. $23 for 2lbs but BEST TASTING SHIT EVER.


I like ON 100% with water.

size18boarder bsl do they still make any whey protein? i cant find any on their site

mtnbike4522 I like ON 100% with water. I definetely dont and nice av

superbri007 Muscle Milk chocolate milk too many calories ON 100% Whey double rich chocolate tastes too meh Substance WPI grape splash (whey isolate) tastes too meh .

velamint do they still make any whey protein? i cant find any on their site

are there any differences for isolate vs concentrate in amount of gastric distress caused?

velamint are there any differences for isolate vs concentrate in amount of gastric distress caused? Don't get concentrate. It gives me insane amounts of gas. Hydrolyzed whey is best.

i think designer tastes pretty decent.

velamint I definetely dont and nice av thanks. I just changed it when i noticed it was the same as yours

WPI tastes like kool aid grow tastes like cake mix batter bother taste good IMO

man this has been discussed like 838393 times... but here goes again Ive tried chocolate, chocolate mint, orange, and banana. all are realy good and inexpensive.

AllTheWhey banana is awesome with water. Too bad their customer service sucks.

i like ON chocolate with water

stop being such a pussy, whey isn't supposed to taste good with water, just chug it like a man, nancy

edmang .

superbri007 Substance WPI grape splash (whey isolate) Fucking Too bad its twice as expensive as ON whey. I'll stick to drinking that and just put up with the bad taste.

t3nchi Biotest grow but it'll be pricey. $23 for 2lbs but BEST TASTING SHIT EVER. quoted for complete truth.

i don't think Grow is that spectacular

i think ON vanilla is good in water the strawberry not so much

christophers 1) grow is retard expensive 2) he asked for a WHEY, not a casein mix. a lot of casein mixes taste great. its easy to make them taste great. Like he knows the dif between whey and casein He did mention muscle milk as his current "whey". No offense mr thread-starter. Most guys just use the word whey when they mean "protein powder" in general.

i like ON strawberry

PHOBOPHILEE stop being such a pussy, whey isn't supposed to taste good with water, just chug it like a man, nancy

best whey protein with water?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

On a cheat day, so what the hell. - low fat cookies & cream ice cream - skim milk - 1 serving of peanut butter - 2 scoops of whey = The hotness.

if its on my cheat day i'd use regular icecream not low fat. but yea, i always use pb, icecream and whey to make shakes when i feel like a treat

i hate pb in my shake

And why can you only have that on a cheat day? Shit, while cutting I'd add a cup of oats to that

that doesnt sound too bad.

3 scoops vanilla ice cream 50g strawberry flavoured whey banana enough 2% milk to fill the rest = Hotness of the sun

eddscat And why can you only have that on a cheat day? Shit, while cutting I'd add a cup of oats to that shadowx On a cheat day, so what the hell. - low fat cookies & cream ice cream - skim milk - 1 serving of peanut butter - 2 scoops of whey = The hotness. .

Zaffir . Why I eat donuts while cutting.

interesting mix

I always add peanut butter when I have a blender. I will have to try it with some ice cream.

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

fat loss concerns

fat loss concerns

does a diet and excercise break down fat before you lose it? I'm on week 4 of my diet and excercise. I've been eating good and everything except for the morning. I usually just eat a banana or something light since I'm not hungry in the morning. for lunch I have a tuna sandwhich and for dinner a chicken breast or some more tuna. not soda or junk food at all. I do cardio twice a day. once before lunch and once at night. 15 minutes a piece. Now the thing, I notice my pants fit looser but my love handles are starting to hang more then before . is this normal? Its not all the time, only sometimes. Is it in my head or something? also, I haven't felt this good in a long time. oh and I do the cardio 5 days a week. also, I notice I get full very quick. is this normal also? Like I can't even eat much even if I wanted to.

sounds like you need to eat alot more

I'm not quite understanding the question /boggle Are you lifting? Or just doing cardio? Go read all the stickies

haha yeah I read all the stickies. just doing cardio. The thing is though, I guess I got use to not eating alot and get sick if I eat too much. What about the breaking down of fat? or is it in my head that my love handles hang more :O

you don't lose fat everywhere at the same time...

