Showing posts with label concentration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concentration. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

so it's coming back? SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. .

Now to see if this will be marketed well, challenges before chances of manufacturing, etc...


whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform.

i read in one of the articles that the ball is in the FDA's court now or something along those lines giivng me the impression that although that judge ruled in favor of the utah company, the fda can still ban it.

meh who gives a shit really....

Dragon whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform. Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

Sgt. Ownage meh who gives a shit really.... no ph no care?

tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

gsteclipse97 tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription... can you not read?

tryfuhl no ph no care? nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness

mike so it's coming back? it was never really gone

Sgt. Ownage nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness Yeah, but if this pans out, we'll be able to get it straight.. and in mixes as a dietary supplement... I don't think that some people are getting that ephedrine can't be in dietary supplements, or sold straight (easily), either

superbri007 1fast400 sells it by itself, last time i checked....but it was out of stock. now, ephedrine with Guaifenesin is another story Yeah, it's been out of stock for years though

spoofy it was never really gone you on the other hand, have been i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf?

tryfuhl I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf? yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me

gsteclipse97 yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it...

again that is

tryfuhl Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it... true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode

tryfuhl you on the other hand, have been miss me?

gsteclipse97 true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode we could get good home-mixes from 1fast or something tho, if they choose to do one...

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

1fast400 These should start sunday. If we can hit the next price teir on these items these prices will remain constant. AAKG 1000g 59.99 200g 14.99 phenibut 15.99 30g 39.99 100g 170.00 500g CM 75g 9.99 200g 19.99 500g 44.99 CEE 5.99 100g 19.99 500g 34.99 1000g ALCAR 6.99 75g 24.99 500g 47.99 1000g BCAA's 22.99 500g bcaa/cm combo 29.99 (500g+75g cm) gaba 4.99 100g evodimine 24.99 25g .

Get some CEE..

Creatine Ethyl Ester


Thanks for the post, I've been thinking about trying their ALCAR. ALCAR is Acetyl-L-carnitine may help with fat loss boost energy help with memory and concentration. May being the operative word. I've been taking 500 mg a day and do seem to notice some differences.

Bulk Nutrition is having a sale

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

It's in my genes to be a salt nut. My mom would salt everything from breakfast cereal to granny smith apples, and I'm pretty much the same (not cereal though ). Anyway, I'm currently cutting and haven't really watched my sodium. I do know I take in a hell of a lot sodium though. I've been searching this forum off and on for the past year and have yet to really see much evidence on too much sodium being harmful to the body. People always point out how high in sodium something is, but I never really hear why that's a bad thing except for blood pressure and water retention. I've also read that it doesn't really affect blood pressure, so I'm not sure how true the hypertension claim even is. I understand how water retention might be bad, but it really doesn't pertain to me at this moment. Does it just affect blood pressure and water retention? Or is there something much more serious? Is there really anything wrong with sodium? I'm not trying to make light of hypertension, but I don't see it as a problem as long as you monitor your blood pressure.

I love salt as well. However, personally, I noticed I dropped a few pounds just by cutting back on the ammount of salt from my diet. It may have been a combo of the salt and the food the salt was on that helped though. (Less chips and pizza)

I'm guessing, not having studied the kidney, the high sodium level decreases water concentration compared to the other side of the kidneys membranes, resulting in loss of water via osmosis just an educated guess though

I thought that sodium stored water? I know if you try to reduce it from your diet that you will be much better off.

christophers posted about this. your body can only hold so much salt and if you go over that level your kidneys just flushes it right out so it really doesnt do anything. and the water retention thing is a myth because there can only be so much in your body, you can only retain a limited amount of water from salt. i think the catch was that the studies were for active people


cbrpimp Looks like a lot of mis-info in this thread, does anyone have any legitimate answers? It seems like a lot people have answers, but there doesn't appear to be much real factual evidence to support any claims. That's where my confusion comes from. Everyone points out when something is high in sodium, but they never have a factually backed reason as why that's even a bad thing.

