Showing posts with label Eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eating. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat?

more hungry = hungrier

ryazbeck more hungry = hungrier yeah yeah... same difference

i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming?

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. i dont work out in the morning during the week, only during the weekend. But when i workout at night during the week - i work out hard. my goal is to have my shirt soaked in sweat and i have to actually ring it out like a soaked towel

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming? slimming . I am trying to lower my bf%. I am doing pretty damn good too, just gotta stay on course and i dont want to derail it by giving in to hunger

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond

then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem.

My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories.

ryazbeck then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem. i am doing calorie counting now actually. i am trying to do between 1300-1500 a day for intake

b-stevens My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories. i have a bowl of special K cereal and a glass of OJ for breakfest. For dinner i usually have one of those healthy choice meals that is at a max 500 calories. Maybe some pineapple pieces of an apple when i get home from the gym. Plus more water than jebus to drink

b-stevens How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary

Juggernaut i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary What makes you want to slim down at that weight?

b-stevens What makes you want to slim down at that weight? soccer season. I play forward. The skinnier i am, the faster I get. PLUS - i want a 6 pack so bad

holy crap you need to eat more often!

damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

I just had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds.

Girl_Next_Door holy crap you need to eat more often! I have a crappy metabolism .... if i eat it goes straight to my gut, and i really want a washboard stomach

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories its between 1300-1500 a day. I burn probably 600-800 at the gym a night, so i have to intake something

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? *suspicious* you're joking, right?

Elfling *suspicious* you're joking, right? no... why? edit: I wouldnt come looking for serious advice spouting off bullshit....

cereal and oj lightweight

sounds like you have a horrid diet

Ceaze sounds like you have a horrid diet how so? I am not usually hungry ?

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

Maybe I am not being creative, but not being able to eat starches and leavened foods is killing my energy levels. I need to get maltodextrin, which I assume is ok for the days of passover?!?! is it? Are any of you guys following the holiday properly? (Apparantly I cant even have my shakes with my meals cause of there contents!! Passover is killing my workouts )

I'm actually not keeping passover this year, but here are some good foods to eat for carbs: rice (if you're sephardic rice is ok) Whole wheat matzah (actually isn't bad. I think it tastes better than white) apples bananas potatoes ( i lived off baked potatoes last year) more apples Technically, malto is a corn product and corn products are a on passover Article about malto and passover

maltodextrin is a starch

Ceaze maltodextrin is a starch I hate eating matzah, it just doesnt taste right with things like tuna and stuff. Since saturday I have been sooo low energy and have noticabley lost weight. Probably water mainly, but I am lethargic without my lean gainer shakes and my pastas and everything. Passover is going to make me go into keto

You're Jewish? I am not celebrating..

pre-law or pre-med?

Perplexed Stop being a jew BOOYAH!

lol, at first glance i read "F'n jews" and thought it was gonna be an anti-semetic rant.

kronik85 lol, at first glance i read "F'n jews" and thought it was gonna be an anti-semetic rant. same here.

Mass pre-law or pre-med?

Are oats ok?

Ilyusha You're Jewish? I am not celebrating.. :slovo: I never kept it even when I lived in Israel

hm i actually had some bacon with bread this morning.. im a bad jew

Ilyusha You're Jewish? I am not celebrating.. yep why no celebrate?

2000GT yep why no celebrate? I dunno.. I've been bad with the holidays lately. I went to an orthodox Jewish school for.. 8.. years.. .. so I had A LOT of time to celebrate and learn the Torah and such. I'll get back on the wagon in time for Yom Kippur.

Mass pre-law or pre-med? lol. I am a network/telecom admin not smart enough to be a doc.

Ilyusha I dunno.. I've been bad with the holidays lately. I went to an orthodox Jewish school for.. 8.. years.. .. so I had A LOT of time to celebrate and learn the Torah and such. I'll get back on the wagon in time for Yom Kippur. I hate doing the fast. this is almost more painfull though

2000GT I hate doing the fast. this is almost more painfull though Last year, I boned on Yom Kippur and had a not so good rest of the year. So this year, I'm fasting like a motherfucker.

Ilyusha Last year, I boned on Yom Kippur and had a not so good rest of the year. So this year, I'm fasting like a motherfucker. dont fuck with the holiest day of the year!