In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine.

etech In my experience the fat gets soft and loose as you lose it, so yeah, your love handles could be hanging down more. If what you are doing works than keep doing it though some weight lifting would be good to add to your routine. Yeah I have noticed that too but could just be in my imagination

I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp).

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). if you get sick from eating too much then just up your calories a little bit at a time until you have a healthier amount of calories. Shouldnt be too hard, just have like a spoonful of natty peanut butter or an extra 2 or 3 eggs.

Ivan I guess its true then. thanks again. I know that I should be eating a little more but trust me, I can't. I guess I started out wrong but my body is use to it now and I get sick if I eat more then I do now. I know cause I've had a couple of days that I eat a little bit more and end up nausous(sp). are you drinking enough water?

And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity..

bclimn are you drinking enough water? of course. thats all I drink.

Elfling And why aren't you lifting?? Out of curiosity.. I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough.

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. Reread the sticky on lifting to assist in losing weight... it changed how I think for weight loss (granted I haven't started lifting yet because of my stupid busy schedule )

Ivan I wanna lose some fat first then Ima start lifting when I feel I have lost enough. I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later.

BuckNut I used to think the same thing where I would do only cardio and trust me when I say that lifting is so much better then cardio. If you only lift you will lose jsut as much if not more weight then if doing only cardio and you will gain strength and some muscle as well. Lift now or you will regret it later. i agree. it sounds like you're in a severe calorie deficit. what you'll end up doing is losing a ton of weight, but still being flabby. its cause you're burning muscle, probably more than fat. i made the same mistake 2 years ago, i ended up being skinny as hell, but not cut at all. you should be doing what the rest of us "cutting" guys are. eat about 1900-2000 calories (depending on body weight) split up into 6 meals. keep protien intake at atleast 1g per lb of body weight (to help retain muscle) and eat clean otherwise. you probably dont need cardio 10x a week either, maybe do cardio 3x a week and a solid 3 day weight training split (workout 3x a week). otherwise i just dont think you'll be happy with your results, and it will just take you longer to reach what you think you should look like. this is all coming from personal experience.

fat loss concerns

Monday, December 30, 2013

How are's flavors?

How are's flavors?

I am thinking 5 lbs of each Pina Colada Mango Vanilla Watermelon All with sucralose as a sweetener

I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest...

Butter Cream is the best flavor I have ever had. But I don't think they offer it.

All I've had is chocolate with stevia and it was awful.


vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... Should I just go with ON? I want my BSL back.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I put an entire bottle of flavouring into 4lbs of whey and couldn't taste anything. They don't color it either. Your flavour choice is moot at best. And i like the service I got... fastest shipping time I've ever had (less than 2 weeks to recieve... great by canuk standards!)

To be honest, i kinda like the taste of plain whey, and I love how easily it mixes. Just pour water, and that's it.

ever have's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best.

brolli ever have's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best. Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving.

ACURA TL-S Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving. try syntax nectar, i think... dont get true protein, it blows, go with ON, muscle milk, or try the all the way, i hear it tastes good. but like i said, i don recomend true protein to anyone, dont really taste good, and its shit service.

you can still get bsl flavors carries them

so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want???

gsteclipse97 so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want??? I'm cheap.

Ok new question, on or allthewhey?

ACURA TL-S Ok new question, on or allthewhey? ON

for me its either BSL or ON i dont even bother tryin new flavors anymore, i stick to what is good

on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them?

brolli on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them? my only experience with them is taht they wanted $70 something bucks to ship it to me

I purchased the Bannana , it was just OK. Not too much flavor. I added some Muscle Milk Bannana to it.