discussed hurr

Is there REALLY anything wrong with sodium?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My routine...critique wanted (long)

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Any thoughts, suggestions? Monday: chest, abs & tri dumbbells - 4 x 8 incline dumbbells - 3 x 8 decline on cable machines - 3 x 8 fly machine - 3 x 8 burnout bench - 1 x 21 various abs (depending on day) skull crusher (lying) w/ bench bar - 3 x 8 one-handed pulldowns on cable stack - 3 x 8 overhead rope pulls on cable stack - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (usually about 25 - 30 first set, 20 - 25 second set) Tuesday: back & biceps pulldowns - 4 x 8 seated row machine (don't know what it is called) - 3 x 8 dumbbell rows - 3 x 8 lower back machine - 3 x 8 pullups - 2 x ? (usually 10 first set, 6-8 second) traps - 4 x 8 bench bar curls - pyramid sets (1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 10, 1 x 12) seated incline curls - 3 x 8 concentration curls - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (immediately following each set, lighter dumbbells ~20lbs used for making circular motions) Wednesday: shoulders, abs & tri military press - 4 x 8 lateral raises - 3 x 8 front raises - 3 x 8 reverse fly? (don't know name) - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) skull crushers w/ curl bar - 3 x 8 triangle bar pulldown - 3 x 8 rope pulldown - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (see above for # reps) Thursday: legs leg press - 4 x 8 extensions - 4 x 8 curls - 4 x 8 calf press - 3 x 12 calves on leg press machine - 3 x 15 Friday: chest, abs & biceps bench - 4 x 8 incline bench - 3 x 8 decline bench - 3 x 8 flys - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) bench bar curls - 3 x 21 (7 wide grip, 7 narrow, 7 normal) incline bench curls - 3 x 8 superman curls (what I call them) ->use 2 weight stacks, curl with upper arms parallel to floor, bring hands toward head, like a typical flex pose... - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (w/ afterward as on tuesdays) Saturday: legs squat - 3 x 8 rest is same as Thursday minus the leg press So that's it. Comments? Suggestions? I am always looking to make it better. FWIW, I am ~6'4", ~185... thanks E

seems to be overtraining to me..dunno..

I am just glancing at it and I will give my .02 later. But you have way to many sets to per day to be working a group twice a week and you need to vary your rep scheme.

You need to give your muscles more time to rest. You're overtraining and probably working against yourself. Take it back a notch and work each muscle group once a week. You shouldn't be at the gym working out every day.

Yeah first thing that popped into my head was overtraining. What are your goals? What's your diet like?

holy overtraining batman

Thanks for the input guys - I was beginning to suspect that I was overtraining some. My goals at first were the typical: get my bench to 300, and look good. Got to 300 a couple of weeks ago, and I look good, but after that my goals changed to being more fit, so I think that I am going to take up swimming 2x/wk and drop off to working each group 1x/ diet is, at best guess ~4000 cal/day; I have a super high metabolism, and I know that this is not really high if I want to be bulking, but I don't really want to bulk too much; I am tall and lean, and I want to stay that way, but muscular...any more help? Thanks guys. E

bump? I still want some more feedback

It's only about 24-6 sets a day... hardly overtaining it seems. I posted a routine where it was 20 sets of mostly 10s and no one thought that was even close to overtaining. If you are worried about overtraining though just knock off a lift a day.

thanks man - really appreciate the feedback - and to the gym I go...

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Can drinking water kill you?

Can drinking water kill you?