2000GT dont fuck with the holiest day of the year! Nevar again!@~

F & N jews... passover is killing my energy

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

having to force down breakfast?

having to force down breakfast?

I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do?

i know what you're talking about, it happens to me sometimes, not exactly sure why it is though, i usually wait a little bit and eat, but im also not bulking, if you're bulking i'd consider just forcing that shit down and toughing out the pain and you'll get used to it.

It happens to me alot I get a big glass of water, chew up my eggs and just wash it down

i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move.

happens to me every fucking day I normally just eat Oatmeal and a banana or something and force down my Creatine, glass of water, fish oil and all taht shit then I eat alot more later

i've just been making, skim milk or water, 2 scoops whey, 1/2cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter. Goes down quick and easy and that's like 600 cals.

This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down

I used to wake up fucking starving, but my appitite has been fubared for awhile.

i'm like that in the morning too....i just try to compensate by eating more later in the day

Lysine, B12, etc to promote appetite might help

Basically all my life I never ate anything untill noon-3 pm, I was just never hungry...At night I would eat constantly, everything in sight. As long as I don't eat too much at night I'm hungry in the morning

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down werd, 3 eggs max for me in the morning.

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down wow i could never put that into words until you said it. eggs are the worst thing to try and put down...but the other stuff is a lot easier.

my eggs are incredible

I think im just gonna start blending my entire breakfast into a shake and pounding it 5 minutes after I wake up. Anybody ever try to grind up toast and Vector cereal?

SickLife i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move. oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I wake up, grab the banana that I leave next to my bed and eat it.

i cant eat solid food for my first meal of the day, so i always do a shake. its not hard to crap 800-1000 calories into one, which i think is a pretty good start on the day

Ceaze my eggs are incredible my eggs are incredible edible eggs

I'm the same way, takes me awhile till I can eat... try taking a b vitamin complex... and stretching upon waking up...

jaymode I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do? im usually still full from the previous night (when bulking). i always have to wait a bit to eat and when i do its usually beef jerky and/or a protein shake for breakfast.

having to force down breakfast?

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Just want to see what everyone likes to eat while they are cutting/dieting. I want to know what's good and what's bad. I usually eat Chicken Breast and Tuna. What about Potatos? Are most fruits healthy?

Blue Bell Sugar free popsicles hehe

Just wanted to see what everyone else ate while cutting/dieting. On Sugar Hill Refer to sticky

Eggs, tuna, chicken, turkey, ground turkey, ground beef, steak, beef jerky, vegetables, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, shredded wheat, whole wheat bread, skim milk, etc...

depends on how hard I'm dieting

shastaisforwinners depends on how hard I'm dieting if i'm serious, tuna it is. if i'm not, spicy tuna rolls here i come

im technically cutting right now and im going to go eat some chicken quesadillas.

turkey sandwiches, chicken breast and rice, cereal

Egg Whites All Bran Apples Bananas Almonds (Blanched) Wasa Bread Crackers Flax Bread Chicken Breasts Carrots+Celerey Mushrooms Fat Free Yogurt Ultra Lean Chicken Breast+Turkey Breast (Deli Sandwhich Meat) Lean Steak Brown Rice Unsweetened Apple Sauce

cereal, beer


CLA as a sup.

anything, just less of it

Low fat cottage cheese, chicken, tuna, lean beef, skim milk, olive oil, egg whites, asparagus, green beans, spanish, protein powder.

i dont know but im hungry as hell right now..and i still have the taste of whey in my mouth.

egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence.

eggs whole wheat bread tuna chicken turkey corn green beans peas apples bananas oats celery carrots mrp's whey protein peanuts

D-GUy egg whites/chicken breast with oatmeal and hot sauce Also ate tuna too. Pretty boring diet. Love eating back at maintainence. mm hot sauce. the only thing as far as "dressing" goes in my fridge that's 0,0,0,0,0 everything

I use the asian hot chilli oil which is like 5 calories for every tablespoon of the stuff. Though when I was dieting down I was using alot of oatmeal, still do though now though, guess it's force of habit.

chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want.

pop tarts

i had chick fil a on friday

nic379 chicken, tuna, sperm, wheat bread, mustard, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, lean steak, turkey, 100%whey protein powder, strawberries, bananas, egg whites, and I get a free day every week to eat whatever i want. Sperm?

