Showing posts with label dumbbells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dumbbells. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Repped 100 3x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 90's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 90lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it), picked them up again and repped 4.

I've found it's easier for my elbows to have the weight laying on my chest as I lay down and then use solely my arms to spread out. Before, I was kicking the db's off my thighs as I was laying down and I think the force of slowing the weight down to counter gravity while getting set up was what was fucking with my elbows.

I can shrug 100's

Mystery Guest I can shrug 100's Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching

7th Ninjai Repped 1000 30x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 900's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 900lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it, it snapped, bending backwards, so I took the other dumbell and smashed it back into place), picked them up again and repped 40. Now that's animal intensity, that's animal pride. fixed.

I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat

Opi Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set

ralyks fixed. Post more

ChosenGSR I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat I stopped doing barbell indefinitely. My numbers (stopped a ~month or so ago) were 225lbs 5x, 265max on flat. When I first started flat db several months ago, I had trouble with anything beyond 75lbs but I seem to be improving faster as I am focused on it now. My incline is still lacking, I can only get 85 4x on the last set. I tried flat BB last week to see if I had lost strength there, I had trouble pushing 205 6x

7th Ninjai Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

NoXeN I need to grow some traps

ralyks fixed. animal pak > *

7th Ninjai Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set wow... Im using 40 for each arm... I dont feel so shitty anymore

props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar.

ryazbeck props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar. Thanks man Mine doesn't either - I guess I'm just going to have to work on increasing reps. I'll be in a new gym this summer, so I guess that will be one of the requirements of wherever I end up.

I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up!

~stangzorized~ I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up! 150's What does your gym go up to?

7th Ninjai 150's What does your gym go up to? 150's

in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I've never tried 100's on incline, but I've done 90's for 6 before. My flat is so much stronger for some reason.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I started my chest routine with flat this morning: 60x15, 70x12, 80x8, 90x6, and 100x3 I moved to incline db and went 65x10, 75x8, 85x4 I would love to be at 100's for incline, nice work

I usually hold them on the inside of the DB (hands as close as they can be), put the DBs on my knees and roll back so that they are already up in the air.. keep everything as tight as I can and it usually works out fine from there...

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another dumb question from me

Another dumb question from me

So im at my gym doing my thing today mostly just farting around on the tredmill because I started Christophers routine in the middle of the week and I dont want to get super serious about it until monday where I can really go at it. Anyways im noticing my gym has about a 50/50 split when it comes to free weights versus machines. I know most if not all of yall lift with free weights so you can work your stabalizers. That being said since I have no work out partner and I wanted to find my max on like bench or squats could I get a accurate number from the bench press machine/leg press machine? Is there a disadvantage other than stabalizers to useing machines?


Why don't you use dumbbells I sometimes don't have a workout partner either and just use the dumbbells for most stuff.

no you can not get an acurate number, ask for a spot, i do all of the time.

Yeah your gym should have people that can help with a spot. If not, then your gym most likely blows.

squat in the cage and ask for a spot on your last set on bench

Another dumb question from me

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My routine...critique wanted (long)

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Any thoughts, suggestions? Monday: chest, abs & tri dumbbells - 4 x 8 incline dumbbells - 3 x 8 decline on cable machines - 3 x 8 fly machine - 3 x 8 burnout bench - 1 x 21 various abs (depending on day) skull crusher (lying) w/ bench bar - 3 x 8 one-handed pulldowns on cable stack - 3 x 8 overhead rope pulls on cable stack - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (usually about 25 - 30 first set, 20 - 25 second set) Tuesday: back & biceps pulldowns - 4 x 8 seated row machine (don't know what it is called) - 3 x 8 dumbbell rows - 3 x 8 lower back machine - 3 x 8 pullups - 2 x ? (usually 10 first set, 6-8 second) traps - 4 x 8 bench bar curls - pyramid sets (1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 10, 1 x 12) seated incline curls - 3 x 8 concentration curls - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (immediately following each set, lighter dumbbells ~20lbs used for making circular motions) Wednesday: shoulders, abs & tri military press - 4 x 8 lateral raises - 3 x 8 front raises - 3 x 8 reverse fly? (don't know name) - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) skull crushers w/ curl bar - 3 x 8 triangle bar pulldown - 3 x 8 rope pulldown - 3 x 8 dips - 2 x ? (see above for # reps) Thursday: legs leg press - 4 x 8 extensions - 4 x 8 curls - 4 x 8 calf press - 3 x 12 calves on leg press machine - 3 x 15 Friday: chest, abs & biceps bench - 4 x 8 incline bench - 3 x 8 decline bench - 3 x 8 flys - 3 x 8 various abs (depending on day) bench bar curls - 3 x 21 (7 wide grip, 7 narrow, 7 normal) incline bench curls - 3 x 8 superman curls (what I call them) ->use 2 weight stacks, curl with upper arms parallel to floor, bring hands toward head, like a typical flex pose... - 3 x 8 hammer curls - 3 x 8 (w/ afterward as on tuesdays) Saturday: legs squat - 3 x 8 rest is same as Thursday minus the leg press So that's it. Comments? Suggestions? I am always looking to make it better. FWIW, I am ~6'4", ~185... thanks E