This was in the NYT today (link - but probably won't work for you). I think it's pretty interesting, and it's surprising this is the first documentation of this. Cliffs: Slow people drink too much water during long races. That drops their sodium concentration in their blood, which can potentially lead to death. April 14, 2005 Study Cautions Runners to Limit Their Water Intake By GINA KOLATA fter years of telling athletes to drink as much liquid as possible to avoid dehydration, some doctors are now saying that drinking too much during intense exercise poses a far greater health risk. An increasing number of athletes - marathon runners, triathletes and even hikers in the Grand Canyon - are severely diluting their blood by drinking too much water or too many sports drinks, with some falling gravely ill and even dying, the doctors say. New research on runners in the Boston Marathon, published today in The New England Journal of Medicine, confirms the problem and shows how serious it is. The research involved 488 runners in the 2002 marathon. The runners gave blood samples before and after the race. While most were fine, 13 percent of them - or 62 - drank so much that they had hyponatremia, or abnormally low blood sodium levels. Three had levels so low that they were in danger of dying. The runners who developed the problem tended to be slower, taking more than four hours to finish the course. That gave them plenty of time to drink copious amounts of liquid. And drink they did, an average of three liters, or about 13 cups of water or of a sports drink, so much that they actually gained weight during the race. The risks to athletes from drinking too much liquid have worried doctors and race directors for several years. As more slow runners entered long races, doctors began seeing athletes stumbling into medical tents, nauseated, groggy, barely coherent and with their blood severely diluted. Some died on the spot. In 2003, U.S.A. Track & Field, the national governing body for track and field, long-distance running and race walking, changed its guidelines to warn against the practice. Marathon doctors say the new study offers the first documentation of the problem. "Before this study, we suspected there was a problem," said Dr. Marvin Adner, the medical director of the Boston Marathon, which is next Monday. "But this proves it." Hyponatremia is entirely preventable, Dr. Adner and others said. During intense exercise the kidneys cannot excrete excess water. As people keep drinking, the extra water moves into their cells, including brain cells. The engorged brain cells, with no room to expand, press against the skull and can compress the brain stem, which controls vital functions like breathing. The result can be fatal. But the marathon runners were simply following what has long been the conventional advice given to athletes: Avoid dehydration at all costs. "Drink ahead of your thirst," was the mantra. Doctors and sports drink companies "made dehydration a medical illness that was to be feared," said Dr. Tim Noakes, a hyponatremia expert at the University of Cape Town. "Everyone becomes dehydrated when they race," Dr. Noakes said. "But I have not found one death in an athlete from dehydration in a competitive race in the whole history of running. Not one. Not even a case of illness." On the other hand, he said, he knows of people who have sickened and died from drinking too much. Hyponatremia can be treated, Dr. Noakes said. A small volume of a highly concentrated salt solution is given intravenously and can save a patient's life by pulling water out of swollen brain cells. But, he said, doctors and emergency workers often assume that the problem is dehydration and give intravenous fluids, sometimes killing the patient. He and others advise testing the salt concentration of the athlete's blood before treatment. For their part, runners can estimate how much they should drink by weighing themselves before and after long training runs to see how much they lose - and thus how much water they should replace. But they can also follow what Dr. Paul D. Thompson calls "a rough rule of thumb." Dr. Thompson, a cardiologist at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and a marathon runner, advises runners to drink while they are moving. "If you stop and drink a couple of cups, you are overdoing it," he said. Dr. Adner said athletes also should be careful after a race. "Don't start chugging down water," he said. Instead, he advised runners to wait until they began to urinate, a sign the body is no longer retaining water. The paper's lead author, Dr. Christopher S. D. Almond, of Children's Hospital, said he first heard of hyponatremia in 2001 when a cyclist drank so much on a ride from New York to Boston that she had a seizure. She eventually recovered. Dr. Almond and his colleagues decided to investigate how prevalent hyponatremia really was. Until recently, the condition was all but unheard of because endurance events like marathons and triathlons were populated almost entirely by fast athletes who did not have time to drink too much. "Elite athletes are not drinking much, and they never have," Dr. Noakes said. The lead female marathon runner in the Athens Olympics, running in 97-degree heat drank just 30 seconds of the entire race. In the 2002 Boston Marathon, said Dr. Arthur Siegel, of the Boston Marathon's medical team and the chief of internal medicine at Harvard's McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., the hyponatremia problem "hit us like a cannon shot" in 2002. That year, a 28-year-old woman reached Heartbreak Hill, at Mile 20, after five hours of running and drinking sports drinks. She struggled to the top. Feeling terrible and assuming she was dehydrated, she chugged 16 ounces of the liquid. "She collapsed within minutes," Dr. Siegel said. She was later declared brain dead. Her blood sodium level was dangerously low, at 113 micromoles per liter of blood. (Hyponatremia starts at sodium levels below 135 micromoles, when brain swelling can cause confusion and grogginess. Levels below 120 can be fatal.) No one has died since in the Boston Marathon, but there have been near misses there, with 7 cases of hyponatremia in 2003 and 11 last year, and deaths elsewhere, Dr. Siegel said. He added that those were just the cases among runners who came to medical tents seeking help. In a letter, also in the journal, doctors describe 14 runners in the 2003 London Marathon with hyponatremia who waited more than four hours on average before going to a hospital. Some were lucid after the race, but none remembered completing it. That sort of delay worries Dr. Siegel. "The bottom line is, it's a very prevalent problem out there, and crossing the edge from being dazed and confused to having a seizure is very tricky and can happen very, very fast," he said. Boston Marathon directors want to educate runners not to drink so much, Dr. Siegel said. They also suggest that runners write their weights on their bibs at the start of the race. If they feel ill, they could be weighed again. Anyone who gains weight almost certainly has hyponatremia. "Instead of waiting until they collapse and then testing their sodium, maybe we can nip it in the bud," Dr. Siegel said.