Foods that I like, lower portions and healthier versions (lite/sugarfree/etc...) i don't push myself too hard to eat superclean or only certain things. I already eat pretty clean as it is, minus a cheat meal here or there...

egg whites like a mug. you can get low fat/carb protein powder, any lean chicken and beef, Non Fat Carb Countdown Milk (0g fat, 3g carbs, and like 14g protein per cup)

Name food that you eat while cutting/dieting.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

hey guys ive been working on cutting since late january and ive been seeing some gradual results. ive changed my diet from junk food, to lesser junk foods to a more healthy diet. lately, ive been focusing on keeping things in moderation while trying to maintain my healthy diet. everyday, i eat a cottage cheese and tuna sandwhich for lunch, breakfast is shredded wheat and cottage cheese, a myoplex bar for snack.. soemtimes fruit and trail mix... and then for dinnner, i eat some kind of meat with rice or anything that i can tell wouldnt be too unhealthy for me. this past week or two, my apetite has been changing. every two hours, i get hungry.. like i gotta eat something but i cant eat too much. my stomach shrank i guess and i can only eat so much in one sitting, but after, i get hungry again. and for some reason, i have to walk or do someting after each meal. has anyone experienced this? cliffs: after four months of cutting, my apetite is changing and craving more food.

Whats your body fat? Maybe its your choice of food too. Some types of food aren't as fulfilling.

well.. i started at 29% i havent taken a test since i started so im not sure what im at now. today i woke up kinda late so i couldnt really make my food. but i was able to eat... -a bag of trail mix -one plain tuna and cottage cheese sandwich -rice with some grilled pork and egg (im not sure if this is too bad for you) -vietnamese sandwich - grilled pork

You might not be eating enough. Do you count your calories?

i dont count my calories like i used to.. i figured the meal would work around 300-400 each time.. but youre right, i might not be taking in enough calories?

not enough calories and no "fillers" really. when in doubt up your aqua intake. it may help offset some of your hunger.

aight ill try drinking more water

too many simple carbs.. eat more low GI complex carbs. No white bread on those sandwiches, get ezekiel bread or stone ground whole wheat bread. Dont eat white rice, eat brown rice.. and only in limited amounts etc.

ive been eating the 12 grain breads by orowheat. as for rice, well.. yea i eat white rice

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Ok, these first pics are from October, I was about 200lbs (6'1"). This was after about 5 months of cutting. I have been bulking hardcore since then and am now at 230 lbs. I'm taking next week off for Spring Break then dieting all spring and summer. Here are pics taken today. So there they are. Being thsi fat gives me plenty of motivation to cut. I can't wait to get back to eating healthy, mixing in more physical activity, and overall just feeling better.

live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Excellent Work Werdna. Excellent gains. I admire people like you who can bulk and cut with hard work.

How long have you been training?

shit, ur still thin even in the bulking pictures, i need to post some of my fat ass whenb i weighed 265...

you should stay fat for awhile before cutting

I would have been happy with the body you had in the first picture, damn.

get fatter

wow, quite a difference, how have your numbers changed?

holy shit. good bulk

you got you some love handles like me

Welsh0913 live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Ceaze you should stay fat for awhile before cutting why?

Your teeth are very very white

Werdna why? More fat = more gains

Welsh0913 Your teeth are very very white Poor photoshopping. I do it all the time!

nice progress broly

amazing, are body types are so much alike. I look like your current pics right now as well. You don't look like you have a lot of fat around your waist, but its there isn't it? Thats how I am. Looks like your neck/chin area got a little fat on it, thats the only thing pissing me off about bulking.

SickLife holy shit. good bulk .

What are you gonna cut back down to?

i have those same board shorts good job bulking

any gains on your lifts?

Woah.. nice work, fatmo.

Good Job on gaining but like you said you don't look 230

have your gains gone up respectively? if not, hang out at fattyville for a while

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fast food diet?

Fast food diet?

I usually eat 1-2 meals per day and usually unhealthy(burgers etc). What are some ok places for a picky eater to try and change up my mentality.

The grocery store. 'Nuff Said.

Honestly, if you want a healthy place to eat and you're picky (I'm assuming you're wanting to lose weight) you have no other choice than to make a life change and start learning how to cook and eat healthy.


walmart, they sell a good size rotisseri wow i suck at spelling chicken for $3.99

subway, jambajuice

Subway is terrible. Whats up 3,500mg of sodium per sub.