I get allthewhey allthetime Orange, Banana, Mint Chocolate are the best. Chocolate is alright, but it sucks compaired to the others. It's good stuff, got my order 3 days after ordering. Im in IN they are in PA

i got morning mix with orange cream bsl & night time with cherry berry. both were sub par in taste & blending. mixing vanilla whey with orange ultra fuel is way better. or even mixing it with gatorade.

allthewhey mint choclate isolate is better than on, and no gas for like $35 for a 5lb tub. Plus they now offer bulk stuff:50 lb concentrate - 139.99 25 lb concentrate - 69.99 50 lb blend flavored - 179.99 25 lb blend natural - 89.99 50 lb Isolate flavored - 299.99 50 lb Isolate natural - 279.99 25 lb Isolate flavored - 149.99 25 lb Isolate natural - 139.99 25 lb 20/30 flavored - 72.50 25 lb 20/30 natural - 69.99 Thats pretty sweet. Its not up on the website yet but you can email/call them and get it.

vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... I unfortunately agree.

How are's flavors?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

might be a repost

WTF.. lol

that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Grouch that is the dumbest thing ive ever seen

Watch the goddamn video you meatheaded shit sack.

tize cliffs? Dumbass in banana suit lights himself on fire with rubbing alcohol, and gets burned.


seen it before but it's still funny each time

no worky

I told him it was a stupid idea...

yup, it's a repost, but still pretty funny the world would be so boring without retarded fucks like them

christophers is that really letifo Now you know why he hasn't been around.

Natezilla Now you know why he hasn't been around.

lighting yourself on fire...BRILLIANT

letifo really bulked up then

That totally made my fucking day! EDIT: is that even him, doesn't look like it to me


nah just looks like him lol

that doesnt look much like him at all

:rofl: letifo being a dumbass *vid*

Monday, December 23, 2013

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet?

You need to learn self control say to yourself 'Will i fell good about this an hour from now?' Remember food is fuel not fun.

Really fucking weaksauce.

There's this vending machine at my work that has these Skippy Peanutbutter Snackbars. They're like pure peanut butter with rice krispies on the inside. Absolutely delicious. In front of me was my plain chicken berast-on-cardboard sandwich, some cottage cheese, a yogurt, and some reheated brown rice. I ate all my food just fine, but I was still a *little* bit hungry. You have no idea how hard it was for me to sit in front of that fucking vending machine and not get a peanut butter bar. In reality, that bar isn't too bad for my diet. But alas, I made a commitment to eat nothing but healthy, clean foods. You just have to look at what you're doing. Eating all that not-so-great tasting foods just so you can better your health. So, why go through all the trouble eating all that healthy shit if you're just going to waste any profit gained from eating healthy by binging on a bunch of junk food. It's all about self-control. Learn it.


You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash.

Wow you really suck at dieting

Alt+F4 You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash. I think it would be more helpful to him if we told him. Cinnomin roll x 2: 1480 calories Oreo x 3: 160 calories Banana Bread x 1: 185 calories Large frosted cupcake x1: ~150 calories (or more) So that little binge costed you more than 2000 calories because you probably didn't list everything you ate. You need to seriously reevaluate why you're doing this and how important it is to you. If you're trying to lose weight, 2000 calories is probably all you should eat/drink (of clean foods) throughout an entire day. So fix your diet before you come here looking for sympathy.

i just ate half a pizza =(

You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds

vettedude You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something.

SteveO this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something. well, i am still loosing weight eating whatever the fuck i want, until this stops, i will continue to do it.

I wish I could get good results fucking around and eating whatever. When I put time and effort in something I want good results fast, so I try not to cheat. I value my time too much. i'd rather spend more time eating and getting stronger than feeling lethargic cutting.

seriously you suck at dedication and fitness

I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects

Soularis I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects I just love eating a ton of food. My cheat day is eating a ton of clean food. fuck variety!

I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control.