i havent drank water in 10 years cuz I'm so afraid

nathanbx i havent drank water in 10 years cuz I'm so afraid

you have to drink ALOT of water to do this....and that's usually why they have gatorade at marathons instead of replinish your sodium and electrolytes

nic379 you have to drink ALOT of water to do this....and that's usually why they have gatorade at marathons instead of replinish your sodium and electrolytes they don't have gatorade instead of water because they think you're going to die.

they have gatorade at the racess so they can promote gatorade.

you can also be "overhydrated" from drinking too much water w/o exercise. happened to that one college kid, they made him drink and drink and drink water instead of alcohol during a hazing event. kid ended up dying.

Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks.

yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks.

Back at ya jackhole

mike yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes Too true. But, this also leads to kidney failure. So, you die of "dirty" blood.

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks. People drink gatorade because the real stuff is thick and disgusting

Soularis People drink gatorade because the real stuff is thick and disgusting ...and not elite enough to drink the 'real stuff'.

mike yes. too much water = dliutes your sodium/electrolyte levels so you dont really die of water consumption, you die of not having enough sodium in your body to carry on natural processes I think it is important to think of it not as diluting sodium/electrolyte levels, and therefore not having enough sodium to carry on natural processes. If I eat some X amount of sodium in a day, and 3 litres of water, or if I eat X amount and drink 20 litres, I'm still gonna have the same sodium levels. The problem is that the the concentration of water in the plasma and extracellular fluids increase to a point where its greater than the water concentration in the intercellular fluid, so the water moves accross the semi pemrmeable membrane to follow its concentration gradient, causing Haemolysis, or the rupture of the cell. Or in the above article, swelling of the swells and where they meet the skull wall. If you are a person scientifically interested in this, the emergency response is to inject the paitent with either mannitol or its isotope D-sorbitol. These particles are too large to move accross the membrane. They increase the osmolarity of the extra cellular fluid, causing water to diffuse out of the cell into the blood stream, relieving the pressure on the brain