seems to be overtraining to me..dunno..

I am just glancing at it and I will give my .02 later. But you have way to many sets to per day to be working a group twice a week and you need to vary your rep scheme.

You need to give your muscles more time to rest. You're overtraining and probably working against yourself. Take it back a notch and work each muscle group once a week. You shouldn't be at the gym working out every day.

Yeah first thing that popped into my head was overtraining. What are your goals? What's your diet like?

holy overtraining batman

Thanks for the input guys - I was beginning to suspect that I was overtraining some. My goals at first were the typical: get my bench to 300, and look good. Got to 300 a couple of weeks ago, and I look good, but after that my goals changed to being more fit, so I think that I am going to take up swimming 2x/wk and drop off to working each group 1x/ diet is, at best guess ~4000 cal/day; I have a super high metabolism, and I know that this is not really high if I want to be bulking, but I don't really want to bulk too much; I am tall and lean, and I want to stay that way, but muscular...any more help? Thanks guys. E

bump? I still want some more feedback

It's only about 24-6 sets a day... hardly overtaining it seems. I posted a routine where it was 20 sets of mostly 10s and no one thought that was even close to overtaining. If you are worried about overtraining though just knock off a lift a day.

thanks man - really appreciate the feedback - and to the gym I go...

My routine...critique wanted (long)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Where can I get more of these?

Where can I get more of these?

The ones I have aren't very safe. I've had a few instances where they'd start sliding down the bar. One time the weights actually fell off and the barbell tipped over and went through the wall next to my bench. I need ones that securely clip on because these screw ones don't hold very well. I need 4 small ones for my dumbells, and 2 larger ones for the barbell. They both have a diameter of roughly 1 1/4". Any websites that sell these?

Barbell Spring collars They might work better than those.

Mystery Guest Barbell Spring collars That would be it. Just found some in the right size on ebay. Thanks.

xpinchx The ones I have aren't very safe. I've had a few instances where they'd start sliding down the bar. One time the weights actually fell off and the barbell tipped over and went through the wall next to my bench. I need ones that securely clip on because these screw ones don't hold very well. I need 4 small ones for my dumbells, and 2 larger ones for the barbell. They both have a diameter of roughly 1 1/4". Any websites that sell these? these are what you need. you should not even be trying to use those two other kinds for dumbbells... should be fine for your bar though. in fact i wouldnt even use clips on your bar. If it ever gets that crazy, you are better off dropping the weight.

Where can I get more of these?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

well there i am tell me what I need to work on.


Start heading to the gym

yup everything, keep hitting the gym...... then cut , or you can diet now.

eliktronix everything .

Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest?

you're really lacking in the chest and trap department. arms look decent i suppose

work on taking a still picture that isnt blurry. I still dont understand how some people can be so terrible at something as simple as taking a picture.

I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk.

Bulk to 400, than cut. /Christophers

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. I bet at this point if he lifts hard and doesnt alter his diet too much (calorie wise) he'll gain muscle mass like crazy

Shamrock well there i am tell me what I need to work on. chest is lacking and it would look worse if u cut at this point, otherwise you just look a little overweight, no biggie. you have more to start w/ than most people on here so thats a plus.