Phlab Subway is terrible. Whats up 3,500mg of sodium per sub. that's what deli meat does for you

salt isnt bad for you, never has been, i eat so much god damn salt its insane, i have my whole life, i love it and its never hurt me.

christophers whats wrong with some sodium, its actually beneficial to athletes/bb'rs pre contest diet guru scot abel suggested 2g per liter of water consumed daily it strongly varies by person. If you were to eat a couple of those subs a day that would add up quick, + all the sodium from the other BS. Not everyone on here the lifts is an athlete. Some might lift and sit in a office all day, therefore not needing the surplus of sodium

ryazbeck salt isnt bad for you, never has been, i eat so much god damn salt its insane, i have my whole life, i love it and its never hurt me. victim #1 of hypertension

I know there are benefits of it, I've always put around 500mg in my PWO shake.. but too much, like anything - is not a good thing

I'd love to know how it doesn't create hypertension, because there are many studies out there that would definately say otherwise


I don't have any reputable places to search. I searched yahoo for some links, there's tons of newspaper articles and shit, but no studies to back it. For the average person though, that much sodium is entirely too much. Maybe just because I'm a little bias because hypertension is quite common in my family.. I'm actually borderline to hypertension, 135-140 depending on the day and my sodium intake is fairly low

so basically it's saying if you're active consume lots of salt. If you're not, then don't

here is my bacon cheese burger body Ive been eating like crap for years, somehow my cholesterol was ok @ last check, but when Im not flexing after a full meal, the 8 pack is fading away

basically acclude, what you need to do is stop being lazy, go to the grocery store, buy tons of healthy food, and buy some of those cheap tupperware to take along and make meals, lots of them at night and bring food with you in a plastic sack. i do it everyday as well as many people on this board do.

The Acclude here is my bacon cheese burger body Ive been eating like crap for years, somehow my cholesterol was ok @ last check, but when Im not flexing after a full meal, the 8 pack is fading away 8 Pack? At most I can see a 2 Pack with two 1/2 packs... You need to bulk, just healthier.

Idyfohu 8 Pack? At most I can see a 2 Pack with two 1/2 packs... You need to bulk, just healthier. used to be

ha, i love how everyone is convinced salt will kill you. i've always been active. honestly the only problem salt has ever given me is a little diarrhea. thats because your kidneys flushes that shit right out.

The Acclude I usually eat 1-2 meals per day and usually unhealthy(burgers etc). What are some ok places for a picky eater to try and change up my mentality. i like McD's salads and yogurt parfaits

ryazbeck ha, i love how everyone is convinced salt will kill you. i've always been active. honestly the only problem salt has ever given me is a little diarrhea. thats because your kidneys flushes that shit right out. i dont like salt because it makes me retain water.

Idyfohu Honestly, if you want a healthy place to eat and you're picky (I'm assuming you're wanting to lose weight) you have no other choice than to make a life change and start learning how to cook and eat healthy. This is true. I bring a cooler to work with me every day with my simply do better if you know exactly what's in your lunch.

subway is about the best of the bunch. i get a footlong turkey (double meat usually) on wheat and make 2 meals out of it. togos tuna sammich is also good

Fast food diet?

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

ok. ive been lifting steadily for 1 year now. i am 5'9 and weigh 180 lbs. my stomach is some what flat, i have a good amount of muscle considering the time ive been lifting. incorporated cardio in my regiment and im doing good so far. my question i getting enough caloric intake? id estimate according to fitday that my caloric intake is around 2100 calories. ive tried to keep all the proportions correct, protein to fat to carbs. my daily protein intake is 296 grams., fat 50 grams, carbs 139 grams. all that comes to 2099 calories roughly. i feel like im not eating enough? i want to gain my muscle mass but would like to keep it lean. do i need to eat more and where do i need more of? im not getting any bigger or thicker. and my gains are slowing down. any suggestions? im open to anything. my routine involves heavy weights, 4 times a week with 3 days of cardio. 1 day of high intensity, 1 day low intensity and another day just to mess around on the punching bag or outdoors like biking on a weekend. keep in mind that my caloric intake on the weekends is much greater given that igo out and drink and party.


I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from?

Gutrat I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from? i used fitday and inputed all the RDA amounts into the tables. i get all my protein from chicken breasts, protein shakes and cottage cheese. im pulling this straight from the table. im a male. my only problem is if i were to eat more what do i eat more of without getting really fat?

what to eat more of? food. Doesnt matter what for the most part. You arent going to get really fat. Hell you arent going to get *somewhat* fat in a day. Eat more, assess your gains, cut as you feel is neccessary but dont be a pussy if you see a little bit of pudge.