BUt yes, diluting electrolyte levels is key to this condition, as decreased osmolarity of blood = increased water concentration

my dad took care of an insane guy who drank wayyyyy too much water and had to go to the icu because his kidneys got fucked

so let me get this straight. you explode on the inside? cool post edd91 I think it is important to think of it not as diluting sodium/electrolyte levels, and therefore not having enough sodium to carry on natural processes. If I eat some X amount of sodium in a day, and 3 litres of water, or if I eat X amount and drink 20 litres, I'm still gonna have the same sodium levels. The problem is that the the concentration of water in the plasma and extracellular fluids increase to a point where its greater than the water concentration in the intercellular fluid, so the water moves accross the semi pemrmeable membrane to follow its concentration gradient, causing Haemolysis, or the rupture of the cell. Or in the above article, swelling of the swells and where they meet the skull wall. If you are a person scientifically interested in this, the emergency response is to inject the paitent with either mannitol or its isotope D-sorbitol. These particles are too large to move accross the membrane. They increase the osmolarity of the extra cellular fluid, causing water to diffuse out of the cell into the blood stream, relieving the pressure on the brain

some dumb 16 year old bitch in colorado drank too much water after taking extacy and she died. Natural selection.

nonplus so let me get this straight. you explode on the inside? cool post Yeah your cells can rupture. Take a blood sample and mix in any molar amount of NaCl below 0.154M, the solution will turn red because of the exploded red blood cells. Even when spun in a centrifuge it will remain red

Rory, Esq. Yes, but you can just eat salt or salty foods while you're drinking, and you'll be fine. If you drink a ton of water, your kidneys will fail, too, but that's like 10 gallons, and I'm pretty sure sweat subtracts from that. Eh, if you drink 10 gallons in a substantially short period of time, you will die.

edd91 BUt yes, diluting electrolyte levels is key to this condition, as decreased osmolarity of blood = increased water concentration thanks for reiterating what i said to begin with but very informative post, nonetheless.

too much of a good thing is a bad thing... its all about moderation and finding the balance in life..

Nitromike Long distance cycling events I'll drink one 22oz bottle of Cytomax or Accelerade per hour 1/2 22oz bottle of water per hour and 3 Endurolytes caps per hour .. this is only for anything over 4 hours though .. less than that I skip the E-caps And for the record Gatorade is shitty at replacing electrolytes, they use it because its cheap (or free) compared to real carbo drinks. do u know how electrolytes are replenished or the even the symport of salts/glucose and ions into ur cells? when someone is severly dehydrated, so much that they're taken to the ER, ask those EMT's what their shoving up those IVs next time

Can drinking water kill you?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

I normally do something like this: Back: Pull-ups til failure (4 sets) Lat pull-downs (10,8,6,6 increasing the weight with each set) Bent over DB rows (10,8,6,6 increasing weight with each set) OR The hammer strength chest pull thingy Biceps: (all of this 10,8,6,6) increasing weights with each sets Concentration curls Barbell curls Preacher curls I really need help with back though!! help!

You really don't need 16 sets of exercises for bi's after doing back.


hahahaha all that for biceps?

Pullups Chins Bent over rows One arm DB row Shrugs BB curls Hammer grip curls

rows of any kind(db, cable, bb)

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me

Filmboy44 screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal.

tofu back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal. yeah it is... but our power-squat rack (as I call it) is right next to this door/closet that they keep all the "powerlifting" crap in the chains, thicker squat bar, bands, chalk, etc. Its like 3 feet from this this guy goes to the closet to get something and thats when he screamed at me it was like right in my ear.


Grouch ok shut it, crunk a junk

you shoulda fuckin slapped with a 5lb plate after that shit

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225

Filmboy44 shut it, crunk a junk My hands hurt. I can't.

heh i did the same thing but re-tore some ligament and muscle tissue in my lower back, my post is prob near the bottom of the forum, i feel your pain.

PurEvl i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225 how is that going to effect your show?

bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show

The other day I was attempting a new PR on deadlift, and right when I was about to pull, this guy goes "PPPSSSSTTTTTT!!!" real loud. totally fucked me up. He was trying to get the attention of some other guy across the gym.