D-GUy I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control. whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too.

QBoost Controllers I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet? well, this is why moderation is so important to most people. i mean, if you are strong enough to stay clean 100% on your diet, then sure, nothing will ever distract you.. but if you are just like the rest of us, you have to slowly change your diet, gradually.. when you cut all the junk dramatically, in your head, you are depriving, and as a consequence, you will binge on junks the very next second comes by... the worse thing is that the more you eat junk, the more you crave them so its just a vicious cycle you go through... instead of thinking you are dieting(restricting), think that you are actually eating better food and enjoying them.. i know it sounds hard, but the first 3-4 days are the hardest.. but i promise that after that, you won't even miss the junk.. it takes about 3-4 days for your body to completely get rid of sugar & junks.. good luck.

AznRyda whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too. No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head.

D-GUy No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head. That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating.

xpinchx That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating. I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels.

well I at too clean and not enough cals so I lost alot of my bulking gains.

AznRyda I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels. Yeah. My mom jumped on the Atkins bandwagon and she lost something ridiculous like 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks and she looked great. But after that she didn't lose any weight at all so she got discouraged and stopped the diet. She blew back up like a baloon. I wish people would just eat healthy.

I have been cutting for about 12 weeks now and have never had problems like that. Some people call my diet shitty but it's incredibly clean compared to yours. I think you need to practice some self control. without that, you may as well get your stomach stapled, it'd be the only way for you to limit your caloric intake and still eat as much as you want/could.

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Friday, December 20, 2013

I went running today

I went running today

I'm going to start going in the mornings now, becuase it's getting too hot, even at 5pm, to go running at night at a reasonable time. Ran between 4 and 5 miles (don't know for sure, it isn't measured) in about 35 minutes. My late June 10k goal time of 40 minutes is within reach

i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway.

jonno i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway. Very argumentative.

I do cardio on an empty stomach (well except for the morning vitamins and HEAT stack) and then later in the evening a few hours after lifting. I just tend to walk an hour at a time though as opposed to running long distances.

I get a much better workout if I have eaten something for energy

Ran again this morning, and both mornings on an empty stomach. When I'm training, I usually wake up and, less than 20 minutes later, I'm running, so I don't worry about empty stomach. The morning before a race, though, I usually have some toast and a banana or something to give me a little extra energy while still being easy on the ol' stomach. NEVER have pancakes before a race, though. (Learned that the hard way...)

I wish I had never stopped running. I find it hard to get myself back into the grind of things, but the New England weather seems to be very demotivational when it comes to wanting to go out in the cold. I'm heading to boot in Parris Island in September though and want to have a good endurance base. Right now I'm only at about 3-4 mile runs. It's a good feeling though.

40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to.

how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard

christophers eating before hand = better performance = moe calories burned. it doesn't have to be a huge meal. thats what my swim coach used to say..before 5:30am practice i would eat a plain bagel and sometimes a protein shake...the days i did that i had a much better workout than the days i didn't eat anything.

willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard 5'9" 182 give or take a few, haven't done shit for awhile but in the past couple weeks I've done a few 2.5-3 milers no problem at all

toconnx 40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to. My 10k PR from high school is 38:37 I'm just trying to get back into the groove after my freshman year of college, not eating very often and not working out. Running most definitely does it for me (relieves stress). willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard I'm 155 lbs at 5' 11.5". I got down as low at 145 during my freshman year, but have gained almost 10 lbs since the beginning of May. Running has brought my appetite back. Well, that and home-cooked meals

I'm 6'1" 190lbs. I've been picking up my running in prepartion for the Army. I can do about 4.2 miles in the 36min range. Its not too bad. It's a fairly hilly route. If you run enough weight is gonna play a smaller role. I'm sure there are 200+ lb guys that can run sub 6min miles. My MOS is 18x which is Special Forces Recruit. The SF guys are incredible shape. I got much room for improvement.

Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range

warm Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right?

SteveO still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right? 10k is 6.2 miles. I ultimately want to get down to below 36 minutes so that I can join the cross country team at Georgia Tech when I go back this fall, but we'll see. Baby steps.

I'm 205 lbs and can still bust a sub 6 minute mile. It felt a little easier when I was 165 lbs through high school though. I think I'm around 9% bodyfat but I think I'd like to drop to about 185 lbs this summer. For what I like to do I think being thinner would be better even with losses in muscle mass.

I went running today

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

I won't have access to a gym to start lifting for about another week. I'm trying to get my diet set. I'm basically having the same thing everyday. Could someone please let me know what changes I need to make? Also, I'm still low on my fats. Everything I'm eating has very little fat, so I'm under 20% from the looks of it. Can anyone recommend what to do to get my fats up? Tablespoon of Olive Oil by itself? 5'11" approx. 205 lbs. I'd guess about 23% bf current diet (started Monday), about 2400-2500 cal. *Correct me if that should be different. 1 cup Grape Nuts (no sugar added) 1 1/3 - 1 1/2 cups skim milk (in cereal) 1 banana (about 7") 2 slices whole grain bread (plain) 1 cup oatmeal (2 cups water, butter added and sometimes honey) 1 can of tuna (plain/out of can) 2 tablespoons peanut butter (regular/non-natural) 32 oz. protein shake (2 16 oz. per day) 1 glass skim milk (about 10 oz.) 1 cup Grape Nuts and milk (like above) for dinner I just bought a ton of chicken, so I'll be cooking that up tonight. Also, taking a multivitamin, Omega-3 suppliment for DHA/EPA, and CLA (it was free with the protein mix). Any help would be appreciated. If you need any additional info, let me know. Thanks in advance.

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

I ate pretty good today.

I ate pretty good today.

I'm not even done yet. I haven't had dinner. Do these numbers look all right so far? Don't mind the Windows 98 - my computer's broken and I'm on my mom's.

whats your height weight?

Mines better I need alot more calories before the day is up

Dunken whats your height weight? 6'2" 190lbs - bulking.

id say eat more ;x but numbers are looking good.

Dunken id say eat more ;x but numbers are looking good. Thanks for the input. I'm about to down some rice and a chicken breast. I'll probably eat a baked potato, some more cottage cheese, and some yogurt before bed.

i had no idea a banana had so many calories

I ate pretty well today*

Atenza6i i had no idea a banana had so many calories lol seriously, 217 calories for 1 banana? i didnt think they had 55g of carbs either.

read again, it says 2 servings (unless it counts 1 banana as 2 servings which i think is a lil ridiculous) so it's really like 100 cal a banana.

Yeah, that's two bananas.

I ate pretty good today.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Muscle Milk question

Muscle Milk question

I'm about to order some for the first time. Suggestions on a flavor?

Bannana Cream is great. Smores is Ok.