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

Sunday, January 26, 2014

:wtc: I love meat...but...

:wtc: I love meat...but... I do feel bad.

eat eggs

But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also!

y0gfx But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also! True Story. Can you be a body builder that only eats veggies?

hah i wonder if there are any BB vegetarians

eh whatever. animals are meant to be slaughtered.

cavefish never seen that one


suck it up... just be thankful you don't have to kill it yourself. shit like that is made to toy with your emotions... no one had a problem with it when they were hunting buffalo with a musket and having to pull dozens of lead balls from the meat as they ate... indians never once had a problem with it because they never wasted any part of the animal... why the fuck should pussy americans have a problem with it? (other than the fact that they're pussies). if they didn't do half that shit, the meat wouldn't taste as good as it does

<<< puts movie on pause, and goes to get said beef and pultry productrs to eat whil;e movie is playing I feel no remorse for cattle, i would kill them myself, and eat them, and not bat an eye.

superbri007 im eating a slim jim right now i dunno if i would classify that as a meat product.... maybe a fat product... shits nasty bro...

superbri007 things in moderation are good my broly, in moderation i dunno dude, i would rather go with pop tarts, or soem skittles...

Wait, they have vegetarian "starter kits" ?!?! Goddamn I need to get in on this. I'll start selling my own vegetarian starter kit that'll just contain a piece of paper that says "GO THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE AND BUY CARROTS, BITCH!!!!" I'll make millions.

Bill Pearl was a vegetarian?

:wtc: I love meat...but...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

using chains for bench help alot?

using chains for bench help alot?

just wondering like if you use lets says 135 in weights... and then put chains on it totaling out to weigh 48 pounds... worth using or not??

i have no idea what ur talking about, chains? why not just put a pair of 25's?

you need to be benching alot more than 135 before you even consider chains, christophers has repeatedly said that you need a good base before you start any type of this crap

Mistich you need to be benching alot more than 135 before you even consider chains i dont understand the chain thing...

depends on your goals. Read this article:

ahh thanks for the link, get it now

eh i already rep at 185...

so i mean i have a stable base already...

i was just giving an example that thats how much i'd be using right there...

XsLiCk i was just giving an example that thats how much i'd be using right there... get to 315, then uyse chains

cootercritter i have no idea what ur talking about, chains? why not just put a pair of 25's? Do not speak of that which you do not know. Chains are used to increase resistance as the ROM reaches the top.

mike get to 315, then uyse chains I would say even higher than that. I am at 365 and not using them. I probably won't use anything until at least 405. The only thing that is holding you back is your lack of motivation and eating, not the equipment (unless you only have like a bar and two 45's or something).

tize shut up faggot, he stated that he didnt know about them. banned

Guys, guys...calm the fuck down. We are becoming worse then OT: MAIN now. Have some respect for eachother. Am I wrong?

Gutrat Guys, guys...calm the fuck down. We are becoming worse then OT: MAIN now. Have some respect for eachother. Am I wrong? no u dont neeed to use chains, repping 185 is not a solid base!!

vettedude no u dont neeed to use chains, repping 185 is not a solid base!! Wait, you misunderstood. I agree, not good enough base to start using chains. Your not ready for chains yet XslicK.

Gutrat Wait, you misunderstood. I agree, not good enough base to start using chains. Your not ready for chains yet XslicK. no i did not, i was just agreeing with u that we should not let F&N become gheyed up, and confirming the idea that he has no need for chains.

using chains for bench help alot?

Friday, January 24, 2014

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense..

Ilyusha I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense.. how much cardio are you doing?

ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real

gsteclipse97 how much cardio are you doing? 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it..

PurEvl ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do?

Ilyusha 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it.. i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year

Ilyusha I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do? i would suggest lowering your cals. but thats just my opinion

gsteclipse97 i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks.

lower callories more

vettedude lower callories more That's gonna suck.

Ilyusha Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks. i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly.

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. indeed

gsteclipse97 i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly. Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening..

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results

Ilyusha Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening.. you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way.

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day..

gsteclipse97 you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way. I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight..