Filmboy44 how is that going to effect your show? it shouldnt, I should be fine just coasting in and doing light leg workouts, the quads are still ok

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me Sounds like how I herniated a disc in my back, minus the big dawg comment! Make sure to keep moving around, and go see a doc, you dont wanna fuck with back injuries.

spoofy bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show I'm not OLD

i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you.

~*Pogovina*~ i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you. there are only abut a handful of guys at my gym that can squat 6+...actually I'd say 5+...

You should have ripped out your spine and strangled the faggot to death with it.

Perplexed Did you fucking kill the cunt or what? no, it was my fault...I wasn't practicing Arnold's logic of "a bomb could go off and it won't break bbers concentration"

Man, that's fuck up. I would have been so pissed off.

too bad they got rid of your reverse hyper

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Today i worked out my bis/forearms, and had a really good/intense workout. i did: 3 x 10 DB curls. 2 x 10 EZ-bar Curls 3 x 10 Hammer curls 2 x 10 Preacher Hammer curls 3 x 10 forearm (pronated grip) BB curls i cooled down with a few concentration curls as well. i did all that with weights that i could barely lift on my last couple reps but my muscles feel fine right now. The only time i have sore muscles is after my peck+tri days. why is this?? should i be sore right now?

Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign.

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. well then what am i doing wrong?

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. Muscle soreness can also be a sign your doing improper form.... and actually hurting your muscles...

ok so then should i be changing anything in my workout? i know i did alot of sets, many until failure, and lifted hard. but i don't feel it!

Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter?

since switching to a new routine im finding im sore for more days than usual.... im usually sore for 24 hours, now im sore for atleast 72 which im never that sore, and i have to coat myself in icy hot to feel form seems on as the exercises are what im used to but im not sure what im doing wrong

DAN513 Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter? yea i do have a partner but how do you spot someone for curls. maybe negatives?

go to and listen to the interview with charles staley on the left side, it says "D-Tap 7: Charles Staley"

if you're not sore it doesnt mean you are not growing that may actually be a good thing.

I used to get sore after arms days, but not anymore. I just get to failure and must stop

you need more types of curls so your muscles dont get so sore

What type of soreness? Do you do any stretching afterwards?

I'm almost never sore anymore.

People need to realize that there are enough knowledgeable people on the board that if they don't know what the fuck they're talking about they should just shut up and wait for a proper answer. Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Fucking read, learn, and experience before you give someone advice.

I've been lifting for six years and I have some degree of soreness after every workout.

dont have to be sore to grow

When you get up the next mourning and your muscles aren't sore but they still feel like they have a little pump going on. I think that might be the best.

soreness and pain are two different things

after heavy deads I have some back soreness for quite a while

Natezilla Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness

Ceaze Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that?

Natezilla Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that? [Siff, Supertraining 2003 pp. 77-78] Contrary to popular belief, lactate is not a toxic by-product or waste-product of metabolism accelerated by exercise. Lactate is produced even under conditions of rest and actually can serve as a valuable extra substrate (or source) of energy. When sufficient oxygen again becomes available via rest or decrease in exercise intensity, lactate is reconverted to pyruvate for use as an energy source. In addition, the lactate and pyruvate formed in muscle during exercise can be used to manufacture glucose by gluconeogenesis in a process known as the Cori cycle. This supplements any existing blood glucose and muscle glycogen. Moreover, muscle fatigue is not due to 'lactic acid poisoning' of the muscles. The formation of lactate (or lactic acid) is accompanied by the presence of positively-charged hydrogen ions (H+) or protons. These electrical charges, which increase the acidity of the blood, can interfere with the muscle contraction process and the efficiency of the enzymes involved in energy production. Neither should lactic acid be regarded as the cause of muscle soreness, since blood lactate levels return to normal within an hour or so of strenuous interval training.

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

I do triceps together with chest and biceps with back..but, what are the best exercises to promote growth? I'm sitting with 13.5" here


Thanks for the great insight.

no problem

oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls

drunknmunky oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls Been doing those...vertical dips? Close grip pushups(although I'd think this would be more endurance + strength..)? I need to find an old carboard time that I measured my biceps on..