Shamrock Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest? max?

deznutz max? that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule

Arms look good, but you need to eat right and start losing weight. Try doing cardio on your rest days or doing cardio-weight training circuit once a week.

Shamrock that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule more volume perhaps

sr20wop more volume perhaps volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts?

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. did you happen to see the thread i made with progress pictures? what would you have recommended for me? i'm bulking now, but i'm just curious what you thought

beer.. less of it

Shamrock volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts? add some more exercises

i'd cut until your 13-14%.. then bulk

so what are a few more excerices i like to keep it purely upper body for the days and legs other days i don't like mixing legs and upper body

DCCapen you're like tize....but with clothes oh man that's fucked up.

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

Monday, December 23, 2013

Power Hooks?

Power Hooks?

Anyone use them? They seem pretty useful.

damn those look like they are pretty useful...especially since my right wrist is weak(no idea why...and i do wrist and forearms about 5 times/week.) and i have trouble getting the weight up on right side and usually get someone to hand it to me once i have the left one

baseball17c damn those look like they are pretty useful...especially since my right wrist is weak(no idea why...and i do wrist and forearms about 5 times/week.) and i have trouble getting the weight up on right side and usually get someone to hand it to me once i have the left one quit doing your forearms and wrists 5 times a week, you putz

mike quit doing your forearms and wrists 5 times a week, you putz Yeah, that's a little weird. I have to admit.

i like this concept

i almost got them long ago. but figured if between grip & straps i couldn't do it, that i shouldn't be.

SickLife i almost got them long ago. but figured if between grip & straps i couldn't do it, that i shouldn't be. Yeah, that's a good point.

kinda pricey for 2 metal hooks

Damn now I want those. Throwing 90lb dumbbells from my leg to my shoulder for shoulder press is really annoying and bringing them back down to my thighs the day after leg day isn't a picnic either.

ACURA TL-S Damn now I want those. Throwing 90lb dumbbells from my leg to my shoulder for shoulder press is really annoying and bringing them back down to my thighs the day after leg day isn't a picnic either. but substitute a lot less weight.

Power Hooks?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Backsville (you can see all the newb machines in the background): Latsville: The Bars (got some flat, incline, decline and shoulder): Dumbbells (stop at 100 ): Cables (one of two): Teh Cages (I like how the newbs used them for curls and didn't re-rack): Hammer Strength: Hammer Strength: Upstairs is cardio and aerobics area. I go up there to stretch, do crunchies and take a walk around the track to see if any scenery is on the treadmills.

I wish they had a dip station at my gym. I always go to a leg machine (where you tie a cable to your leg at the ankle) which has two parallel bars for people to stabilize themselves and I do dips off of those. Atleast my gym does have DBs up to 150 (or 140...I haven't really looked at the biggest ones yet).

those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym

Shaolin_sword36 says a lot about that gym

SteveO those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. As for the gym, it's in a very rich area of the southwestern suburbs. Some of the older men are quite built or healthy, but we don't have many brolies. Mostly yuppies in the weight rooms and baby boomers and attractive older golddiggers upstairs. Occasionally there will be some hotties and cool guys my age. The gym just west of the city has a better crowd, and I'll be there soon enough since I'm moving. FYI, this gym is the best Bally's in Minneapolis, and I'll miss it.

Mugwump Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. Maybe its just consistency, but the rubber ones feel solid enough that I can go 5 lbs more without even noticing the difference.

Shaolin_sword36 We have those same god damned cages at my gym. They suck cock because the holes for the catches are so far apart. And don't lie, you're the one that was doing the curls.

I use the EZ bars (15 lbs less than the regular barbells).

those cages blow..


Mugwump y? pin layout is awfull

Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic.

White Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic. Like I said, it's the nicest Bally's here. We have several of them, and there are some bad ones.

vettedude those cages blow..

They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing.

Mugwump They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing. for squats / GMs they are fine...

No deadlift platform, no care! Seriously it looks pretty good :P

happens all the time in my school gym

Elfling No deadlift platform, no care! I have to take the bar from the shoulder press bench and do my deadlifts there (barbell shoulder press isn't very popular for some reason). It's kinda sad, but I usually have lots of space.

