Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BP measured really high

BP measured really high

Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading.

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. I have ahd the same problem and also the Doctor saw it read high to. But then he measured it a different way and it was almost normal. Sometimes the doctor says that your muscle in your arm will get in the way of an accurate reading.

Mine today was 149/78 Ah well

GilgaMesH Mine today was 149/78 Ah well remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing.

DraicKin remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing. 160 does sound very high, how old are you? do you have any bad headaches?

while we're on the subject, any reason why my diastolic would be so damn low, I was 140/50 last time I checked...

The more fat you have on your body the higher its going to be. So if youre bulking I would expect it to go up.

are those BP things in grocery stores accurate? I got high readings in all 3 things it took, can't remember what they were though

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. If you have been working out very hard that can raise your blood pressure for awhile. I'd suggest taking a few days off before you get it checked again. Might want to eat a banana or two a day also. The potassium can help. And yeah, cutting back on the caffiene might help also.

BP measured really high

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