Friday, December 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

I normally do something like this: Back: Pull-ups til failure (4 sets) Lat pull-downs (10,8,6,6 increasing the weight with each set) Bent over DB rows (10,8,6,6 increasing weight with each set) OR The hammer strength chest pull thingy Biceps: (all of this 10,8,6,6) increasing weights with each sets Concentration curls Barbell curls Preacher curls I really need help with back though!! help!

You really don't need 16 sets of exercises for bi's after doing back.


hahahaha all that for biceps?

Pullups Chins Bent over rows One arm DB row Shrugs BB curls Hammer grip curls

rows of any kind(db, cable, bb)

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

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