Thats a nice fucking gym.

damn, that's a nice ballys. all the ballys here in NoVA are prolly 1/4 that size, no lie. well, the weight area is 1/4 that size. the rest is taken up by a pool, indoor track, etc.

looks pretty nice.

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

[since google dont work, i can show the pics of the two] anyways, in my previous gym (2 years old---basically brand new) the dumbbells i used there for 2 years was the "rubber type". now in my new gym (same franchise) they have older weights, and the db and even plates are the old full iron ones. i dont know if its just me but the older full iron weights are heavier than the rubber type. for example, with the rubber type, i can do 90lbs db incline 4-6times. while with the full iron db, i can only do 80lbs 4-6 times same i notice with BB bench. anyone here ever had this kinda change?

they're steel, not iron

The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's...

Ceaze they're steel, not iron ok, steel it is but yea, 45lbs rubber != 45lbs steel

deznutz The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's... i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get

LS Boy i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get What?

45lbs = 45lbs I've never had problems with different dumbbells.

my gym has a mix of rubber and metals. the rubbers seem more heavy for some reason. I noticed that the grips on some of the metals are much fatter (i have long fingers) which I like and can lift a little bit more of

im thinking its the grips also..coz the rubber one has fatter grip compare to steel. all in all, weights is weights

seems like every time I use the steel weights, they are always loose and rickety, I like the rubber weights.

maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle?

heres the pic difference: rubber = steel =

I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me

KetchupKing maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle? That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu.

Boomer Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu. no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is...

tize Big deal, get over it. Man up

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them.

cavefish Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them. Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight.

vettedude no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is... kids these days.

nathanbx Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight. i was gonna say, if you really think the weights are more or less than the actual weight of the dumbbell... go take it over to the scale and measure it. simple process. if you find that both weights weigh the exact same... then it's all a psychological factor of thinking "metal weighs more than rubber, this'll be harder".

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

It depends on the manufacturer. Some are off 5-6 lbs. We actually were screwing around one day and put different plates on the scale. Some of them weighed 45 and a couple weighed 40. I believe Ivanako was true weight and the other plates under different manufacturers were not true.

Intellex I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me If I hit the rubber ones together they normally bounce off to much.

You shouldn't really be hitting the dumbells together that hard.

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated?

Look at a Metal Militia workout or anything by Mike Miller...hold on let me find a link.

Mike Miller Wednesday we'll do shoulders and tons of shrugs. Shoulders and traps are an integral part of your bench pressing. I do trap bar shrugs. I start with 135 pounds for 100 reps, 225 for 75 reps, 315 for 50 reps, 425 for 25 reps, then 515 for 15 reps. Then I'll alternate with straight bar shrugs and work up to 495 where I use a little of my body weight to heave the bar up. Then I'll hold it there for five seconds. I'll go up to 600 pounds and do the same thing, letting my arms hang down low to get a good pull on my traps. Then I grab the 135 pound dumbbells and do shrugs, four sets of thirty, really strict. After that I superset front raises and side raises. Tons of assistance work for shoulders! Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast.

I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work?

ACURA TL-S Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated? hahaha acura, i was thinking of asking the same question here to prove that fag wrong ;x i feel the same way as your thread title as well.

Ilyusha I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work? wait so your only shurggin 20 lb dumbells?

20 reps and to believe that they thought powerlifters did not juice, LOL

cavefish Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast. Starting in may I will be training with him

Even in the dave tate intermdiate routine he has shrugs in there. Jim Wendler wants to be arrested for having to large traps

515 is lightweight

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Mine never hurt after I dead

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Hitching is bad mmmkay?

ohh god, the lates jewel, lol

From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life

my responses:ohh god, are you serious.... lol, DIAF so, anythign else you have to say, because that was fuckign weak, you are seriously a retarded person, have u ever had your IQ checked? You would probably not be suprised at how low it was.

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life ' shes ugly hahdhdhaha that makes it so much better

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. holly shit, they are fucking twins thats the thread that started this...

you guys have way too much time

dmaestro you guys have way too much time This man speaks the truth.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. I was thinking "sandra bernhardt impersonater"

I'd say so.


Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

main forum mofrackin train wreck

main forum mofrackin train wreck holy, fucking... shit...

Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit.

Tony Montana Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit. you know its stupid to read about how celebs gained X amount of weight in X months and thinking you can do the exact same thing right?

DCCapen Hey dont destroy his motivation, that wil happen naturally when he quits after a week because he is no closer to being Van Damne too true... applies to like 90% of the people I know.

Damn.. You beat me to posting that thread

DCCapen Jean Claude Van Damne with 20s, HAHAHA even 35s, HA no you read that wrong. 20's for JCVD but 35's for the arnold look

i'm sorry but everyone in OT:MAIN is misinformed about exercise and muscle building...not that i'm good or anything...but better then those peeps.

i have a question. why do they make 45 lb dumbbells when arnold only needs 35s?

nonplus i have a question. why do they make 45 lb dumbbells when arnold only needs 35s? the 45s are for Ronnie Coleman

Where can I get some energy cookies? Might have to add energy cookies and redbull to my pre workout meal, well when I really blast those biceps! Wooooo what a workout. And since I walk I am just going to stop working my legs.

Gutrat i'm sorry but everyone in life is misinformed about exercise and muscle building...not that i'm good or anything...but better then those peeps. . a few gems from tony: "Who said that? yeah i do and i dont think im plannin to work out my legs cuz im already running." "whats the site to F&N? and why should i check it b4 bodybuilding? The body im probably going for is Van Damme, a mix of perfection. Fit and Ripped without looking so big, like one of those 300 lbs bench pressers." ahahaha as I read on it just gets more and more hilarious

arnold and jean claude built their physiques by drinking a protein shake once a week and lifting 20 pounds per arm for three years...i mean nothing happens for 2 years and 364 days, but on that last day you become fucking BROLY!!

Tony Montana Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit. wanna see progress pics between a period of 3 months? I put on more than that in that time period... idiot

DoublasM2 arnold and jean claude built their physiques by drinking a protein shake once a week and lifting 20 pounds per arm for three years...i mean nothing happens for 2 years and 364 days, but on that last day you become fucking BROLY!! actors get paid millions to gain muscle for particular roles. hell, if someone told me to lose 30lbs of fat and gain muscle for $10,000,000 you wouldn't see me on OT wasting my time. id live at a gym for half a year.

Geiger I suggest you stop being such a faggot i actually laughed out loud at that first response.

Atenza6i i actually laughed out loud at that first response. Yeah I was hoping that everyone would've bandwagon quoted that, so that I could do the same

35 for 10 huh...

Holy Shit

main forum mofrackin train wreck

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

I was in one of our squat racks doing some exercises and this Asian guy about my age who was probably around 5'6", probably 130lbs was next to me in the other one. To make a long story short he went through his squat routine and got up to 335. He did 335 x 4 before he quit and then started doing some GMs. If I was to look at the guy I wouldn't even guess he could squat that much weight. He didn't look too muscular and his legs weren't all that big. He did have knee wraps and those weightlifting shoes on, though. I think he popped some Animal Paks before he started working out. Cliffs: Small Asian guys are strong.



reminds me of filmy's story.. but the asian guy at his gym did something like 585 or something

some people are decieving... i dont look too strong but i guess in general im not weak...

you'd be amazing how many small asian guys FAR outbench white guys at my gym.. white .. black .. mexican ... you should see the look on their faces =P

asian dude is the only other one ive seen at the gym squatting more than two 45s. His gf went up to ~100, she was hawt. All the other guys, white, black, whatever seem to just do squats for cardio or something

Well they may be strong but they're still small.

its because they squat when they go poopie.

AznRyda its because they squat when they go poopie. [IMG][/G] pl training since day 1...

AznRyda its because they squat when they go poopie.

ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

im asian and im weak i guess i dont fall under the short/strong asian categories

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

liptonme ok.. had to make the Bruce Lee reference. he was a tiny guy but unbelievably strong. i'm a little guy myself but i preacher curl 70lbs no prob. i know it's not a lot but i "tehe" to myself when i see other guys curl 50lbs

evi1eddie i don't get it.. ? are these responses sarcasm or just making fun of me

liptonme i don't get it.. ? are these responses sarcasm or just making fun of me they're meanie-heads. You're insanely strong for your size. i see you lift and am like

i'm asian, short, and strong but i'm also fat.

damn my genes! when i squat the 45 pound bar then i go teehee when i see others do without a bar.

reminds me of me edit: minus the asian and small penis

AmCo damn my genes! when i squat the 45 pound bar then i go teehee when i see others do without a bar. People at your gym squat without the bar?

Shaolin_sword36 People at your gym squat without the bar? Go do 500 squats without any weights, just your body. See what happens.

I really don't think asians are naturally strong. I don't think many small people in general are naturally real strong. They surely worked on it for years and years When I started out I couldn't lift shit, but after two years the gains are steady and strong. People go when they see me shoulder press 70-75 lb dumbbells. Still working hard at benching 100 lb dumbbells though I'm still a newbie at lifting, but my goal is to be deceivingly keeps me going since i've been pretty weak before I started lifting

What is it with short Asians who are deceivingly strong?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

theres one in my area and i have yet to visit it... sounds good too.... $50 intial fee..and $10 a contract. i havent seen the facility yet hopefully they have db more than 130lbs this time

i remember hearing of planet fitness taking over a gym and them getting rid of all dumbbells over 50lbs

LS Boy theres one in my area and i have yet to visit it... sounds good too.... $50 intial fee..and $10 a contract. i havent seen the facility yet hopefully they have db more than 130lbs this time yes there's a lot in CT. really good deal. most of them are HUGE and when you sign up, you can usually go to like the other 6 that are part of the same franchise or something.

Dunken i remember hearing of planet fitness taking over a gym and them getting rid of all dumbbells over 50lbs are you serious? may be ill check it out tomorrow

search for lunk alarm

Isn't monday night pizza night?

NoXeN search for lunk alarm 7th Ninjai Isn't monday night pizza night?

stop looking at franchises if you want to find a real gym

Ceaze stop looking at franchises if you want to find a real gym damn, I thought world gym was good.

Gutrat damn, I thought world gym was good. they're not all the same, depends on the owner....i was just generalizing

anyone here works out at PLANET FITNESS? (they have alot in East Coast)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least.

ACURA TL-S I tried them last week and I think I might use them for a while to switch things up. Difficult, to say the least. description, pictures, what the hell is this?

D. Ahrens Press Chuck Ahrens is relatively unknown to most modern trainees, but in his time he was considered to have the strongest shoulders and arms in the world. He was so wide he looked unreal! In his prime, Ahrens could do reps with 200 pound dumbbells in the shoulder press (some people even claim to have seen him press a 300 pound dumbbell with one arm), perform 28 reps with 405 in the bench press, and perform a slow and controlled concentration curl with a 115 pound barbell. One of his shoulder exercises was very peculiar: he'd do overhead dumbbell presses, but instead of pressing them straight up he'd press them up and away laterally (basically doing a "V" with both arms). He had no choice but to press in this matter because he used special loadable dumbbells that were very long; pressing them straight up was thus impossible without the bells hitting each other. What this exercise does is place the shoulders, especially the medial portion of the deltoid, under greater tension as the movement gets completed.

looks interesting. might have to try those tomorrow in place fo the regular db shoudler press

i might try these!

those #s are bs

115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl

Werdna 115lb barbell isn't impressive at all for a curl One armed concentration curls?

cavefish One armed concentration curls? why is he curling a barbell with one arm then?

Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell.

I've done them quite a bit before i cut down on how much overhead pressing I do. I liked them a lot.

cavefish Hell I don't know but I seriously doubt someone who benched 405 for 28 reps and DB shoulder pressed 300 would only curl 115 with a barbell. I agree. Those numbers are believable.

ouch. cant be good for rotators does it hurt?

Sounds like some Irish drink to me

I don't know if I can believe what he benched, but I will have to try these.

200lb db shoulder presses? 300 lbs? bs ronnie just got some 200lb dbs and im not sure if he can do them yet on flat bench

Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old.