Ilyusha I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight.. i rarely do cardio...

vettedude how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day.. i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks

i am just recommending what i am doing because from seeing you it seems like you have a little more muscle mass than me but similar amount of fat and body type

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started...

vettedude I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started... so was i, i was at least 30%

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I'm ~235 right now, closer to 230. I'll keep going with the diet and try to add in more cardio and see if that helps.

once you get going if you have to cheat once i a while ok, but i would try very hard to not for the first 2-4 weeks so that your body can adjust

Lower calories. or Increase cardio. And what exactly are you eating? Are you keeping a food log or are you just guessing?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

8 months lifting progress

8 months lifting progress

this is me after 8 months of lifting.. wondering which areas u guys think i should be concentrating on now? i know my chest definetely needs work, been slack in that area bcos of many wrist/elbow injuries that affected my pressing movements im 5'7" and around 143lb (up maybe 11lb from when i started lifting).. i dun have any starting pics of myself, but i guess i can say a few years back i had the typical skinny asian body.. still skinny now but wit a lil bit of muscle :]

eat more

Looks like you need to beating a lot more. Your chest looks like your biggeset weakness, along with your arms. Your abs could use some more work. Your back and shoulders look amazing for yoru weight.

xpinchx Looks like you need to beating a lot more. Your chest looks like your biggeset weakness, along with your arms. Your abs could use some more work. Your back and shoulders look amazing for yoru weight. But yeah, I would agree with everybody else too, you need to increase your food intake. What does your routine look like though?

you need before pics to judge 'progress' and keep eating.

eat eat eat eat

Bulking time.

chest - cable flies if you can't press

my routine is always changing to accomodate for injuries i get from breaking : i was doin westside before but the ME benching was probly too heavy on my elbow and wrists... so now i switched to more of a MAX-OT style workout i guess my back and shoulders are more developed bcos i do planches, but yeh all my other parts are pretty dismal but im definetely gonna take f&n's advice n start bulking now!

impressive lats for your size.

Good job on the lats.

8 months lifting progress

Cyclic diet question...

Cyclic diet question...

Is a cyclic diet pointless if you're not going to do "depletion" workouts and all that shit? My fat losss is stalling out so I need to change something up, but I'm happy with my lifting routine (more/less westside) as it is and would rather not fuck with it. From what I understand the whole goal of the cyclic diets is to amplify positive hormonal responses to food... so that even though you may be in a glycogen depleted, caloric deficit most of the time, the relatively brief windows when you are in a replenished, caloric surplus is sufficient to product the hormonal responses necessary to keep your metabolism chugging along... or am I missing the concept completely? Why can't you just manipulate the system through calorie intake and macro ratios? Why all the special workouts and shit? Is it oversimplifying it to just do a repetitive cycle of 2-3 no/low carb days followed by a high carb day? Any links to good cyclic plans that don't require special workouts? I've read a lot of stuff at since that seems to be the defacto reference for fat loss around here, but it seems most of the people there are doing the depletion workouts and cardio schedules.

Right...but what is the percieved positive benefit of the changes that make up the cycle, be it changing macros, total calories, whatever? I thought it was becuase the cyclic nature of it helped avoid the metabolism slump caused by extended periods of caloric deficit. Is that wrong?

Hmm... shit. Thanks for your help.

the positive benefit as i understand it from cycling is to avoid homeostasis (the survival mechanism). basically the body gets used to the changes and down-regulates any over-expressed enzymes it doesn't need. anytime that enzymes are downregulated due to a perceived surplus, your body is going to be in a catabolic state. that's the point of both carb and protein cycling - in carb cycling, your body figures out either that it's not getting carbs and stops producing so much amylase and in protein cycling, the body stops producing so much protease. if you keep eating a lot of carbs or protein when there are less enzymes to process the substrate, it just takes longer to process (which the body sees as an energy savings). if you vary your amounts of carbs and protein, the body never gets to set a point of energy savings since it cannot predict how much will come at once.

the depletion workouts are simply to lower glycogen levels (and keep them low) since that will be burned before any stored fat and the UD2 is for athletes looking to lose weight (and maybe add lbm) you need stored glycogen to be low to get the glucagon response and insulin is mutually exclusive so if there is sugar, you cannot activate the enzymes to burn fat

this is the point of bulking or cutting, because the success of one is the failure of the other due to the hormonal responses and enzymes involved

Cyclic diet question...

A slow absorbing protein blend?