Chocolate Banana Crunch

chocolate milk > *

I've heard good things about the cookies and cream flavor

choc milk

Muscle Milk question

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

from a fucking email I got, so don't ask me for a fucking link! Exposed: The Top Ten Diet Fallacies - And The Truth to Set You Free By Ori Hofmekler, author of :ol('');" target=_blank>The Warrior Diet Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day When you wake-up, your body is already in an intense detox mode, clearing itself of endotoxins and digestive waste from the past evening meal. During the morning hours, when digestion is fully completed (while you are on an empty stomach), a primal survival mechanism, known as fight or flight reaction to stress, is triggered, maximizing your body's capacity to generate energy, be alert, resist fatigue and resist stress. This highly geared survival mode is primarily dominated by part of the autonomic nervous system known as the SNS (sympathetic nervous system). At that state, the body is in its most energy-producing phase and that's when most energy comes from fat burning. All that happens when you do not eat the typical morning meal. If however you follow what "normal guys" do and eat your morning bagel and cereal and egg & bacon, you'll most likely shut down the above energy producing system. The SNS and its fight or flight mechanism will be substantially suppressed. Instead, your morning meal will trigger an antagonistic part of the automatic nervous system known as the PSNS (Para sympathetic nervous system), which makes you sleepy, slow and less resilient to fatigue and stress. Instead of spending energy and burning fat, your body will be more geared towards storing energy and gaining fat. Under this state, detox would be inhibited. The overall metabolic stress would increase with toxins accumulating in the liver, giving the body another substantial reason to gain fat. (Fat tissues serve as a biological storage for toxins) The overall suppressing effects of morning meals, can lead to energy crashes during the daily (working) hours, often with chronic cravings for pick-up foods, sweets, coffee and tobacco. Eating at the wrong time, would severely interrupt the body's ability to be in tune with the circadian clock. The human body has never adapted to such interruptions. We are primarily pre-programmed to rotate between the two autonomic nervous system parts: the daily SNS and the nightly PSNS. The SNS regulates alertness and action during the day, while PSNS regulates relaxation, digestion and sleep during the nightly hours. Any interruption in this primal daily cycle, may lead into sleepiness during the day followed by sleeping disorders at night. Morning meals must be carefully designed not to suppress the SNS and its highly energetic state. Minimizing morning food intake to fruits, veggie soup or small amounts of fresh light protein foods, such as poached or boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or white cheese, will maintain the body in an undereating phase, while promoting the SNS with its energy producing properties. *Note: Athletes who exercise in the morning should turn breakfast into a post-exercise recovery meal. Such meals should consist of small amounts of fresh protein plus carbs such as yogurt and banana, eggs plus a bowl of oatmeal, or cottage cheese with berries. An insulin spike is necessary for effectively finalizing the anabolic actions of GH and IGF1 after exercise. Nonetheless, after the initial recovery meal, it's highly recommended to maintain the body in an undereating phase by minimizing daily carb intake in the following meals. Applying small protein meals (minimum carbs) every couple of hours will keep sustaining the SNS during the daily hours while providing amino acids for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues, promoting a long lasting anabolic effect after exercise. In conclusion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. The most important meals are post-exercise recovery meals. Saying that, for a WARRIOR every meal is a recovery meal helping to recuperate from either nutritional stress (undereating) or physical stress (exercise). It's when you eat that makes what you eat matter. Discuss. ...and no, I do not know what the other nine are.

every meal is important

i eat all my meals like im breaking from a fast

fuck that. I love food in the morning.

dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach

I'm guessing the gimp that wrote that never did any sports in highschool

I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before.

timberwolf I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before. and look how ripped you are...except that you puke up blood

wtf last sentence?

Great Article...

deznutz Great Article... for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake.

breakfast > * at least while dieting...i've read stuff where they follow successful weight losers and find two things in common in like 95% of them: eating breakfast and getting enough sleep

brolli for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake. HOLY DUMBASS ALERT, BATMAN!

this thread can suck my phallusy

GOGZILLA dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach I cant eat breaky in the morning if I'm going to train straight away because I'd just puke it up anyway. Most I would have before hand would be a coffee or a shake then have my oats when I'm finished.

Anytime I read an article that vaguely talks about "toxins" & detox I am automatically skeptical.

thats great, if you want to get your energy by breaking down your muscle for energy

All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4 meals of the day.

Elfling All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4-15 meals of the day. fixed for those who are bulking

Dragon fixed for those who are bulking

and this is why the internet sucks....cut an paste gurus who read to much. I will be sure to use my fight or flight tomorrow before cardio

superbri007 fuck that shit, breakfast = winnar lets talk about the word breakfast for a minute break + fast = breakfast to break your fast from sleep, so you eat breakfast, to replenish your blood sugar, etc. i'd say thats very important I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast.

ralyks I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast. In which case you would definitely be breaking a fast, hmm?

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

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