What the hell is going on? Well, overall, the best tricep exercises are the following: 1. Dips 2. Close-grip bench press 3. Skullcrushers 4. Tricep extension? (not sure if it's really that good). They pretty much go in the order. As for biceps...i'm not really sure, I never train them. They get enough work out (yeah i know it's sad) from pull ups, bent over rows...ect. If you are eating properly, and working out hard on your biceps and see no growth try changing up things a bit. You could try the following exercises: 1. DB bicep curls 2. BB bicep curls 3. Cable curls 4. Concentration curls 5. Preecher curls *(not in any particular order) but you should get enough workout from doing other than your arms.


preacher curls

christophers according to whom him, duh it varies person to person... almost the only exercise I do for triceps are pressdowns and CGB

triceps= reverse bench biceps= bb curl

I do like 150 reps with a 5lb DB until i get REALLY TIRED.

Gods, what's with the standard forum answers??

I did tate presses for the first time yesterday. They destroyed my tris.

christophers what kind of flat bench #'s has pressdowns given ya? can't tell you, remember I'm a body builder.. I could give a shit what my flat bench is, but 3 plates is where I'm stuck at

Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me.

christophers more weight = more growth I'm not arguing that, maybe this is why my chest is so damn stubourn... I might give a powerlifting routine on it just to see how it works out, but I can never understand them /or have access to the equipment

i got better results when i trained chest/tri's on seperate days

the opposite of whatever i do.


Grouch the opposite of whatever i do. /

I liked reverse grip curls, was definately a nice change of the routine.

I really like rack press for tris. Usually I only do maybe some hammer curls and ez bar curls for bis. I get a pretty good bi workout from back day.

I just do close grip, skull crushers and pushdowns. I probably can't bench more than 275 right now.

Ilyusha Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me. jmpresses are excellent

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least.

ACURA TL-S I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least. description, pictures, what the hell is this?

D. Ahrens Press Chuck Ahrens is relatively unknown to most modern trainees, but in his time he was considered to have the strongest shoulders and arms in the world. He was so wide he looked unreal! In his prime, Ahrens could do reps with 200 pound dumbbells in the shoulder press (some people even claim to have seen him press a 300 pound dumbbell with one arm), perform 28 reps with 405 in the bench press, and perform a slow and controlled concentration curl with a 115 pound barbell. One of his shoulder exercises was very peculiar: he'd do overhead dumbbell presses, but instead of pressing them straight up he'd press them up and away laterally (basically doing a "V" with both arms). He had no choice but to press in this matter because he used special loadable dumbbells that were very long; pressing them straight up was thus impossible without the bells hitting each other. What this exercise does is place the shoulders, especially the medial portion of the deltoid, under greater tension as the movement gets completed.

looks interesting. might have to try those tomorrow in place fo the regular db shoudler press

i might try these!

those #s are bs

115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl

Werdna 115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl One armed concentration curls?

cavefish One armed concentration curls? why is he curling a barbell with one arm then?

Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell.

I've done them quite a bit before i cut down on how much overhead pressing I do. I liked them a lot.

cavefish Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell. I agree. Those numbers are believable.

ouch. cant be good for rotators does it hurt?

Sounds like some Irish drink to me

I don't know if I can believe what he benched, but I will have to try these.

200lb db shoulder presses? 300 lbs? bs ronnie just got some 200lb dbs and im not sure if he can do them yet on flat bench

Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old.

But on the other hand Noxen, you may be onto something. Here's an interesting little read on the guy:

cavefish Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old. in the cost of redemption he does 160lb db overhead presses..

I was referring to flat bench.

i believe the number and the hype.

cavefish I was referring to flat bench. i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though..

NoXeN i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though.. that was 250's. He does the 200's for 12 in some video, they zoom the camera right up to the "200" on the side of the dumbell before they show him doing them.

ahh my mistake

It looks dangerous for shoulders.

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

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