A slow absorbing protein blend?

I read a good suggestion somewhere and I can't for the life of me find it. Something like this: ? With a 60:40 blend? ? Like this? Or just drinking whey with milk to have it absorb slower? Any recommendations?

whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth

SpeedyGST whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker.

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. get a hand blender (motor boat as emeril calls it) so much easiar to clean Wonder if this can chop ice.

If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein.

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. bingo

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. Yeah. The ones I linked are casein based. I was just wondering what the optimal mix was and/or if there was anything I could do with normal whey protein to make it absorb slower so I could save money.

if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing

y0gfx if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing and heavenly

casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien.

devilangel casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien. milk + whey changes absorbtion rate. thats why I mentioned it.

you can pretty much take any protien as long as you somehow slow down the absorbtion in any way, for example, you can take any whey with any fiber rich food (oat meal, whole wheat, sweet potatoes, etc), then its all good..

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it?

Undefined cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it? Sure is. but sometimes I like eating real food.

I just use milk protein isolate. Its like 60% casein / 40% whey. They claim each portion digests independently, so you get the quick spike from the whey, and the prolonged release from the casein. I got it from TrueProtein, like $6/lb... which is a bit cheaper than either of the sources you posted...

i have milk protein isolate from allthewhey

tastes like ass, though. i may go back to whey + milk

A slow absorbing protein blend?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable?

read more

OverLamer calories out > calories in

If you really want to do Atkins proper, go buy the book. I would suggest looking more into a standard "good" nutritional base and exercise first though.

kingmagus I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable? Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs

Why don't you actually do a little research on a diet before you start it?

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Technically the body does need carbs but it doesn't need dietary carbs, it is capable of creating enough glucose on it's own to supply the parts that need it from other substances.

Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Actually, it doesn't.

Your body just runs better with carbs. If you want to feel shitty, go right ahead. But don't come crawling back when you pass out and hit your head on the sidewalk. Oh, yeah, and once your off the diet -- the weight usually comes back.

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

superbri007 slim jims aren't good for any diet

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat. i tried atkins for a couple weeks and lost a measly 4 pounds. Then i just went on a low calorie diet and added cardio to my workout (as opposed to just lifting) and in a little more than a month ive lost nearly 20 pounds And that was with a couple days off that set my diet back like 4 days basically all im doing is eating a sald for one meal and just a normal sized meal for the other. no snacks, only diet sodas. ive also started to get meal bars which help (in replacement for a meal, not as a snack fatty)

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

heres me lets see how i progress

heres me lets see how i progress

please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some...

by the way i dunno how to pose... so sorry...

scrawny boy i am

lots and lots of back work.


no advice givers?

Grouch lots and lots of work. fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals.

vettedude fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals. well i just started back like a month or so ago before i broke my collar bone so i didnt do anything for a long time...

should i cut or keep bulking?

XsLiCk should i cut or keep bulking? god no, keep bulking

how old are you

i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all

TheChosen i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength.

XsLiCk please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some... Add about 20 lbs of fat and subtract about 50lbs from your bench and that is about where I started.

ACURA TL-S BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength. Is this a tru story?

heres me lets see how i progress

found an old pic of me

found an old pic of me

warning its kinda gross First pic you'll notice my gyno..second pic you'll notice the bad acne..its from the nolva and acne is a side ( i had it previously but this increased it a lot ) but my nips do look a lot better.. First pic I had been working out 3 months Second was today (im workin on a tan )

nice man. you actually look like a human being.

looks better, heaps better

so u did gyno surgery?

nope been taking nolva..seems to be working slowly

id also like to add the britney poster was a gift

NoXeN nope been taking nolva..seems to be working slowly isnt there also a another brand thats new but seems to work

nice work!! yoos a tall bastad aintcha!