But on the other hand Noxen, you may be onto something. Here's an interesting little read on the guy:

cavefish Uh...Ronnie does sets of 10 with the 200lb DB's in a video thats several years old. in the cost of redemption he does 160lb db overhead presses..

I was referring to flat bench.

i believe the number and the hype.

cavefish I was referring to flat bench. i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though..

NoXeN i dont think he db presses the 200s on fb yet he just got them for his birthday or something..he does do shrugs with them though.. that was 250's. He does the 200's for 12 in some video, they zoom the camera right up to the "200" on the side of the dumbell before they show him doing them.

ahh my mistake

It looks dangerous for shoulders.

How many of you have ever done Ahren's Presses?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Going for a new dead PR today

Going for a new dead PR today

got my technique down...been working with a PLer (girl) that has me in a more leaning back more as if Im sitting and expelling from my diaphram(sp?) instead. t'was alittle awkward first to adjust to that minor change, but now my shoulders aren't as forward and its easier off the lift. I was working with 405 to get my form...then I hit 585 easier and then 635 nicely. I'm going for a new PR of 685 previous best was 665

no you really aren't.

good luck

Peal no you really aren't.

Peal no you really aren't.

film it

didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you?

gotta love to hate

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? he only said that cuz he was a weak sexy beast.

its almost 11pm, what happened?

that's a big jump. i say he fails

wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys

and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while

Filmboy44 and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while you love the attention man, don't lie. and just quietly, I see no mention of limitations within this thread. IMO there are quite a lot of us that aim high, not only in bb or pl but in life.

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys i was serious

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that.

What do you expect filmy? You post fake shit all the time to get people riled up, you make fun of this forum and act like you are better than all of us. Most of these people don't even rememeber when you used to be helpful and nice in this forum. So don't expect a big hug and slap on the ass when you come in here and post stuff like this from most of the memebers here.

Did you hit it or not?

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys what hate? we were just joking least i was. heck, i wanna know if you hit it or not.

Filmboy44 do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that. do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? don't be such a condescending prick. i asked you a simple question and you had to go off and be an asshole about it. so you never post anything helpful and then you expect everyone to praise you for a new PR? people are always posting threads about their new PRs and i'm sure you don't race in there to congratulate them. a perfect example is the thread on the first page with the title " Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells ." i see that you didn't go in there and give him a high five and tell him good work. the problem with you, at least that i've noticed since i started posting here, is that half of the time you are a nice guy and the other half you are a bitch. congrats on your new PR, asshole

disblohs do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Always trying to better one up on the other person because you think it makes you a better man... whatever man....

Filmboy44 I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Trying to better one up on the other because you can't it. whatever man.... i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you.

disblohs i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you. I'm not going to drag this out. Obviously you can't comprehend much so I'll keep it short. You missed my point entirely, which in a way justified it; as for reading your I stopped right htere, I didn't care to read on. I can care less about any "animosity" toward me at all...the threads in the this forum are bullshit through and through...those that are 'lurkers' or too shy to post ask me in PM's and I help them as much as I can so don't give me this shit about why people hate me you little shit 95% of this board can't hold my fuckin' lifting straps...

Going for a new dead PR today

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Body building FAQ's

Body building FAQ's


Q. I'm 15, 5' 10'', weigh 9 1/2 stone (sorry for the imperial measurements) and i do alot of Dirt Jumping (push bike) and motocross, would you say i was and Ecto, Endo or Mesomorph?

A. Ectomorphic (9.5 stone is 130 pounds US and 60 kg - and you're tall)

Q. I am currently on the mend from a serious ankle injury, and cannot weight bear on one leg, i am using crutches so one leg is losing strength. My physio said muscle loss was 5% a day, is this true?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

How get nice looking Six pack?

How get nice looking Six pack

I want to get a nice looking six pack where the abs are even and not where one is lower and one is a bit higher when they're both supposed to be at the same level, I already have like a 2 pack, that came in like 2-3 weeks of a few side-bends, cruches, kick-ups, scissors, and leg raises.
I have been doing that lil' work out for a bout 2-3 weeks about 4-5x each week for about 10 minutes.
So that's my question how can I get abs that are even..

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