How tall are you again Noxen?

blue-streak isnt there also a another brand thats new but seems to work im not sure the dr. prescribed this stuff to me, he called it tamoxifen..but i guess thats another name for nolva -i'm 6'2

what the hell is nolva?

an anti e, used in treatment of breast cancer

Why Are You Taking That?

was that really gyno? doesn't look like it to me. nice delts

good shoulder improvement

arms looking way better

Peal an anti e, used in treatment of breast cancer AKA Tamoxifen in the US.

you still look fairly lean... i'm sure you can bulk up a lot more if you eat more?

tize progress not need to start eating kid quiet fatty if youre not an ectomorph you have NO IDEA how hard it is to gain..anyways the nolva has helped my gyno..and it is a form of gyno..theres a type with "tissue" underneath the nipple(puffy nipples, what i had) and type with fat (man boobs) been working out 2 years this june..i took this past summer off basically..with how i eat im happy with my progress, i realize my diet is shit those posters were both gifts

nice are you talkin about tize....I see big progress

nice shoulders/arms, lil more build on the chest. you look like you have a decently low body fat, do you just not tighten your stomach for the pics? would imagine you'd see more definition than that. nice progress.

dude i took 3 months off and i eat like shit if you dont "see" a difference then youre just being a dick

tize i was an ecto until i started getting high and eating the whole menu at mcdonalds. i weighed 130 when i was 17. at your height that isnt that skinny sorry

kronik85 nice shoulders/arms, lil more build on the chest. you look like you have a decently low body fat, do you just not tighten your stomach for the pics? would imagine you'd see more definition than that. nice progress. i was..i just have a layer of fat hiding em i still dont have enough mass to make me want to cut though

I actually have to agree with Tize on that one, it just isn't exactly 2 years of progress. Even taking off 3 months, it just doesn't look right. Not trying to put you down, but just want to help you and maybe try to -up your calories -intensity -new split etc, find what works best for you

found an old pic of me

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Starting to need belts on all my pants. All i do is go to the gym about 2 or 3 times a week ( on a good week ) and only have 1 or 2 meals a day and lots of water. Yea, i know thats not the best method, but it works and i'll take it.

Why only one or two meals a day??

Same here actually .. yesterday was the first day I actually noticed it. Got a few pairs of 32's I'd love to fit back into and at this rate it'll happen by next week

good stuff...keep it up if its working

Elfling Why only one or two meals a day?? No time or mone.y

congrats to ya

Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight.

N.A Honda Congrats! First are the jeans, then the sweat pants seem to need to be tightened a bit more and then finally the underwear don't seem to fit as snug and aren't as tight. I'm loathing the new wardrobe i'll have to spend money on, tho it will be nice to not actually HUNT for nice looking clothes. Im currently at the size thats not quite normal, and not quite big & tall.

Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way

KetchupKing Bulking > * I grave up when baggy clothes were in. Now i'm growing into them No new clothes needed Congrats though... i was so excited when I managed to fit into size 30 jeans without needing a belt... you must be the same way I need to lose fat first. Im doing that through weights.

Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better.

xpinchx Instead of eating 2 meals a day, you should really be eating at least 4-5 smaller ones. Trust me, it helps a lot. When you only eat twice a day (breakfast and dinner) your body is going to store all those unused calories as fat. If your body is constantly taking in calories spread throughout the day it won't bother storing those calories and will expend them because there's a constant supply of energy coming in. It's just better. i try. I need to get back on my oatmeal/banana/cottage cheese/tuna routine.

who read "parents aren't fighting anymore?"

Woot! My pants aren't fitting any more!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

"Do you have a tapeworm?"

People are so fucking dumb. I hear this shit at least twice a day.

It is a great way to lose weight :P

sire It is a great way to lose weight :P hell no

tize why do you hear that? are you super skinny or something/ Super skinny and eat like a horse. bulking>*

my mommy says that to me

everyone on the internet says it to me

I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day.

sr20wop my mommy says that to me mine used to. thank god that doesnt happen anymore. now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

~*Pogovina*~ now she just asks me when i'm gonna grow tits

sr20wop .

sr20wop it's funny cause it's true

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden?

quickone ughhh....what did you get super hungry all of a sudden? No, not at all. Let's just say I found it... in the toilet. I don't really feel like reliving that moment.

timberwolf I actually did once have one. I used to eat sushi like every other day. Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too.

7th Ninjai Any weird symptoms? Some of my friends can't believe that I spend over $120 every couple of months or so when my wife and I have sushi, but I think it's very important to ensure the fish is fresh, high quality, and a proper sashimi cut. The taste is a world of difference too. Not really. No symptoms I was aware off. They passed a new law in Canada recently that prohibits fresh fish being used... it has to have been frozen for at least 2 weeks I believe.

Back in the day when I had stomach problems that prevented eating for certain periods of time I used to tell people that "something was eating my tapeworm."

Tapeworm is acting up


"Do you have a tapeworm?"

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